
Defines functions as.character.packages_info print.packages_info format.packages_info abbrev_long_sha pkg_md5_disk pkg_md5_stored pkg_md5ok_dlls pkg_source_cran pkg_source pkg_lib_paths pkg_desc package_info

Documented in package_info

#' Information about the currently loaded packages, or about a chosen set
#' @param pkgs Which packages to show. It may be:
#'   * `NULL` or `"loaded"`: show all loaded packages,
#'   * `"attached"`: show all attached packages,
#'   * `"installed"`: show all installed packages,
#'   * a character vector of package names. Their (hard) dependencies are
#'     also shown by default, see the `dependencies` argument.
#' @param include_base Include base packages in summary? By default this is
#'   false since base packages should always match the R version.
#' @param dependencies Whether to include the (recursive) dependencies
#'   as well. See the `dependencies` argument of [utils::install.packages()].
#' @return A data frame with columns:
#'   * `package`: package name.
#'   * `ondiskversion`: package version (on the disk, which is sometimes
#'     not the same as the loaded version).
#'   * `loadedversion`: package version. This is the version of the loaded
#'     namespace if `pkgs` is `NULL`, and it is the version of the package
#'     on disk otherwise. The two of them are almost always the same,
#'     though.
#'   * `path`: path to the package on disk.
#'   * `loadedpath`: the path the package was originally loaded from.
#'   * `attached`: logical, whether the package is attached to the search
#'     path.
#'   * `is_base`: logical, whether the package is a base package.
#'   * `date`: the date the package was installed or built, in UTC.
#'   * `source`: where the package was installed from. E.g.
#'     `CRAN`, `GitHub`, `local` (from the local machine), etc.
#'   * `md5ok`: Whether MD5 hashes for package DLL files match, on Windows.
#'     `NA` on other platforms.
#'   * `library`: factor, which package library the package was loaded from.
#'     For loaded packages, this is (the factor representation of)
#'     `loadedpath`, for others `path`.
#' See [session_info()] for the description of the *printed* columns
#' by `package_info` (as opposed to the *returned* columns).
#' @export
#' @examplesIf FALSE
#' package_info()
#' package_info("sessioninfo")

package_info <- function(
  pkgs = c("loaded", "attached", "installed")[1],
  include_base = FALSE,
  dependencies = NA) {

  if (is.null(pkgs)) pkgs <- "loaded"
  if (identical(pkgs, "!loaded") || identical(pkgs, "loaded")) {
    pkgs <- loaded_packages()

  } else if (identical(pkgs, "!attached") || identical(pkgs, "attached")) {
    pkgs <- attached_packages()

  } else if (identical(pkgs, "!installed") || identical(pkgs, "installed")) {
    pkgs <- installed_packages()

  } else {
    pkgs <- dependent_packages(pkgs, dependencies)

  desc <- lapply(pkgs$package, pkg_desc, lib.loc = .libPaths())

  pkgs$is_base <- vapply(
    desc, function(x) identical(x$Priority, "base"), logical(1)

  pkgs$date <- vapply(desc, pkg_date, character(1))
  pkgs$source <- vapply(desc, pkg_source, character(1))
  pkgs$md5ok <- vapply(desc, pkg_md5ok_dlls, logical(1))

  libpath <- pkg_lib_paths()
  path <- ifelse(is.na(pkgs$loadedpath), pkgs$path, pkgs$loadedpath)
  pkgs$library <- factor(dirname(path), levels = libpath)

  if (!include_base) pkgs <- pkgs[! pkgs$is_base, ]

  rownames(pkgs) <- pkgs$package
  class(pkgs) <- c("packages_info", "data.frame")

pkg_desc <- function(package, lib.loc = NULL) {
  desc <- suppressWarnings(
    utils::packageDescription(package, lib.loc = lib.loc))
  if (inherits(desc, "packageDescription")) desc else NULL

pkg_lib_paths <- function() {
  normalizePath(.libPaths(), winslash = "/")

pkg_date <- function (desc) {
  if (!is.null(desc$`Date/Publication`)) {
    date <- desc$`Date/Publication`

  } else if (!is.null(desc$Built)) {
    built <- strsplit(desc$Built, "; ")[[1]]
    date <- built[3]

  } else {
    date <- NA_character_

  as.character(as.Date(strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")))

pkg_source <- function(desc) {

  if (is.null(desc)) {
  } else if (!is.null(desc$GithubSHA1)) {
    str <- paste0("Github (",
                  desc$GithubUsername, "/",
                  desc$GithubRepo, "@",
                  desc$GithubSHA1, ")")
  } else if (!is.null(desc$RemoteType) && desc$RemoteType == "standard") {
    if (!is.null(desc$Repository) && desc$Repository == "CRAN") {
    } else if (!is.null(desc$Repository)) {
      str_trim(desc$Repository, 10)
    } else if (!is.null(desc$biocViews) && desc$biocViews != "") {
    } else {

  } else if (!is.null(desc$RemoteType) && desc$RemoteType != "cran") {
    # want to generate these:
    # remoteType (username/repo@commit)
    # remoteType (username/repo)
    # remoteType (@commit)
    # remoteType
    remote_type <- desc$RemoteType

    # RemoteUsername and RemoteRepo should always be present together
    if (!is.null(desc$RemoteUsername) && (!is.null(desc$RemoteRepo))) {
      user_repo <- paste0(desc$RemoteUsername, "/", desc$RemoteRepo)
    } else if (!is.null(desc$RemoteUrl)) {
      user_repo <- desc$RemoteUrl
    } else {
      user_repo <- NULL

    if (!is.null(desc$RemoteSha)) {
      sha <- paste0("@", desc$RemoteSha)
    } else {
      sha <- NULL

    # in order to fulfill the expectation of formatting, we paste the user_repo
    # and sha together
    if (!is.null(user_repo) || !is.null(sha)) {
      user_repo_and_sha <- paste0(" (", user_repo, sha, ")")
    } else {
      user_repo_and_sha <- NULL

    str <- paste0(remote_type, user_repo_and_sha)

  } else if (!is.null(desc$Repository)) {

  } else if (!is.null(desc$biocViews) && desc$biocViews != "") {

  } else if (isNamespaceLoaded(desc$Package) &&
             !is.null(asNamespace(desc$Package)$.__DEVTOOLS__)) {

  } else {

pkg_source_cran <- function(desc) {
  repo <- desc$Repository

  if (!is.null(desc$Built)) {
    built <- strsplit(desc$Built, "; ")[[1]]
    ver <- sub("$R ", "", built[1])
    repo <- paste0(repo, " (", ver, ")")


pkg_md5ok_dlls <- function(desc) {
  if (is.null(desc)) return(NA)
  if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") return(NA)
  pkgdir <- dirname(dirname(attr(desc, "file")))
  if (!file.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "libs"))) return(TRUE)
  stored <- pkg_md5_stored(pkgdir)
  if (is.null(stored)) return(NA)
  disk <- pkg_md5_disk(pkgdir)
  identical(stored, disk)

pkg_md5_stored <- function(pkgdir) {
  md5file <- file.path(pkgdir, "MD5")
  md5 <- tryCatch(
    error = function(e) NULL)
  if (is.null(md5)) return(NULL)
  hash <- sub(" .*$", "", md5)
  filename <- sub("^[^ ]* \\*", "", md5)
  dll <- grep("[dD][lL][lL]$", filename)
  order_by_name(structure(hash[dll], names = tolower(filename[dll])))

pkg_md5_disk <- function(pkgdir) {
  old <- getwd()
  on.exit(setwd(old), add = TRUE)
  dll_files <- file.path(
    dir("libs", pattern = "[dD][lL][lL]$", recursive = TRUE))
  md5_files <- tools::md5sum(dll_files)
  order_by_name(structure(unname(md5_files), names = tolower(dll_files)))

abbrev_long_sha <- function(x) {
  sub("([0-9a-f]{7})[0-9a-f]{33}", "\\1", x)

#' @export

format.packages_info <- function(x, ...) {

  unloaded <- is.na(x$loadedversion)
  flib <- function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), "?", as.integer(x))

  px <- data.frame(
    package      = x$package,
    "*"          = ifelse(x$attached, "*", ""),
    version      = ifelse(unloaded, x$ondiskversion, x$loadedversion),
    "date (UTC)" = x$date,
    lib          = paste0("[", flib(x$library), "]"),
    source       = abbrev_long_sha(x$source),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    check.names = FALSE

  anyattached <- any(x$attached)
  badloaded <- package_version(x$loadedversion, strict = FALSE) !=
    package_version(x$ondiskversion, strict = FALSE)
  badloaded <- !is.na(badloaded) & badloaded

  px$source <- ifelse(
    paste0(px$source, " (on disk ", x$ondiskversion, ")"),

  badmd5 <- !is.na(x$md5ok) & !x$md5ok

  badpath <- !is.na(x$loadedpath) & x$loadedpath != x$path

  baddel <- is.na(x$ondiskversion)
  badpath[baddel] <- FALSE

  if (any(badloaded) || any(badmd5) || any(badpath) ||  any(baddel)) {
    prob <- paste0(
      ifelse(badloaded, "V", ""),
      ifelse(badpath, "P", ""),
      ifelse(badmd5, "D", ""),
      ifelse(baddel, "R", ""))
    px <- cbind("!" = prob, px)

  dng <- function(x) cli::bg_red(cli::col_white(x))

  highlighters <- list(
    "!" = function(x) {
      ifelse(empty(x), x, dng(x))
    version = function(x) {
    "date (UTC)" = function(x) {
    lib = function(x) {
    source = function(x) {
      common <- grepl("^(Bioconductor|CRAN)", x)
      x[!common] <- cli::style_bold(cli::col_magenta(x[!common]))
      x[common] <- cli::col_grey(x[common])

  fmt <- c(format_df(px, highlighters = highlighters), "")

    function(i) {
      fmt <<- c(fmt, cli::col_grey(paste0(" [", i, "] ", levels(x$library)[i])))

  if ("!" %in% names(px)) fmt <- c(fmt, "")
  if (anyattached) {
    fmt <- c(fmt, paste0(" ", dng("*"), " ", dash(2),
                         " Packages attached to the search path."))
  if (any(badloaded)) {
    fmt <- c(fmt, paste0(" ", dng("V"), " ", dash(2),
                         " Loaded and on-disk version mismatch."))
  if (any(badpath))  {
    fmt <- c(fmt, paste0(" ", dng("P"), " ", dash(2),
                         " Loaded and on-disk path mismatch."))
  if (any(badmd5)) {
    fmt <- c(fmt, paste0(" ", dng("D"), " ", dash(2),
                         " DLL MD5 mismatch, broken installation."))
  if (any(baddel)) {
    fmt <- c(fmt, paste0(" ", dng("R"), " ", dash(2),
                         " Package was removed from disk."))


#' @export

print.packages_info <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(format(x, ...), sep = "\n")

#' @export

as.character.packages_info <- function(x, ...) {
  old <- options(cli.num_colors = 1)
  on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
  format(x, ...)
r-pkgs/sessioninfo documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 6:27 p.m.