
Defines functions print.knn_params is_knn_params is_wholenumber validate_knn_params new_knn_params knn_params

Documented in is_knn_params knn_params

#' Class to specify the parameters for the knn selection
#' `knn_params()` creates an object, which lets the user specify values for
#' the weights, and the number of neighbors to use when selecting the
#' nearest neighbor.
#' @param k A single integer specifying the number of neighbors to
#'   select from.
#' @param weights a vector with length equal to `k`, specifying the weights to
#'   apply to the 1-`k` neighbors before selecting the neighbor. The weights
#'   must sum to 1.
#' @examples
#' # uniformly select from the 5 nearest neighbors
#' knn_params(5, rep(1/5, 5))
#' # select from 4 neigbors, with decreasing likelihood of being selected
#' knn_params(4, c(.4, .3, .2, .1))
#' # select the nearest neighbor
#' knn_params(1, 1)
#' @export

knn_params <- function(k, weights)
  validate_knn_params(new_knn_params(k, weights))

new_knn_params <- function(k, w)
  structure(list(k = k, weights = w), class = c("knn_params", "list"))

validate_knn_params <- function(x)
    length(x) == 2 && all(names(x) %in% c("k", "weights")),
    msg = "Should only have names `k` and `weights`"

  k <- x$k
    all(length(k) == 1, k >= 1, is_wholenumber(k)),
    msg = "`k` should be a single whole number >= 1"

  weights <- x$weights
    round(sum(weights), 10) == 1,
    msg = "`weights` should sum to 1"

    length(weights) == k,
    msg = "`length(weights)` should equal `k`"


is_wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  abs(x - round(x)) < tol

#' Test if the object inherits from  `knn_params` class
#' @param x An object
#' @return `TRUE` if the object inherits from the `knn_params` class.
#' @export
is_knn_params <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "knn_params")

#' @export
print.knn_params <- function(x, ...)
  k <- seq(1, x$k)
  m <- cbind(k, x$weights)
  colnames(m) <- c("neighbor:", "weight:")
  rownames(m) <- rep("", nrow(m))

  m[,2] <- round(m[,2], getOption("digits"))

  print_tail <- FALSE
  if(nrow(m) > 10) {
    m2 <- utils::tail(m, 3)
    colnames(m2) <- c("      ...", "...")
    print_tail <- TRUE
    m <- m[1:7,]

  cat(paste0("k = ", x$k, "\n"))
  print(m, ..., quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
    print(m2, ..., quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)

rabutler-usbr/knnstdisagg documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 2:47 p.m.