

context("R deparse")

## See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50422627/different-results-from-deparse-in-r-3-4-4-and-r-3-5
test_that("deparse R 3.4.4 vs R 3.5", {
  dctrl <- if (getRversion() > "3.4.4") c("keepNA", "niceNames") else "keepNA"
  expect_equal(deparse(list(dec = 4L, b = "a"), control = dctrl), "list(dec = 4, b = \"a\")")

context("Radiant functions")

test_that("set_attr", {
  foo <- . %>% set_attr("foo", "something")
  expect_equal(3 %>% foo() %>% attr("foo"), "something")

test_that("add_class", {
  foo <- . %>%
    .^2 %>%
  expect_equal(3 %>% foo() %>% class(), c("foo", "numeric"))

test_that("sig_star", {
  sig_stars(c(.0009, .049, .009, .4, .09)) %>%
    expect_equal(c("***", "*", "**", "", "."))

test_that("sshh", {
  expect_equal(sshh(c(message("should be null"), test = 3)), NULL)
  expect_equal(sshh(warning("should be null")), NULL)

test_that("sshhr", {
  test <- 3 %>% set_names("test")
  expect_equal(sshhr(c(message("should be null"), test = 3)), test)
  expect_equal(sshhr(c(warning("should be null"), test = 3)), c("should be null", test))

test_that("get_data", {
  res1 <- get_data(mtcars, "mpg:disp", filt = "mpg > 20", rows = 1:5)
  rownames(res1) <- seq_len(nrow(res1))
  res2 <- mtcars[mtcars$mpg > 20, c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")][1:5, 1:3]
  rownames(res2) <- seq_len(nrow(res2))
  expect_equal(res1, res2)

test_that("get_class", {
  expect_equal(get_class(diamonds), sapply(diamonds, class) %>% tolower())

test_that("is.empty(", {
  expect_true(is.empty("nothing", empty = "nothing"))

test_that("select column", {
  dataset <- get_data(diamonds, vars = "price:clarity")
  expect_equal(colnames(dataset), c("price", "carat", "clarity"))

test_that("select character vector", {
  dataset <- get_data(diamonds, vars = c("price", "carat", "clarity"))
  expect_equal(colnames(dataset), c("price", "carat", "clarity"))

test_that("filter", {
  dataset <- get_data(diamonds, filt = "cut == 'Very Good'")
  expect_equal(nrow(dataset), 677)

test_that("filter_data", {
  dataset <- filter_data(diamonds, filt = "cut == 'Very Good' & price > 5000")
  expect_equal(nrow(dataset), 187)
  expect_equal(sum(dataset$price), 1700078)

test_that("filter_data factor", {
  dataset <- filter_data(diamonds, filt = "clarity %in% c('SI2','SI1') & price > 18000")
  expect_equal(nrow(dataset), 14)
  expect_equal(sum(dataset$price), 256587)


test_that("explore 8 x 2", {
  result <- explore(diamonds, "price:x")
  expect_equal(colnames(result$tab), c("variable", "mean", "sd"))
  # dput(result)
  expect_equal(result, structure(list(
    tab = structure(list(
      variable = structure(1:8,
        .Label = c("price", "carat", "clarity", "cut", "color", "depth", "table", "x"), class = "factor"
      mean = c(
        3907.186, 0.794283333333333, 0.0133333333333333,
        0.0336666666666667, 0.127333333333333, 61.7526666666667,
        57.4653333333333, 5.72182333333333
      ), sd = c(
        0.473826329139292, 0.114716791286006, 0.180399751234967,
        0.333401571319236, 1.44602785395269, 2.24110219949434, 1.12405453974662
    ), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L), radiant_nrow = 8L),
    df_name = "diamonds", vars = c(
      "price", "carat", "clarity",
      "cut", "color", "depth", "table", "x"
    ), byvar = NULL, fun = c(
    ), top = "fun", tabfilt = "", tabsort = "", tabslice = "",
    nr = Inf, data_filter = "", arr = "", rows = NULL
  ), class = c("explore", "list")))

test_that("explore 1 x 2", {
  result <- explore(diamonds, "price")
  expect_equal(result, structure(list(
    tab = structure(list(
      variable = structure(1L, .Label = "price", class = "factor"),
      mean = 3907.186, sd = 3956.91540005997
    ), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(
    ), radiant_nrow = 1L), df_name = "diamonds", vars = "price", byvar = NULL,
    fun = c("mean", "sd"), top = "fun", tabfilt = "", tabsort = "", tabslice = "",
    nr = Inf, data_filter = "", arr = "", rows = NULL
  ), class = c(

test_that("explore 1 x 1", {
  result <- explore(diamonds, "price", fun = "n_obs")
  expect_equal(colnames(result$tab), c("variable", "n_obs"))

test_that("explore 1 x 1 x 1", {
  result <- explore(diamonds, "price", byvar = "color", fun = "n_obs")
  expect_equal(colnames(result$tab), c("color", "variable", "n_obs"))

test_that("explore 1 x 1 x 2", {
  result <- explore(diamonds, "price", byvar = c("color", "cut"), fun = "n_obs")
  expect_equal(colnames(result$tab), c("color", "cut", "variable", "n_obs"))
  expect_equal(result$tab[1, ], structure(list(
    color = structure(1L, .Label = c(
      "D", "E", "F",
      "G", "H", "I", "J"
    ), class = "factor"), cut = structure(1L, .Label = c(
      "Good", "Very Good", "Premium", "Ideal"
    ), class = "factor"),
    variable = structure(1L, .Label = "price", class = "factor"),
    n_obs = 15L
  ), radiant_nrow = 35L, row.names = 1L, class = "data.frame"))

test_that("explore 2 x 2 x 2", {
  result <- explore(diamonds, c("price", "carat"), byvar = c("color", "cut"), fun = c("n_obs", "mean"))
  expect_equal(colnames(result$tab), c("color", "cut", "variable", "n_obs", "mean"))

test_that("transform ts", {
  input <- list(
    tr_ts_start_year = 1971,
    tr_ts_start_period = 1,
    tr_ts_end_year = NA,
    tr_ts_end_period = NA,
    tr_ts_frequency = 52
  tr_ts <- list(
    start = c(input$tr_ts_start_year, input$tr_ts_start_period),
    end = c(input$tr_ts_end_year, input$tr_ts_end_period),
    frequency = input$tr_ts_frequency
  tr_ts <- lapply(tr_ts, function(x) x[!is.na(x)]) %>%
      .[sapply(., length) > 0]
  dat <- do.call(mutate_at, c(list(.tbl = mtcars, .vars = c("mpg", "cyl")), .funs = ts, tr_ts))

  expect_equal(dat$mpg, ts(mtcars$mpg, start = c(1971, 1), frequency = 52))
  expect_equal(dat$cyl, ts(mtcars$cyl, start = c(1971, 1), frequency = 52))

  dctrl <- if (getRversion() > "3.4.4") c("keepNA", "niceNames") else "keepNA"

  tr_ts <- deparse(tr_ts, control = dctrl, width.cutoff = 500L) %>%
    sub("list\\(", ", ", .) %>%
    sub("\\)$", "", .)

  expect_equal(tr_ts, ", start = c(1971, 1), frequency = 52")

## 'manual' testing of read_files to avoid adding numerous dataset to package
# files <- list.files("tests/testthat/data", full.names = TRUE)
# for (f in files) {
#   radiant.data::read_files(f, type = "rmd", clipboard = FALSE)
#   radiant.data::read_files(f, type = "r", clipboard = FALSE)
# }

## 'manual' testing with Dropbox folder
# files <- list.files("~/Dropbox/radiant.data/data", full.names = TRUE)
# for (f in files) {
#   radiant.data::read_files(f, type = "rmd", clipboard = FALSE)
#   radiant.data::read_files(f, type = "r", clipboard = FALSE)
# }

## 'manual' testing with Google Drive folder
# files <- list.files("~/Google Drive/radiant.data/data", full.names = TRUE)
# for (f in files) {
#   radiant.data::read_files(f, type = "rmd", clipboard = FALSE)
#   radiant.data::read_files(f, type = "r", clipboard = FALSE)
# }

## load code into clipboard
# radiant.data::read_files(type = "r")
# radiant.data::read_files(type = "rmd")
radiant-rstats/radiant.data documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 12:21 p.m.