

The goal of bdvisDashboard is to provide an interactive shiny package that allows user to visualize different aspect of bioDiversity data such as temporal, taxonomic and spatial without worring about coding. This package provides feature to upload and download datasets, a special tab dedicated to view summary of data. User can also use pre-existing datasets to get familiarize with bdvisDashboard without worring about data. Each tab is dedicated to different field of visualization for easy navigation.


You can install the development version of bdvisDashboard from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Using bdvisDashboard

Follow these steps to run bdvisDashboard

## Run the code to open bdvisDashboard

bdvisDashboard Overview

DataInput Tab

DataInput tab is dedicated for dataset selection. User can continue with existing datasets or he can download a new dataset by clicking on “Download Data” tab on dashboard. User can also upload their own dataset.

DataInput Tab

DataSummart Tab

DataSummary tab is made to give an overview of your dataset before visualization. Missing Data in dataset can create a huge impact on plots. Note that more the % of missing value, less you can trust the result. This tab helps you to understand that how much you can trust the visualizations.


Spatial Tab

Spatial Tab is dedicated to space related visualizations such as location, countries, etc. If you want to see data of a perticular country, click on bar of that country. After that Aaa other plots will show data collected from that country only. Note: Double click at black area of bar chart to reset all graphs.


Taxonomic Tab

Taxonomic Tab is to visualize the taxonomy of data. user can alos click on bar chart to filter all other plots accordingly. User can select different level of taxonomy from dropdown menu in bar chart.


Temporal Tab

This tab is to visualize time related data. Click on a year in barchart to filter data accordingly. User can alos select multiple years by using selection box.


We need your feedback :innocent:

Please submit your feedback using this link

:deciduous_tree: :mushroom: :shell: :fish: :frog: :honeybee: :turtle: :rooster: :whale2: :monkey: :octocat:

rahulchauhan049/bdvisDashboard documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 2:07 a.m.