
Defines functions plays print.summary.peranavolley summary.peranavolley pv_parse pv_read

Documented in plays print.summary.peranavolley pv_read summary.peranavolley

#' Read Perana Sports volleyball data file
#' @references \url{http://peranasports.com/}
#' @param filename string: path to file
#' @param insert_technical_timeouts logical: if \code{TRUE}, insert technical timeouts at 8 and 16 points
#' @param do_warn logical: should we issue warnings about the contents of the file as we read it?
#' @param raw_only logical: if \code{TRUE}, just decompress the file, don't parse it
#' @param eventgrades tibble: a tibble that defines the interpretations of \code{eventgrade} values; see \code{\link{pv_default_eventgrades}}
#' @param extra_validation numeric: should we run some extra validation checks on the file? 0=no extra validation, 1=check only for major errors, 2=somewhat more extensive, 3=the most extra checking
#' @param errortypes tibble: a tibble that defines the interpretations of \code{errortype} values; see \code{\link{pv_default_errortypes}}
#' @param subevents tibble: a tibble that defines the interpretations of \code{subevent} values; see \code{\link{pv_default_subevents}}
#' @param setting_zones named character: if the data file has been scouted using setting zones, then each attack will have its associated setting zone (numbered 1 to 5). The setting zone names are not stored in the file, so they can be provided here as a character vector. This can either be an un-named character vector, in which case it must be of length 5; otherwise if only a subset of the five setting zones are being used then it can be provided as a named character vector(e.g. \code{setting_zones = c("1" = "X1", "3" = "X7", "4" = "medium/fast", "5" = "high")}). The values in this vector will be used to populate the \code{attack_code} column of the returned plays data
#' @param postprocess string or function: function, or name of function, to apply to the peranavolley object as the final step in the processing
#' @return A named list with several elements. \code{raw} contains the extracted but unparsed text from the psvb file, \code{meta} provides match metadata, \code{plays} the play-by-play data in the form of a data.frame, and \code{messages} is a data.frame describing any inconsistencies found in the file.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pv_validate}}, \code{\link{pv_default_eventgrades}}, \code{\link{pv_default_errortypes}}
#' @examples
#' filename <- pv_example_file()
#' x <- pv_read(filename)
#' x <- pv_read(filename, setting_zones = c("X1", "X2", "X7", "medium/fast", "high"))
#' @export
pv_read <- function(filename, insert_technical_timeouts = FALSE, do_warn = FALSE, extra_validation = 2, raw_only = FALSE, eventgrades = pv_default_eventgrades(), errortypes = pv_default_errortypes(), subevents = pv_default_subevents(), setting_zones, postprocess = NULL) {
    assert_that(is.flag(do_warn), !is.na(do_warn))
    assert_that(inherits(eventgrades, "data.frame"))
    assert_that(is.numeric(extra_validation), extra_validation %in% 0:3)
    assert_that(is.flag(raw_only), !is.na(raw_only))
    if (!missing(setting_zones)) {
        if (length(setting_zones) == 5 && is.null(names(setting_zones))) names(setting_zones) <- as.character(1:5)
        assert_that(length(setting_zones) > 0, length(setting_zones) <= 5)
        if (is.null(names(setting_zones)) || !all(names(setting_zones) %in% as.character(1:5))) stop("the names of the setting_zones parameter must in the range \"1\" to \"5\"")
    } else {
        setting_zones <- setNames(as.character(1:5), 1:5)
    if (!(is.null(postprocess) || is.string(postprocess) || is.function(postprocess))) stop("postprocess should be a function, string, or NULL")
    if (!is.null(postprocess)) {
        ppfunobj <- tryCatch(match.fun(postprocess), error = function(e) {
            if (is.character(postprocess)) {
                warning("postprocess parameter \"", postprocess, "\" could not be resolved to a function, ignoring")
            } else {
                warning("postprocess parameter could not be resolved to a function, ignoring")
    } else {
        ppfunobj <- NULL
    x <- readLines(filename, warn = FALSE)
    x <- base64enc::base64decode(x)
    if (length(x) < 6 || !identical(x[5:6], as.raw(c(31, 8*16+11))))
        stop("cannot read file")
    ## first four bytes are the buffer size
    ##fsize <- readBin(x[1:4], "int")
    ## x <- memDecompress(from = x[5:length(x)], asChar = TRUE) ## nope
    tf <- tempfile()
    writeBin(x[5:length(x)], con = tf)
    gzcon <- gzfile(tf)
    x <- readLines(gzcon)
    names(x) <- vapply(x, function(z) sub("~.*", "", z), FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    if (raw_only) {
        list(raw = unname(x))
    } else {
            out <- pv_parse(x, eventgrades = eventgrades, errortypes = errortypes, subevents = subevents, setting_zones = setting_zones, do_warn = do_warn)
        }, error = function(e) {
            ## if we have an embedded newline in e.g. Notes field, the fromJSON will fail
            ## expect first line to be "PSVB" and all other lines to start with "XXXX~{" (with one to four X's)
            unex <- !(x %eq% "PSVB" | grepl("^(DTAP|DTHP|E|M|MAP|MHP|PA|PH|PSVB|Q|SS|TA|TAP|TH|THP|TO|VE|V)~", x))
            if (any(unex)) {
                newx <- x
                for (clps in rev(which(unex))) {
                    newx[clps-1] <- paste0(newx[clps-1], " ", newx[clps])
                newx <- newx[!unex]
                names(newx) <- vapply(newx, function(z) sub("~.*", "", z), FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
                x <<- newx
                out <<- pv_parse(newx, eventgrades = eventgrades, errortypes = errortypes, subevents = subevents, setting_zones = setting_zones, do_warn = do_warn)
            } else {
        out$meta$filename <- filename
        out$raw <- unname(x)
        if (!is.null(out$messages)) {
            if (nrow(out$messages) > 0) {
                out$messages <- out$messages[out$messages$severity <= extra_validation, ]
            out$messages <- out$messages[, setdiff(names(out$messages), "severity")]
        if (extra_validation > 0) {
            moreval <- pv_validate(out, validation_level = extra_validation)
            if (!is.null(moreval) && nrow(moreval) > 0) {
                out$messages <- bind_rows(out$messages, moreval)
        if (is.null(out$messages)) out$messages <- data.frame(file_line_number = integer(), video_time = numeric(), message = character(), file_line = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (nrow(out$messages)>0) {
            out$messages <- distinct(out$messages)
            out$messages$file_line_number <- as.integer(out$messages$file_line_number)
            out$messages <- out$messages[order(out$messages$file_line_number, na.last = FALSE),]
            row.names(out$messages) <- NULL
            ## re-insert video_time from plays into msgs
            out$messages <- out$messages[, setdiff(names(out$messages), "video_time")]
            out$messages <- left_join(out$messages, dplyr::select_at(out$plays, c("file_line_number", "video_time")), by = "file_line_number")
            out$messages <- dplyr::select(out$messages, "file_line_number", "video_time", everything())
        class(out) <- c("peranavolley", class(out))
        if (is.function(ppfunobj)) out <- ppfunobj(out)

#filename <- "~/untan.gl/volleyball/data/perana/20170916_2017 AVL MEN'S_COEM 17_vs_QPM 17.psvb"
#x <- pv_read(filename)
#xx <- datavolley::read_dv("~/untan.gl/volleyball/data/italy_2015-16/ANDATA/10_GIORNATA/&2015-12-08 10a civ-mon 3-0 r.dvw")

## temp <- unname(sapply(x, function(z) sub("~.*", "", z)))
## table(temp)
## DTAP DTHP    E    M  MAP  MHP   PA   PH PSVB    Q   SS   TA  TAP   TH  THP   TO    V   VE 
##   40   48  639    1   10   12   18   19    1    4   88    1   18    1   19    1    1    1

pv_parse <- function(x, eventgrades, errortypes, subevents, setting_zones, do_warn) {
    debug <- TRUE
    as_dv <- TRUE
    msgs <- list()
    pparse <- function(z, df = TRUE) {
        temp <- sub("^[A-Z]+~", "", z)
        if (grepl("^\\(?null\\)?", temp, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
            if (df) tibble() else NULL
        } else {
    pparse_df <- function(z) fixnames(bind_rows(lapply(z, pparse)))
    parse_players <- function(z) {
        ## sometimes 'nickname' is duplicated?
        ## since we don't use it anyway, drop it
        z <- z[, setdiff(names(z), c("nickname"))]
        out <- dplyr::rename(z, player_id = "guid")
        ## don't assign roles here: they aren't strict in psvb files, and tend to be used to describe *all* of the positions a given player plays
        ## setter and libero we get from the lineup
        out <- mutate(out, name = paste(.data$firstname, .data$lastname),
                      special_role = "",##case_when(grepl("libero", .data$positionsstring, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "L", TRUE ~ ""),
                      role = NA_character_)##case_when(special_role %eq% "L" ~ "libero"))
        if ("dob" %in% names(out)) {
            ## 1970-01-01 dates are defaults, remove them
            idx <- vapply(out$dob, function(z) tryCatch(as.Date(z) == as.Date("1970-01-01"), error = function(e) FALSE), FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
            out$dob[idx] <- NA_character_
        dplyr::select(out, -"thumbnaildata", -"positionsstring")

    known_event_types <- c("Block", "Defense", "Pass", "Serve", "Set", "Spike", "Substitution", "Timeout", "Technical Timeout", "") ##"Freeball",
    ## for single-team coding
    single_team_events <- c("Opposition Kill", "Opposition Serve Error", "Opposition Serve Ace", "Opposition Error", "Opposition Hit Error", "Opposition Score")
    is_single_team_coded <- any(grepl("\"Opposition (Kill|Serve Error|Serve Ace|Error|Hit Error|Score)\"", x))
    if (is_single_team_coded) {
##***        cat("SINGLE\n")
        known_event_types <- c(known_event_types, single_team_events)
    file_meta <- tibble(fileformat = "PSVB", file_type = "perana_indoor")
    meta <- list()
    temp_mm <- pparse_df(x[names(x) == "M"]) ## match metadata
    temp_to <- pparse_df(x[names(x) == "TO"]) ## tournament metadata
    temp_mm$date <- as.Date(NA)
    temp_mm$time <- as.duration(NA)
        temp_mm$trainingdate <- ymd_hms(temp_mm$trainingdate)
        temp_mm$date <- as.Date(temp_mm$trainingdate)
        temp_mm$time <- hms(format(temp_mm$trainingdate, "%H:%M:%S"))
    }, silent = TRUE)
    meta$match_id <- temp_mm$guid
    meta$match <- mutate(temp_mm[, c("date", "time")], season = NA_character_, league = if (nrow(temp_to) < 1) NA_character_ else temp_to$name, phase = NA_character_, home_away = NA_character_, day_number = NA_integer_, match_number = NA_integer_, text_encoding = NA_character_, zones_or_cones = "Z", regulation = "indoor rally point")
    video_start_time <- NA
    if (any(names(x) %eq% "V")) {
            temp_vid <- pparse_df(x[names(x) == "V"])
            if (!is.null(temp_vid) && nrow(temp_vid) > 0 && "starttime" %in% names(temp_vid)) video_start_time <- ymd_hms(temp_vid$starttime)
            meta$video <- tibble(camera = "Camera0", file = temp_vid$url)
        }, silent = TRUE)
    if (is.null(video_start_time) || is.na(video_start_time)) video_start_time <- temp_mm$trainingdate
    temp_ve <- pparse_df(x[names(x) == "VE"]) ## venue
    if (nrow(temp_ve) < 1) temp_ve <- tibble(name = NA_character_)
    meta$more <- tibble(referees = NA_character_, city = tryCatch(temp_ve$name, error = function(e) NA_character_), arena = NA_character_,
                            scout = if ("coder" %in% names(temp_mm) && !is.null(temp_mm$coder) && nzchar(temp_mm$coder)) temp_mm$coder else NA_character_,
                            notes = if ("notes" %in% names(temp_mm) && !is.null(temp_mm$notes) && nzchar(temp_mm$notes)) temp_mm$notes else NA_character_)

    temp_th <- pparse_df(x[names(x) == "TH"])
    temp_ta <- pparse_df(x[names(x) == "TA"])
    meta$teams <- tibble(team_id = as.character(c(temp_th$guid, temp_ta$guid)),
                         team = c(temp_th$name, temp_ta$name),
                         team_code = c(temp_th$code, temp_ta$code),
                         sets_won = c(temp_mm$homescore, temp_mm$awayscore),
                         coach = NA_character_,
                         assistant = NA_character_,
                         home_away_team = c("*", "a"))
    meta$teams$won_match <- c(meta$teams$sets_won[1] > meta$teams$sets_won[2], meta$teams$sets_won[2] > meta$teams$sets_won[1])

    ## PH = home player, PA = away player
    meta$players_h <- parse_players(pparse_df(x[names(x) %eq% "PH"]))
    meta$players_v <- parse_players(pparse_df(x[names(x) %eq% "PA"]))

    ## "match players" in MHP, MAP sections
    ## these are the players that were actually part of the team list for this match, so remove any players from team lists that aren't in these
    temp <- sub("MAP~", "", x[names(x) %eq% "MAP"], fixed = TRUE)
    meta$players_v <- meta$players_v[meta$players_v$player_id %in% temp, ]
    temp <- sub("MHP~", "", x[names(x) %eq% "MHP"], fixed = TRUE)
    meta$players_h <- meta$players_h[meta$players_h$player_id %in% temp, ]
    if (length(intersect(meta$players_h$player_id, meta$players_v$player_id)))
        stop("at least one player id on the home team player list is also on the visiting team player list")
    ## team player numbers (PlayerTeamLink)
    ## homeaway~player_number~guid
    parse_plnum <- function(z) {
        temp <- str_match(z, "T.P~([[:digit:]]+)~(.*)")
        tibble(number = as.integer(temp[, 2]), player_id = temp[, 3])
    temp <- distinct(parse_plnum(x[names(x) %eq% "THP"]))
    if (any(duplicated(temp$player_id))) {
        stop("Home team has duplicate player_id in THP sections")
    if (any(duplicated(temp$number))) {
        this_msg <- paste0("Home team players have duplicate numbers defined in THP sections")
        if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
        msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, NA_integer_, NA_character_, severity = 2) ## TODO add line num and line text, and player ID/nums
    if (!all(temp$player_id %in% meta$players_h$player_id)) {
        for (pid in setdiff(temp$player_id, meta$players_h$player_id)) {
            this_msg <- paste0("Home team player appears in THP section but not PH section (player id ", pid, ")")
            if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
            msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, NA_integer_, NA_character_, severity = 2) ## TODO add line num and line text
    chk <- nrow(meta$players_h)
    meta$players_h <- left_join(meta$players_h, temp, by = "player_id")
    if (nrow(meta$players_h) != chk) stop("error with home player lineup")
    ## THP~9~16ED63EA-D11B-494D-821B-E6C53A6035D2-3664-00025E7380ACFEC2
    temp <- distinct(parse_plnum(x[names(x) %eq% "TAP"]))
    if (any(duplicated(temp$player_id))) {
        stop("Visiting team has duplicate player_id in TAP sections")
    if (any(duplicated(temp$number))) {
        this_msg <- paste0("Visiting team players have duplicate numbers defined in TAP sections")
        if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
        msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, NA_integer_, NA_character_, severity = 2) ## TODO add line num and line text, and player ID/nums
    if (!all(temp$player_id %in% meta$players_v$player_id)) {
        ##stop("mismatch in visiting players list")
        for (pid in setdiff(temp$player_id, meta$players_v$player_id)) {
            this_msg <- paste0("Visiting team player appears in TAP section but not PA section (player id ", pid, ")")
            if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
            msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, NA_integer_, NA_character_, severity = 2) ## TODO add line num and line text
    chk <- nrow(meta$players_v)
    meta$players_v <- left_join(meta$players_v, temp, by = "player_id")
    if (nrow(meta$players_v) != chk) stop("error with visiting player lineup")

    for (sn in 1:5) {
        meta$players_h[[paste0("starting_position_set", sn)]] <- NA_character_
        meta$players_v[[paste0("starting_position_set", sn)]] <- NA_character_

    ## drill players
    ## DTHP, DTAP ??

    ## Q has set info for each set
    set_meta <- pparse_df(x[names(x) %eq% "Q"])
    if (nrow(set_meta) < 1) stop("file contains no data?")
    meta$result <-  dplyr::select(set_meta, score_home_team = "homescore", score_visiting_team = "awayscore")
    meta$result$duration <- if ("drillduration" %in% names(set_meta)) as.integer(set_meta$drillduration) else NA_integer_
    meta$result$duration[meta$result$duration == 0L] <- NA_integer_
    meta$result$score <- paste0(meta$result$score_home_team, "-", meta$result$score_visiting_team)
    ## use this info instead of M~ section for number of sets per team in meta$teams
    meta$teams$sets_won <- c(sum(meta$result$score_home_team > meta$result$score_visiting_team), sum(meta$result$score_home_team < meta$result$score_visiting_team))

    ## DV files have attack codes X5, XP, etc. Perana has 5 set zones which perform an analogous function
    ## note that using these is optional
    meta$attacks <- tibble(code = as.integer(1:5), attacker_position = NA_character_, side = NA_character_, type = NA_character_, description = NA_character_, set_type = NA_character_)

    ## E~{"PlayerGuid":"60828D75-8CBE-47B7-B888-86E390079B5B-88820-000188325C496FD8","videoDuration":0,"EventString":"Serve","BallEndString":"0, 0|0","EventGrade":0,"TimeStamp":"2017-09-16T23:03:32.000Z","ErrorType":0,"OppositionScore":0,"SubEvent2":0,"TeamScore":0,"SubEvent":0,"EventId":"1370","EventType":1,"Row":6,"BallMidString":"0, 0|0","BallStartString":"0, 0|0"}

    ## SS = session stats

    ## E = events
    ## each set starts with Q entry
    qidx <- c(which(names(x) %eq% "Q"), length(x) + 1)
    evidx <- which(names(x) %eq% "E") ## all event entries
    plays <- tibble()
    this_home_team <- meta$teams$team[1]
    this_visiting_team <- meta$teams$team[2]
    this_home_team_id <- meta$teams$team_id[1]
    this_visiting_team_id <- meta$teams$team_id[2]
    not_action_skills <- c("Timeout", "Substitution", "Technical timeout")

    ## helper func to update player role in metadata
    update_metadata_player_role <- function(player_id, role, team, set_number) {
        team <- match.arg(team, c("home", "visiting"))
        this_pidx <- if (team == "home") which(meta$players_h$player_id %eq% player_id) else which(meta$players_v$player_id %eq% player_id)
        if (length(this_pidx) < 1) {
            this_msg <- paste0("Set ", set_number, ": ", team, " ", role, " player ", player_id, " in starting lineup does not appear in team list")
            if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
            msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[set_number], x[qidx[set_number]], severity = 1)
            this_pidx <- NULL
        } else if (length(this_pidx) > 1) {
            this_msg <- paste0("Set ", set_number, ": ", team, " ", role, " player ", player_id, " in starting lineup matches multiple players in team list")
            if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
            msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[set_number], x[qidx[set_number]], severity = 1)
            this_pidx <- NULL
        } else {
            ## don't warn on these: the roles in the psvb metadata are not strict, and tend to be used to describe *all* of the positions a given player plays
            ##existing_role <- if (team == "home") meta$players_h$role[this_pidx] else meta$players_v$role[this_pidx]
            ##if (!is.na(existing_role) && nzchar(existing_role) && !existing_role %eq% role) {
            ##    this_msg <- paste0("Set ", set_number, ": ", team, " ", role, " player ", player_id, " in starting lineup is listed as role ", existing_role, " in team list")
            ##    if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
            ##    msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[set_number], x[qidx[set_number]], severity = 1)
            if (team == "home") {
                mph <- meta$players_h
                mph$role[this_pidx] <- role
                if (role %eq% "libero") {
                    if (!grepl("L", mph$special_role[this_pidx])) mph$special_role[this_pidx] <- paste0(mph$special_role[this_pidx], "L")
                    mph[[paste0("starting_position_set", set_number)]][this_pidx] <- "*"
                meta$players_h <<- mph
            } else {
                mpv <- meta$players_v
                mpv$role[this_pidx] <- role
                if (role %eq% "libero") {
                    if (!grepl("L", mpv$special_role[this_pidx])) mpv$special_role[this_pidx] <- paste0(mpv$special_role[this_pidx], "L")
                    mpv[[paste0("starting_position_set", set_number)]][this_pidx] <- "*"
                meta$players_v <<- mpv

    row_was_winloss <- function(dat, rowidx) {
        this_row_was_winloss <- !is.na(dat$win_loss[rowidx]) & abs(dat$win_loss[rowidx]) > 0
        ## only treat the last entry of multiplayer blocks as winloss
        if (dat$eventstring[rowidx] %eq% "Block" && dat$eventgrade[rowidx] %eq% 3 && lead(dat$eventstring)[rowidx] %eq% "Block" && lead(dat$eventgrade)[rowidx] %eq% 3) {
            this_row_was_winloss <- FALSE

    ## player and team info to join to plays
    all_players <- bind_rows(mutate(meta$players_h, team = this_home_team, team_id = this_home_team_id),
                             mutate(meta$players_v, team = this_visiting_team, team_id = this_visiting_team_id))
    all_players <- dplyr::select(all_players, playerguid = "player_id", "team", "team_id", player_number = "number", player_name = "name")
    ## add an "unknown player" to catch any events without an assigned player
    all_players <- bind_rows(all_players, tibble(playerguid = "", team = "unknown", team_id = "unknown", player_number = NA, player_name = "unknown"))
    this_ptid <- 0
    for (si in seq_len(length(qidx) - 1)) {
        xidx <- seq(qidx[si]+1, qidx[si+1]-1, by = 1)
        ## events associated with this set
        this_plays <- pparse_df(x[intersect(xidx, evidx)])
        if (nrow(this_plays) < 1) next
        this_plays <- dplyr::rename(this_plays, special_code = "errortype")
        this_plays$file_line_number <- intersect(xidx, evidx)
        this_plays$timestamp <- ymd_hms(this_plays$timestamp)
        if (any(!nzchar(this_plays$eventstring))) {
            idx <- which(!nzchar(this_plays$eventstring))
            msgs <- collect_messages(msgs, "Ignoring event with empty eventstring", this_plays$file_line_number[idx], x[this_plays$file_line_number[idx]], severity = 2)
            this_plays <- this_plays[nzchar(this_plays$eventstring), ]
        if (!all(this_plays$eventstring %in% known_event_types)) {
            stop("unexpected eventstrings: ", paste(setdiff(this_plays$eventstring, known_event_types)))
        this_plays$end_of_set <- FALSE
        this_plays <- bind_rows(this_plays, tibble(end_of_set = TRUE))
        ## add player and team info into plays
        chk <- nrow(this_plays)
        this_plays <- left_join(this_plays, all_players, by = "playerguid")
        if (nrow(this_plays) != chk) stop("error merging players into events")
        idx <- grepl("^Opposition ", this_plays$eventstring)
        if (any(idx)) {
            ## for one-team scouting, remap "opposition" event types
            this_plays$team[idx] <- this_visiting_team
            this_plays$team_id[idx] <- this_visiting_team_id
            idx <- this_plays$eventstring %eq% "Opposition Serve Error"
            if (any(idx)) {
                this_plays$eventstring[idx] <- "Serve"
                this_plays$eventgrade[idx] <- 0L
            idx <- this_plays$eventstring %eq% "Opposition Serve Ace"
            if (any(idx)) {
                this_plays$eventstring[idx] <- "Serve"
                this_plays$eventgrade[idx] <- 3L
            idx <- this_plays$eventstring %eq% "Opposition Hit Error"
            if (any(idx)) {
                this_plays$eventstring[idx] <- "Spike"
                this_plays$eventgrade[idx] <- 0L
            idx <- this_plays$eventstring %eq% "Opposition Kill"
            if (any(idx)) {
                this_plays$eventstring[idx] <- "Spike"
                this_plays$eventgrade[idx] <- 3L
            idx <- this_plays$eventstring %eq% "Opposition Error"
            if (any(idx)) {
                ## could be dig/set/block/etc
                this_plays$eventstring[idx] <- "Defense"
                this_plays$eventgrade[idx] <- 0L
            ## "Opposition Score" not yet dealt with
        idx <- grepl("^Opposition ", this_plays$eventstring)
        if (any(idx)) {
            this_msg <- paste0("Unrecognised eventstring '", this_plays$eventstring[idx], "'. Please let us know if this causes unexpected behaviour")
            if (do_warn) warning(paste0("Unrecognised eventstring(s): ", paste(unique(this_plays$eventstring[idx]), collapse = ", "), ". Please let us know if this causes unexpected behaviour"))
            msgs <- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, this_plays$file_line_number[idx], x[this_plays$file_line_number[idx]], severity = 2)
        chk <- !this_plays$team_id %in% c(this_home_team_id, this_visiting_team_id, "unknown") & !this_plays$eventstring %in% c("Timeout") & !this_plays$end_of_set
        if (any(chk)) {
            ##cat(str(this_plays[chk, ]))
            stop("unmatched player/team")
        chk <- nrow(this_plays)
        this_plays <- left_join(this_plays, eventgrades, by = c(eventstring = "skill", "eventgrade"))
        if (nrow(this_plays) != chk) stop("error merging eventgrades into events")
        this_plays$special_code <- as.character(this_plays$special_code)
        for (et in unique(errortypes$skill)) {
            aidx <- this_plays$eventstring %eq% et
            temp <- errortypes[errortypes$skill %eq% et, ]
            this_plays$special_code[aidx] <- dmapvalues(this_plays$special_code[aidx], temp$errortype, temp$evaluation)

        ## subevent goes into skill_subtype for attacks, set zone goes to attack_code
        ## for spikes (attacks), subevent goes into skill_subtype, otherwise skill_type
        this_plays$skill_subtype <- NA_character_
        this_plays$skill_type <- NA_character_
        this_plays$attack_code <- NA_character_
        for (et in unique(subevents$skill)) {
            temp <- subevents[subevents$skill %eq% et, ]
            aidx <- this_plays$eventstring %eq% et
            if (et %eq% "Spike") {
                ## some spike subevents are of the form X11Y where X is the subevent 0-4 and Y is the setting zone 0-5 (0 = no setting zone)
                all_subev <- c(110:115, 1000:1005, 1110:1115, 2000:2005, 2110:2115, 3000:3005, 3110:3115, 4000:4005, 4110:4115)
                this_ss <- as.numeric(this_plays$subevent[aidx])
                ## setting zone goes to attack_code
                this_sz <- case_when(this_ss %in% all_subev ~ as.character(this_ss - floor(this_ss/10)*10))
                this_sz[this_sz %eq% "0"] <- NA_character_
                this_plays$attack_code[aidx] <- this_sz
                if (!missing(setting_zones)) {
                    this_plays$attack_code[aidx] <- dmapvalues(as.character(this_plays$attack_code[aidx]), from = names(setting_zones), to = setting_zones)
                this_ss <- case_when(this_ss %in% 0:4 ~ this_ss,
                                     this_ss %in% all_subev ~ floor(this_ss/1000),
                                     TRUE ~ this_ss)
                if (!all(this_ss %in% c(NA, 0:4))) warning("unexpected skill SubEvent type(s): ", paste(setdiff(this_ss, c(NA, 0:4)), collapse = ", ", sep = ", "))
                this_plays$skill_subtype[aidx] <- dmapvalues(as.character(this_ss), as.character(temp$subevent), temp$evaluation)
            } else {
                ## put into skill_type
                this_ss <- this_plays$subevent[aidx]
                this_plays$skill_type[aidx] <- dmapvalues(as.character(this_ss), as.character(temp$subevent), temp$evaluation)

        if (as_dv) {
            ## don't treat blocked attack as an error
            idx <- this_plays$special_code %eq% "Blocked" & this_plays$eventstring %eq% "Spike"
            ##idx <- this_plays$special_code %eq% "Blocked" & this_plays$eventstring %eq% "Spike" & this_plays$evaluation %eq% "Error"
            this_plays$evaluation[idx] <- "Blocked"
            this_plays$evaluation_code[idx] <- "/"
            this_plays$special_code[idx] <- NA_character_
        ## add set-specific info
        this_plays$set_number <- as.integer(set_meta$gamenumber[si])
        ## players in positions
        this_plays[, paste0("home_player_id", 1:6)] <- NA_character_
        this_plays[, paste0("visiting_player_id", 1:6)] <- NA_character_
        h_lineup <- strsplit(set_meta$startinglineup[si], ",")[[1]]
        ## entries 1-6 are pos 1-6, entry 7 = libero (??), entry 8 = second libero??
        ##temp <- tibble(player_id = h_lineup) %>% left_join(meta$players_h)
        ##cat(str(temp), "\n")
        if (length(h_lineup) < 6 || length(h_lineup) > 8) stop("unexpected home team lineup")
        last_hl <- h_lineup[1:6]
        this_plays[1, paste0("home_player_id", 1:6)] <- as.list(last_hl)
        home_setter_id <- set_meta$primarysetterguid[si]
        pidx <- update_metadata_player_role(home_setter_id, "setter", team = "home", set_number = si)
        # needs thought, what if the team is playing 6-2 or 4-2
        #if (!is.null(pidx)) {
        #    ## assign opposite, as well
        #    update_metadata_player_role(h_lineup[((pidx+3) -1) %% 6 + 1], "opposite", team = "home", set_number = si)
        if (!home_setter_id %in% last_hl) {
            this_msg <- paste0("Set ", si, ": the player listed as the home team primary setter is not in the starting lineup")
            if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
            msgs <- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[si], x[qidx[si]], severity = 1)
        if (length(h_lineup) > 6) {
            ##cat("home liberos: ", h_lineup[-6:-1], "\n")
            for (pid in setdiff(h_lineup[-6:-1], 0)) { ## ignore pid 0, means that no second lib was assigned (or possibly first lib as well??)
                update_metadata_player_role(pid, "libero", team = "home", set_number = si)
                ##this_pidx <- which(meta$players_h$player_id %eq% pid)
                ##if (length(this_pidx) < 1) {
                ##    this_msg <- paste0("Set ", si, ": home libero player ", pid, " in starting lineup does not appear in team list")
                ##    if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
                ##    msgs <- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[si], x[qidx[si]], severity = 1)
                ##} else if (length(this_pidx) > 1) {
                ##    this_msg <- paste0("Set ", si, ": home libero player ", pid, " in starting lineup matches multiple players in team list")
                ##    if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
                ##    msgs <- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[si], x[qidx[si]], severity = 1)
                ##} else {
                ##    meta$players_h$special_role[this_pidx] <- "L"
                ##    existing_role <- meta$players_h$role[this_pidx]
                ##    if (!is.na(existing_role) && nzchar(existing_role) && !existing_role %eq% "libero") {
                ##        this_msg <- paste0("Set ", si, ": home libero player ", pid, " in starting lineup is listed as role ", existing_role, " in team list")
                ##        if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
                ##        msgs <- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[si], x[qidx[si]], severity = 1)
                ##    }
                ##    meta$players_h$role[this_pidx] <- "libero"
        if (is.na(set_meta$oppositionstartinglineup[si]) || !nzchar(set_meta$oppositionstartinglineup[si])) stop("No visiting team (opposition) starting rotation has been entered for set ", si, ". These starting rotations are required (but this might change in a future release)")
        v_lineup <- strsplit(set_meta$oppositionstartinglineup[si], ",")[[1]]
        if (length(v_lineup) < 6 || length(v_lineup) > 8) stop("unexpected visiting team lineup")
        last_vl <- v_lineup[1:6]
        this_plays[1, paste0("visiting_player_id", 1:6)] <- as.list(last_vl)
        visiting_setter_id <- set_meta$oppprimarysetterguid[si]
        update_metadata_player_role(visiting_setter_id, "setter", team = "visiting", set_number = si)
        if (!visiting_setter_id %in% last_vl) {
            this_msg <- paste0("Set ", si, ": the player listed as the visiting team primary setter is not in the starting lineup")
            if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
            msgs <- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[si], x[qidx[si]], severity = 1)
        if (length(v_lineup) > 6) {
            ##cat("visiting liberos: ", v_lineup[-6:-1], "\n")
            for (pid in setdiff(v_lineup[-6:-1], 0)) update_metadata_player_role(pid, "libero", team = "visiting", set_number = si)
        this_plays[, c("timeout", "substitution")] <- FALSE
        this_plays[, c("point_won_by", "code", "end_subzone", "attack_description", "set_code", "set_description", "set_type", "num_players")] <- NA_character_
        this_plays[, c("start_zone", "end_zone", "num_players_numeric", "home_team_score", "visiting_team_score")] <- NA_integer_
        this_plays$home_setter_position <- NA_integer_
        this_plays$visiting_setter_position <- NA_integer_
        this_home_setter_pos <- if (home_setter_id %in% last_hl) which(last_hl == home_setter_id) else NA_integer_
        if (length(this_home_setter_pos) != 1) this_home_setter_pos <- NA_integer_
        this_plays$home_setter_position[1] <- this_home_setter_pos
        this_visiting_setter_pos <- if (visiting_setter_id %in% last_vl) which(last_vl == visiting_setter_id) else NA_integer_
        if (length(this_visiting_setter_pos) != 1) this_visiting_setter_pos <- NA_integer_
        this_plays$visiting_setter_position[1] <- this_visiting_setter_pos
        this_plays$point_id <- NA_integer_
        this_plays$serving_team <- NA_character_
        last_hts <- 0; last_vts <- 0 ## prev team scores
        this_ptid <- this_ptid + 1
        this_plays$point_id[1] <- this_ptid
        if (!this_plays$eventstring[1] %in% c("Serve", "Timeout", "Substitution")) {
            ##stop("Set ", si, " did not start with serve, substitution, or timeout")
            this_msg <- paste0("Set ", si, " did not start with serve, substitution, or timeout")
            if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
            msgs <- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, qidx[si], x[qidx[si]], severity = 2)
        serving_team_after_previous_row <- NA_character_
        this_was_winloss <- row_was_winloss(this_plays, 1L)
        if (this_plays$eventstring[1] %in% c("Serve", "Pass")) {
            if (this_plays$eventstring[1] %eq% "Serve") {
                this_plays$serving_team[1] <- this_plays$team[1]
            } else {
                this_plays$serving_team[1] <- setdiff(c(this_home_team, this_visiting_team), this_plays$team[1])
            if (this_was_winloss) {
                if (this_plays$win_loss[1] > 0) {
                    ## win
                    serving_team_after_previous_row <- this_plays$team[1]
                } else {
                    ## loss
                    serving_team_after_previous_row <- setdiff(c(this_home_team, this_visiting_team), this_plays$team[1])
                this_plays$point_won_by[1] <- serving_team_after_previous_row
        if (this_was_winloss && is_single_team_coded) {
            this_ptid <- this_ptid + 1 ## win or loss, so increment point_id
            if (this_plays$point_won_by[1] %eq% this_home_team) {
                this_plays$home_team_score[1] <- 1L
                this_plays$visiting_team_score[1] <- 0L
            } else if (this_plays$point_won_by[1] %eq% this_visiting_team) {
                this_plays$home_team_score[1] <- 0L
                this_plays$visiting_team_score[1] <- 1L
        ## note that home_team_score and visiting_team_score are (per DataVolley conventions) the score at the end of the point, not the score at the start of the point (as with Perana)
        my_last_hl <- last_hl; my_last_vl <- last_vl
        this_plays$eventstring[this_plays$eventstring %eq% "Technical Timeout"] <- "Technical timeout"
        prev_row_was_winloss <- FALSE
        for (ei in seq_len(nrow(this_plays))[-1]) {
            this_row_was_winloss <- FALSE
            if (this_plays$eventstring[ei] %eq% "Substitution") {
                serving_team_after_this_row <- serving_team_after_previous_row
                ## outgoing player is in playerguid
                ## incoming player is in userdefined01
#                if (debug) cat("Sub ")
                out_pl <- this_plays$playerguid[ei]
                in_pl <- this_plays$userdefined01[ei]
                if (this_plays$team_id[ei] %eq% this_home_team_id) {
#                    cat("(home): ", this_plays$playerguid[ei], " out for ", this_plays$userdefined01[ei], "\n")
#                    cat("pre: ", last_hl, "\n")
                    last_hl[last_hl %eq% out_pl] <- in_pl
                    my_last_hl[my_last_hl %eq% out_pl] <- in_pl
#                    cat("post: ", last_hl, "\n")
                    if (out_pl %eq% home_setter_id) home_setter_id <- in_pl
                } else if (this_plays$team_id[ei] %eq% this_visiting_team_id) {
#                    cat("(visiting): ", this_plays$playerguid[ei], " out for ", this_plays$userdefined01[ei], "\n")
#                    cat("pre: ", last_vl, "\n")
                    last_vl[last_vl %eq% out_pl] <- in_pl
                    my_last_vl[my_last_vl %eq% out_pl] <- in_pl
#                    cat("post: ", last_vl, "\n")
                    if (out_pl %eq% visiting_setter_id) visiting_setter_id <- in_pl
                this_ptid <- this_ptid + 1
                this_plays$substitution[ei] <- TRUE
                this_plays$home_team_score[ei] <- this_plays$teamscore[ei]
                this_plays$visiting_team_score[ei] <- this_plays$oppositionscore[ei]
                this_plays$home_team_score[ei-1] <- this_plays$teamscore[ei]
                this_plays$visiting_team_score[ei-1] <- this_plays$oppositionscore[ei]
                if (this_plays$teamscore[ei] > last_hts) {
                    ## home team won last point
                    ## make sure this gets assigned to last actual point, not last timeout or sub
                    for (slow_backwards in rev(seq_len(ei-1))) {
                        if (!this_plays$eventstring[slow_backwards] %in% not_action_skills) {
                            this_plays$point_won_by[slow_backwards] <- this_home_team
                } else {
                    ## visiting team won last point
                    for (slow_backwards in rev(seq_len(ei-1))) {
                        if (!this_plays$eventstring[slow_backwards] %in% not_action_skills) {
                            this_plays$point_won_by[slow_backwards] <- this_visiting_team
            } else if (this_plays$eventstring[ei] %in% c("Timeout", "Technical timeout")) {
                serving_team_after_this_row <- serving_team_after_previous_row
                if (this_plays$eventstring[ei] %eq% "Timeout") {
                    ## subevent on timeouts is number already called
                    ## 0 = first timeout for that team
                    ## 1 = second
                    if (this_plays$userdefined01[ei] %eq% this_home_team_id) {
                        this_plays$team[ei] <- this_home_team
                        this_plays$team_id[ei] <- this_home_team_id
                    } else {
                        this_plays$team[ei] <- this_visiting_team
                        this_plays$team_id[ei] <- this_visiting_team_id
                ## subevent on TTs is the TT number? 1 or 2
                this_ptid <- this_ptid + 1
                this_plays$timeout[ei] <- TRUE
                ## scores are at the timeout call, so they are the scores at the conclusion of the previous point
                this_plays$home_team_score[ei-1] <- this_plays$teamscore[ei]
                this_plays$visiting_team_score[ei-1] <- this_plays$oppositionscore[ei]
                this_plays$home_team_score[ei] <- this_plays$teamscore[ei]
                this_plays$visiting_team_score[ei] <- this_plays$oppositionscore[ei]
                if (this_plays$teamscore[ei] > last_hts) {
                    ## home team won last point
                    ## make sure this gets assigned to last actual point, not last timeout or sub
                    for (slow_backwards in rev(seq_len(ei-1))) {
                        if (!this_plays$eventstring[slow_backwards] %in% not_action_skills) {
                            this_plays$point_won_by[slow_backwards] <- this_home_team
                } else {
                    ## visiting team won last point
                    for (slow_backwards in rev(seq_len(ei-1))) {
                        if (!this_plays$eventstring[slow_backwards] %in% not_action_skills) {
                            this_plays$point_won_by[slow_backwards] <- this_visiting_team
            } else if (this_plays$end_of_set[ei]) {
                this_plays$code[ei] <- paste0("**", si, "set")
                this_plays$timestamp[ei] <- this_plays$timestamp[ei-1]
                this_ptid <- this_ptid + 1
                serving_team_after_this_row <- NA_character_
            } else {
                this_row_was_winloss <- row_was_winloss(this_plays, ei)
                ## if we just had a non-action event, and this isn't a serve, increment the point_id
                if (this_plays$eventstring[ei-1] %in% c("Substitution", "Timeout", "Technical timeout") && !this_plays$eventstring[ei] %eq% "Serve") this_ptid <- this_ptid + 1
                serving_team_after_this_row <- NA_character_
                ## figure out the serving team
                if (this_plays$eventstring[ei] %eq% "Serve") {
                    this_plays$serving_team[ei] <- this_plays$team[ei]
                } else if (this_plays$eventstring[ei] %eq% "Pass") {
                    this_plays$serving_team[ei] <- setdiff(c(this_home_team, this_visiting_team), this_plays$team[ei])
                } else if (is_single_team_coded) {
                    this_plays$serving_team[ei] <- serving_team_after_previous_row
                if (this_row_was_winloss) {
                    if (this_plays$win_loss[ei] > 0) {
                        ## win
                        serving_team_after_this_row <- this_plays$team[ei]
                    } else {
                        ## loss
                        serving_team_after_this_row <- setdiff(c(this_home_team, this_visiting_team), this_plays$team[ei])
                    if (is_single_team_coded) this_plays$point_won_by[ei] <- serving_team_after_this_row
                if (this_plays$eventstring[ei] %eq% "Serve" || (prev_row_was_winloss && is_single_team_coded)) {
                    ## new point
                    this_ptid <- this_ptid + 1
                    ## teamscore, oppositionscore are the scores at the start of this (new) point; assign these to (home|visiting)_team_score on the previous point to be consistent with datavolley
                    if (!this_plays$eventstring[ei-1] %in% c("Substitution", "Timeout", "Technical timeout")) {
                        this_plays$home_team_score[ei-1] <- this_plays$teamscore[ei]
                        this_plays$visiting_team_score[ei-1] <- this_plays$oppositionscore[ei]
                        if (this_plays$teamscore[ei] > last_hts) {
                            ## home team won last point
                            ## make sure this gets assigned to last actual point, not last timeout or sub
                            for (slow_backwards in rev(seq_len(ei-1))) {
                                if (!this_plays$eventstring[slow_backwards] %in% not_action_skills) {
                                    this_plays$point_won_by[slow_backwards] <- this_home_team
                            if (!is.na(serving_team_after_this_row) && !is.na(serving_team_after_previous_row) && !(serving_team_after_this_row %eq% serving_team_after_previous_row)) {
                                ## rotate
                                my_last_hl <- rot_one(my_last_hl)
                        } else {
                            ## visiting team won last point
                            ##this_plays$point_won_by[ei-1] <- this_visiting_team
                            for (slow_backwards in rev(seq_len(ei-1))) {
                                if (!this_plays$eventstring[slow_backwards] %in% not_action_skills) {
                                    this_plays$point_won_by[slow_backwards] <- this_visiting_team
                            if (!is.na(serving_team_after_this_row) && !is.na(serving_team_after_previous_row) && !(serving_team_after_this_row %eq% serving_team_after_previous_row)) {
                                ## rotate
                                my_last_vl <- rot_one(my_last_vl)
                    if (this_plays$team_id[ei] %eq% this_home_team_id) {
                        ## home team serving
                        ## align last_hl to serving player
                        last_hl <- tryCatch(rot_p1(last_hl, this_plays$playerguid[ei]),
                                            error = function(e) {
                                                ##fln <- this_plays$file_line_number[ei]
                                                ##this_msg  <- paste0("Home team serving player ", this_plays$playerguid[ei], " on line ", fln, " is not in team lineup on line ", qidx[si])
                                                ##if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
                                                ##msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, fln, x[fln], severity = 1)
                                                ## no, don't throw that because it won't be right if the subs are out of whack, and the error will get caught by "the listed player is not on court in this rotation" anyway
                    } else {
                        last_vl <- tryCatch(rot_p1(last_vl, this_plays$playerguid[ei]),
                                            error = function(e) {
                                                ##fln <- this_plays$file_line_number[ei]
                                                ##this_msg  <- paste0("Visiting team serving player ", this_plays$playerguid[ei], " on line ", fln, " is not in team lineup on line ", qidx[si])
                                                ##if (do_warn) warning(this_msg)
                                                ##msgs <<- collect_messages(msgs, this_msg, fln, x[fln], severity = 1)
                    ## TODO check that the serving player is the one we expect!
                    ## currently these are popping up because of score mis-assignment, so comment out for now
                    #if (!identical(last_vl, my_last_vl)) {
                    #    warning("visiting team serving player is not who we expect at point_id ", this_ptid)
                    #if (!identical(last_hl, my_last_hl)) {
                    #    warning("home team serving player is not who we expect at point_id ", this_ptid)
                } else {
                    ## event is part of same point
                last_hts <- this_plays$teamscore[ei]
                last_vts <- this_plays$oppositionscore[ei]
            this_plays$point_id[ei] <- this_ptid
            this_plays[ei, c(paste0("home_player_id", 1:6), paste0("visiting_player_id", 1:6))] <- as.list(c(last_hl, last_vl))
            this_home_setter_pos <- if (home_setter_id %in% last_hl) which(last_hl == home_setter_id) else NA_integer_
            if (length(this_home_setter_pos) != 1) this_home_setter_pos <- NA_integer_
            this_plays$home_setter_position[ei] <- this_home_setter_pos
            this_visiting_setter_pos <- if (visiting_setter_id %in% last_vl) which(last_vl == visiting_setter_id) else NA_integer_
            if (length(this_visiting_setter_pos) != 1) this_visiting_setter_pos <- NA_integer_
            this_plays$visiting_setter_position[ei] <- this_visiting_setter_pos
            prev_row_was_winloss <- this_row_was_winloss
            serving_team_after_previous_row <- serving_team_after_this_row
        } ## end looping through events
        ## point_won_by for last point, which will be second-last row because we inserted an end-of-set marker
        ## also home_team_score & visiting_team_score
        if (nrow(this_plays) > 1) {
            if (this_plays$teamscore[ei-1] > this_plays$oppositionscore[ei-1]) {
                this_plays$point_won_by[ei-1] <- this_home_team
                this_plays$home_team_score[ei-1] <- this_plays$teamscore[ei-1]+1 ## max(this_plays$home_team_score, na.rm = TRUE) + 1
            } else {
                this_plays$point_won_by[ei-1] <- this_visiting_team
                this_plays$visiting_team_score[ei-1] <- this_plays$oppositionscore[ei-1]+1
        ## fill in scores on end_of_set lines
        this_plays$home_team_score[ei] <- max(this_plays$home_team_score, na.rm = TRUE)
        this_plays$visiting_team_score[ei] <- max(this_plays$visiting_team_score, na.rm = TRUE)
        ## populate all rows with serving_team, point_won_by info
        temp <- distinct(this_plays[!is.na(this_plays$serving_team), c("point_id", "serving_team")])
        if (any(duplicated(temp$point_id))) {
            dudpts <- temp$point_id[duplicated(temp$point_id)]
            warning("serving team inference failed in ", length(dudpts), " point", if (length(dudpts) > 1) "s", ": multiple serving teams (see point_id ", paste(dudpts, collapse = ", "), ")")
            temp <- temp[!temp$point_id %in% temp$point_id[duplicated(temp$point_id)], ]
        chk <- nrow(this_plays)
        this_plays <- left_join(dplyr::select(this_plays, -"serving_team"), temp, by = "point_id")
        if (nrow(this_plays) != chk) stop("error expanding serving_team entries")
        ## we can still have missing serving_team entries at this step
        ## e.g if the file wasn't single-team-coded and a point had a single action that wasn't a serve or reception
        cst <- NA_character_ ## current serving team
        for (ei in seq_len(nrow(this_plays))) {
            if (ei %eq% 1 || this_plays$end_of_set[ei-1]) cst <- NA_character_
            if (!is.na(cst) && is.na(this_plays$serving_team[ei]) && !this_plays$eventstring[ei] %in% c("Substitution", "Timeout", "Technical timeout", NA_character_)) {
                this_plays$serving_team[ei] <- cst
            if (!this_plays$eventstring[ei] %in% c("Substitution", "Timeout", "Technical timeout", NA_character_)) cst <- this_plays$point_won_by[ei]
        chk <- is.na(this_plays$serving_team) & !this_plays$eventstring %in% c("Substitution", "Timeout", "Technical timeout", NA_character_)
        if (any(chk)) {
            warning("have not successfully populated all serving_team entries")
        ## and for point_won_by
        temp <- distinct(this_plays[!is.na(this_plays$point_won_by), c("point_id", "point_won_by")])
        if (any(duplicated(temp$point_id))) {
            warning("multiple point_won_by in at least one point!")
            temp <- temp[!duplicated(temp$point_id), ]
        chk <- nrow(this_plays)
        this_plays <- left_join(dplyr::select(this_plays, -"point_won_by"), temp, by = "point_id")
        if (nrow(this_plays) != chk) stop("error expanding point_won_by entries")

        ## home_team_score, visiting_team_score
        for (vv in c("home_team_score", "visiting_team_score")) {
            temp <- distinct(this_plays[!is.na(this_plays[[vv]]), c("point_id", vv)])
            if (any(duplicated(temp$point_id))) {
                warning("multiple ", vv, " in at least one point! (set ", si, ", event ", ei, ", point_id ", temp$point_id[duplicated(temp$point_id)], ")")
##dpid <- temp$point_id[duplicated(temp$point_id)]
##cat(str(this_plays[this_plays$point_id %in% dpid, ]))
                temp <- temp[!duplicated(temp$point_id), ]
            chk <- nrow(this_plays)
            this_plays <- left_join(this_plays[, setdiff(names(this_plays), vv)], temp, by = "point_id")
            if (nrow(this_plays) != chk) stop("error expanding ", vv, " entries")
        ## iterate backwards over scores to fill in NAs on timeouts, subs
        for (ii in rev(seq_len(nrow(this_plays)))[-1]) {
            if (is.na(this_plays$home_team_score[ii])) this_plays$home_team_score[ii] <- this_plays$home_team_score[ii+1]
            if (is.na(this_plays$visiting_team_score[ii])) this_plays$visiting_team_score[ii] <- this_plays$visiting_team_score[ii+1]
        ## to check: set_meta number of timeouts per team matches events
        plays <- bind_rows(plays, this_plays)
    ## some processing on all plays
    if (nrow(plays) < 1) {
        warning("file contains no events (no play actions)")
    } else {
        plays <- dplyr::rename(plays, skill = "eventstring", player_id = "playerguid", time = "timestamp", video_time = "videoduration")
        ## actually videoduration appears always to be zero
        try(plays$video_time <- as.numeric(difftime(plays$time, video_start_time, units = "secs")), silent = TRUE)
        ## "subevent2" "subevent" "eventid" "row" "userdefined01"
        plays <- dplyr::select(plays, -"eventtype")
        plays <- mutate(plays, match_id = meta$match_id,
                        home_team = this_home_team, visiting_team = this_visiting_team,
                        home_team_id = meta$teams$team_id[1], visiting_team_id = meta$teams$team_id[2],
                        custom_code = NA_character_,
                        skill = case_when(skill %eq% "Defense" ~ "Dig",
                                          skill %eq% "Pass" ~ "Reception",
                                          skill %eq% "Spike" ~ "Attack",
                                          TRUE ~ skill),
                        winning_attack = case_when(skill %eq% "Attack" & win_loss > 0 ~ TRUE,
                                                   TRUE ~ FALSE))

        ##plays %>% count(skill, eventgrade, evaluation)
        ##temp <- setNames(read.csv(text=gsub("|", ", ", plays$ballstartstring, fixed = TRUE), header = FALSE), c("x", "y", "z"))
        temp <- str_trim(gsub("\\|0[[:space:]]*$", "", plays$ballstartstring))
        temp[temp %in% c("", "NA")] <- "0, 0"
        if (any(grepl("|", temp, fixed = TRUE))) {
            warning("unexpected format of ballstartstring, skipping")
        } else {
            temp <- setNames(read.csv(text = temp, header = FALSE), c("x", "y"))
            zidx <- abs(temp$x) < 0.001 & abs(temp$y) < 0.001
            temp$x[zidx] <- NA_real_
            temp$y[zidx] <- NA_real_
            plays$start_coordinate_x <- temp$x*0.03 + 0.5
            plays$start_coordinate_y <- (200-temp$y)*0.03 + 0.5
        temp <- str_trim(gsub("\\|0[[:space:]]*$", "", plays$ballmidstring))
        temp[temp %in% c("", "NA")] <- "0, 0"
        if (any(grepl("|", temp, fixed = TRUE))) {
            warning("unexpected format of ballmidstring, skipping")
        } else {
            temp <- setNames(read.csv(text = temp, header = FALSE), c("x", "y"))
            zidx <- abs(temp$x) < 0.001 & abs(temp$y) < 0.001
            temp$x[zidx] <- NA_real_
            temp$y[zidx] <- NA_real_
            plays$mid_coordinate_x <- temp$x*0.03 + 0.5
            plays$mid_coordinate_y <- (200-temp$y)*0.03 + 0.5
        temp <- str_trim(gsub("\\|0[[:space:]]*$", "", plays$ballendstring))
        temp[temp %in% c("", "NA")] <- "0, 0"
        if (any(grepl("|", temp, fixed = TRUE))) {
            warning("unexpected format of ballendstring, skipping")
            cat(plays$ballendstring, "\n", sep = "#")
        } else {
            temp <- setNames(read.csv(text = temp, header = FALSE), c("x", "y"))
            zidx <- abs(temp$x) < 0.001 & abs(temp$y) < 0.001
            temp$x[zidx] <- NA_real_
            temp$y[zidx] <- NA_real_
            plays$end_coordinate_x <- temp$x*0.03 + 0.5
            plays$end_coordinate_y <- (200-temp$y)*0.03 + 0.5
        ## check that e.g. both serve and reception have start = serve loc and end = reception loc
        ## if a reception skill has coordinates entered, then these give the pass loc (start, should same as serve end loc) and set loc (end, should be same as set loc start if it was entered)
        ## DV uses set end loc as the location of the set
        ## so any sets scouted with coordinates need to have the start coordinate transferred to the end coordinate
        idx <- plays$skill %eq% "Set" & !is.na(plays$end_coordinate_x)
        plays$end_coordinate_x[idx] <- plays$start_coordinate_x[idx]
        plays$end_coordinate_y[idx] <- plays$start_coordinate_y[idx]
        ## any receptions scouted with coordinates, transfer reception end coords (i.e. set location) to set end coords if set does not already have them
        idx <- plays$skill %eq% "Set" & lag(plays$skill) %eq% "Reception" & lag(plays$team) %eq% plays$team & is.na(plays$end_coordinate_x) & !is.na(lag(plays$end_coordinate_x))
        plays$end_coordinate_x[idx] <- lag(plays$end_coordinate_x)[idx]
        plays$end_coordinate_y[idx] <- lag(plays$end_coordinate_y)[idx]
        ## remove set start coords
        idx <- plays$skill %eq% "Set" & !is.na(plays$start_coordinate_x)
        plays$start_coordinate_x[idx] <- NA
        plays$start_coordinate_y[idx] <- NA
        ## if reception coords entered but serve not, transfer to serve
        idx <- which(plays$skill %eq% "Reception" & !is.na(plays$start_coordinate_x) & lag(plays$skill) %eq% "Serve" & is.na(lag(plays$start_coordinate_x)))
        plays$start_coordinate_x[idx-1] <- plays$start_coordinate_x[idx]
        plays$start_coordinate_y[idx-1] <- plays$start_coordinate_y[idx]
        plays$mid_coordinate_x[idx-1] <- plays$mid_coordinate_x[idx]
        plays$mid_coordinate_y[idx-1] <- plays$mid_coordinate_y[idx]
        plays$end_coordinate_x[idx-1] <- plays$end_coordinate_x[idx]
        plays$end_coordinate_y[idx-1] <- plays$end_coordinate_y[idx]
        ## now remove all reception coords
        idx <- plays$skill %eq% "Reception"
        plays$start_coordinate_x[idx] <- NA
        plays$start_coordinate_y[idx] <- NA
        plays$mid_coordinate_x[idx] <- NA
        plays$mid_coordinate_y[idx] <- NA
        plays$end_coordinate_x[idx] <- NA
        plays$end_coordinate_y[idx] <- NA
        ## populate reception with serve coords
        idx <- plays$skill %eq% "Reception" & lag(plays$skill) %eq% "Serve" & !lag(plays$team) %eq% plays$team ##& is.na(plays$start_coordinate_x) & !is.na(lag(plays$start_coordinate_x))
        plays$start_coordinate_x[idx] <- lag(plays$start_coordinate_x)[idx]
        plays$start_coordinate_y[idx] <- lag(plays$start_coordinate_y)[idx]
        plays$mid_coordinate_x[idx] <- lag(plays$mid_coordinate_x)[idx]
        plays$mid_coordinate_y[idx] <- lag(plays$mid_coordinate_y)[idx]
        plays$end_coordinate_x[idx] <- lag(plays$end_coordinate_x)[idx]
        plays$end_coordinate_y[idx] <- lag(plays$end_coordinate_y)[idx]

        ## convert everything to single-index coordinates, too
        plays$start_coordinate <- dv_xy2index(plays$start_coordinate_x, plays$start_coordinate_y)
        plays$mid_coordinate <- dv_xy2index(plays$mid_coordinate_x, plays$mid_coordinate_y)
        plays$end_coordinate <- dv_xy2index(plays$end_coordinate_x, plays$end_coordinate_y)

        ## and convert to zones, which will all be NA at this point
        plays$start_zone <- as.integer(plays$start_zone)
        plays$end_zone <- as.integer(plays$end_zone)
        plays$end_subzone <- as.character(plays$end_subzone)
        idx <- !is.na(plays$start_coordinate_x) & !is.na(plays$start_coordinate_y) & plays$skill %in% c("Serve", "Reception")
        plays$start_zone[idx] <- xy2zone(plays$start_coordinate_x[idx], plays$start_coordinate_y[idx], as_for_serve = TRUE)
        idx <- !is.na(plays$start_coordinate_x) & !is.na(plays$start_coordinate_y) & !plays$skill %in% c("Serve", "Reception")
        plays$start_zone[idx] <- xy2zone(plays$start_coordinate_x[idx], plays$start_coordinate_y[idx], as_for_serve = FALSE)
        ## we don't want to assign an end_zone or end_subzone to an attack if it came off the block and back to the attacker's side of the court
        idx <- !is.na(plays$end_coordinate_x) & !is.na(plays$end_coordinate_y) & !(plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & ((plays$start_coordinate_y > 3.5 & plays$end_coordinate_y > 3.5) | (plays$start_coordinate_y < 3.5 & plays$end_coordinate_y < 3.5)) & !is.na(plays$mid_coordinate_y))
        plays$end_zone[idx] <- xy2zone(plays$end_coordinate_x[idx], plays$end_coordinate_y[idx], as_for_serve = FALSE)
        plays$end_subzone[idx] <- xy2subzone(plays$end_coordinate_x[idx], plays$end_coordinate_y[idx])
        ## assign those attacks "!" evaluation (blocked for reattack)
        idx <- plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$evaluation %eq% "Spike in play" & ((plays$start_coordinate_y > 3.5 & plays$end_coordinate_y > 3.5) | (plays$start_coordinate_y < 3.5 & plays$end_coordinate_y < 3.5)) & !is.na(plays$mid_coordinate_y)
        plays$evaluation_code[idx] <- "!"
        plays$evaluation[idx] <- "Blocked for reattack"
        ## don't yet populate cones automatically, because they depend on whether quicks should use middle-type cones
        ## plays$end_cone <- dv_xy2cone(plays$end_coordinate, start_zones = plays$start_zone)
        plays$end_cone <- NA_integer_

        ##ggplot(xp$plays, aes(start_coordinate_x, start_coordinate_y, colour = as.factor(start_zone))) + geom_point() + datavolley::ggcourt()
        ##ggplot(xp$plays, aes(end_coordinate_x, end_coordinate_y, colour = as.factor(end_zone))) + geom_point() + datavolley::ggcourt()

        ##if (FALSE) {
        ##    plays <- expand.grid(start_coordinate_x = seq(0.2, 3.8, by = 0.01), start_coordinate_y = seq(0.2, 6.7, by = 0.01))
        ##    plays$skill <- "x"
        ##    plays <- mutate(plays, start_zone = case_when(is.na(.data$start_coordinate_x) | is.na(.data$start_coordinate_y) ~ NA_integer_,
        ##                                              .data$skill %in% c("Serve", "Reception") ~ xy2zone(.data$start_coordinate_x, .data$start_coordinate_y, as_for_serve = TRUE),
        ##                                              TRUE ~ xy2zone(.data$start_coordinate_x, .data$start_coordinate_y, as_for_serve = FALSE)))
        ##    ggplot(plays, aes(start_coordinate_x, start_coordinate_y, fill = as.factor(start_zone))) + geom_tile() + datavolley::ggcourt()
        ##    plays$skill <- "Serve"
        ##    plays <- mutate(plays, start_zone = case_when(is.na(.data$start_coordinate_x) | is.na(.data$start_coordinate_y) ~ NA_integer_,
        ##                                              .data$skill %in% c("Serve", "Reception") ~ xy2zone(.data$start_coordinate_x, .data$start_coordinate_y, as_for_serve = TRUE),
        ##                                              TRUE ~ xy2zone(.data$start_coordinate_x, .data$start_coordinate_y, as_for_serve = FALSE)))
        ##    ggplot(plays, aes(start_coordinate_x, start_coordinate_y, fill = as.factor(start_zone))) + geom_tile() + datavolley::ggcourt()

        for (pn in 1:6) {
            plays[[paste0("home_p", pn)]] <- dmapvalues(plays[[paste0("home_player_id", pn)]], meta$players_h$player_id, meta$players_h$number)
            plays[[paste0("visiting_p", pn)]] <- dmapvalues(plays[[paste0("visiting_player_id", pn)]], meta$players_v$player_id, meta$players_v$number)

        ## add starting positions of players in each set to metadata
        psp <- slice(group_by(dplyr::filter(plays, !is.na(.data$set_number)), .data$set_number), 1L)
        for (sn in seq_len(nrow(psp))) {
            for (pn in 1:6) {
                pidx <- which(meta$players_h$player_id == psp[[paste0("home_player_id", pn)]][sn])
                if (length(pidx) == 1) meta$players_h[[paste0("starting_position_set", sn)]][pidx] <- as.character(pn)
                ## if no match, warn? but should have already picked this up
                pidx <- which(meta$players_v$player_id == psp[[paste0("visiting_player_id", pn)]][sn])
                if (length(pidx) == 1) meta$players_v[[paste0("starting_position_set", sn)]][pidx] <- as.character(pn)
        for (sn in 1:5) {
            ## home players on court but not in starting lineup
            allpid <- unique(plays[which(plays$set_number == sn), paste0("home_player_id", 1:6)])
            allpid <- unique(as.character(as.matrix(allpid)))
            if (length(allpid) > 0) {
                for (pidx in seq_len(nrow(meta$players_h))) {
                    if (meta$players_h$player_id[pidx] %in% allpid && is.na(meta$players_h[[paste0("starting_position_set", sn)]][pidx])) meta$players_h[[paste0("starting_position_set", sn)]][pidx] <- "*"
            ## visiting players
            allpid <- unique(plays[which(plays$set_number == sn), paste0("visiting_player_id", 1:6)])
            allpid <- unique(as.character(as.matrix(allpid)))
            if (length(allpid) > 0) {
                for (pidx in seq_len(nrow(meta$players_v))) {
                    if (meta$players_v$player_id[pidx] %in% allpid && is.na(meta$players_v[[paste0("starting_position_set", sn)]][pidx])) meta$players_v[[paste0("starting_position_set", sn)]][pidx] <- "*"

        ## add team_touch_id - an identifier of consecutive touches by same team in same point - e.g. a dig-set-attack sequence by one team is a "team touch"
        tid <- 0
        temp_ttid <- rep(NA, nrow(plays))
        temp_ttid[1] <- tid
        temp_team <- plays$team_id
        temp_ptid <- plays$point_id
        for (k in seq_len(nrow(plays))[-1]) {
            if (!identical(temp_team[k], temp_team[k-1]) || !identical(temp_ptid[k], temp_ptid[k-1]))  {
                tid <- tid+1
            temp_ttid[k] <- tid
        plays$team_touch_id <- temp_ttid
        plays$phase <- datavolley::play_phase(plays)

        ## propagate serve skill_type to reception
        plays <- mutate(plays, skill_type = case_when(.data$skill %eq% "Reception" & is.na(.data$skill_type) & lag(.data$skill) %eq% "Serve" & !is.na(lag(.data$skill_type)) ~ sub("serve", "serve reception", lag(.data$skill_type)), TRUE ~ .data$skill_type))
        ## TODO other skills here too

        ## populate empty skill_type with e.g. "Unknown serve reception type"
        idx <- is.na(plays$skill_type) & !is.na(plays$skill) & !plays$skill %in% c("Substitution", "Timeout", "Technical timeout", "Rotation error", "Sanction")
        plays$skill_type[idx] <- paste0("Unknown ", gsub("reception", "serve reception", tolower(plays$skill[idx])), " type")

        ## num_players on block, and also propagated back one to the attack
        ##    plays$num_players_numeric <- case_when(plays$skill %eq% "Block" & plays$eventgrade %eq% 2 ~ 1L,
        ##                                           plays$skill %eq% "Block" & plays$eventgrade %eq% 3 ~ 2L, ## actually this is 2 or 3 players
        ##                                           TRUE ~ plays$num_players_numeric)
        ##    plays$num_players_numeric <- case_when(plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & lead(plays$skill) %eq% "Block" ~ lead(plays$num_players_numeric),
        ##                                           TRUE ~ plays$num_players_numeric)
        ##    plays$num_players <- case_when(plays$skill %eq% "Block" & plays$eventgrade %eq% 2 ~ "1 player block",
        ##                                   plays$skill %eq% "Block" & plays$eventgrade %eq% 3 ~ "Multiplayer block",
        ##                                   TRUE ~ plays$num_players)
        ##    plays$num_players <- case_when(plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & lead(plays$skill) %eq% "Block" ~ lead(plays$num_players),
        ##                                   TRUE ~ plays$num_players)
        ## number of blockers now comes from attacks
        plays$num_players_numeric <- case_when(plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$subevent2 %eq% 1 ~ 0L,
                                               plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$subevent2 %eq% 2 ~ 1L,
                                               plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$subevent2 %eq% 3 ~ 2L,
                                               plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$subevent2 %eq% 4 ~ 3L,
                                               TRUE ~ as.integer(plays$num_players_numeric))
        plays$num_players <- case_when(plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$num_players_numeric %eq% 0 ~ "No block",
                                       plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$num_players_numeric %eq% 1 ~ "1 player block",
                                       plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$num_players_numeric %eq% 2 ~ "2 player block",
                                       plays$skill %eq% "Attack" & plays$num_players_numeric %eq% 3 ~ "3 player block",
                                       TRUE ~ as.character(plays$num_players))

        ## these cols present but not populated (special_code, num_players, num_players_numeric skill_type skill_subtype partly pop)
        ## "attack_code" "attack_description" "set_code"
        ## [17] "set_description" "set_type" "start_zone" "end_zone"
        ## [21] "end_subzone" "num_players" "num_players_numeric"
        ## [25] "special_code" "point"

        nms <- c("match_id", "point_id", "time", "video_time", "code", "team", "player_number", "player_name", "player_id", "skill", "skill_type", "evaluation_code", "evaluation", "attack_code", "attack_description", "set_code", "set_description", "set_type", "start_zone", "end_zone", "end_subzone", "skill_subtype", "num_players", "num_players_numeric", "special_code", "timeout", "end_of_set", "substitution", "point", "home_team_score", "visiting_team_score", "home_setter_position", "visiting_setter_position", "custom_code", "file_line_number", "home_p1", "home_p2", "home_p3", "home_p4", "home_p5", "home_p6", "visiting_p1", "visiting_p2", "visiting_p3", "visiting_p4", "visiting_p5", "visiting_p6", "start_coordinate", "mid_coordinate", "end_coordinate", "start_coordinate_x", "start_coordinate_y", "mid_coordinate_x", "mid_coordinate_y", "end_coordinate_x", "end_coordinate_y", "home_player_id1", "home_player_id2", "home_player_id3", "home_player_id4", "home_player_id5", "home_player_id6", "visiting_player_id1", "visiting_player_id2", "visiting_player_id3", "visiting_player_id4", "visiting_player_id5", "visiting_player_id6", "set_number", "team_touch_id", "home_team", "visiting_team", "home_team_id", "visiting_team_id", "team_id", "point_won_by", "winning_attack", "serving_team", "phase")
        ## reorder cols
        plays <- plays[, c(intersect(nms, names(plays)), setdiff(names(plays), nms))]
        ##class(plays) <- c("datavolleyplays", class(plays))
    msgs <- do.call(rbind, lapply(msgs, as_tibble))
    list(meta = meta, file_meta = file_meta, messages = msgs, plays = plays)

#' A simple summary of a volleyball match
#' @param object peranavolley: peranavolley object as returned by \code{pv_read}
#' @param ... : additional arguments (currently these have no effect)
#' @return list of summary items
#' @seealso \code{\link{pv_read}}
#' @examples
#' x <- pv_read(pv_example_file())
#' summary(x)
#' @method summary peranavolley
#' @export
summary.peranavolley <- function(object, ...) {
    out <- list(date = object$meta$match$date, league = object$meta$match$league)
    out$teams <- object$meta$teams[, c("team", "coach", "assistant", "sets_won")]
    temp <- object$meta$result$score_home_team > object$meta$result$score_visiting_team
    out$set_scores <- object$meta$result[, c("score_home_team", "score_visiting_team")]
    ## make extra sure that set_scores has home team assigned correctly
    if (object$meta$teams$home_away_team[1] != "*") out$set_scores <- out$set_scores[, 2:1]
    out$set_scores <- na.omit(out$set_scores)
    out$duration <- sum(object$meta$result$duration, na.rm = FALSE)
    class(out) <- "summary.peranavolley"

#' Print method for summary.peranavolley
#' @param x summary.peranavolley: a summary.peranavolley object as returned by \code{summary.peranavolley}
#' @param ... : additional arguments (currently these have no effect)
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.peranavolley}}
#' @method print summary.peranavolley
#' @export
print.summary.peranavolley <- function(x, ...) {
    out <- sprintf("Match summary:\nDate: %s\nLeague: %s\n", x$date, x$league)
    coaches1 <- paste(Filter(Negate(is.na), c(x$teams$coach[1], x$teams$assistant[1])), collapse = "/")
    coaches1 <- if (length(coaches1) > 0 && nzchar(coaches1)) paste0(" (", coaches1, ")") else ""
    coaches2 <- paste(Filter(Negate(is.na), c(x$teams$coach[2], x$teams$assistant[2])), collapse = "/")
    coaches2 <- if (length(coaches2) > 0 && nzchar(coaches2)) paste0(" (", coaches2, ")") else ""
    out <- sprintf("%sTeams: %s%s\n       vs\n       %s%s\n", out, x$teams$team[1], coaches1, x$teams$team[2], coaches2)
    out <- sprintf("%sResult: %d-%d (%s)\n", out, x$teams$sets_won[1], x$teams$sets_won[2], paste(x$set_scores$score_home_team, x$set_scores$score_visiting_team, sep = "-", collapse = ", "))
    out <- if (is.na(x$duration)) sprintf("%sDuration: unknown\n", out) else sprintf("%sDuration: %d minutes\n", out, x$duration)

#' Extract the plays component from a peranavolley object
#' @param x peranavolley: a peranavolley object as returned by \code{pv_read}
#' @return The plays component of x (a data.frame)
#' @seealso \code{\link{pv_read}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   x <- pv_read(pv_example_file())
#'   inspect(plays(x))
#' }
#' @export
plays <- function(x) {
    if ("plays" %in% names(x)) x$plays else stop("input has no plays component")
raymondben/peranavolley documentation built on Dec. 26, 2021, 1:16 a.m.