#### SLP algorithm in Overton (1992) ####
# pp. 104-105 of Overton (1992) with full linear programming instead of PLP algorithm
# TO-DO: use efficient eigen-decomposition due to dpr1 structure
#### svec transformation ####
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol
svec <- function(X){
# symmetric X of size n times n
ind <- as.vector(row(X)> col(X))
ind2 <- as.vector(row(X)>= col(X))
X[ind] <- X[ind] * sqrt(2)
svec.inv <- function(x){
nn <- length(x)
n <- (-1 + sqrt(1+4 *2*nn))/2
X <- matrix(nr=n, nc=n)
ind <- as.vector(row(X)> col(X))
ind2 <- as.vector(row(X)>= col(X))
ind3 <- as.vector(row(X)< col(X))
X[ind2] <- x
X[ind] <- X[ind]/sqrt(2)
X[ind3] <- t(X)[ind3]
# TO-DO: use efficient eigen-decomposition due to dpr1 structure
eigenA.old <- function(w, N, r, tind, nP1, nq1){
z <- rep(-1, N)
z[tind] <- w-1
z <- t(nP1) %*% z
return(eigen(z %*% t(z) + diag(nq1)))
eigenA <- function(w, N, r, tind, nP1, nq1){
z <- rep(-1, N)
z[tind] <- w-1
z <- t(nP1) %*% z
return(dpr1_eigen(nq1, z, need.order=F)) # as nq1 is ordered
check.wbound <- function(w, lower, upper, tol=1e-8){
as.logical((abs(lower-w) <= tol) + (abs(upper-w) <= tol))
#### main function ####
# glpk_tm_limit: time limit (in ms) for Rglpk_solve_LP
mineig <- function(w0, N, r, tind, nP1, nq1, lam2, lower=rep(1,length(w0)),
upper=rep(Inf, length(w0)), rho0=1e-2, tau0=1e-6, tol=1e-8,
max.iter=500, verbose=F, glpk_tm_limit=10000){
# step 0
rho <- rho0
tau <- tau0
w <- w0
m <- length(w)
nn <- length(nq1)
indices <- which(tind)
z <- rep(-1,N)
iter <- 1
steps <- array(dim=max.iter)
tts <- array(dim=max.iter)
eA <- eigenA(w, N, r, tind, nP1, nq1)
eA$values <- eA$values + lam2/N*sum(w^2)
z[tind] <- w-1
while (iter <= max.iter){
if (verbose) cat("Iteration", iter, "\n")
# step 1
tt <- sum((eA$values[1] - eA$values) <= tau * max(1, abs(eA$values[1])))
Q1 <- eA$vectors[, 1:tt, drop=F]
tts[iter] <- tt
## linear programming
obj <- c(1, rep(0,m))
B <- nP1 %*% Q1
tt2 <- (tt*(tt+1)/2)
M <- matrix(0, nr=(tt2 + (nn-tt)), nc=(1+m))
rhs <- array(dim=nrow(M))
# (25), (26)
M[1:tt2,1] <- svec(diag(tt))
M[tt2+(1:(nn-tt)),1] <- 1
for (k in (1:m)){
kk <- indices[k]
dA <- matrix(0, nr=N, nc=N)
dA[kk,] <- z; dA[,kk] <- z; dA[kk,kk] <- 2*z[kk]
M[1:tt2,1+k] <- -svec(t(B) %*% dA %*% B + 2*lam2/N * w[k] * diag(tt))
PdAP <- t(nP1) %*% dA %*% nP1
for (l in (1:(nn-tt))){
M[tt2+l, 1+k] <- -as.vector(t(eA$vectors[, tt+l]) %*% PdAP %*%
eA$vectors[, tt+l] + 2*lam2/N * w[k])
rhs[1:tt2] <- svec(diag(eA$values[1:tt] - eA$values[1], nrow=tt, ncol=tt))
rhs[tt2+(1:(nn-tt))] <- eA$values[(tt+1):nn] - eA$values[1]
# (29), (27)
# assume w is feasible, then (27) and (29) together: pmax(l-w, -rho) <= d <= pmin(u-w, rho)
# use option: bounds
bounds <- list(lower=list(ind=1:(m+1), val=c(-Inf, pmax(lower-w, -rho))),
upper=list(ind=1:(m+1), val=c(Inf, pmin(upper-w, rho))))
# solve linear programming
dirr <- c(rep("==", tt2), rep(">=", nn-tt))
lpres <- Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj=obj, mat=M, dir=dirr, rhs=rhs, bounds=bounds,
control=list("verbose"=F, "tm_limit"=glpk_tm_limit))
# step 2
# check semi-positivity of U
U <- svec.inv(lpres$auxiliary$dual[1:tt2])
eU <- eigen(U)
npd <- (eU$values[tt] < -1e-8) # check if the smallest eigenvalue negative
if (npd) tau <- tau/2
if (sqrt(sum(lpres$solution[-1]^2)) > tol){
eA1 <- eigenA(w+lpres$solution[-1], N, r, tind, nP1, nq1)
eA1$values <- eA1$values + lam2/N*sum((w+lpres$solution[-1])^2)
if (eA1$values[1] >= eA$values[1]){
# step 3
if (verbose) cat(" step 3: rho reduced by 2\n")
rho <- rho / 2 # update rho
steps[iter] <- 3
} else {
# step 4
if (verbose) cat(" step 4: update\n")
psi <- (eA$values[1] - eA1$values[1])/(-lpres$solution[1])
if (psi > 0.75) rho <- rho * 2
if (psi < 0.25) rho <- rho / 2
w <- w + lpres$solution[-1]
z[tind] <- w-1
eA <- eA1
steps[iter] <- 4
} else {
if (npd){
# step 5 (eigenvalue splitting, Thm 7)
if (verbose) cat(" step 5: eigenvalue splitting\n")
dind <- check.wbound(w, lower, upper)
sol <- qr.solve(M[1:tt2, c(T, dind)], svec(eU$vectors[,tt] %*% t(eU$vectors[,tt])))
d <- rep(0, m); d[dind] <- sol[-1]
w <- w + d
z[tind] <- w-1
eA <- eigenA(w, N, r, tind, nP1, nq1)
eA$values <- eA$values + lam2/N*sum(w^2)
tau <- tau / 10
steps[iter] <- 5
} else {
steps[iter] <- 0
break # check if break correctly
iter <- iter + 1
return(list(w=w, iter=iter, rho=rho, tau=tau, tt=tt, steps=steps, tts=tts))
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