
An implementation of the IOMLIFET excel spreadsheets in R. The IOMLIFET spreadsheets facilitate the use of life-tables for assessment of public health risks.

Key functions are:

  1. life_table() which calculates life expectancy using the Chiang method
  2. burden_le() which calls life_table() to produce life tables for the baseline and reduced exposure scenarios
  3. impact() which uses leslie matrices to form the future population under the two scenarios.

The latter function provides estimates of life-years gained in the future from a popoulation-wide reduction in PM2.5 related risk of mortality.

Version: 0.2
Author: Richard Broome, Joshua Horsley, Ivan Hanigan
Maintainer: Ivan Hanigan <>
License: GPL-3

Installation notes

install_github("richardbroome2002/iomlifetR", build_vignettes = TRUE)

richardbroome2002/iomlifetR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2019, 10:26 p.m.