Defines functions mcmc_nltt abc_smc_nltt calculate_weight

Documented in abc_smc_nltt calculate_weight mcmc_nltt

# @brief calculate the weight of a parameter combination
# @date Last modified: 2016-03-07
# @author Thijs Janzen
# @since 2014-20-09, version 1.0
# @param    weights                 vector       Vector of weights
# @param    particles               list         List of parameter combinations
# @param    current                 vector       Current parameter combination
#                                                for which we are determining
#                                                the weight
# @param    sigma                   scalar       standard deviation of
#                                                the perturbation
# @param    prior_density_function  function     Function to calculate the prior
#                                                probability of a set of
#                                                parameters
# @return                           scalar       Estimated weight

calculate_weight <- function(weights, particles,
                             current, sigma, prior_density_function) {
  vals <- c()
  for (i in seq_along(particles)) {
    vals[i] <- weights[i]
    for (j in seq_along(current)) {
      diff <- log(current[j]) - log(particles[[i]][j])
      vals[i] <- vals[i] * stats::dnorm(diff, mean = 0, sd = sigma)

  numerator <- prior_density_function(current)

  return(numerator / sum(vals))

# @brief apply the ABC routine used in our Methods in Ecology and
#        Evolution Paper
# @date Last modified: 2016-03-07
# @author Thijs Janzen
# @since 2014-20-09, version 1.0
# @param    tree                          phylo       Phylogenetic tree
# @param    statistics                    vector      A vector containing
#                                 functions that take a tree as an argument and
#                                 return a single scalar value (the statistic).
# @param    simulation_function           vector      A function that implements
#                                 the diversification model and returns an
#                                 object of class phylo
# @param    init_epsilon_values           vector      A vector containing the
#                                 initial threshold values for the summary
#                                 statistics from the vector statistics.
# @param    prior_generating_function     function    Function to generate
#                                 parameters from the prior distribution of
#                                 these parameters (e.g. a function returning
#                                 lambda and mu in case of the
#                                 birth-death model)
# @param    prior_density_function        function    Function to calculate the
#                                 prior probability of a set of parameters
#                                 (should match prior_generating_function in
#                                 shape)
# @param    number_of_particles           scalar      Number of particles to be
#                                 used per iteration of the ABC-SMC algorithm.
# @param    sigma                         scalar      Standard deviation of the
#                                 perturbance distribution (perturbance
#                                 distribution is a gaussian with mean 0).
# @param    stop_rate                     scalar      If the acceptance rate
#                                 drops below \code{stopRate}, stop the ABC-SMC
#                                 algorithm  and assume convergence.
# @return                                 matrix      A matrix with n columns,
#                                 where n is the number of parameters you are
#                                 trying to estimate.
#' A function to perform Approximate Bayesian Computation within a
#' Sequential Markov Chain (ABC-SMC), for diversification analysis
#' of phylogenetic trees.
#' @description This function performs ABC-SMC as described in Toni 2009
#'   for given diversification model, provided a phylogenetic tree.
#'   ABC-SMC is not limited to only using the normalized LTT as statistic.
#' @usage
#'   abc_smc_nltt(
#'     tree, statistics, simulation_function, init_epsilon_values,
#'     prior_generating_function, prior_density_function,
#'     number_of_particles = 1000, sigma = 0.05, stop_rate = 1e-05
#'   )
#' @param tree an object of class \code{"phylo"}; the tree upon which we want
#'   to fit our diversification model
#' @param statistics A vector containing functions that take a tree
#'   as an argument and return a single scalar value (the statistic).
#' @param simulation_function A function that implements the
#'   diversification model and returns an object of class \code{"phylo"}.
#' @param init_epsilon_values A vector containing the initial threshold values
#'   for the summary statistics from the vector \code{statistics}.
#' @param prior_generating_function Function to generate parameters
#'   from the prior distribution of these parameters (e.g. a function returning
#'   lambda and mu in case of the birth-death model)
#' @param prior_density_function Function to calculate the prior probability
#'   of a set of parameters.
#' @param number_of_particles Number of particles to be used
#'   per iteration of the ABC-SMC algorithm.
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of the perturbance distribution
#'   (perturbance distribution is a gaussian with mean 0).
#' @param stop_rate If the acceptance rate drops below \code{stopRate},
#'   stop the ABC-SMC algorithm  and assume convergence.
#' @return A matrix with \code{n} columns,
#'   where \code{n} is the number of parameters you are trying to estimate.
#' @references  Toni, T., Welch, D., Strelkowa, N., Ipsen, A.,
#'   & Stumpf, M.P.H. (2009). Approximate Bayesian computation scheme for
#'   parameter inference and model selection in dynamical systems.
#'   Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 6(31), 187-202.
#' @export
#' @author Thijs Janzen
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'   prior_gen <- function() {
#'     return( rexp(n=2, rate=0.1) )
#'   }
#'   prior_dens <- function(val) {
#'     return( dexp( val[1], rate = 0.1) * dexp( val[2], rate = 0.1) )
#'   }
#'   require(TESS)
#'   treeSim <- function(params) {
#'     t <- TESS.sim.age(n=1, lambda = params[1], mu = params[2], age = 10)[[1]]
#'     return(t)
#'   }
#'   obs <- treeSim(c(0.5,0.1))
#'   statWrapper <- function(tree1) {
#'     return( nLTTstat_exact(tree1, obs, "abs"))
#'   }
#'   stats <- c(statWrapper)
#'   results <-  abc.smc.nltt(
#'     obs, stats, treeSim, init_epsilon_values = 0.2,
#'     prior_generating_function = prior_gen,
#'     prior_density_function = prior_dens,
#'     number_of_particles = 1000, sigma = 0.05, stop_rate = 1e-5
#'   )
#'   } # end of dontrun
abc_smc_nltt <- function( # nolint indeed a complex function
  number_of_particles = 1000,
  sigma = 0.05,
  stop_rate = 1e-5
) {
  if (!inherits(tree, "phylo")) {
    # Just checking
    stop("abc_smc_nltt: ",
         "tree must be of class 'phylo', ",
         "but was of type '", class(tree), "' instead")

  #statistics has to be a vector of functions
  if (!inherits(statistics, "list")) {
    stop("abc_smc_nltt: ",
         "the statistics function has to be given in vector style, ",
         "e.g.: c(statisticsfunction), instead of statisticsfunction")

  #just to get the number of parameters to be estimated.
  parameters <- prior_generating_function()

  # compute the observed statistics
  obs_statistics <- c()
  for (i in seq_along(statistics)) {
    obs_statistics[i] <- statistics[[i]](tree)

  stats <- c()

  #generate a matrix with epsilon values
  #we assume that the SMC algorithm converges within 50 iterations
  epsilon <- matrix(nrow = 50, ncol = length(init_epsilon_values))
  for (j in seq_along(init_epsilon_values)) {
    if (init_epsilon_values[j] < 0) {
      stop("abc_smc_nltt: ",
           "epsilon values have to be positive,",
           "but were instead: ", init_epsilon_values[j])

    for (i in seq_len(50)) {
      epsilon[i, j] <- init_epsilon_values[j] * exp(-0.5 * (i - 1))

  #store weights
  new_weights <- c()
  new_params <- list(c(seq_along(parameters)))
  previous_weights <- c()
  previous_params  <- list(c(seq_along(parameters)))
  indices <- 1:number_of_particles

  #convergence is expected within 50 iterations
  #usually convergence occurs within 20 iterations
  for (i in 1:50) {
    cat("\nGenerating Particles for iteration\t", i, "\n")

    print_frequency <- 20
    tried <- 0
    number_accepted <- 0

    #replace all vectors
    if (i > 1) {
      #normalize the weights and store them as previous weights.
      previous_weights <- new_weights / sum(new_weights)
      new_weights <- c() #remove all currently stored weights
      previous_params <- new_params #store found params
      new_params <- list(c(seq_along(parameters))) #clear new params

    stoprate_reached <- FALSE

    while (number_accepted < number_of_particles) {
      #in this initial step, generate parameters from the prior
      if (i == 1) {
        parameters <- prior_generating_function()
      } else {
        #if not in the initial step, generate parameters
        #from the weighted previous distribution:
        index <- sample(x = indices, size = 1,
                        replace = TRUE, prob = previous_weights)

        for (p_index in seq_along(parameters)) {
          parameters[p_index] <- previous_params[[index]][p_index]

        #only perturb one parameter, to avoid extremely
        #low acceptance rates due to simultaneous perturbation
        to_change <- sample(seq_along(parameters), 1)

        # perturb the parameter a little bit,
        #on log scale, so parameter doesn't go < 0
        eta <- log(parameters[to_change]) + stats::rnorm(1, 0, sigma)
        parameters[to_change] <- exp(eta)

      #reject if outside the prior
      if (prior_density_function(parameters) > 0) {
        #simulate a new tree, given the proposed parameters
        new_tree <- simulation_function(parameters)
        accept <- TRUE

        #calculate the summary statistics for the simulated tree
        for (k in seq_along(statistics)) {
          stats[k] <- statistics[[k]](new_tree)

        #check if the summary statistics are sufficiently
        #close to the observed summary statistics
        for (k in seq_along(statistics)) {
          if (abs(stats[k] - obs_statistics[k]) > epsilon[i, k]) {
            accept <- FALSE
            #the first step always accepts
            if (i == 1) accept <- TRUE

        if (accept) {
          number_accepted <- number_accepted + 1
          new_params[[number_accepted]] <- parameters
          accepted_weight <- 1
          #calculate the weight
          if (i > 1) {
            accepted_weight <- calculate_weight(previous_weights,
                                                previous_params, parameters,
                                                sigma, prior_density_function)
          new_weights[number_accepted] <- accepted_weight

          if ((number_accepted) %%
               (number_of_particles / print_frequency) == 0) {

      #convergence if the acceptance rate gets too low
      tried <- tried + 1
      if (tried > (1 / stop_rate)) {
        if ((number_accepted / tried) < stop_rate) {
          stoprate_reached <- TRUE

    if (stoprate_reached) {

  output <- c()
  for (k in seq_along(previous_params)) {
    add <- c()
    for (m in seq_along(parameters)) {
      add <- c(add, previous_params[[k]][m])
    output <- rbind(output, add)

# @brief Estimate the likelihood of a given tree, provided a likelihood
#'        function, using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain
# @date Last modified: 2014-20-09
# @author Thijs Janzen
# @since 2014-20-09, version 1.0
#' @param    phy                   phylo       Vector of weights
#' @param    likelihood_function   function    Function that calculates the
#'                                             likelihood of our diversification
#'                                             model, given the tree.
#'                                             function should be of the format
#'                                             function(parameters, phy).
#' @param    parameters            vector      Initial parameters to start
#'                                             the chain.
#' @param    logtransforms         scalar      Whether to perform jumps on
#'                                             logtransformed parameters (TRUE)
#'                                             or not (FALSE)
#' @param    iterations            scalar      Length of the chain
#' @param    burnin                scalar      Length of the burnin, default is
#'                                             30\% of iterations
#' @param    thinning              scalar      Size of thinning, default = 1
#' @param    sigma                 scalar      Standard deviation of the jumping
#'                                             distribution, which is
#'                                             N(0, sigma).
#' @return                         mcmc        An MCMC object, as used by the
#'                                             package "coda".
#' @export
mcmc_nltt <- function(# nolint indeed a complex function
  phy, likelihood_function,
  parameters, logtransforms, iterations,
  burnin = round(iterations / 3), thinning = 1, sigma = 1
) {

  #check data type of phy
  if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) {
    # Just checking
    stop("mcmc_nltt: ",
         "phy must be of class 'phylo', ",
         "but was of type '", class(phy), "' instead")

  # create a list for the samples & reserve memory for the chain
  chain <- array(dim = c(floor(iterations / thinning) + 1,

  for (j in seq_along(parameters)) {
    if (parameters[j] < 0) {
      #Just checking
      stop("mcmc_nltt: ",
           "initial parameter values have to be above zero\n",
           "but one was ", parameters[j], " instead")
  # pre-compute current posterior probability
  pp <- likelihood_function(parameters, phy)

  cat("\nGenerating Chain\n")
  print_frequency <- 20

  for (i in seq_len(burnin + iterations)) {
    #propose new values
    for (j in seq_along(parameters)) {
      if (logtransforms[j] == TRUE) {
        if (parameters[j] == 0) {
          stop("Cannot propose new value for a parameter with value 0.0.")

        eta           <- log(parameters[j])
        new_eta       <- eta + stats::rnorm(1, 0, sigma)
        new_val       <- exp(new_eta)
        # calculate the Hastings ratio
        hr            <- log(new_val / parameters[j])
        parameters[j] <- new_val
        new_pp        <- likelihood_function(parameters, phy)

        #accept or reject
        if (is.finite(new_pp) &&
            is.finite(hr) &&
            new_pp - pp + hr > log(stats::runif(1, 0, 1))) {
          pp <- new_pp
        } else {
          parameters[j] <- exp(eta)
      } else {

        eta           <- parameters[j]
        new_val       <- eta + stats::rnorm(1, 0, sigma)
        #calculate the Hastings ratio
        hr            <- 0.0
        parameters[j] <- new_val

        if (parameters[j] >= 0 & parameters[1] > 0) {
          new_pp        <- likelihood_function(parameters, phy)

          #accept or reject
          if (is.finite(new_pp) &&
              is.finite(hr) &&
              new_pp - pp + hr > log(stats::runif(1, 0, 1))) {
            pp <- new_pp
          } else {
            parameters[j] <- eta
        } else {
          parameters[j] <- eta

    # sample the parameter
    if (i >= burnin) {
      if ((i) %% ((iterations - burnin) / print_frequency) == 0) {
      if ((i - burnin) %% thinning == 0) {
        chain[(i - burnin) / thinning + 1, ] <- parameters
  cat("\nFinished MCMC.\n")
  #return a mcmc object, used by coda to plot
richelbilderbeek/nLTT documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 8 a.m.