
Defines functions assert_is assert_named assert_scalar_character_or_null assert_scalar_logical_or_null na_drop clean_package_name read_lines glue_whisker odin_file new_empty_env odin_message read_string from_json to_json hash_string sprintf_safe as_function substitute_ sort_list list_to_character drop_null scalar set_names adrop match_value odin_version squote dquote short_hash names_if is_duplicated expand_grid_int substitute_ `%||%` is_directory is_call is_integer_like strrep pastec counter collector_list collector deparse_str vcapply vnapply viapply vlapply

##' @importFrom stats setNames
vlapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
  vapply(X, FUN, logical(1), ...)
viapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
  vapply(X, FUN, integer(1), ...)
vnapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
  vapply(X, FUN, numeric(1), ...)
vcapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
  vapply(X, FUN, character(1), ...)

## Like deparse() but always produce a single string
deparse_str <- function(x) {
  paste(deparse(x), collapse = "\n")

collector <- function(init = character(0)) {
  env <- new_empty_env()
  env$res <- init
  add <- function(x, ..., literal = FALSE) {
    env$res <- c(env$res,
              if (literal) x else sprintf_safe(x, ...))
  list(add = add,
       length = function(x) length(env$res), # used only in debugging below
       get = function() env$res)

collector_list <- function(init = list()) {
  env <- new_empty_env()
  env$res <- init
  list(add = function(x) env$res <- c(env$res, list(x)),
       get = function() env$res)

counter <- function() {
  env <- new_empty_env()
  env$n <- 0L
  list(add = function() env$n <- env$n + 1L,
       get = function() env$n,
       reset = function(n) env$n <- 0L)

pastec <- function(..., collapse = ", ") {
  paste(..., collapse = collapse)

strrep <- function(n, x = " ") {
  paste(rep(x, n), collapse = "")

is_integer_like <- function(x, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
  is.integer(x) || (is.numeric(x) && all(abs(x - round(x)) < tol))

is_call <- function(expr, symbol) {
  if (is.character(symbol)) {
    symbol <- as.name(symbol)
  is.recursive(expr) && identical(expr[[1L]], symbol)

is_directory <- function(path) {
  file.exists(path) && file.info(path, extra_cols = FALSE)$isdir

`%||%` <- function(x, y) {
  if (is.null(x)) y else x

substitute_ <- function(expr, env) {
  eval(substitute(substitute(y, env), list(y = expr)))

expand_grid_int <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 1L) {
    matrix(seq_len(x), x, 1L)
  } else if (length(x) >= 2L) {
    unname(as.matrix(do.call("expand.grid", lapply(x, seq_len), quote = TRUE)))

is_duplicated <- function(x) {
  x %in% x[duplicated(x)]

names_if <- function(x) {

short_hash <- function(x) {
  substr(x, 1L, 8L)

dquote <- function(x) {
  sprintf('"%s"', x)

squote <- function(x) {
  sprintf("'%s'", x)

odin_version <- function() {
  list(odin = utils::packageVersion("odin"),
       cinterpolate = utils::packageVersion("cinterpolate"),
       r = getRversion(),
       platform = version$platform)

match_value <- function(x, choices, name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1L, is.character(x), !is.na(x))
  i <- match(x, choices)
  if (is.na(i)) {
    stop(sprintf("%s must be one of {%s}", name,
                 paste(choices, collapse = ", ")),
         call. = FALSE)

adrop <- function(x, i) {
  d <- dim(x)
  ok <- all(d[i] == 1L)
  if (!ok) {
    stop("Can't drop selected dimensions")
  dim(x) <- d[if (is.logical(i)) !i else -i]

set_names <- function(x, nms) {
  names(x) <- nms

scalar <- function(x) {

drop_null <- function(x) {
  x[!vlapply(x, is.null)]

list_to_character <- function(x) {
  vcapply(x, identity)

sort_list <- function(x) {

substitute_ <- function(expr, env) {
  eval(substitute(substitute(y, env), list(y = expr)))

as_function <- function(args, body, env) {
  as.function(c(args, body), env)

sprintf_safe <- function(fmt, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (any(vlapply(dots, is.null))) {
    stop("Passed empty format parameter to formatter")
  if (length(dots) == 0) {
  } else {
    sprintf(fmt, ...)

hash_string <- function(x) {
  digest::digest(charToRaw(x), serialize = FALSE)

## Wrappers around jsonlite
to_json <- function(dat, pretty = TRUE) {
  jsonlite::toJSON(dat, null = "null", pretty = pretty, digits = NA)

from_json <- function(x) {
  jsonlite::fromJSON(x, simplifyVector = FALSE)

read_string <- function(path) {
  readChar(path, file.info(path, extra_cols = FALSE)$size)

odin_message <- function(msg, verbose) {
  if (verbose) {

new_empty_env <- function() {
  new.env(parent = emptyenv())

odin_file <- function(...) {
  system.file(..., package = "odin", mustWork = TRUE)

glue_whisker <- function(template, data) {
  glue::glue_data(data, template, .open = "{{", .close = "}}", .trim = FALSE)

read_lines <- function(path) {
  paste(readLines(path), collapse = "\n")

clean_package_name <- function(name) {
  gsub("_", ".", name)

na_drop <- function(x) {

assert_scalar_logical_or_null <- function(x, name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (length(x) != 1 || !is.logical(x) || is.na(x)) {
      stop(sprintf("Expected '%s' to be a logical scalar (or NULL)", name))

assert_scalar_character_or_null <- function(x, name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (length(x) != 1 || !is.character(x) || is.na(x)) {
      stop(sprintf("Expected '%s' to be a character scalar (or NULL)", name))

assert_named <- function(x, unique = FALSE, name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  if (is.null(names(x))) {
    stop(sprintf("'%s' must be named", name), call. = FALSE)
  if (unique && any(duplicated(names(x)))) {
    stop(sprintf("'%s' must have unique names", name), call. = FALSE)

assert_is <- function(x, what, name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  if (!inherits(x, what)) {
    stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a %s", name, paste(what, collapse = " / ")),
         call. = FALSE)
richfitz/odin documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 1:11 p.m.