
This completely unofficial package includes miscellaneous helper functions for statistics classes in the Loma Linda University School of Medicine Department of Basic Sciences.


To install the package:

# If devtools is not installed, 
# install.package("devtools")


See each function's help page (e.g., ?resid_hist_qq()) for usage and examples.

Residual Plots

resid_fitted_plot() plots model residuals vs. fitted values.

resid_hist_qq() plots model residual histograms and Q-Q plots.

One-way ANOVA Confidence Intervals

pairwise_lsd_confint() produces pairwise Fisher's Least Significant Difference confidence intervals from a one-way ANOVA object.

pairwise_bonf_confint() produces pairwise Bonferroni confidence intervals from a one-way ANOVA object.

Probability and Odds

o_to_p() converts odds to probability.

p_to_o() converts probability to odds.

ricompute/llusmstats documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:18 a.m.