
Defines functions as.adjacency as.bn as.graph as.bn.matrix as.adjacency.parental as.parental as.parental.character as.bn.character as.parental.matrix as.parental.bn seemsPretty as.graph.parental as.parental.graphNEL as.bn.graphNEL as.bvsresponse as.bvsresponse.bvs as.bvsresponse.character as.character.bvsresponse as.character.bvsresponse.list as.bvs as.bvs.bvsresponse

Documented in as.adjacency as.adjacency.parental as.bn as.bn.character as.bn.graphNEL as.bn.matrix as.bvs as.bvs.bvsresponse as.bvsresponse as.bvsresponse.bvs as.bvsresponse.character as.character.bvsresponse as.character.bvsresponse.list as.graph as.graph.parental as.parental as.parental.bn as.parental.character as.parental.graphNEL as.parental.matrix seemsPretty

# Part of the "parental" package, http://github.com/rjbgoudie/parental
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) in
#   http://github.com/rjbgoudie/parental
# Note that it is required that attributions are retained with each function.
# Copyright 2008 Robert J. B. Goudie, University of Warwick

#' Convert an object to an adjacency matrix.
#' A generic for converting objects to adjacency matrices.
#' An adjacency matrix is a matrix A of dimension n x n, with A[i, j] = 1 if 
#' an edge exist between nodes i and j, where n is the number of nodes.
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to method
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.adjacency.parental}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(1), c(2))
#' as.adjacency(x)
as.adjacency <- function(x, ...) {

#' Convert an object to a bn.
#' A generic function that converts objects to \code{bn} objects
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to method
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.bn.matrix}}, \code{\link{as.bn.character}}, 
#'   \code{\link{as.bn.graphNEL}}
#' @examples
#' edgelist <- matrix(c(c(1,2), c(2, 3)), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#' colnames(edgelist) <- c("row", "col")
#' as.bn(edgelist, type = "edgelist", n = 3)
#' x <- "[][1][1,2][3]"
#' as.bn(x, pretty = TRUE)
#' if (require(graph)){
#'   set.seed(123)
#'   c1 <- c(1, 1, 2, 4)
#'   names(c1) <- as.character(1:4)
#'   g1 <- randomNodeGraph(c1)
#'   as.parental(g1)
#' }
as.bn <- function(x, ...) {

#' Convert an object to a graph.
#' graphNEL objects are from bioconductor package 'graph'. See 
#' \link[graph]{graphNEL-class}.
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to method
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.graph.parental}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (require(graph)){
#'   x <- bn(integer(0), 1, 2)
#'   y <- as.graph(x)
#'   edges(y)
#' }
as.graph <- function(x, ...){

#' Convert a matrix to a 'bn'.
#' See for 'as.parental.matrix' for details
#' @param x A matrix, as described in as.parental.matrix()
#' @param ... Passed to as.parental.matrix
#' @return An object of class 'bn'
#' @S3method as.bn matrix
#' @method as.bn matrix
#' @examples
#' edgelist <- matrix(c(c(1,2), c(2, 3)), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#' colnames(edgelist) <- c("row", "col")
#' as.bn(edgelist, type = "edgelist", n = 3)
as.bn.matrix <- function(x, ...){
  class(x) <- "matrix"
  out <- as.parental(x, ...)
  if (checkAcyclic(out)){
    class(out) <- c("bn", "parental")
  else {
    stop("Not a DAG")

#' Convert a object of class 'parental' to an adjacency matrix.
#' An adjacency matrix is a matrix A of dimension n x n, with A[i, j] = 1 if 
#' an edge exist between nodes i and j, where n is the number of nodes.
#' @param x A object of class 'parental'.
#' @param ... unused
#' @return An adjacency matrix.
#' @S3method as.adjacency parental
#' @method as.adjacency parental
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(1), c(2))
#' as.adjacency(x)
as.adjacency.parental <- function(x, ...){
  stopifnot("parental" %in% class(x))
  n <- nNodes(x)
  m <- matrix(0, n, n)
  # for (i in 1:n){
  #     for (j in 1:n){
  #       m[i, j] <- if(i %in% x[[j]]){
  #         1
  #       }
  #       else {
  #         0
  #       }
  #     }
  #   }
  for (j in seq.int(n)){
    m[x[[j]], j] <- 1


#' Convert an object to a parental object.
#' A generic function for converting objects to \code{\link{parental}} 
#' objects.
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to method
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.parental.bn}}, \code{\link{as.parental.matrix}},
#'   \code{\link{as.parental.character}}, \code{\link{as.parental.graphNEL}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- bn(c(), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' as.parental(x)
#' adjmat <- matrix(sample(c(0, 1), 100, rep = TRUE), 10, 10)
#' diag(adjmat) <- 0
#' as.parental(adjmat)
#' edgelist <- matrix(c(1, 2), nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
#' colnames(edgelist) <- c("row", "col")
#' as.parental(edgelist, type = "edgelist", n = 2)
#' x <- "[3][1][2][1][1,3]"
#' as.parental(x, pretty = TRUE)
#' x <- "3,1,2,1,c(1,3)"
#' as.parental(x)
#' if (require(graph)){
#'   set.seed(123)
#'   c1 <- c(1, 1, 2, 4)
#'   names(c1) <- as.character(1:4)
#'   g1 <- randomNodeGraph(c1)
#'   as.parental(g1)
#' }
as.parental <- function(x, ...){

#' Convert a character string to a parental.
#' Format required is one of two. Either standard or pretty. See examples.
#' @param x An character object
#' @param pretty A logical indicating whether the supplied object is pretty
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return A \code{parental} object.
#' @S3method as.parental character
#' @method as.parental character
#' @examples
#' x <- "[3][1][2][1][1,3]"
#' as.parental(x, pretty = TRUE)
#' x <- "3,1,2,1,c(1,3)"
#' as.parental(x)
as.parental.character <- function(x, pretty = F, ...){
  if (pretty){
    # handle nodes with no parents
    x <- gsub("\\[\\]", "\\[integer(0)\\]", x)
    # trim off leading [
    # and trailing ]
    x <- substr(x, 2, nchar(x) - 1)
    # split into nodes
    xsplit <- strsplit(x, "][", fixed = T)[[1]]
    # wrap up into the correct format
    x <- paste(paste("c(", xsplit, ")", sep = ""), collapse = ",")
  else {
    if (any(seemsPretty(x))){
      warning("It seems you submitted a pretty character. Try pretty = T")
  out <- lapply(x, function(id){
    temp <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(", id, ")", sep = "")))
    temp <- lapply(temp, as.integer)
    class(temp) <- "parental"
  if (length(x) == 1){
    out <- unlist(out, recursive = F)
    class(out) <- "parental"
  else {
    class(out) <- "parental.list"

#' Convert a character vector to a 'bn'.
#' Format required is one of two. Either standard or pretty. See examples.
#' @param x A character object
#' @param checkAcyclic Should the bn be checked for cycles? A logical.
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return A object of class \code{bn}.
#' @S3method as.bn character
#' @method as.bn character
#' @examples
#' x <- "[][1][1,2][3]"
#' as.bn(x, pretty = TRUE)
as.bn.character <- function(x, checkAcyclic = T, ...){
  out <- as.parental(x, ...)
  if ("parental.list" %in% class(out)){
    if (!isTRUE(checkAcyclic)){
      warning("Not checking for cycles!")
    out <- lapply(out, function(bn){
      if (isTRUE(checkAcyclic)){
        if (!isTRUE(checkAcyclic(bn))){
          stop("Contains a cyclic graph")
      class(bn) <- c("bn", "parental")
    class(out) <- c("bn.list", "parental.list")
  else {
    if (isTRUE(checkAcyclic)){
      if (!isTRUE(checkAcyclic(out))){
        stop("Contains a cyclic graph")
    else {
      warning("Not checking for cycles!")
    class(out) <- c("bn", "parental")

#' Convert a variety of matrix objects to 'parental' objects.
#' The supplied matrix x should either be an adjacency 
#' matrix (type = "adjacency"), or an edgelist (type = "edgelist").
#' Adjacency matrices should be an n x n matrix A with A[i, j] = 1 if an 
#' edge exists between node i and j. Edgelists are of the form returned 
#' by which(x == condition, arr.ind = TRUE) for matrices x in 
#' adjacency matrix form.
#' For type = "edgelist", the number of nodes n must be specified.
#' @param x An object of class 'matrix'
#' @param type Either "adjacency" or "edgelist"
#' @param n The number of nodes n. Only required for type = "edgelist"
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return An object of class 'parental'.
#' @S3method as.parental matrix
#' @method as.parental matrix
#' @examples
#' adjmat <- matrix(sample(c(0, 1), 100, rep = TRUE), 10, 10)
#' diag(adjmat) <- 0
#' as.parental(adjmat)
#' edgelist <- matrix(c(1, 2), nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
#' colnames(edgelist) <- c("row", "col")
#' as.parental(edgelist, type = "edgelist", n = 2)
as.parental.matrix <- function(x, type = "adjacency", n, ...){
  if (type == "adjacency"){
    if (class(x) != "matrix"){
      stop("Adjacency must be a matrix")
    if (length(dim(x)) != 2){
      stop("Must be two dimensional")
    if (dim(x)[1] != dim(x)[2]){
      stop("Must be square matrix")
    nNodes <- dim(x)[1]
    out <- lapply(seq_len(nNodes), function(i){
      which(x[, i] == 1) # returns integer
  else if (type == "edgelist"){
    stopifnot(class(x) == "matrix",
              isTRUE(missing(n)) == F)
    if (class(x) != "matrix"){
      stop("need a matrix for now")
    if (any(colnames(x) != c("row", "col"))){
      stop("colnames must be row and col")
    # this is at least consistent with edgeprobs!
    colnames(x) <- c("tail", "head")
    out <- lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) integer(0))
    if (nrow(x) > 0){
      apply(x, 1, function(row){
        head <- unname(row["head"])
        tail <- unname(row["tail"])
        out[[head]] <<- c(out[[head]], as.integer(tail))
  class(out) <- "parental"

#' Convert a 'bn' to a 'parental'.
#' @param x An object of class 'bn'
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return The object 'x', but of class 'parental'
#' @S3method as.parental bn
#' @method as.parental bn
#' @examples
#' x <- bn(c(), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' as.parental(x)
as.parental.bn <- function(x, ...){
  class(x) <- "parental"

# Note:
# Pretty printing of integer sequences c(1L,2L,3L)
# goes to
# 1:3
#' Convert a parental object to a character vector.
#' Converts a parental object to a character representation.
#' @param x A character vector
#' @param pretty A logical, which determines the format of the output
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return An object of class "parental"
#' @S3method as.character parental
#' @method as.character parental
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' as.character(x)
#' x <- parental(c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' as.character(x, pretty = TRUE)
as.character.parental <- function (x, pretty = F, ...) {
  if (pretty){
    # Collapse to comma separated, and paste together
    # then unlist
    # then 
    out <- paste(unlist(lapply(x, paste, collapse = ",", sep = ""), 
                    use.names = F, recursive = F), sep = "", collapse= "][")
    # the big problem with this approach is the as.character
    # limit for deparsing language objects at 500L
    #res <- paste(deparse(x), collapse = "")
    #res <- gsub(" ", "", substr(res, 16, nchar(res) - 1))
    #res <- replaceCommasWithinVectors(res)
    #  gsub(";", ",", # switch semicolons to comma
    #  gsub(",", "][", # remove commas
    #  gsub("c", "", # remove c
    #  gsub("integer0", "", # remove integer0
    #  gsub(")", "", # remove closing brackets
    #  gsub("(", "", # remove opening brackets
    #  gsub(" ", "", res # remove spaces
    #, fixed = T), fixed = T), fixed = T), fixed = T), fixed = T), 
    #        fixed = T), fixed = T), 
    #"]", sep = "") # add closing ]
    out <- gsub(" ", "", out, fixed = T) # remove spaces
    paste("[", out, "]", collapse = "", sep = "")
  else {
    out <- .Internal(paste(list(unclass(x)), "", ","))
    gsub(" ", "", out, fixed = T) # remove spaces
    #res <- 
    #res <- paste(deparse(x), collapse = "")
    #gsub("L", "", gsub(" ", "", substr(res, 16, nchar(res) - 31), 
    # fixed = T), fixed = T)

#' Convert a 'parental list' to a character vector.
#' @param x A object of class 'parental.list'. A list of \code{parental} 
#'   objects
#' @param pretty A logical of length 1 indicating if the character vectors 
#'   are pretty-printed.
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return A character vector.
#' @S3method as.character parental.list
#' @method as.character parental.list
#' @examples
#' p1 <- parental(c(), c(1), c(1, 2, 4), c(3))
#' p2 <- parental(c(2), c(), c(4), c(2, 3))
#' x <- parental.list(p1, p2)
#' as.character(x)
as.character.parental.list <- function (x, pretty = F, ...) {
  sapply(x, as.character, pretty)
  #if (pretty == F){
  #  #res <- as.character(unclass(x))
  #  #gsub(" ", "", substr(res, 6, sapply(res, nchar) - 1))
  #else {
  #  sapply(x, as.character, pretty)
  #  #res <- as.character.default(x)
  #  #res <- replaceCommasWithinVectors(res)
  #  ## the following substitutions are performed in reverse order
  #  #paste(
  #  #  gsub(";", ",", # switch semicolons to comma
  #  #  gsub("list", "[", # switch list to [
  #  #  gsub("c", "", # remove c
  #  #  gsub("integer0", "", # remove integer0
  #  #  gsub(")", "", # remove closing brackets
  #  #  gsub("(", "", # remove opening brackets
  #  #  gsub(",", "][", # remove commas
  #  #  gsub(" ", "", res # remove spaces
  #  #, fixed = T), fixed = T), fixed = T), fixed = T), fixed = T), 
  #     fixed = T), fixed = T), fixed = T), 
  #  #"]", sep = "") # add closing ]

#' Heuristic test for pretty-printing.
#' #' A heuristic test for whether it appears that x is 'pretty-printed'. ie 
#' whether it is of the form [2][][3] (printed-printed) or 
#' "c(2L), integer(0), c(3L)" (not pretty-printed)
#' @param x A character vector defining a 'parental' object
#' @return A logical of length 1. Returns true if it appears x is 
#'   pretty-printed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seemsPretty("integer(0),1,c(1,2,4),3")
#' seemsPretty("[][1][2]")
seemsPretty <- function(x){
  isTRUE(substring(x, 1, 1) == "[")

#replaceCommasWithinVectors <- function(input){
#  prev <- input
#  current <- gsub("(?<=c\\()([^\\)]+?),([^\\)]+?)(?=\\))", "\\1;\\2", 
#         prev, perl = TRUE)
#  while (any(current != prev)){
#    prev <- current
#    current <- gsub("(?<=c\\()([^\\)]+?),([^\\)]+?)(?=\\))", "\\1;\\2", 
#         prev, perl = TRUE)
#  }
#  current

#' Convert a 'parental' object to a 'graphNEL' object.
#' graphNEL objects are from bioconductor package 'graph'
#' Note that graphNEL's edge list are *children* lists.
#' @param x An object of class 'parental'
#' @param ... unused
#' @return An object of class 'graphNEL'.
#' @S3method as.graph parental
#' @method as.graph parental
#' @examples
#' if (require(graph)){
#'   x <- bn(integer(0), 1, 2)
#'   y <- as.graph(x)
#'   edges(y)
#' }
as.graph.parental <- function(x, ...){
  x <- getChildren(x) # convert to children list
  nodeNames <- as.character(seq_along(x))
  edL <- lapply(x, as.character)
  edL <- lapply(edL, function(adj) list(edges = adj))
  names(edL) <- nodeNames
  new("graphNEL", nodes = nodeNames, edgeL = edL, edgemode = "directed")

#' Convert a graphNEL object to a 'parental' object.
#' graphNEL objects are from bioconductor package 'graph'
#' Note that graphNEL's edge list are *children* lists.
#' @param x An object of class 'graphNEL'
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return An object of class 'parental'.
#' @S3method as.parental graphNEL
#' @method as.parental graphNEL
#' @examples
#' if (require(graph)){
#'   set.seed(123)
#'   c1 <- c(1, 1, 2, 4)
#'   names(c1) <- as.character(1:4)
#'   g1 <- randomNodeGraph(c1)
#'   as.parental(g1)
#' }
as.parental.graphNEL <- function(x, ...){
  edL <- graph::edges(x)
  edL <- lapply(edL, factor, levels = names(edL))
  edL <- unname(edL)
  edL <- lapply(edL, as.integer)
  edL <- lapply(edL, sort.int)
  class(edL) <- "parental"
  edL <- getChildren(edL) # convert to parent list
  class(edL) <- "parental"

#' Convert a graphNEL object to a 'bn' object.
#' graphNEL objects are from bioconductor package 'graph'
#' Note that graphNEL's edge list are *children* lists.
#' @param x An object of class 'graphNEL'
#' @param ... unused
#' @return An object of class 'bn'.
#' @S3method as.bn graphNEL
#' @method as.bn graphNEL
#' @examples
#' if (require(graph)){
#'   set.seed(123)
#'   c1 <- c(1, 1, 2, 4)
#'   names(c1) <- as.character(1:4)
#'   g1 <- randomNodeGraph(c1)
#'   as.parental(g1)
#' }
as.bn.graphNEL <- function(x, ...){
  res <- as.parental(x)
  if (!checkAcyclic(res)){
    stop("Not acyclic")
  class(res) <- c("bn", "parental")

#' Convert an object a 'bvsresponse' object.
#' A generic
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... further arguments passed to method
#' @export
as.bvsresponse <- function(x, ...){

#' Convert a 'bvs' object to a 'bvsresponse' object.
#' A 'bvs' object is a full 'parental' object, whereas a 'bvsresponse' 
#' object is smaller object designed specifically for fast MCMC iterations.
#' @param x An object of class 'bvsresponse'
#' @param response An integer of length 1 specifying which node is 
#'   the response. This is not required, except for the empty graph.
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return An object of class 'bvsresponse'.
#' @S3method as.bvsresponse bvs
#' @method as.bvsresponse bvs
as.bvsresponse.bvs <- function(x, response, ...){
  stopifnot("bvs" %in% class(x),
  if (missing(response)){
    response <- which(sapply(x, length) > 0)
    if (length(response) == 0){
      err <- paste("Could not guess which node is the response,", 
                   "please provide 'response' as an argument.")
  bvsresponse(x = x[[response]],
              response = response,
              nNodes = length(x))

#' Convert character vector to 'bvsresponse'.
#' Convert a character vector (a comma-separated string) specifying the 
#' parents of a response to a 'bvsresponse' object.
#' For example, as.bvsresponse("1,2,3", 4, 5) returns a 'bvsresponse' object 
#' with 5 nodes, with node 4 as response, and nodes 1, 2 and 3 as its 
#' parents.
#' @param x A character string (possibly vector), a comma-separated list of 
#'   the parents of the response.
#' @param response An integer of length 1 specifying which node 
#'   is the response.
#' @param nNodes An integer of length 1 specifying the number of nodes in 
#'   the variable selection.
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return If length(x) == 1:
#'     An object of class 'bvsresponse'.
#'   If length(x) > 1:
#'     A list of class "bvsresponse.list" containing a number of 
#'     'bvsresponse' objects
#' @S3method as.bvsresponse character
#' @method as.bvsresponse character
as.bvsresponse.character <- function(x, response, nNodes, ...){
  stopifnot("character" %in% class(x),
            length(response) == 1,
            length(nNodes) == 1)
  res <- lapply(x, function(parents){
    parents <- eval(parse(text = paste("c(", parents, ")")))
    parents <- as.integer(parents)
    parents <- sort.int(parents)
    bvsresponse(parents, response, nNodes)
  if (length(x) == 1){
    res <- unlist(res, recursive = F)
    class(res) <- "bvsresponse"
  else {
    class(res) <- "bvsresponse.list"

#' Convert 'bvsresponse' to character vector.
#' Convert a 'bvsresponse' object to a character string. Note that the 
#' number of nodes, and which node the response is not contained in the 
#' resulting character string.
#' For example, as.character() on a bvsresponse with 10 nodes, response 
#' node 5, which has parents 2, 3, 6, and 10 returns "2,3,6,10".
#' @param x An object of class 'bvsresponse'
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return An object of class 'parental'.
#' @S3method as.character bvsresponse
#' @method as.character bvsresponse
as.character.bvsresponse <- function(x, ...){
  stopifnot("bvsresponse" %in% class(x))
  paste(x$parents, sep = "", collapse = ",")

#' Convert 'bvsresponse list' to character vector.
#' Convert a 'bvsresponse.list' object to a character string. Note that the 
#' number of nodes, and which node the response is not contained in the 
#' resulting character string. 
#' This function passes the list to as.character.bvsresponse()
#' @param x An object of class 'bvsresponse.list'
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return A character vector, each component of which is a character 
#'   representation of the parents of each 'bvsresponse' included in x.
#' @S3method as.character bvsresponse.list
#' @method as.character bvsresponse.list
as.character.bvsresponse.list <- function(x, ...){
  stopifnot(class(x) == "bvsresponse.list")
  sapply(x, as.character)

#' Convert objects to a bvs.
#' A generic function
#' @param x An object 
#' @param ... further arguments passed to methods
#' @export
as.bvs <- function(x, ...){

#' Convert 'bvsresponse' to 'bvs'.
#' Convert a 'bvsresponse' object to a 'bvs' object. A 'bvs' object is a 
#' full 'parental' object, whereas a 'bvsresponse' object is smaller 
#' object designed specifically for fast MCMC iterations.
#' @param x An object of class 'bvsresponse'
#' @param ... further arguments (unused)
#' @return An object of class 'bvs'.
#' @S3method as.bvs bvsresponse
#' @method as.bvs bvsresponse
as.bvs.bvsresponse <- function(x, ...){
  stopifnot(class(x) == "bvsresponse")
  res <- empty(x$nNodes, class = "bvs")
  res[[x$response]] <- x$parents
rjbgoudie/parental documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:11 a.m.