
Defines functions nNodes nNodes.parental indegrees indegrees.parental nEdges getChildren checkAcyclic topologicallyOrder setdiff2 numberOfMovesBetweenIgnoringCycles route psetdiff pintersect punion lpunion routes routesAddEdge routesRemoveEdge neighbourhoodSize

Documented in checkAcyclic getChildren indegrees indegrees.parental lpunion nEdges neighbourhoodSize nNodes nNodes.parental numberOfMovesBetweenIgnoringCycles pintersect psetdiff punion route routes routesAddEdge routesRemoveEdge setdiff2 topologicallyOrder

# Part of the "parental" package, http://github.com/rjbgoudie/parental
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) in
#   http://github.com/rjbgoudie/parental
# Note that it is required that attributions are retained with each function.
# Copyright 2008 Robert J. B. Goudie, University of Warwick

#' Number of nodes.
#' A generic to get the number of nodes of a graph object.
#' @param x A graph object
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to method
#' @return The number of nodes in \code{parental}, an integer.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nNodes.parental}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' nNodes(x)
nNodes <- function(x, ...){

#' Number of nodes/vertices.
#' Get the number of nodes in a \code{parental} object
#' @param x An object of class \code{parental}
#' @param ... Further arguments (unused)
#' @return The number of nodes in \code{parental}, an integer.
#' @export
#' @S3method nNodes parental
#' @method nNodes parental
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' nNodes(x)
nNodes.parental <- function(x, ...){
    "parental" %in% class(x)

#' Indegrees.
#' A generic to get the indegree of each node of the supplied graph
#' @param x An object of class \code{parental}
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to method
#' @return A vector of length \code{nNodes(x)}, with the indegrees of each 
#'   node of \code{x}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{indegrees.parental}}
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' indegrees(x)
indegrees <- function(x, ...){

#' Indegrees.
#' Get the indegree of each node of the supplied graph
#' @param x An object of class \code{parental}
#' @param ... Further arguments, currently unused
#' @return A vector of length \code{nNodes(x)}, with the indegrees of each 
#'   node of \code{x}
#' @export
#' @S3method indegrees parental
#' @method indegrees parental
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' indegrees(x)
indegrees.parental <- function(x, ...){
    "parental" %in% class(x)
  sapply(x, length)

#' Number of edges.
#' Get the number of edges in a \code{parental} object
#' @param parental An object of class \code{parental}
#' @return The number of edges in \code{parental}, an integer.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' nEdges(x)
nEdges <- function(parental){
  stopifnot("parental" %in% class(parental))

#' Children lists.
#' Create a list, with each component listing the direct children of the 
#' corresponding node in the supplied parental.
#' @param parental An object of class \code{parental}
#' @return A list, the ith component of which is a numeric vector listing 
#'   the nodes that are children of node i.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' getChildren(x)
getChildren <- function(parental){
  stopifnot("parental" %in% class(parental))
  seq <- seq_along(parental)
  lapply(seq, function(i){
      sapply(seq, function(j){
        if (i %in% parental[[j]]){
        else {
  #nodeSeq <- seq_along(parental)
  #nNodes <- length(parental)
  #out <- vector("list", length = nNodes)
  ## for each node
  #lapply(nodeSeq, function(i){
  #  # get that node's parents
  #  parents <- parental[[i]]
  #  nParents <- length(parents)
  #  parentsSeq <- seq_len(nParents)
  #  # add the current node's number
  #  # to each of the parents children
  #  # lists
  #  new <- as.list(rep(i, nParents))
  #  out[parents] <<- lapply(parentsSeq, function(i){
  #    node <- parents[[i]]
  #    c(new[[i]], out[[node]])
  #  })

#' Acyclicity testing.
#' Check for cycles in a directed graph.
#' @param parental An object of class \code{parental}
#' @return A logical. TRUE if \code{parental} is acyclic. FALSE if 
#'   \code{parental} contains a cycle.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' checkAcyclic(x)
checkAcyclic <- function(parental){
  stopifnot("parental" %in% class(parental))
  # Graphs, Networks and Algorithms By Dieter Jungnickel
  # Third Edition p48

  N <- 1
  indegrees <- sapply(parental, length)
  L <- which(indegrees == 0)
  topnr <- numeric(length = nNodes(parental))
  children <- getChildren(parental)
  while (length(L) > 0){
    v <- L[1]
    L <- setdiff(L, v)
    topnr[v] <- N
    N <- N + 1
    for (w in children[[v]]){
      indegrees[w] <- indegrees[w] - 1
      if (indegrees[w] == 0){
        L <- union(L,  w)
  # true if is acyclic
  # ie TRUE == no cycle
  # FALSE = cycle exists
  if (N == nNodes(parental) + 1) T else F

#' Topological ordering.
#' Finds a permutation of the nodes 1, ..., p such that each all ancestors 
#' of each node have a lower place in the order.
#' @param parental An object of class \code{parental}
#' @return A numeric vector. The order.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' topologicallyOrder(x)
topologicallyOrder <- function(parental){
  stopifnot("parental" %in% class(parental))
  # slow but worth it for error checking for now
  if (!checkAcyclic(parental)) stop("The BN must be acyclic")
  N <- 1
  indegrees <- sapply(parental, length)
  L <- which(indegrees == 0)
  topnr <- numeric(length = nNodes(parental))
  order <- rep(NA, length(parental))
  order[seq_along(L)] <- L
  children <- getChildren(parental)
  wh <- vector("numeric", 1)
  while (length(L) > 0){
    v <- L[1]
    L <- setdiff(L, v)
    topnr[v] <- N
    N <- N + 1
    for (w in children[[v]]){
      indegrees[w] <- indegrees[w] - 1
      if (indegrees[w] == 0){
        L <- union(L,  w)
        wh <- match(T, is.na(order))
        order[wh] <- w

#' A dual-direction, fast (and dangerous!) version of setdiff.
#' setdiff() is not symmetric. This function returns a list with component 
#' 1 equivalent to setdiff(x, y) and component 2 equivalent to 
#' setdiff(y, x).
#' Note that unlike setdiff() THE OUTPUT MAY CONTAIN DUPLICATES. 
#' eg     setdiff2(c(1,1,2), c(2, 3))[[1]] == c(1, 1)
#'    BUT setdiff(c(1, 1, 2), c(2, 3)) == 1
#' Additionally the inputs are NOT coerced to vectors, again, unlike setdiff
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @param y A numeric vector
#' @return A list of length 2, with setdiff(x, y) in component 1 and 
#'   setdiff(y, x) in component 2 (apart from the differences described 
#'   above).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' setdiff2(c(1,1,2), c(2, 3))[[1]]
#' setdiff(c(1, 1, 2), c(2, 3))
setdiff2 <- function(x, y){
  list(x[match(x, y, 0L) == 0L], y[match(y, x, 0L) == 0L])

#' Number of moves between graphs.
#' Compute the number of edge additions, removals (and single-edge flips if 
#' allowFlips = T) that would be required to morph from network x to network 
#' y, both of which are objects of class 'parental'. The measure is 
#' symmetric.
#' The parental objects x and y must have the same number of 
#' nodes. No attempt is made to account for whether intermediate graphs are 
#' cyclic (but perhaps there is always one ordering of the moves that is 
#' OK?).
#' @param x An object of class "parental"
#' @param y An object of class "parental"
#' @param components A logical of length 1, indicating whether the 
#'   total number of moves required to morph x to y should be returned 
#'   (components = F) or if the number of changes required for 
#'   each node should be returned (components = T). 
#' @param allowFlips Allow single-edge flip moves. This is not compatible 
#'   with components = T, because it is not clear for which node to 
#'   account flip moves.
#' @return if components == FALSE:
#'     A numeric of length 1 indicating the number of moves required.
#'   if components == TRUE:
#'     A number number of length (nNodes(x) == nNodes(y)).
#'     The figure in position i of the vector relates to the number changes 
#'     that need to be made to change the inward bound edges toward node i.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bn1 <- bn(2, integer(0))
#' bn2 <- bn(integer(0), 1)
#' numberOfMovesBetweenIgnoringCycles(bn1, bn2)
numberOfMovesBetweenIgnoringCycles <- function(x, y, 
                                               components = F,
                                               allowFlips = F){
    length(x) == length(y),
    "parental" %in% class(x),
    "parental" %in% class(y),
    class(components) == "logical",
    length(components) == 1,
    class(allowFlips) == "logical",
    length(allowFlips) == 1
  if (isTRUE(components) && isTRUE(allowFlips)){
    stop("components and allFlips cannot both be true")
  diffs <- mapply(setdiff2, x, y, SIMPLIFY = F, USE.NAMES = F)
  if (allowFlips){
    # loop over each node
    for (currentchild in seq_along(x)){
      # for each difference
      toremove <- integer(0)
      sq <- seq_along(diffs[[currentchild]][[1]])
      for (wh in sq){
        currentparent <- diffs[[currentchild]][[1]][wh]
        if (currentchild %in% y[[currentparent]]){
          toremove <- c(toremove, wh)
      new <- setdiff(sq, toremove)
      diffs[[currentchild]][[1]] <- diffs[[currentchild]][[1]][new]
  if (components){
    getComponentLength <- function(x, i){
    sapply(diffs, getComponentLength, 1) + 
      sapply(diffs, getComponentLength, 2)
  else {
    length(unlist(diffs, use.names = F))

#' Unknown.
#' @param x An object of class \code{parental}
#' @param y An object of class \code{parental}
#' @export
route <- function(x, y){
    length(x) == length(y),
    "parental" %in% class(x),
    "parental" %in% class(y)
  diffs <- mapply(setdiff2, x, y, SIMPLIFY = F, USE.NAMES = F)

#' Undocumented.
#' ....
#' @param parental1 ...
#' @param parental2 ...
#' @param count ...
#' @export
psetdiff <- function(parental1, parental2, count = F){
    length(parental1) == length(parental2),
    "parental" %in% class(parental1),
    "parental" %in% class(parental2),
    class(count) == "logical"
  res <- mapply(setdiff, parental1, parental2,
                SIMPLIFY = F, USE.NAMES = F)
  if (count){
  else {
    class(res) <- "parental"

#' Undocumented.
#' ....
#' @param parental1 ...
#' @param parental2 ...
#' @param count ...
#' @export
pintersect <- function(parental1, parental2, count = F){
    length(parental1) == length(parental2),
    "parental" %in% class(parental1),
    "parental" %in% class(parental2),
    class(count) == "logical"
  res <- mapply(intersect, parental1, parental2)
  if (count){
  else {
    class(res) <- "parental"

#' Undocumented.
#' ....
#' @param parental1 ...
#' @param parental2 ...
#' @export
punion <- function(parental1, parental2){
    length(parental1) == length(parental2),
    "parental" %in% class(parental1),
    "parental" %in% class(parental2)
  res <- mapply(c, parental1, parental2)
  res <- lapply(res, function(parents){
  class(res) <- "parental"

#' Undocumented.
#' ....
#' @param pl ...
#' @export
lpunion <- function(pl){
    "parental.list" %in% class(pl)
  numberOfNodesVector <- sapply(pl, length)
  numberOfNodes <- numberOfNodesVector
  classVector <- sapply(pl, class)
    all(numberOfNodesVector[[1]], numberOfNodesVector)
  numberOfParentals <- length(pl)
  out <- lapply(seq_len(numberOfNodes), function(i){
    select <- seq(i, numberOfNodes * numberOfParentals, by = numberOfNodes)
    sort.int(unique(unlist(unlist(pl, rec = F)[select])))
  if (length(dim(classVector)) == 2){
    class(out) <- classVector[, 1]
  else {
    class(out) <- classVector[1]

#' Get routes matrix for a 'bn'.
#' Returns a matrix encoding the number of routes between the nodes of the 
#' bn x.
#' Element (i, j) contains the number of routes from node i to node j
#' for i != j
#' Element (i, i) contains 1 for all i.
#' @param x An object of class 'bn'.
#' @return A matrix of dimension nNodes(x) x nNodes(x)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- bn(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' routes(x)
routes <- function(x){
  stopifnot("bn" %in% class(x))
  nNodes <- nNodes(x)
  nodesSeq <- seq.int(nNodes)
  routes <- matrix(0, nNodes, nNodes)
  diag(routes) <- 1
  for (head in nodesSeq){
    for (tail in x[[head]]){
      routes <- routes + outer(routes[, tail], routes[head, ])

#' Update a routes matrix (edge addition).
#' A routes matrix is a matrix A, such that each element (i, j) is the 
#' number of routes from i to j in some directed graph.
#' This function updates the routes matrix to account for the addition of 
#' an edge from i to j in the directed graph
#' @param x A routes matrix
#' @param i The node from which the added edge emanates
#' @param j The node that the added edge goes to
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{routes}}, \code{\link{routesRemoveEdge}}
#' @examples
#' x1 <- bn(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' x2 <- bn(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2, 3))
#' y <- routes(x1)
#' routesAddEdge(y, 3, 4)
#' routes(x2)
routesAddEdge <- function(x, i, j){
  x + x[, i] %*% .Internal(t.default((x[j, ])))

#' Update a routes matrix (edge removal).
#' A routes matrix is a matrix A, such that each element (i, j) is the 
#' number of routes from i to j in some directed graph.
#' This function updates the routes matrix to account for the deletion of 
#' an edge from i to j in the directed graph
#' @param x A routes matrix
#' @param i The node from which the removed edge emanates
#' @param j The node that the removed edge goes to
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{routes}}, \code{\link{routesAddEdge}}
#' @examples
#' x1 <- bn(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' x2 <- bn(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2, 3))
#' y <- routes(x2)
#' routesRemoveEdge(y, 3, 4)
#' routes(x1)
routesRemoveEdge <- function(x, i, j){
  x - x[, i] %*% .Internal(t.default((x[j, ])))

#' Neighbourhood size.
#' Computes the number of DAGs that can be reach by adding, removing or 
#' reversing the direction (?) of a single arc
#' @param x An object of class \code{parental}
#' @return The size of the neighbourhood (an integer)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- bn(c(), c(3), c(1), c(1, 2))
#' neighbourhoodSize(x)
neighbourhoodSize <- function(x){
  # this algorithm is pretty rubbish
  stopifnot("bn" %in% class(x))
  nNodes <- nNodes(x)
  nodesSeq <- seq.int(nNodes)
  routes <- matrix(0, nNodes, nNodes)
  diag(routes) <- 1
  adj <- matrix(0, nNodes, nNodes)

  for (head in nodesSeq){
    for (tail in x[[head]]){
      routes <- routes + outer(routes[, tail], routes[head, ])
      adj[tail, head] <- 1
  length(routes[routes == 0 | (routes == 1 & adj == 1)])
rjbgoudie/parental documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:11 a.m.