Parasitic behavior simulation code

This R package contains the code necessary to replicate the simulations in the paper ``Parasitic behavior may hurt or help social learners''. These are stochastic, numerical simulations of the analytical model presented in the paper's appendix.

The package can be quickly installed by using dev_tools:


Load the package and bring up the overview with:


See the R help page ?sim_slpb for complete code necessary to replicate each of the figures in the paper. For example, the frequency plot portion of Figure 1 can be replicated with:

x <- sim_slpb( tmax=200 , u=0.1 , s=0.6 , d=0 , e=0 , h=0 , v=0.5 , w=2 , mu=1e-3 , b=3 , c=1 , r=0 , w0=10 , evolve=TRUE , sto=TRUE , p=c(0.09,0.91,0) , q=0.3 )
plotsim(x , show_alleles=c(NA,"black",NA) , showk=FALSE , yaxp=c(0,1,2) )

rmcelreath/parasiticbehaviorsim documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:29 a.m.