  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.align = "center"

Exploring a Biological Data Set

Missing data

Zeroes, NA, NaN and NULL

Let's examine a data frame with some missing data.


filter with

You can identify variables with NA values by combining filter() and

# find rows where name is NA
missing_ex %>% filter(

# find rows where id is *not* NA
missing_ex %>% filter(!


You can remove all rows containing NA values with na.omit().

missing_ex %>% na.omit()

Computing with NA values

Exclude NA values from operations with na.rm = TRUE.


# if NAs are present, the result is NA

# solution: drop NAs from the calculation
sum(missing_ex$value1, na.rm = TRUE)


  1. How many rows of missing_ex have NA values for either value1 or value2 (27)?

  2. How many rows of missing_ex remain after filtering out id values of NA (25)?

  3. Calculate the mean for values in each group in missing_ex. Use summarize(), then try summarize_at().

A "simple" biological data set

The brauer_gene_exp data contains a data set from a manuscript describing how gene expression changes in yeast under several nutrient limitation conditions.

We'll explore this data in broad strokes to get you thinking about how to ask simple biological questions with a complex data set. We'll draw from a more thorough examination by David Robinson in a blog post---this is a good read if you're interested in digging in more deeply.

Sorting and sampling data

sorted <- brauer_gene_exp %>%
  select(systematic_name, rate, expression) %>%
  arrange(rate, desc(expression))

sorted %>% head(10)

sorted %>% tail(10)

You can also use the View() function to examine the data in a spreadsheet-like viewer.

sorted %>% View()

Sampling rows

Use sample_n() and sample_frac() to randomly select rows from a large data set. Get a reproducible sample using set.seed()


# sample 1e5 rows
brauer_gene_exp %>% sample_n(1e3)

# sample 10% of the rows
brauer_gene_exp %>% sample_frac(0.1)

Joining tables

Many biological databases store information in multiple tables. These tables are related by a common identifier: a gene name, or possibly a numeric identifer.

We will use two datasets brauer_gene_exp and yeast_prot_prop to illustrate how data from related tables can be combined using joining operations.

Examine the two tables and identify common variables for linking. If the variables have different names, Use the by argument to left_join() to specify common variables.

gene_exp_rate <- brauer_gene_exp %>% select(systematic_name, rate, expression)
gene_mw <- yeast_prot_prop %>% select(ORF, Mw)

# Find rows from gene_exp_rate with a match in gene_mw and return all variables
left_join(gene_exp_rate, gene_mw, by = c("systematic_name" = "ORF"))

# Find rows from gene_exp_rate with a match in gene_mw and return only the gene_exp_rate variables
semi_join(gene_exp_rate, gene_mw, by = c("systematic_name" = "ORF"))

# Find rows from gene_exp_rate *without* a match in gene_mw
anti_join(gene_exp_rate, gene_mw, by = c("systematic_name" = "ORF"))


  1. Calucate mean expression values for each systematic_name in brauer_gene_exp. How do the numbers change after sampling 1% of the data?

  2. How many unique gene names (systematic_name) are shared between the brauer_gene_exp and yeast_prot_prop tables? (5,536).

Relationships between variables

We'll use the brauer_gene_exp data set to illustrate how you can use summary statistics to capture relationships between many variables.

This plot illustrates the relationship between gene expression and growth rate for the Grr1/YJR090C gene under glucose limitation.


exp_data <- brauer_gene_exp %>%
  filter(nutrient == "Glucose" & systematic_name == "YJR090C")

exp_data %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = rate, y = expression)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) + 
  ggtitle("Gene expression vs. growth rate for Grr3 under glucose limitation")

You can also use lm() to model this relationship.

lm(expression ~ rate, exp_data)

The results of many statistical operations (lm(), t.test(), cor.test()) are not tidy and relevant parameters are not easily assessible. The broom package provides a function called tidy() that tidies the results of these operations.

fit <- exp_data %>% lm(expression ~ rate, data = .)

Summaries for mutliple groups

Can we capture linear relationships between expression and rate for all combinations of variables? This is surprisingly easy.

# this takes ~60 seconds to run
models <- brauer_gene_exp %>%
  select(systematic_name:expression) %>%
  group_by(systematic_name, nutrient) %>%
  nest() %>%
  # remove `head` to generate the full data set
  head() %>% 
    model = map(data, ~ tidy(lm(rate ~ expression, data = .x)))
  ) %>%

Plot the expression / rate relationship for the top-ten most significant genes. Color lines by nutrient.

topten <- models %>%
  unnest() %>%
  arrange(p.value) %>%
  head(10) %>%

topten_exp <- brauer_gene_exp %>% semi_join(topten)

topten_exp %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = rate, y = expression, color = nutrient)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~systematic_name + name) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")

rnabioco/eda documentation built on July 12, 2022, 2:17 p.m.