tabler: quick and simple regression tables

The tabler package offer a quick way to make nicely-formatted tables of multiple regression models. This is not meant to have all of the customizability of other packages like stargazer or estout, and it currently exports to spreadsheet format (csv or xls/xlsx) only. However, it provides a convenient way to quickly convey results when shared amongst collaborators.

Installation and Documentation

tabler is still under active development and testing and has not yet been submitted to CRAN.

You can install the development version of the tabler package using devtools:


Please let me know about any problems by opening an issue



lm1 <- lm(mpg ~ cyl, data = mtcars)
lm2 <- lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars)
lm3 <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + hp, data = mtcars)

tablify(lm1, lm2, lm3)
#> [[1]]
#>      Variable      Result   Model 1   Model 2   Model 3
#> 1         cyl Coefficient -2.876***      <NA> -2.265***
#> 2         cyl     p.value         0      <NA>         0
#> 3          hp Coefficient      <NA> -0.068***    -0.019
#> 4          hp     p.value      <NA>         0     0.213
#> 5 (Intercept) Coefficient 37.885*** 30.099*** 36.908***
#> 6 (Intercept)     p.value         0         0         0
#> 7           N                    32        32        32
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "p<0.1: * p<0.05: ** p<0.01: ***"
tablify(lm1, lm2, lm3, cutoffs = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001))
#> [[1]]
#>      Variable      Result   Model 1   Model 2   Model 3
#> 1         cyl Coefficient -2.876***      <NA> -2.265***
#> 2         cyl     p.value         0      <NA>         0
#> 3          hp Coefficient      <NA> -0.068***    -0.019
#> 4          hp     p.value      <NA>         0     0.213
#> 5 (Intercept) Coefficient 37.885*** 30.099*** 36.908***
#> 6 (Intercept)     p.value         0         0         0
#> 7           N                    32        32        32
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "p<0.05: * p<0.01: ** p<0.001: ***"

For more examples on how to use some of the functionality, check out the Vignettes.



Since this package relies on broom to tidy model outputs into the columns for tables, it is currently limited to model types handled by broom. For the latest list, see the developer's site. Most frequently-used models should be handled.

robertgambrel/tabler documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:32 a.m.