
Defines functions devMST gradDevMST paramVec2ListMST paramList2VecMST

Documented in devMST gradDevMST paramList2VecMST paramVec2ListMST

##' Multivariate Skew-t
##' Functions defining the multivariate skew t-distribution.
##' The deviance function returns the deviance of all the observations with the 
##' given parameters.  The gradDev function computes the gradient of this 
##' deviance.  The other two functions are useful for converting parameter 
##' vectors to lists and vice versa, and thus they return the list or vector.
##' @param x A numeric matrix of observations (one row per observation).
##' @param params A vector, typically as created by paramList2Vec called on a 
##'   list object with four elements: xi, Omega, alpha, nu.
##' @param paramVec A vector of the parameters of the multivariate distribution.
##' @param paramList A list with four elements: xi (a vector prodiving the 
##'   center), Omega (a matrix describing the dispersion), alpha (a vector 
##'   describing the skewness), and nu (a numeric providing the heaviness of the
##'   tails).
##' @param fixed.nu If not NULL, nu is assumed to be fixed to a particular
##'   value.
##' @param symmetr Logical.  If TRUE, the distribution is assumed to be 
##'   symmetric (i.e. alpha is a zero vector).
##' @import sn
##' @name multivariateSkewT

##' @rdname multivariateSkewT
devMST = function(x, params, fixed.nu = NULL, symmetr = FALSE){
    l = length(params)
    # Taken from sn:::mst.pdev:
    d <- ncol(x)
    p <- 1
    npar0 <- (p * d + d * (d + 1)/2)
    param1 <- c(params[1:npar0],
                if (symmetr) rep(0, d) else params[npar0 + (1:d)],
                if (is.null(fixed.nu)) params[length(params)] else log(fixed.nu))
    dp <- paramVec2ListMST(param1)
    if (is.null(fixed.nu)){
        nu = dp$nu
    } else {
        nu = fixed.nu
    logL <- sn::dmst(x, matrix(1, nrow = nrow(x)) %*% dp$beta,
                      dp$Omega, dp$alpha, nu, log = TRUE)
    dev <- (-2) * logL

##' @rdname multivariateSkewT
gradDevMST = function(x, params, symmetr = FALSE,
                      fixed.nu = NULL){
    l = length(params)
    ## Taken from sn:::mst.pdev.grad
    d <- ncol(x)
    p <- 1
    beta <- matrix(params[1:(p * d)], p, d)
    D <- exp(-2 * params[(p * d + 1):(p * d + d)])
    A <- diag(d)
    i0 <- p * d + d * (d + 1)/2
    if(d > 1)
        A[!lower.tri(A, diag = TRUE)] <- params[(p * d + d + 1):i0]
        eta <- rep(0, d)
    } else {
        eta <- params[(i0 + 1):(i0 + d)]
        nu <- exp(params[length(params)])
    } else {
        nu <- fixed.nu
    Oinv <- t(A) %*% diag(D, d, d) %*% A
    u <- x - matrix(1, nrow = nrow(x)) %*% beta
    Q <- as.vector(rowSums((u %*% Oinv) * u))
    L <- as.vector(u %*% eta)
    if(nu < 10000){
        sf <- sqrt((nu + d)/(nu + Q))
    } else {
        sf <- sqrt((1 + d/nu)/(1 + Q/nu))
    t. <- L * sf
    dlogft <- (-0.5) * sf^2
    dt.dL <- sf
    dt.dQ <- (-0.5) * L * sf/(Q + nu)
    logT. <- pt(t., nu + d, log.p = TRUE)
    dlogT. <- exp(dt(t., nu + d, log = TRUE) - logT.)
#     Dbeta <- (-2 * t(x) %*% (u * dlogft) %*% Oinv - outer(as.vector(t(x) %*% 
#         (dlogT. * dt.dL * w)), eta) - 2 * t(x) %*% (dlogT. * 
#         dt.dQ * u) %*% Oinv)
    toMult = -2 * u * (dlogft + dlogT. * dt.dQ)
    # Vectorize the matrix multiplication
    M1 = sapply(split(toMult, row(toMult)), function(vec){vec %*% Oinv})
    if(d != 1){
        M1 = t(M1)
    } else {
        # If d == 1, the 1 column matrix becomes a vector, so we must coerce back.
        M1 = matrix(M1, ncol = 1)
    M2 = matrix(dlogT. * dt.dL, ncol = 1) %*% eta
    Dbeta = M1 - M2
    Deta <- dlogT. * sf * u
    if(d > 1){
        M <- lapply(vecOuterMult(u * dlogft + u * dlogT. * dt.dQ, u),
                        2 * (diag(D, d, d) %*% A %*% mat)
        DA <- lapply(M, function(x) x[!lower.tri(x, diag = TRUE)])
        DA = do.call("rbind", DA)
    } else {
        DA <- NULL
    M <- lapply(vecOuterMult(u * dlogft + u * dlogT. * dt.dQ, u),
                function(mat) A %*% mat %*% t(A))
    if(d > 1){
        DD <- mapply(function(mat){
            diag(mat) + 0.5 / D
        }, mat = M)
        DD = t(DD)
    } else {
        DD <- mapply(function(mat){
            mat + 0.5 / D
        }, mat = M)
        DD = matrix(DD, ncol = 1)
    DD = DD * -2 * matrix(D, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(DD), byrow = TRUE)
    grad <- (-2) * cbind(Dbeta, DD, DA, if (!symmetr) Deta)
    if (is.null(fixed.nu)) {
        df0 <- min(nu, 1e+08)
        if (df0 < 10000) {
            diff.digamma <- digamma((df0 + d)/2) - digamma(df0/2)
            log1Q <- log(1 + Q/df0)
        } else {
            diff.digamma <- log1p(d/df0)
            log1Q <- log1p(Q/df0)
        dlogft.ddf <- 0.5 * (diff.digamma - d/df0 + (1 + d/df0) * 
            Q/((1 + Q/df0) * df0) - log1Q)
        eps <- 1e-04
        df1 <- df0 + eps
        if (df0 < 10000){
            sf1 <- sqrt((df1 + d)/(Q + df1))
        } else {
            sf1 <- sqrt((1 + d/df1)/(1 + Q/df1))
        logT.eps <- pt(L * sf1, df1 + d, log.p = TRUE)
        dlogT.ddf <- (logT.eps - logT.)/eps
        Ddf <- (dlogft.ddf + dlogT.ddf)
        grad <- cbind(grad, -2 * Ddf * df0)

##' @rdname multivariateSkewT
paramVec2ListMST = function(paramVec){
    # d + d*(d+1)/2 + d + 1 = length(paramVec)
    # d^2/2 + 5d/2 + 1 - length(paramVec) = 0
    # Quadratic formula to get:
    d = -5/2 + sqrt((5/2)^2 - 4 * 1/2 * (1-length(paramVec))) / 
        (2 * 1/2)
    sn:::optpar2dplist(paramVec, p = 1, d = d)$dp

##' @rdname multivariateSkewT
paramList2VecMST = function(paramList){
    stopifnot(names(paramList) %in% c("xi", "Omega", "alpha", "nu"))
rockclimber112358/MCLE documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:15 p.m.