
##' Address to Coordinate
##' This function maps an address (text) to the latitude and longitude
##' coordinates.
##' @param address A text string containing the address.
##' @param source See ?ggmap::geocode
##' @return A vector of longitude and latitude values.
##' @export

addressToCoord = function(address, source = "google"){
        return(data.frame(longitude = NA, latitude = NA, CAP = NA))
    out = try(ggmap::geocode(address, source = source, output = "more"))
    if(is(out, "try-error") | is.na(out["lon"])){
        return(data.frame(longitude = NA, latitude = NA, CAP = NA))
    out = try({
        if(!"postal_code" %in% colnames(out)){
            out$postal_code = NA_character_
        out = out[, c("lon", "lat", "postal_code")]
        colnames(out) = c("longitude", "latitude", "CAP")
    if(is(out, "try-error")){
        return(data.frame(longitude = NA, latitude = NA, CAP = NA))
rockclimber112358/romeHousePrices documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:15 p.m.