
Defines functions .guessType .read_configuration .get_command_argument print.calibrar.demo calibrar_demo

Documented in calibrar_demo .get_command_argument .read_configuration

# calibrarDemo ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Demos for the calibrar package
#' @description Creates demo files able to be processed for a full calibration using
#' the calibrar package
#' @param path Path to create the demo files 
#' @param model Model to be used in the demo files, see details.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to be used in the construction of
#' the demo files.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \item{path}{Path were the files were saved}
#' \item{par}{Real value of the parameters used in the demo} 
#' \item{setup}{Path to the calibration setup file} 
#' \item{guess}{Values to be provided as initial guess to the calibrate function} 
#' \item{lower}{Values to be provided as lower bounds to the calibrate function} 
#' \item{upper}{Values to be provided as upper bounds to the calibrate function} 
#' \item{phase}{Values to be provided as phases to the calibrate function} 
#' \item{constants}{Constants used in the demo, any other variable not listed here.} 
#' \item{value}{NA, set for compatibility with summary methods.} 
#' \item{time}{NA, set for compatibility with summary methods.} 
#' \item{counts}{NA, set for compatibility with summary methods.} 
#' @details Current implemented models are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{PoissonMixedModel}{Poisson Autoregressive Mixed model for the dynamics 
#' of a population in different sites:
#' \deqn{log(\mu_{i, t+1}) = log(\mu_{i, t}) + \alpha + \beta X_{i, t} + \gamma_t}
#' where \eqn{\mu_{i, t}} is the size of the population in site \eqn{i} at year \eqn{t}, 
#' \eqn{X_{i, t}} is the value of an environmental variable in site \eqn{i} at year \eqn{t}. 
#' The parameters to estimate were \eqn{\alpha}, \eqn{\beta}, and \eqn{\gamma_t}, the 
#' random effects for each year, \eqn{\gamma_t \sim N(0,\sigma^2)}, and the initial 
#' population at each site \eqn{\mu_{i, 0}}. We assumed that the observations 
#' \eqn{N_{i,t}} follow a Poisson distribution with mean \eqn{\mu_{i, t}}.}
#' \item{PredatorPrey}{Lotka Volterra Predator-Prey model. The model is defined 
#' by a system of ordinary differential equations for the abundance of prey $N$ and predator $P$:
#' \deqn{\frac{dN}{dt} = rN(1-N/K)-\alpha NP}
#' \deqn{\frac{dP}{dt} = -lP + \gamma\alpha NP}
#' The parameters to estimate are the prey’s growth rate \eqn{r}, the predator’s 
#' mortality rate \eqn{l}, the carrying capacity of the prey \eqn{K} and \eqn{\alpha} 
#' and \eqn{\gamma} for the predation interaction. Uses \code{deSolve} package 
#' for numerical solution of the ODE system.}
#' \item{SIR}{Susceptible-Infected-Recovered epidemiological model. 
#' The model is defined by a system of ordinary differential equations for the 
#' number of susceptible $S$, infected $I$ and recovered $R$ individuals:
#' \deqn{\frac{dS}{dt} = -\beta S I/N}
#' \deqn{\frac{dI}{dt} = \beta S I/N -\gamma I}
#' \deqn{\frac{dR}{dt} = \gamma I}
#' The parameters to estimate are the  average number of contacts per person per 
#' time \eqn{\beta} and the instant probability of an infectious individual 
#' recovering \eqn{\gamma}. Uses \code{deSolve} package for numerical solution of the ODE system.}
#' \item{IBMLotkaVolterra}{Stochastic Individual Based Model for Lotka-Volterra model. Uses \code{ibm} package for the simulation.}
#' }
#' @author Ricardo Oliveros--Ramos
#' @references Oliveros-Ramos and Shin (2014)
#' @keywords demo calibration 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' summary(ahr)
#' set.seed(880820)
#' path = NULL # NULL to use the current directory
#' # create the demonstration files
#' demo = calibrar_demo(path=path, model="PredatorPrey", T=100) 
#' # get calibration information
#' calibration_settings = calibration_setup(file = demo$setup)
#' # get observed data
#' observed = calibration_data(setup = calibration_settings, path=demo$path)
#' # Defining 'run_model' function
#' run_model = calibrar:::.PredatorPreyModel
#' # real parameters
#' cat("Real parameters used to simulate data\n")
#' print(unlist(demo$par)) # parameters are in a list
#' # objective functions
#' obj  = calibration_objFn(model=run_model, setup=calibration_settings, observed=observed, T=demo$T)
#' obj2 = calibration_objFn(model=run_model, setup=calibration_settings, observed=observed, 
#' T=demo$T, aggregate=TRUE)
#' cat("Starting calibration...\n")
#' cat("Running optimization algorithms\n", "\t")
#' cat("Running optim AHR-ES\n")
#' ahr = calibrate(par=demo$guess, fn=obj, lower=demo$lower, upper=demo$upper, phases=demo$phase)
#' summary(ahr)
#' } 
#' @export 
calibrar_demo = function(path=NULL, model=NULL, ...) {
  if(is.null(path)) path = getwd()
  if(is.null(model)) {
    model = "PoissonMixedModel"
    warning("Using default demo 'PoissonMixedModel'")
  output = switch(model, 
                  PoissonMixedModel = .generatePoissonMixedModel(path=path, ...),
                  PredatorPrey      = .generatePredatorPreyModel(path=path, ...),
                  SIR               = .generateSIRModel(path=path, ...),
                  IBMLotkaVolterra  = .generateIBMLotkaVolterra(path, ...),
                  stop(sprintf("Model '%s' is not defined.", model))
  output$elapsed = NA
  output$counts = c('function'=NA, gradient=NA)
  output$method = "data"
  output$model  = model
  class(output) = c("calibrar.demo", "calibrar.results", class(output))

#' @export
#' @method print calibrar.demo
print.calibrar.demo = function(x, ...) {

  cat(sprintf("Calibration demo using model '%s'.\n", x$model))
  if(!is.na(x$value)) cat("Target value:", x$value, "\n")
  print(x=unlist(x$par), ...)
  cat("Lower bounds:\n")
  print(x=unlist(x$lower), ...)
  cat("Upper bounds:\n")
  print(x=unlist(x$upper), ...)
  print(x=unlist(x$phase), ...)

  cat("Guess (starting point):\n")
  print(x=unlist(x$guess), ...)
  cat(sprintf("\nFiles location: %s\n", x$path))

# Some other useful stuff -------------------------------------------------

#' Get an specific argument from the command line
#' @param x The command line arguments, from \code{x = commandArgs()}
#' @param argument The name of the argument.
#' @param prefix The prefix to any argument of interest, the default is "--"
#' @param default Default value to return is argument is missing, default to FALSE.
#' @param verbose Boolean, if TRUE, shows a warning when the parameter is not found.
#' @return  The value of the argument, assumed to be followed after '=' or, TRUE if nothing but the argument was found. 
#' If the argument is not found, FALSE is returned.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' .get_command_argument(commandArgs(), "interactive")
#' .get_command_argument(commandArgs(), "RStudio")
#' .get_command_argument(commandArgs(), "RStudio", prefix="")
#' .get_command_argument(commandArgs(), "vanilla")
#' .get_command_argument("--control.file=baz.txt", "control.file")
.get_command_argument = function(x, argument, prefix="--", default=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
  xdefault = if(is.null(default)) "NULL" else as.character(default)
  w_nomatch = sprintf("No argument matches '%s', returning %s.", argument, xdefault)
  e_dumatch = sprintf("More than one arguments match '%s', provide the exact name or check for duplicates.", argument)
  pctl0 = sprintf("%s%s", prefix, argument)
  pctl1 = sprintf("%s%s=", prefix, argument)
  ind0 = grepl(x=x, pattern=pctl0)
  ind1 = grepl(x=x, pattern=pctl1)
  if(sum(ind0)==0) {
    if(isTRUE(verbose)) warning(w_nomatch)
  if(sum(ind1)==0) {
    # exist but not with assigned value
    ctl = x[ind0]
    ctl = gsub(x=ctl, pattern=pctl0, replacement="")
    ind = which(nchar(ctl)==0)
    if(length(ind)==0) {
      if(isTRUE(verbose)) warning(w_nomatch)
    if(length(ind)!=1) stop(e_dumatch)
  if(sum(ind1)!=1) stop(e_dumatch)
  ctl = x[which(ind1)]
  ctl = gsub(x=ctl, pattern=pctl1, replacement="")
  ctl = .guessType(ctl)

#' Read a configuration file.
#' File is expected to have lines of the form 'key SEP value' where key is the
#' name of the parameter, SEP a separator (can be '=' ',', ';') and value the value
#' of the parameter itself. The SEP for each line is determined and parameters values are
#' returned as a list. 
#' @param file File to read the configuration
#' @param recursive Should 'conf.key' keys be read as additional configuration files? Default is TRUE.
#' @param keep.names Should names be kept as they are? By default, are converted to lower case.
#' @param conf.key String indicating the leading key to find an additional configuration file.
#' @param ... Additional arguments, not currently in use.
#' @export
.read_configuration = function(file, recursive=TRUE, keep.names = TRUE, conf.key=NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.null(attr(file, "path"))) file = c(file.path(attr(file, "path"), file))
  if(!file.exists(file)) {
    warning(sprintf("configuration file '%s' does not exist.", file))
  .guessSeparator = function(Line){
    SEPARATORS = c(equal = "=", semicolon = ";",
                   coma = ",", colon = ":", tab = "\t")
    guess = which.min(nchar(lapply(str_split(Line,SEPARATORS), "[", i = 1)))
    separator = SEPARATORS[guess]
  .getKey = function(Line, KeySeparator) {
    Key = str_split(Line, KeySeparator)[[1]][1]
  .getValues = function(x, KeySeparator){
    start = str_locate(x, pattern=KeySeparator)[1,1]
    if(is.na(start)) return(NULL)
    values = stringr::str_sub(x, start+1, nchar(x))
    valueseparator = .guessSeparator(values)
    values = stringr::str_trim(str_split(values, valueseparator)[[1]])
    values = values[nchar(values)!=0]
    values = .guessType(values)
  .comment_trim = function(x, char="#") {
    start = str_locate(x, pattern=char)[1,1]
    if(is.na(start)) return(x)
    return(str_sub(x, 1, start - 1))
  .addPath = function(x, path, force=FALSE) {
    if(is.null(x)) return(x)
    if(!is.character(x)) return(x)
    # if(!is.null(attr(x, "path"))) 
    # path = file.path(attr(x, "path"), path)
    if(file.exists(file.path(path, x)) | isTRUE(force)) 
      attr(x, "path") = normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  config = readLines(file) # read lines
  config = lapply(config, .comment_trim) # remove comments
  config = lapply(config, str_trim)
  config[grep("^[[:punct:]]", config)] = NULL
  config = config[nchar(config)!=0]
  keySeparator  = sapply(config, .guessSeparator)
  key           = mapply(.getKey, config, keySeparator)
  values        = mapply(.getValues, config, keySeparator, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  names(values) = if(isTRUE(keep.names)) key else tolower(key)
  if(is.null(conf.key)) return(values)
  force = grepl(names(values), pattern=conf.key)
  values = mapply(FUN=.addPath, x=values, force=force, 
                  MoreArgs=list(path = dirname(file)), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  ii = grep(names(values), pattern=conf.key)
  if(length(ii) == 0 | !isTRUE(recursive)) return(values)
  ovalues = values
  while(length(ii) > 0) {
    iifile = ovalues[[ii[1]]]
    xpos = grep(names(values), pattern=names(ovalues)[ii[1]])
    ckey = unique(names(values[xpos]))
    msg = sprintf("Duplicated key value for '%s', using first ocurrence (%s).", ckey, xpos[1])
    if(length(xpos)>1) {
      xpos = xpos[1]
    ifile = file.path(attr(iifile, "path"), iifile)
    if(!file.exists(ifile)) {
      msg = sprintf("Configuration file '%s' not found. \n File '%s' not found in %s.", 
                    names(ovalues)[ii[1]], iifile, attr(iifile, "path"))
      warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE)
      message(sprintf("Skipping read of file '%s' (not found).", iifile))
      xval = NULL
    } else {
      xval = .read_configuration(ifile, recursive=TRUE, keep.names = keep.names, conf.key=conf.key, ...)
    values = append(values, xval, xpos)
    ii = ii[-1]
  # check for duplicates
  ind = duplicated(names(values))
  if(sum(ind) > 0) {
    values = values[!ind]
    dup = paste(names(config)[ind], collapse="\n")
    msg = sprintf("Removing %d duplicated values:\n %s", sum(ind), dup)

.guessType = function(x) {
  xx = tolower(x)
  if(identical(xx, "null")) return(NULL)
  if(identical(xx, "na")) return(NULL)
  x[xx=="true"] = "TRUE"
  x[xx=="false"] = "FALSE"
  x[xx=="na"] = "NA"
  x = x[xx!="null"]
  out = type.convert(c(x), as.is = TRUE)
roliveros-ramos/calibrar documentation built on March 15, 2024, 12:08 a.m.