
The package earthquakeGeoms has been built to clean and display the earthquake data from NOAA (The National Centers for Environmental Information). The dataset can be found here:

The Package is divided into 3 sections:

These 3 sections give you a comprehensive way to analyze and visualize the Earthquake data.

Cleaning the Dataset

The cleaning part of the package is composed 2 functions:

eq_location clean

eq_location_clean takes an argument data, and returns that same data with its column LOCATION_NAME cleaned. The cleaning is done by splitting the character string by the : symbol. Then, the latest of the strings is selected ( the rigth-most string). Finally, the strings are titled, that is, only the initial letter is uppercase while the rest remain lowercase (for each word).

## Data Setup

test_dataframe = data.frame(order = 1:10,
                            LOCATION_NAME = c("Peru: Lima", "Mexico: Tijuana",
                                              "CUBA: HABANA", "SRI LANKA: IslanD",
                                              "EU: SPain: unknown", "US: Maine",
                                              "US: California: Los Angeles", " Ecuador: Bogota",
                                              "Ivory COAST: ISLAND 3", "China: HONG KONG"),
                            stringsAsFactors = F)

## Function Call

test_dataframe = eq_location_clean(test_dataframe)


##    order LOCATION_NAME
## 1      1          Lima
## 2      2       Tijuana
## 3      3        Habana
## 4      4        Island
## 5      5       Unknown
## 6      6         Maine
## 7      7   Los Angeles
## 8      8        Bogota
## 9      9      Island 3
## 10    10     Hong Kong


eq_clean_data takes an argument data, same as eq_location_clean, and returns a cleaned dataset with the eq_location_clean applied to it. Furthermore, the LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, DEATHS, TOTAL_DEATHS columns are converted to numeric type. The data points whose YEAR columns is below 0 (BC years) are removed. The DAY, and MONTH columns have their NA values converted to 1. Finally, a new DATE column is created by combining the DAY, MONTH, and YEAR columns and converting them to Date type.

## Data Setup

test_dataframe = data.frame(LOCATION_NAME = c("Peru: Lima", "Mexico: Tijuana",
                                              "CUBA: HABANA", "SRI LANKA: IslanD",
                                              "EU: SPain: unknown", "US: Maine",
                                              "US: California: Los Angeles"),
                            YEAR = c(2150,2030,2000,1999,-1610,1566,1450),
                            MONTH = c(NA,3,NA,1,9,6,5),
                            DAY = c(NA,NA,1,4,NA,2,NA),
                            LATITUDE = c(-12.5,20.2,34.1,8.567,36.5,46.975,34.262),
                            LONGITUDE = c(-77,-103.5,-75.5,81.233,-4.4,-66.659,-118.002),
                            DEATHS = c(NA,1,2,8,33,NA,NA),
                            TOTAL_DEATHS = c(NA,1,NA,9,NA,25,NA),
                            stringsAsFactors = F)

## Function Call

test_dataframe = eq_clean_data(test_dataframe) # Calling the function


## 1          Lima 2150     1   1  -12.500   -77.000     NA           NA
## 2       Tijuana 2030     3   1   20.200  -103.500      1            1
## 3        Habana 2000     1   1   34.100   -75.500      2           NA
## 4        Island 1999     1   4    8.567    81.233      8            9
## 5         Maine 1566     6   2   46.975   -66.659     NA           25
## 6   Los Angeles 1450     5   1   34.262  -118.002     NA           NA
##         DATE
## 1 2150-01-01
## 2 2030-03-01
## 3 2000-01-01
## 4 1999-01-04
## 5 1566-06-02
## 6 1450-05-01

GeomTimeline & GeomTimelineLabel

The newly created geoms, Geom Timeline & Geom Timeline Label, display the earthquake data through points of varying color, size, and location (based on coordinates).


GeomTimeline is a new Geom made of pointGrobs and lineGrobs, which display the input data as points. These points vary based on the colour and size arguments. If a y-axis is given, the points will be displayed in different y-coordinates. Furthermore, a straight line is drawn from the minimum x-value to the maximum x-value. If there are y-coordinates, the line is drawn for each y. This Geom works once it is called by its layer function geom_timeline.


geom_timeline is the layer function for the GeomTimeline geom. To call the Geom, the data argument must be supplied. Furthermore, the colour and size arguments will indicate the color and size of the data points. If, the y argument is supplied, the data points points will be grouped into n(y) groups, each displaying its own line of points.

## Data Setup

test_dataframe = data.frame(LOCATION_NAME = c("Peru: Lima", "Mexico: Tijuana",
                                              "CUBA: HABANA", "SRI LANKA: IslanD",
                                              "EU: SPain: unknown", "US: Maine",
                                              "US: California: Los Angeles"),
                            YEAR = c(2150,2030,2000,1999,-1610,1566,1450),
                            MONTH = c(NA,3,NA,1,9,6,5),
                            DAY = c(NA,NA,1,4,NA,2,NA),
                            LATITUDE = c(-12.5,20.2,34.1,8.567,36.5,46.975,34.262),
                            LONGITUDE = c(-77,-103.5,-75.5,81.233,-4.4,-66.659,-118.002),
                            DEATHS = c(NA,1,2,8,33,NA,NA),
                            TOTAL_DEATHS = c(NA,1,NA,9,NA,25,NA),
                            EQ_PRIMARY = c(4.4,6.5, 8.1, 2.7, 5.5, 6.3, 7.4),
                            stringsAsFactors = F)
test_dataframe = eq_clean_data(test_dataframe)

## Function Call

ggplot2::ggplot(test_dataframe, ggplot2::aes(DATE,
                                      colour = TOTAL_DEATHS,
                                      size = as.numeric(EQ_PRIMARY) )) +
  geom_timeline() +
  ggplot2::guides(size = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Ritcher scale value")) +
  ggplot2::scale_colour_continuous(name = "# of DEATHS") +


GeomTimelineLabel is a new geom made of lineGrobs and textGrobs, which label the points from the data argument. The location of these labels are based on the provided x argument. The text used to label should be given as the label argument. The textGrob is positioned above the x-coordinate of the points, right above a vertical line drawn at the point. If y-coordinates are given, the vertical lines drawn will be smaller in size, depending on how many unique y-coordinates there are.


geom_timeline_label is the layer function to call the GeomTimelineLabel geom. This label works perfectly with the previously defined geom_timeline function, and inherits its parameters as with any other ggplot. The extra argument needed is the label argument. Another optional argument used is nmax, which describes how many top labels to use in the annotation. By 'top' label, we ferer to the data points with the higher nmax values based on their size attribute. Note: If you need to provide a size, nmax, or other argument as a single value, rather than a column of the data, provide it outside the aes function.

## Function Call

ggplot2::ggplot(test_dataframe, ggplot2::aes(DATE,
                                      colour = TOTAL_DEATHS,
                                      size = as.numeric(EQ_PRIMARY) )) +
  geom_timeline() +
  geom_timeline_label(ggplot2::aes(label = test_dataframe$LOCATION_NAME)) + # Labeling
  ggplot2::guides(size = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Ritcher scale value")) +
  ggplot2::scale_colour_continuous(name = "# of DEATHS") +

Leaflet Functions

The following 2 functions were built to display the earthquake data by their geographical location through a leaflet map.


eq_map is a function that displays the data points in the input data argument, based on its LATITUDE and LONGITUDE columns. The data points will be displayed as circles in the map. The second argument, annot_col decides which column in the dataset will be used as the pop-up annotation of the leaflet map.

Note: Leaflet Maps may not display in some browsers. To visualize the results of the leaflet map functions (in vignettes), download the package and knit the vignette (or preview the html file) in RStudio.

## Data Setup

## This is test data (not actual NOAA Locations)
test_dataframe = data.frame(LOCATION_NAME = c("Mexico: Jalisco",
                                              "MEXICO:  OAXACA",
                                              "US: California: Los Angeles"),
                            YEAR = c(2000,1610,1450),
                            MONTH = c(3,NA,5),
                            DAY = c(1,4,NA),
                            LATITUDE = c(20.2,17.0,34.262),
                            LONGITUDE = c(-103.5,-96.3,-118.002),
                            DEATHS = c(1,2,NA),
                            TOTAL_DEATHS = c(1,NA,25),
                            EQ_PRIMARY = c(6.5, 2.7, 7.4),
                            stringsAsFactors = F)
test_dataframe = eq_clean_data(test_dataframe)

## Function Call

m = eq_clean_data(test_dataframe)

eq_map(m, annot_col = "DATE")
{"x":{"options":{"crs":{"crsClass":"L.CRS.EPSG3857","code":null,"proj4def":null,"projectedBounds":null,"options":{}}},"calls":[{"method":"addTiles","args":["//{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",null,null,{"minZoom":0,"maxZoom":18,"maxNativeZoom":null,"tileSize":256,"subdomains":"abc","errorTileUrl":"","tms":false,"continuousWorld":false,"noWrap":false,"zoomOffset":0,"zoomReverse":false,"opacity":1,"zIndex":null,"unloadInvisibleTiles":null,"updateWhenIdle":null,"detectRetina":false,"reuseTiles":false,"attribution":"©\">OpenStreetMap<\/a> contributors,\">CC-BY-SA<\/a>"}]},{"method":"addCircleMarkers","args":[[20.2,17,34.262],[-103.5,-96.3,-118.002],10,null,null,{"lineCap":null,"lineJoin":null,"clickable":true,"pointerEvents":null,"className":"","stroke":true,"color":"#03F","weight":1,"opacity":0.5,"fill":true,"fillColor":"#03F","fillOpacity":0.2,"dashArray":null},null,null,["2000-03-01","1610-01-04","1450-05-01"],null,null,null,null]}],"limits":{"lat":[17,34.262],"lng":[-118.002,-96.3]}},"evals":[],"jsHooks":[]}


eq_create_label creates a new column called 'popup_text' from the LOCATION_NAME, EQ_PRIMARY, and TOTAL_DEATHS columns of the input argument data. The resulting column is a character vector formatted in HTML-format, where the column LOCATION_NAME is titled 'Location', the column 'EQ_PRIMARY' is titled 'Magnitude', and the column 'TOTAL_DEATHS' is titled 'Total deaths'. If any of the dataset's rows is missing either of the column values, then that particular annotation is skipped in the html string.

## Function Call

m$popup_text = eq_create_label(m) # Creating the Labels

## The locations and coordinates are random (not actual lat and long)
eq_map(m, annot_col = "popup_text")
{"x":{"options":{"crs":{"crsClass":"L.CRS.EPSG3857","code":null,"proj4def":null,"projectedBounds":null,"options":{}}},"calls":[{"method":"addTiles","args":["//{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",null,null,{"minZoom":0,"maxZoom":18,"maxNativeZoom":null,"tileSize":256,"subdomains":"abc","errorTileUrl":"","tms":false,"continuousWorld":false,"noWrap":false,"zoomOffset":0,"zoomReverse":false,"opacity":1,"zIndex":null,"unloadInvisibleTiles":null,"updateWhenIdle":null,"detectRetina":false,"reuseTiles":false,"attribution":"©\">OpenStreetMap<\/a> contributors,\">CC-BY-SA<\/a>"}]},{"method":"addCircleMarkers","args":[[20.2,17,34.262],[-103.5,-96.3,-118.002],10,null,null,{"lineCap":null,"lineJoin":null,"clickable":true,"pointerEvents":null,"className":"","stroke":true,"color":"#03F","weight":1,"opacity":0.5,"fill":true,"fillColor":"#03F","fillOpacity":0.2,"dashArray":null},null,null,[" Location:<\/b> Jalisco
Magnitude:<\/b> 6.5
Total deaths:<\/b> 1"," Location:<\/b> Oaxaca
Magnitude:<\/b> 2.7
"," Location:<\/b> Los Angeles
Magnitude:<\/b> 7.4
Total deaths:<\/b> 25"],null,null,null,null]}],"limits":{"lat":[17,34.262],"lng":[-118.002,-96.3]}},"evals":[],"jsHooks":[]}

ronybsulca/earthquakeGeoms documentation built on May 6, 2019, 5:03 p.m.