
Defines functions name_lookup

Documented in name_lookup

#' Lookup names in all taxonomies in GBIF.
#' @template namelkup
#' @export
#' @template occ
#' @references <https://www.gbif.org/developer/species#searching>
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Look up names like mammalia
#' name_lookup(query='mammalia', limit = 20)
#' # Start with an offset
#' name_lookup(query='mammalia', limit=1)
#' name_lookup(query='mammalia', limit=1, start=2)
#' # large requests (paging is internally implemented).
#' # hard maximum limit set by GBIF API: 99999
#' # name_lookup(query = "Carnivora", limit = 10000)
#' # Get all data and parse it, removing descriptions which can be quite long
#' out <- name_lookup('Helianthus annuus', rank="species", verbose=TRUE)
#' lapply(out$data, function(x) {
#'   x[!names(x) %in% c("descriptions","descriptionsSerialized")]
#' })
#' # Search for a genus
#' name_lookup(query="Cnaemidophorus", rank="genus")
#' # Limit records to certain number
#' name_lookup('Helianthus annuus', rank="species", limit=2)
#' # Query by habitat
#' name_lookup(habitat = "terrestrial", limit=2)
#' name_lookup(habitat = "marine", limit=2)
#' name_lookup(habitat = "freshwater", limit=2)
#' # Using faceting
#' name_lookup(facet='status', limit=0, facetMincount='70000')
#' name_lookup(facet=c('status','higherTaxonKey'), limit=0,
#'   facetMincount='700000')
#' name_lookup(facet='nameType', limit=0)
#' name_lookup(facet='habitat', limit=0)
#' name_lookup(facet='datasetKey', limit=0)
#' name_lookup(facet='rank', limit=0)
#' name_lookup(facet='isExtinct', limit=0)
#' name_lookup(isExtinct=TRUE, limit=0)
#' # text highlighting
#' ## turn on highlighting
#' res <- name_lookup(query='canada', hl=TRUE, limit=5)
#' res$data
#' name_lookup(query='canada', hl=TRUE, limit=45)
#' ## and you can pass the output to gbif_names() function
#' res <- name_lookup(query='canada', hl=TRUE, limit=5)
#' gbif_names(res)
#' # Lookup by datasetKey (set up sufficient high limit, API maximum: 99999)
#' # name_lookup(datasetKey='3f8a1297-3259-4700-91fc-acc4170b27ce',
#' #   limit = 50000)
#' # Some parameters accept many inputs, treated as OR
#' name_lookup(rank = c("family", "genus"))
#' name_lookup(higherTaxonKey = c("119", "120", "121", "204"))
#' name_lookup(status = c("misapplied", "synonym"))$data
#' name_lookup(habitat = c("marine", "terrestrial"))
#' name_lookup(nameType = c("cultivar", "doubtful"))
#' name_lookup(datasetKey = c("73605f3a-af85-4ade-bbc5-522bfb90d847",
#'   "d7c60346-44b6-400d-ba27-8d3fbeffc8a5"))
#' name_lookup(datasetKey = "289244ee-e1c1-49aa-b2d7-d379391ce265",
#' # Pass on curl options
#' name_lookup(query='Cnaemidophorus', rank="genus",
#'   curlopts = list(verbose = TRUE))
#' }

name_lookup <- function(query=NULL, rank=NULL, higherTaxonKey=NULL, status=NULL,
  isExtinct=NULL, habitat=NULL, nameType=NULL, datasetKey=NULL,
  origin=NULL, nomenclaturalStatus=NULL, limit=100, start=0, facet=NULL,
  facetMincount=NULL, facetMultiselect=NULL, type=NULL, hl=NULL, issue=NULL,
  verbose=FALSE, return=NULL, curlopts = list()) {

  pchk(return, "name_lookup")
  if (!is.null(facetMincount) && inherits(facetMincount, "numeric"))
    stop("Make sure facetMincount is character")
  if (!is.null(facet)) {
    facetbyname <- facet
    names(facetbyname) <- rep('facet', length(facet))
  } else {
    facetbyname <- NULL

  rank <- as_many_args(rank)
  higherTaxonKey <- as_many_args(higherTaxonKey)
  status <- as_many_args(status)
  habitat <- as_many_args(habitat)
  nameType <- as_many_args(nameType)
  datasetKey <- as_many_args(datasetKey)
  origin <- as_many_args(origin)
  issue <- as_many_args(issue)

  url <- paste0(gbif_base(), '/species/search')
  args <- rgbif_compact(list(q=query, isExtinct=as_log(isExtinct),
            nomenclaturalStatus=nomenclaturalStatus, limit=limit, offset=start,
            facetMultiselect=as_log(facetMultiselect), hl=as_log(hl),
  args <- c(args, facetbyname, rank, higherTaxonKey, status,
            habitat, nameType, datasetKey, origin, issue)

  # paging implementation
  if (limit > 1000) {
    iter <- 0
    sumreturned <- 0
    numreturned <- 0
    outout <- list()
    while (sumreturned < limit) {
      iter <- iter + 1
      tt <- gbif_GET(url, args, FALSE, curlopts)
      # if no results, assign numreturned var with 0
      if (identical(tt$results, list())) {
        numreturned <- 0}
      else {
        numreturned <- length(tt$results)}
      sumreturned <- sumreturned + numreturned
      # if less results than maximum
      if ((numreturned > 0) && (numreturned < 1000)) {
        # update limit for metadata before exiting
        limit <- numreturned
        args$limit <- limit
      if (sumreturned < limit) {
        # update args for next query
        args$offset <- args$offset + numreturned
        args$limit <- limit - sumreturned
      outout[[iter]] <- tt
    out <- list()
    out$results <- do.call(c, lapply(outout, "[[", "results"))
    out$offset <- args$offset
    out$limit <- args$limit
    out$count <- outout[[1]]$count
    out$endOfRecords <- outout[[iter]]$endOfRecords
  } else {
    # retrieve data in a single query
    out <- gbif_GET(url, args, FALSE, curlopts)

  # metadata
  meta <- out[c('offset', 'limit', 'endOfRecords', 'count')]

  # facets
  facets <- out$facets
  if (!length(facets) == 0) {
    facetsdat <- lapply(facets, function(x)
      do.call(rbind, lapply(x$counts, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
    names(facetsdat) <- tolower(sapply(facets, "[[", "field"))
  } else {
    facetsdat <- NULL

  # actual data
  if (!verbose) {
    data <- tibble::as_tibble(data.table::setDF(
        lapply(out$results, namelkupcleaner),
        use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)))
    if (NROW(data) > 0) data <- movecols(data, c('key', 'scientificName'))
  } else {
    data <- out$results

  # hierarchies
  hierdat <- lapply(out$results, function(x){
    tmp <- x[ names(x) %in% "higherClassificationMap" ]
    tmpdf <- data.frame(rankkey = names(rgbif_compact(tmp[[1]])),
                        name = unlist(unname(rgbif_compact(tmp[[1]]))),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (NROW(tmpdf) == 0) NULL else tmpdf
  names(hierdat) <- vapply(out$results, "[[", numeric(1), "key")

  # vernacular names
  vernames <- lapply(out$results, function(x){
    setdfrbind(lapply(x$vernacularNames, data.frame))
  names(vernames) <- vapply(out$results, "[[", numeric(1), "key")

  out <- list(meta = tibble::as_tibble(meta),
              data = data,
              facets = facetsdat,
              hierarchies = compact_null(hierdat),
              names = compact_null(vernames))
  structure(out, class = "gbif", type = "single", args = args)
ropensci/rgbif documentation built on April 9, 2024, 8:37 p.m.