
Defines functions orcid

Documented in orcid

#' Search for ORCID ID's.
#' @export
#' @param query Search terms. You can do quite complicated queries using the
#' SOLR syntax. See examples below. For all possible fields to query, do
#' `data(fields)`
#' @param start Result number to start on. Keep in mind that pages start at 0.
#' Default: 0
#' @param rows Numer of results to return. Default: 10. Max: 200
#' @param defType Query syntax. One of edismax or X. See Details for more.
#' @param q.alt If specified, this query will be used (and parsed by default
#' using standard query parsing syntax) when the main query string is not
#' specified or blank. This comes in handy when you need something like a
#' match-all-docs query (don't forget &rows=0 for that one!) in order to get
#' collection-wise faceting counts.
#' @param qf (Query Fields) List of fields and the "boosts" to associate with
#' each of them when building DisjunctionMaxQueries from the user's query
#' @param mm (Minimum 'Should' Match).
#' @param qs (Query Phrase Slop) Amount of slop on phrase queries explicitly
#' included in the user's query string (in qf fields; affects matching).
#' @param pf (Phrase Fields) Once the list of matching documents has been
#' identified using the "fq" and "qf" params, the "pf" param can be used to
#' "boost" the score of documents in cases where all of the terms in the "q"
#' param appear in close proximity
#' @param ps (Phrase Slop) Default amount of slop on phrase queries built with
#' "pf", "pf2" and/or "pf3" fields (affects boosting).
#' @param pf2 (Phrase bigram fields) As with 'pf' but chops the input into
#' bi-grams, e.g. "the brown fox jumped" is queried as "the brown" "brown fox"
#' "fox jumped"
#' @param ps2 (Phrase bigram slop) As with 'ps' but sets default slop factor for
#' 		'pf2'. If not specified, 'ps' will be used.
#' @param pf3 (Phrase trigram fields) As with 'pf' but chops the input into
#' tri-grams, e.g. "the brown fox jumped" is queried as "the brown fox"
#' "brown fox jumped"
#' @param ps3 (Phrase trigram slop) As with 'ps' but sets default slop factor
#' for 'pf3'. If not specified, 'ps' will be used.
#' @param tie (Tie breaker) Float value to use as tiebreaker in
#' DisjunctionMaxQueries (should be something much less than 1)
#' @param bq (Boost Query) A raw query string (in the SolrQuerySyntax) that will
#' be included with the user's query to influence the score. See references
#' @param bf (Boost Function, additive) Functions (with optional boosts) that
#' will be included in the user's query to influence the score. Any function
#' supported natively by Solr can be used, along with a boost value, e.g.:
#' recip(rord(myfield),1,2,3)^1.5
#' @param boost (Boost Function, multiplicative) As for 'bf' but multiplies the
#' boost into the  score
#' @param uf (User Fields) Specifies which schema fields the end user shall be
#' allowed to query for explicitly. This parameter supports wildcards.
#' @param lowercaseOperators This param controls whether to try to interpret
#' lowercase words as boolean operators such as "and", "not" and "or".
#' Set &lowercaseOperators=true to allow this. Default is "false".
#' @param fuzzy Use fuzzy matching on input DOIs. Defaults to FALSE. If FALSE,
#' 		we stick "digital-object-ids" before the DOI so that the search sent to
#' 		ORCID is for that exact DOI. If TRUE, we use some regex to find the DOI.
#' @param ... Curl options passed on to [crul::HttpClient()]
#' @param recursive DEFUNCT
#' @references <https://members.orcid.org/api/tutorial/search-orcid-registry>
#' <https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_7/the-extended-dismax-query-parser.html>
#' @details All query syntaxes available in SOLR 3.6 (
#' <https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_7/the-standard-query-parser.html>)
#' are supported, including Lucene with Solr extensions (default), DisMax,
#' and Extended Dismax.
#' You can use any of the following within the query statement:
#' given-names, family-name, credit-name, other-names, email, grant-number,
#' patent-number, keyword, worktitle, digital-objectids, current-institution,
#' affiliation-name, current-primary-institution, text, past-institution,
#' peer-review-type, peer-review-role, peer-review-group-id, biography,
#' external-id-type-and-value
#' For more complicated queries the ORCID API supports using ExtendedDisMax.
#' See the documentation on the web here:
#' <https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_7/the-extended-dismax-query-parser.html>
#' Note that when constructing queries, you don't need to use syntax like
#' `+`, etc., `crul`, the http client we use internally, will do that
#' for you. For example, instead of writing `johnson+cardiology`, just
#' write `johnson cardiology`, and instead of writing
#' `johnson+AND+cardiology`, write `johnson AND cardiology`. Though,
#' you still need to use `AND`, `OR`, etc. to join term/queries
#' together.
#' @return a data.frame (tibble). You can access number of results found like
#' `attr(result, "found")`. Note that with ORCID API v2 and greater,
#' results here are only the identifiers. To get other metadata/data
#' you can take the identifiers and use other functions in this package.
#' @seealso [orcid_doi()] [orcid_id()] [orcid_search()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Get a list of names and Orcid IDs matching a name query
#' orcid(query="carl+boettiger")
#' orcid(query="given-names:carl AND family-name:boettiger")
#' # by email
#' orcid(query="email:cboettig@berkeley.edu")
#' # You can string together many search terms
#' orcid(query="johnson cardiology houston")
#' # peer review group id
#' orcid("peer-review-group-id:1996-3068")
#' # And use boolean operators
#' orcid("johnson AND(caltech OR 'California Institute of Technology')")
#' # And you can use start and rows arguments to do pagination
#' orcid("johnson cardiology houston", start = 2, rows = 3)
#' # Use search terms, here family name
#' orcid("family-name:Sanchez", start = 4, rows = 6)
#' # Use search terms, here...
#' orcid(query="Raymond", start=0, rows=10, defType="edismax")
#' # Search using keywords
#' orcid(query="keyword:ecology")
#' # Search by DOI
#' orcid(query="10.1087/20120404")
#' # Note the difference between the first wrt the second and third
#' ## See also orcid_doi() function for searching by DOIs
#' orcid("10.1087/20120404")
#' orcid('"10.1087/20120404"')
#' ## doi
#' orcid('digital-object-ids:"10.1087/20120404"')
#' ## doi prefix
#' orcid('digital-object-ids:"10.1087/*"')
#' # search by work titles
#' orcid('work-titles:Modern developments in holography and its materials')
#' orcid('pmc:PMC3901677')
#' ## Using more complicated SOLR queries
#' # Use the qf parameter to "boost" query fields so they are ranked higher
#' # 	See how it is different than the second query without using "qf"
#' orcid(defType = "edismax", query = "Raymond",
#'    qf = "given-names^1.0 family-name^2.0", start = 0, rows = 10)
#' orcid(query = "Raymond", start = 0, rows = 10)
#' # Use other SOLR parameters as well, here mm. Using the "mm" param, 1 and
#' # 2 word queries require that all of the optional clauses match, but for
#' # queries with three or more clauses one missing clause is allowed...
#' # See for more: http://bit.ly/1uyMLDQ
#' orcid(defType = "edismax",
#'       query="keyword:ecology OR evolution OR conservation",
#'       mm = 2, rows = 20)
#' }

orcid <- function(query = NULL, start = NULL, rows = NULL,
	defType = NULL, q.alt = NULL, qf = NULL, mm = NULL, qs = NULL, pf = NULL,
	ps = NULL, pf2 = NULL, ps2 = NULL, pf3 = NULL, ps3 = NULL, tie = NULL,
	bq = NULL, bf = NULL, boost = NULL, uf = NULL, lowercaseOperators = NULL,
	fuzzy = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, ...) {

  calls <- names(sapply(match.call(), deparse))[-1]
  if ("recursive" %in% calls)
    stop("The parameter recursive has been removed", call. = FALSE)
  args <- ocom(list(q = query, start = start, rows = rows, defType = defType,
                    q.alt = q.alt, qf = qf, mm = mm, qs = qs, pf = pf, ps = ps,
                    pf2 = pf2, ps2 = ps2, pf3 = pf3, ps3 = ps3, tie = tie,
                    bq = bq, bf = bf, boost = boost, uf = uf,
                    lowercaseOperators = lowercaseOperators))
  tmp <- orc_GET(paste0(orcid_base(), "/search"), args,
    ctype = ojson, ...)

  out <- jsonlite::fromJSON(tmp, TRUE, flatten = TRUE)
  out$result <- tibble::as_tibble(out$result)
  structure(out$result, class = c(class(out$result), "orcid"),
    found = out$`num-found`)
ropensci/rorcid documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 2:09 p.m.