
Defines functions landMask

Documented in landMask

#' landMask function to download a local map, and use it to create a mask of the local land areas
#' @param lat vector or matrix of latitude points
#' @param lon vector or matrix of longitude points
#' @param cores number of cores to use when multi-threading
#' @import rgeos
#' @import sp
#' @import plyr
#' @import magrittr
#' @import doParallel
#' @import parallel
#' @import maps
#' @return data.frame
#' @export

landMask <- function( lat, lon, cores = TRUE ) {

    if( isTRUE( cores ) ) {
        parallel <- TRUE
        cores <- parallel::detectCores( logical = F )
        if( cores == parallel::detectCores( logical = T ) ) {
            cores <- cores - 1L
    } else if( is.numeric( cores ) ) {
        parallel <- TRUE
    } else {
        parallel <- FALSE
        cores <- 1L

    # get the latitude and longitude ranges
    latRange <- range( lat )
    lonRange <- range( lon )

    # download a map of the area
    # worldMapEnv <- maps::worldMapEnv
    pkgLoad( "maps" )
    mapObject <- maps::map( database = "world",
                            xlim = lonRange,
                            ylim = latRange,
                            fill = TRUE,
                            plot = FALSE

    # also turn the grid into a 3D array
    grid.latlist <- unique( lat )
    grid.lonlist <- unique( lon )
    grid.array <- array( data = NA,
                         dim = c( length( grid.latlist ),
                                  length( grid.lonlist ),
                                  2 )
    grid.array[,,1] <- sort( rep( grid.lonlist, length( grid.latlist ) ) )
    grid.array[,,2] <- rep( sort( grid.latlist, decreasing = TRUE ), length( grid.lonlist ) )

    # create an empty matrix to fill
    map <- array( data = NA,
                  dim = c( dim( grid.array )[1:2], 3 )

    # fill 2 layers for latitude and longitude values
    map[ , , 2 ] <- c( rep( seq.int( from = max( latRange ),
                                     to = min( latRange ),
                                     length.out = dim( map )[ 1 ] ),
                            dim( map )[ 2 ] )
    map[ , , 3 ] <- sort( c( rep( seq.int( from = min( lonRange ),
                                           to = max( lonRange ),
                                           length.out = dim( map )[ 2 ] ),
                                  dim( map )[ 1 ] ) )

    # get the latitude and longitude coordinates from the mapObject
    coords.matrix <- matrix( c( mapObject$x, mapObject$y ), ncol = 2 )

    # extract the divisions (between polygon lines) from the mapObject
    div <- c( 0, which( is.na( mapObject$x ) ), length( mapObject$x ) + 1 )

    # separate coordinates by divisions
    coords.list <- sapply( 1:( length( div ) - 1 ),
                           function( x ) {
                               coords.matrix[ ( div[ x ] + 1 ) : ( div[ x + 1 ] - 1 ), ]
                           } )

    ## change sets of coordinates into SpatialPolygons
    map.spatial <- sapply( coords.list, function( x ) { sp::Polygon( x ) } ) %>%
        sp::Polygons( ., ID = "a" ) %>%
        list() %>%
        sp::SpatialPolygons( . )

    # set up parallel processing if requested
    if( parallel && as.integer( cores ) > 1L ) {
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster( as.integer( cores ) )
        doParallel::registerDoParallel( cl )
        parallel <- TRUE
    } else {
        paropts <- NULL
        progress <- "text"
        parallel <- FALSE
    if( parallel ) {
        paropts <- list(
            .packages = c( "rgeos", "sp" ),
            .export = c( "map", "map.spatial" )
        progress <- "none"

    # analyse each point to see whether it's land or water
    # using suppress warnings here to prevent a warning described in https://github.com/hadley/plyr/issues/203
    # the warning appears to be caused by a bug in plyr. Output is fine.
        land.water <- plyr::aaply( .data = map,
                                   .margins = c( 1, 2 ),
                                   .fun = function(x) {
                                       rgeos::gContains( map.spatial,
                                                             matrix( c( x[ 3 ], x[ 2 ] ), ncol = 2 )
                                                         ) )
                                   .parallel = parallel,
                                   .progress = progress )

    # stop multi-threading if it's running
    if( parallel ) {
        parallel::stopCluster( cl )

    # change binary data and combine
    map[ , , 1 ] <- as.integer( land.water )

    map.df <- data.frame( lon = as.vector( map[,,3] ),
                          lat = as.vector( map[,,2] ),
                          mask = as.vector( map[,,1] )

    # plot( coords.matrix, pch = ".", xlim = lonRange, ylim = latRange )
    # points( c( map[ , , 3 ] ), c( map[ , , 2 ] ),
    #         col = c( 0, 1 )[ as.factor( c( map[ , , 1 ] ) ) ],
    #         pch = 19 )

    return( map.df )

rossholmberg/pkgButterfly documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:36 p.m.