RFLtheme R package

This is a package for theme-ing data visualisations. the core function is rfl_style() which allows you to style ggplot2 charts according to the Royal Free's style guide and charts library (taking a significant lead from the BBC's bbplot package). You can also use colours form our corporate colour palette with the rfl_colour() and rfl_scale_*() functions, borrowing very heavily from this blogplot by Simon Jackson

In the future we may include markdown templates and styles.


You will have to install it directly from Github using devtools.

If you do not have the devtools package installed, you will have to run the first line in the code below.

# install.packages('devtools')

N.B. Currently, importing RFLtheme into your project with library(RFLtheme) will change some default ggplot2 options (axis titles and grid lines) of your ggplot2 plots.

How to use and examples

...coming soon...

royal-free-london/RFLtheme documentation built on July 10, 2020, 8:30 a.m.