
# subset cross2 objects

# subset.cross2
#' Subsetting data for a QTL experiment
#' Pull out a specified set of individuals and/or chromosomes from a
#' `cross2` object.
#' @md
#' @param x An object of class `"cross2"`. For details, see the
#' [R/qtl2 developer guide](http://kbroman.org/qtl2/assets/vignettes/developer_guide.html).
#' @param ind A vector of individuals: numeric indices, logical
#' values, or character string IDs.
#' @param chr A vector of chromosomes: numeric indices, logical
#' values, or character string IDs
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @details
#' When subsetting by individual, if `ind` is numeric, they're
#' assumed to be numeric indices; if character strings, they're
#' assumed to be individual IDs. `ind` can be numeric or logical
#' only if the genotype, phenotype, and covariate data all have the
#' same individuals in the same order.
#' When subsetting by chromosome, `chr` is _always_
#' converted to character strings and treated as chromosome IDs. So if
#' there are three chromosomes with IDs `"18"`, `"19"`, and
#' `"X"`, `mycross[,18]` will give the first of the
#' chromosomes (labeled `"18"`) and `mycross[,3]` will give
#' an error.
#' When using character string IDs for `ind` or `chr`, you
#' can use "negative" subscripts to indicate exclusions, for example
#' `mycross[,c("-18", "-X")]` or `mycross["-Mouse2501",]`.
#' But you can't mix "positive" and "negative" subscripts, and if any
#' of the individuals has an ID that begins with `"-"`, you can't
#' use negative subscripts like this.
#' @return The input `cross2` object, with the selected
#' individuals and/or chromsomes.
#' @section Warning:
#' The order of the two arguments is reversed relative to the related
#' function in [R/qtl](https://rqtl.org).
#' @export
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' grav2 <- read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "grav2.zip", package="qtl2geno"))
#' # keep individuals 1-20 and chromosomes 3 and 4
#' grav2sub <- grav2[1:20, c(3,4)]
#' # keep just chromosome 1
#' grav2_c1 <- grav2[,1]
subset.cross2 <-
    function(x, ind=NULL, chr=NULL, ...)
    if(is.null(ind) && is.null(chr))
        stop("You must specify either ind or chr.")

    slice_by_chr <- c("geno", "founder_geno", "gmap", "pmap", "is_x_chr")

    slice_by_ind <- c("geno", "is_female", "cross_info", "pheno", "covar")

    if(!is.null(chr)) {
        # first clean up chromosome argument
        chr <- subset_chr(chr, names(x$geno))

        for(obj in slice_by_chr) {
            if(obj %in% names(x)) {
                x[[obj]] <- x[[obj]][chr]

    if(!is.null(ind)) {
        # check that geno, covar, pheno have individuals in same order
        allow_logical <- TRUE
        ind_g <- rownames(x$geno[[1]])
        if(!is.null(x$covar) && (nrow(x$covar) != length(ind_g) ||
           !all(rownames(x$covar) == ind_g)))
            allow_logical <- FALSE
        if(!is.null(x$pheno) && (nrow(x$pheno) != length(ind_g) ||
           !all(rownames(x$pheno) == ind_g)))
            allow_logical <- FALSE

        # first clean up ind argument
        ind <- subset_ind(ind, ind_g, allow_logical)

        # Finally, the actual subsetting
        for(obj in slice_by_ind) {
            if(obj %in% names(x)) {
                # is it a matrix like cross_info?
                if(is.matrix(x[[obj]]) || is.data.frame(x[[obj]])) {
                    x[[obj]] <- x[[obj]][ind[ind %in% rownames(x[[obj]])],,drop=FALSE]
                # is it a list like $geno?
                else if(!is.matrix(x[[obj]]) && is.list(x[[obj]])) {
                    x[[obj]] <- lapply(x[[obj]], function(a, b) {
                            a <- a[b[b %in% rownames(a)],,drop=FALSE]
                            a <- a[b[b %in% names(a)]]
                        a }, ind)
                else # it's a vector
                    x[[obj]] <- x[[obj]][ind[ind %in% names(x[[obj]])]]


#' @export
#' @rdname subset.cross2
`[.cross2` <-
    function(x, ind=NULL, chr=NULL)
    subset(x, ind, chr)
rqtl/qtl2geno documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:36 a.m.