
Defines functions setup_eco2mix check_files_eco2mix download_eco2mix read_eco2mix read_hydraulique_fil_de_l_eau_eclusee

Documented in read_eco2mix setup_eco2mix

#' Setup Eco2mix data for Weekly Margin Simulation
#' @param path_input Path where eco2mix data are or will downloaded.
#' @export
setup_eco2mix <- function(path_input) {
  path_eco2mix <- file.path(path_input, "eco2mix")
  if (!dir.exists(path_eco2mix)) {
  check_files <- check_files_eco2mix(path_eco2mix)
  if (check_files) {
    message("eco2mix correctly initialized!")
  eco2mix_tr <- try(download_eco2mix("tr", path_eco2mix), silent = TRUE)
  if ("try-error" %in% class(eco2mix_tr)) {
      "Failed to download eco2mix data, please download archive here: ",
      ", and put unzip file here: ", path_eco2mix
    ), call. = FALSE)
  eco2mix_cons <- try(download_eco2mix("cons", path_eco2mix), silent = TRUE)
  if ("try-error" %in% class(eco2mix_cons)) {
      "Failed to download eco2mix data, please download archive here: ",
      ", and put unzip file here: ", path_eco2mix
    ), call. = FALSE)
  message("eco2mix correctly initialized!")

check_files_eco2mix <- function(path) {
  all_files <- list.files(path = path, recursive = TRUE)
  tr <- "eCO2mix_RTE_En-cours-TR.xls"
  cons <- "eCO2mix_RTE_En-cours-Consolide.xls"
  tr %in% all_files & cons %in% all_files

#' @importFrom utils download.file unzip
download_eco2mix <- function(type = c("tr", "cons"), path) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  url_dat <- switch(
    "tr" = "https://eco2mix.rte-france.com/download/eco2mix/eCO2mix_RTE_En-cours-TR.zip", 
    "cons" = "https://eco2mix.rte-france.com/download/eco2mix/eCO2mix_RTE_En-cours-Consolide.zip"
    url = url_dat,
    destfile = file.path(path, "eco2mix.zip")
  path_dat <- unzip(zipfile = file.path(path, "eco2mix.zip"), exdir = path)

#' Read eco2mix data
#' @param path Path to file.
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table fread setnames :=
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' eco2mix <- read_eco2mix("eCO2mix_RTE_En-cours-Consolide.xls")
#' }
read_eco2mix <- function(path) {
  suppressWarnings(eco2mix_dat <- fread(file = path, skip = 1L, fill = TRUE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE))
  eco2mix_dat <- eco2mix_dat[-.N]
  # column's names
  col_names <- readLines(con = path, n = 1)
  col_names <- str_split(col_names, "\t")[[1]]
  col_names <- clean_names(col_names)
  col2suppr <- tail(names(eco2mix_dat), 1)
  eco2mix_dat[, (col2suppr) := NULL]
  setnames(eco2mix_dat, names(eco2mix_dat), col_names)
  setnames(eco2mix_dat, "hydraulique_fil_de_l_eau_eclusee", "hydraulique_fil_eau_eclusee")
  eco2mix_dat[, date_heure := paste(date, heures)]
  eco2mix_dat[, date_heure := as.POSIXct(date_heure, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")]
  eco2mix_dat[, date := as.Date(date)]

read_hydraulique_fil_de_l_eau_eclusee <- function(path_tr, path_cons, start, startday = "samedi") {
  start <- as.Date(start)
  #On cherche le jour précedent a notre date de prevision
  endday <- as.numeric(format(start, "%u")) - 1
  if (endday < 1) {
    endday <- 7
  #on recupere les dates de debut et
  date_ini_fil <- get_previous(startday, date = start)
  date_fin_fil <- get_previous(endday, date = start)
  vars <- c("date", "date_heure", "hydraulique_fil_eau_eclusee")
  eco2mix_tr <- read_eco2mix(path_tr)
  eco2mix_tr <- eco2mix_tr[, .SD, .SDcols = intersect(names(eco2mix_tr), vars)]
  eco2mix_cons <- read_eco2mix(path_cons)
  eco2mix_cons <- eco2mix_cons[, .SD, .SDcols = intersect(names(eco2mix_cons), vars)]
  eco2mix <- rbindlist(list(eco2mix_tr, eco2mix_cons), fill = TRUE)
  eco2mix <- eco2mix[order(date_heure)]
  eco2mix <- eco2mix[format(date_heure, format = "%M") == "00"]
  eco2mix <- eco2mix[date >= as.Date(date_ini_fil)]
  eco2mix <- eco2mix[date <= as.Date(date_fin_fil)]
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresWeeklyMargin documentation built on July 25, 2019, 8:23 p.m.