
#' Return data frame of initial values of invested capacities for all candidates
#' @param candidates
#'   list of investment candidates, as returned by
#'   \code{\link{read_candidates}}
#' @param horizon
#'   representated year in the Antares Study
#' @param exp_options
#'   list of benders decomposition options, as returned by
#'   \code{\link{read_options}}.
#' @param ampl_path
#'   Character containing the path to the ampl.exe file
#' @param opts
#'   list of simulation parameters returned by the function
#'   \code{antaresRead::setSimulationPath}
#' @return 
#' Returns a vector of link name
#' @noRd
initiate_candidate_capacities <- function(candidates, horizon, exp_options, ampl_path, opts)
  n_candidates <- length(candidates)
  # if no additional constraints are added : all set of initial values are feasible
  if (is.null(exp_options$additional_constraints))
    # set initial value to each investment candidate 
    # (here put to closest multiple of unit-size below max_invest/2)
    cap <- sapply(candidates, FUN = function(c){
      if(c$unit_size > 0)
        out <- floor(c$max_invest/2/c$unit_size) * c$unit_size
        out <- max(0, min(c$max_invest, out))
      { out <- c$max_invest/2}
  # if additional constraint are added : solve the master problem to return any feasible solution
    # run AMPL with system command
    log <- solve_master(opts, relax_integrality = FALSE, ampl_path)

    # read AMPL output: investment solution
    initial_cap <-  read.table(paste0(opts$studyPath,"/user/expansion/temp/out_solutionmaster.txt"), sep =";", col.names = c("candidate", "value"))
    cap <- initial_cap$value
  # build invested capacities data.frame
  invested_capacities <- data.frame(
    it = rep(1, n_candidates),
    year = rep(horizon,n_candidates),
    candidate = sapply(candidates, FUN = function(c){c$name}),
    value = cap

#' get invested capacity
#' @param invested_capacity
#'   invested_capacity data.frame
#' @param it
#'   iteration number
#' @param candidate
#'  candidate name
#' @param horizon
#'   simulated year
#' @return 
#' Returns numerical value with invested capacity for that candidate/it/horizon
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @noRd
get_capacity <- function(invested_capacity, it, candidate, horizon = NULL)
  itb <- it
  candidateb <- candidate
    out <- subset(invested_capacity, candidate == candidateb & it == itb)$value
    out <- subset(invested_capacity, candidate == candidateb & it == itb & year == horizon)$value
  assertthat::assert_that(length(out) == 1)
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresXpansion documentation built on June 16, 2019, 2:35 p.m.