
Defines functions genepop_toploci

Documented in genepop_toploci

# Get top loci
#' @title Creates a panel of the top n unlinked loci, and exports the list of loci
#' @description Extract the genotypes of individuals at the top n (by Fst) unlinked loci. The default threshold of r2>0.2 is employed for assigning 'linked' loci (default for plink).
#' @param genepop A file path to the genepop format file you wish to create your panel from
#' @param where.plink A file path to the PLINK installation folder.
#' @param where.pgdspider A file path to the PGDspider installation folder.
#' @param r2.threshold The minimum r^2 threshold to consider a pair of loci to be in LD
#' @param fst.threshold The minimum FST threshold required to retain a locus
#' @param ld.window Number of adjacent SNPs to compare each SNP against for LD - default is NULL, which translates to a window size of 99999, which essentially asks to compare each SNP against all others
#' @param ldpop A string which populations (default: "All") will be used to calculate linkage disequilibrium. Names must match names returned by genepop_detective().
#' @param allocate.pgd.ram An integer value in GB to specify the maximum amount of RAM to allocate to PGDspider. The default is 1 GB, which should be sufficient for most analyses.
#' @param return.workspace (default: TRUE) Logical query to return the output to the workspace
#' @param save.output Logical query (default: FALSE) to save the output to the same location as the file being analyzed. Each of the outputs of the function will be saved as a separate file with the file name of the orginal data appended with "_Linkages", "Loci_FST", and "Unlinked_Loci_FST" for the pairwise linked loci along with their r^2, all loci with their global Fst, and only the top unlinked loci with their Fst respectively.
#' @rdname genepop_toploci
#' @export
#' @importFrom diveRsity diffCalc
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_detect
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom utils read.table

genepop_toploci <- function(genepop, where.plink, where.pgdspider, r2.threshold = 0.2, fst.threshold = 0.05,  ld.window = NULL, ldpop = "All", allocate.pgd.ram = 1, return.workspace = TRUE, save.output = FALSE){

  writeLines("Note that this function works with Plink 1.9 for now. If you have Plink 2.0, the function may not perform as intended.")

  path.start <- getwd()  ### where to write the files created by genepopedit to

  ## check for retrun options
  if(!save.output & !return.workspace){
    stop("No output option specified. At least one output parameter (save.output or return.workspace) must be TRUE.")

  ## find the populations in the file
  pops.exist <- genepop_detective(genepop) ## see what populations are in the file

  if(allocate.pgd.ram%%1 != 0){
    stop("Please specify an integer GB value to allocate to PGDspider.")

  #Set up ram allocation. Note that only 1024 gb of ram will work with Windows
  allocate.pgd.ram <- allocate.pgd.ram*1024

  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" & allocate.pgd.ram>1024){
    writeLines("Note that currently PGDspider can only utilize ~1 GB of RAM on windows based operating systems. Periodically check back to https://github.com/rystanley/genepopedit for any updates to this limitation.

  #Variable checks
  if(r2.threshold < 0 | r2.threshold > 1){
    stop("r^2 threshold must be a value between 0 and 1")

    writeLines("Linkage detection threshold is low (<0.2). Linkage will be classified at a higher frequency than default PLINK selection parameters.

    ld.window = 999999 ### sets the LD window to essentially check every SNP pairwise

  if(ld.window < 0){
    stop("LD window must be positive")

  if(length(which(ldpop %in% c("All",pops.exist)))==0){
    stop(paste0("Parameter 'ldpop' must be a string of population names in the dataset, or ", "'All'. ", "Function stopped."),call. = FALSE)

  if(fst.threshold < 0 | fst.threshold > 1){
    stop("FST threshold must be a value between 0 and 1")

  # modify the path to play nice with spaces

  path.start.PGD <- gsub(x = path.start, pattern = " ", replacement = "\\")
  where.pgdspider.PGD <- gsub(x = where.pgdspider, pattern = " ", replacement = "\\ ", fixed = TRUE)

  #Calculate FST
  writeLines("Calculating locus-specific Fst\n\n")

  FST.dat <- diveRsity::diffCalc(infile = genepop,outfile = NULL,fst = T,bs_locus = F)
  FST.dat <- FST.dat$std_stats[1:length(FST.dat$std_stats$loci)-1,]
  FSTs <- FST.dat$Fst

  FST.df <- data.frame(genepopedit::genepop_detective(genepop,variable="Loci"), FSTs)
  names(FST.df)[1] <- "loci"
  FST.df <- FST.df[base::order(FST.df$FSTs, decreasing = TRUE),
  FST.Filter.Vec <- as.character(FST.df[which(FST.df$FSTs >=
                                                fst.threshold), 1])

  #Console message
  writeLines("Converting GENEPOP to MAP-PED format.")

  writeLines("Warning messages are expected as part of conversion process using PGDspider.


  ### Will LD be calculated for All or specified populations.
  if(ldpop != "All"){

    subPOP <- as.character(ldpop)

    ## subset out the population in which LD is to be calculated - this will make a file, which will be deleted after
    subset_genepop(genepop = genepop, spop = subPOP, subs = FST.Filter.Vec, keep = TRUE, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt"))
    ## remember path to the file created by subset_genepop
    sub_data_path <- paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt")

  if(ldpop == "All"){

    popLDsubsetDF <- data.frame(op=pops.exist, paste0("PopA", rep(1:length(pops.exist)))) ## make a both the same

    subset_genepop_aggregate(genepop = genepop, agpopframe = popLDsubsetDF, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt"))
    sub_data_path <- paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt")
    subset_genepop(genepop = sub_data_path, subs = FST.Filter.Vec, keep = TRUE, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt"))
    ## now rename

    subset_genepop_rename(genepop = sub_data_path, path = sub_data_path, nameframe = popLDsubsetDF,renumber=TRUE)


  ### convert file to .ped and .map using PGD spider

  ## create spid file

  spidTop <- "# spid-file generated: Thu Mar 10 09:40:22 AST 2016

  # GENEPOP Parser questions

  # Enter the size of the repeated motif (same for all loci: one number; different: comma separated list (e.g.: 2,2,3,2):
  # Select the type of the data:
  # How are Microsat alleles coded?

  # PED Writer questions

  # Save MAP file"

  map.loc <- paste0("PED_WRITER_MAP_FILE_QUESTION= ", "PGDtest")

  spidBottom <- "# Replacement character for allele encoded as 0 (0 encodes for missing data in PED):
  # Specify the locus/locus combination you want to write to the PED file:
  # Do you want to save an additional MAP file with loci information?

  spid.file <- c(spidTop, map.loc, spidBottom)

  ## write spid file
  write(x = spid.file, file = paste0(path.start, "/", "hyb.spid"))

  ### move spid file to the PGDspider folder
  file.copy(from = paste0(path.start, "/hyb.spid"), to = where.pgdspider, overwrite = TRUE)
  remember.spidpath <- paste0(path.start, "/", "hyb.spid")
  ## move the input file as well to the same location as PGDspider - this makes this step so much easier
  file.copy(from <- sub_data_path, to = where.pgdspider, overwrite = TRUE)

  #### OS X LINUX call
  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows"){
    ### create a string to call PGDspider
    input.file.call <- paste0("-inputfile subset_for_LD.txt")
    execute.SPIDER <- paste0("java -Xmx", allocate.pgd.ram, "m -Xms512m -jar PGDSpider2-cli.jar")
    spid.call <- "-spid hyb.spid"
    input.format <- "-inputformat GENEPOP"
    output.format <- "-outputformat PED"
    goto.spider <- paste0("cd ", where.pgdspider.PGD, "; ", execute.SPIDER)
    output.file.path <- paste0("-outputfile PGDtest.ped")
    ## string to run
    run.PGDspider <- paste0(goto.spider, " ", input.file.call, " ", input.format, " ", output.file.path, " ", output.format, " ", spid.call)

    ### run PGDspider through system
  } # END OSX LINUX if

  #### Windows call
  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
    ### create a string to call PGDspider
    input.file.call <- paste0("-inputfile subset_for_LD.txt")
    execute.SPIDER <- paste0("java -Xmx", allocate.pgd.ram, "m -Xms512m -jar PGDSpider2-cli.jar")
    spid.call <- "-spid hyb.spid"
    input.format <- "-inputformat GENEPOP"
    output.format <- "-outputformat PED"
    goto.spider <- paste0("cd ", where.pgdspider.PGD, " && ", execute.SPIDER)
    output.file.path <- paste0("-outputfile PGDtest.ped")
    ## string to run
    run.PGDspider <- paste0(goto.spider, " ", input.file.call, " ", input.format, " ", output.file.path, " ", output.format, " ", spid.call)

    ### run PGDspider through system

  ## move the created ped and map files to the PLINK folder
  ped.path <- paste0(where.pgdspider, "/", "PGDtest.ped")
  map.path <- paste0(where.pgdspider, "/", "PGDtest.map")

  file.copy(from = ped.path, to = where.plink, overwrite = TRUE)
  file.copy(from = map.path, to = where.plink, overwrite = TRUE)

  plink_ped_path <- paste0(where.plink, "/", "PGDtest.ped")
  plink_map_path <- paste0(where.plink, "/", "PGDtest.map")

  #Console message

  writeLines("Calculating Linkage.


  ### prepare a string to call PLINK
  ### modify PLINK path so it plays nice with system
  where.plink.go <- gsub(x = where.plink, pattern = " ", replacement = "\\ ", fixed = TRUE)
  go.to.PLINK <- paste0("cd ", where.plink.go)

  ### OSX LINUX PLINK call
  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows"){
    execute.PLINK <- paste0(go.to.PLINK, "; ", "./plink --file PGDtest --r2 --ld-window-r2 ", r2.threshold, " --ld-window ", ld.window, " --noweb")
    ### run PLINK through system

  ### Windows PLINK CALL
  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
    execute.PLINK <- paste0(go.to.PLINK, " && ", "plink --file PGDtest --r2 --ld-window-r2 ", r2.threshold, " --ld-window ", ld.window, " --noweb")
    ### run PLINK through system

  #Console message

  writeLines("Creating Fst optimized unlinked panel.


  ## copy the LD file created by PLINK to the working directory
  file.copy(from = paste0(where.plink, "plink.ld"), to = path.start)

  ## the format of the LD file is a bit messed up - it is not a regular matrix - have to modify the file a bit to get it to read in properly

  ## rename the file and change it to a txt
  file.rename(from = paste0(path.start, "/", "plink.ld"), to = paste0(path.start, "/", "plink.txt"))

  ## read the file in as characters - there are an uneven number of spaces between data, so have to remove those before can read as a table
  LDs <- readChar(con = "plink.txt", file.info("plink.txt")$size) ## read in as a long character string
  LDs_reform <- gsub(x = LDs, pattern = "\\ +", replacement = " ") ### remove more than 1 space
  ## save as a new .txt file, which is now formatted to be read into R easily
  write(x = LDs_reform, file = "LDsReform.txt")
  ## read back in
  Linked <- utils::read.table("LDsReform.txt", header = TRUE)
  ## keep only the needed columns
  Linked <- Linked[c("SNP_A", "SNP_B", "R2")]
  ### turn both columns into a single vector of unduplicated loci names
  ld.unique <- c(as.character(Linked$SNP_A), as.character(Linked$SNP_B))
  ld.unique <- as.character(ld.unique[which(duplicated(ld.unique)==FALSE)])

  if(length(ld.unique) > 1){

    FST.df2 <- FST.df[which(FST.df$loci %in% ld.unique),]
    FST.ld.ordered <- as.character(FST.df2[order(FST.df2$FSTs,decreasing=T),"loci"])

    holdlist <- list()
    for(i in FST.ld.ordered){
      hold <- c(i,as.character(Linked[which(Linked[,1]%in%i),2]),

      hold2 <- NULL
      for(k in 1:length(hold)){hold2 <- c(hold2,which(FST.ld.ordered == hold[k]))}
      holdlist[[i]] <- hold2

    linked.ranks.df2 <- plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(holdlist,function(y){as.data.frame(t(y),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)}))

    LRD2 <- as.matrix(linked.ranks.df2)

    highest1 <-  LRD2[1,which.min(LRD2[1,])]
    otherdat1 <- LRD2[1,-which.min(LRD2[1,])]
    otherdat1 <- otherdat1[!is.na(otherdat1)]

    to.keep <- FST.ld.ordered[Optimfunc(linked.ranks.df2)]
    to.drop <- setdiff(as.character(FST.df2$loci),to.keep)

    FST.df2$loci <- as.character(FST.df2$loci)
    FST.df$loci <- as.character(FST.df$loci)

    to.keep <- FST.df[-which(FST.df$loci %in% to.drop),]

    #Console message

    writeLines("Writing output.


    Unlinked.panel <- FST.df[which(FST.df$loci %in% to.keep$loci),]

    your.panel <- FST.df
    your.panel_un <- Unlinked.panel[which(Unlinked.panel$FSTs>=fst.threshold),]
    your.panel <- your.panel[order(your.panel$FSTs,decreasing=TRUE),]
    your.panel_unlinked <- your.panel_un[order(your.panel_un$FSTs,decreasing = TRUE),]
    Linked.df <- Linked
  } ### END IF There are loci in LD

  if(length(ld.unique) < 1){ # if not linked loci
    writeLines("Writing output")
    writeLines("No linked loci detected, all loci returned.")
    your.panel <- FST.df
    your.panel <- your.panel[order(your.panel$FSTs,decreasing=TRUE),]
    your.panel_unlinked <- your.panel
    Linked.df <- NA

  #clean up temporary files used in the analysis.
  file.remove(paste0(where.pgdspider, "/hyb.spid"))
  file.remove(paste0(path.start, "/plink.txt"))
  file.remove(paste0(path.start, "/LDsReform.txt"))

  #Console message

  writeLines("Process Completed.")

  ## return output
  Output <- list(Linkages=Linked.df,

  if(save.output == TRUE){

    write_path <- gsub(x = genepop, pattern = ".txt", replacement = "")

    utils::write.table(x = Output$Linkages, file = paste0(write_path, "_linkages.txt"),row.names = FALSE,quote=FALSE)
    utils::write.table(x = Output$Fst, file = paste0(write_path, "_Loci_FST.txt"),row.names=FALSE,quote = FALSE)
    utils::write.table(x = Output$Fst_Unlinked, file = paste0(write_path, "_Unlinked_Loci_FST.txt"),row.names=FALSE,quote = FALSE)


   if(return.workspace == TRUE){


rystanley/genepopedit documentation built on June 27, 2023, 11:33 p.m.