This document is just for you, to help you find out how to work with such a project. You can delete it afterwards.

You have just created a {reschola} project.

It comes with some files and directories as suggested ways of organising your work:

The data/input and data/processed have .gitignore files in to stop you form committing sensitive data to GitHub. Commit these .gitignore files to git. But only alter them if you are sure you know what you are doing.

You should feel free to move code between the analysis and the 00*_* scripts as you discover data transformations that should be made earlier on in the workflow.

Use build_all.R to tie these together - when run, it should rebuild the whole project from scratch, except perhaps downloading data. You may want to build different build_*.R as helpers for running different parts of the workflow while you work.

You can find guidelines for building Schola Empirica projects by running the following chunk:

vignette("workflow", package = "reschola")

(If R cannot find the vignette, make sure you add build_vignettes = TRUE in install_github("scholaempirica/reschola)).

If you are having trouble setting up your system, see

vignette("setup", package = "reschola")

For tips on using R and RStudio efficiently, run

vignette("tips", package = "reschola")

And if you would like to make changes to the reschola package, see

vignette("meta", package = "reschola")

The whole documentation for the package is online, run the following chunk to go there:


scholaempirica/reschola documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 12:26 a.m.