
Defines functions gd_upload_file gd_download_folder

Documented in gd_download_folder gd_upload_file

#' Download files from Google Drive folder
#' Downloads all downloadable files from given Google Drive folder
#' and saves them to specified local directory. Files will have the same names.
#' Use `googledrive::drive_download()` for downloading individual files.
#' @note As it would be very difficult to mirror the folder exactly,
#' if `files_from_subfolders` is set to `TRUE`, files from subfolders will be
#' saved in the same directory, not in the respective subdirectories.
#' Bear this in mind when naming files in GDrive subfolders so as to avoid naming conflicts.
#' @param folder_url Folder URL.
#' @param dest_dir Local URL in which to store files.
#' @param files_from_subfolders Whether to download also files from subdirectories.
#'   Defaults to `TRUE`. See Note.
#' @param overwrite Whether to overwrite if file of same name exists.
#' @return vector of paths to downloaded files
#' @family Workflow helpers
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gd_url <- "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bCyR_VKAP_43NEujqisjN77hANnMKfHZ"
#' gd_download_folder(
#'   folder_url = gd_url,
#'   files_from_subfolders = T, overwrite = T
#' )
#' }
#' @importFrom purrr walk2 map_chr
#' @importFrom usethis ui_path ui_info
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom googledrive as_id as_dribble is_folder drive_ls drive_download
#' @export
gd_download_folder <- function(folder_url = gd_get_proj(), dest_dir = "data/input",
                               files_from_subfolders = FALSE,
                               overwrite = TRUE) {
  url_id <- as_id(folder_url)
  url_dribble <- as_dribble(url_id)


  if (files_from_subfolders) ui_info("Downloading files from subdirectories also into {ui_path(dest_dir)} (no subdirectories will be created).")

  drv_items <- drive_ls(url_id, recursive = files_from_subfolders)

  drv_files <- drv_items %>%
    mutate(mimetype = map_chr(.data$drive_resource, "mimeType")) %>%
    filter(.data$mimetype != "application/vnd.google-apps.folder")

    drv_files$id, drv_files$name,
    ~ drive_download(as_id(.x),
      path = file.path(dest_dir, .y),
      overwrite = overwrite

  invisible(file.path(dest_dir, drv_files$name))

#' Upload a file to project's Google Drive
#' @param file *character*, path to the file.
#' @param dir Directory at Google Drive, defaults to current reschola project
#'   directory picked up by `gd_get_proj()`.
#' @return An object of class `dribble`, a tibble with one row per file.
#' @export
#' @importFrom googledrive drive_put as_dribble
#' @importFrom here here
gd_upload_file <- function(file, dir = gd_get_proj()) {
  drive_put(here(file), as_dribble(dir))
scholaempirica/reschola documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 12:26 a.m.