
createVocab = function(tokenized.tweets, method = "2gram") {
  if (method == "1gram") {
    vocab = create_vocabulary(tokenized.tweets, ngram = c(1L, 1L))
  } else if (method == "2gram") {
    vocab = create_vocabulary(tokenized.tweets, ngram = c(1L, 2L))
  } else if (method == "3gram") {
    vocab = create_vocabulary(tokenized.tweets, ngram = c(1L, 3L))
  } else if (method == "4gram") {
    vocab = create_vocabulary(tokenized.tweets, ngram = c(1L, 4L))

tokenizerFunc = function(df, prep.fun = tolower, tok.fun = word_tokenizer) {

  # df has columns $text and $id
         preprocessor = prep.fun,
         tokenizer = tok.fun,
         ids = df$tweetnumber,
         progressbar = TRUE)

trainGlmNet = function(tweets.labeled, ngram) {
  # train.data = preProcTweets(tweets.labeled)

  tokenized = tokenizerFunc(tweets.labeled)
  vocab = createVocab(tokenized, method = ngram)

  # creating vocabulary and document-term matrix
  vectorizer = vocab_vectorizer(vocab)
  docterm = create_dtm(tokenized, vectorizer)
  # define tf-idf model
  tfidf = TfIdf$new()
  # fit the model to the train data and transform it with the fitted model
  docterm.tfidf = fit_transform(docterm, tfidf)
  # train the model

  glmnet.sentim.classif = cv.glmnet(x = docterm.tfidf,
                                    y = tweets.labeled[['sentiment']],
                                    family = 'binomial',
                                    # L1 penalty
                                    alpha = 1,
                                    # interested in the area under ROC curve
                                    type.measure = "auc",
                                    # 5-fold cross-validation
                                    nfolds = 5,
                                    # high value is less accurate, but has faster training
                                    thresh = 1e-3,
                                    # again lower number of iterations for faster training
                                    maxit = 1e3)
  return(list("classif" = glmnet.sentim.classif, "vocab" = vocab))

getGlmnetSentiments <- function(classif, vocab, tweets_oneline_format,
                               lower.threshold, upper.threshold) {

  tokenized = tokenizerFunc(tweets_oneline_format)
  # vocab = createVocab(tokenized, method = ngram)

  # creating vocabulary and document-term matrix
  vectorizer = vocab_vectorizer(vocab)
  docterm = create_dtm(tokenized, vectorizer)
  # define tf-idf model
  tfidf = TfIdf$new()
  # fit the model to the train data and transform it with the fitted model
  docterm.tfidf = fit_transform(docterm, tfidf)
  # train the model
  preds = predict(classif, docterm.tfidf, type = 'response')[ , 1]

  sentims = predsToSentiments(preds, lower.threshold = lower.threshold,
                              upper.threshold = upper.threshold)
  out_df = data.table(tweets_oneline_format, sentims, preds)
  colnames(out_df) = c("text", "tweetnumber", "sentiment", "prob")
  out_df <- out_df[, c("tweetnumber", "text", "sentiment", "prob")]

predsToSentiments <- function(preds, lower.threshold, upper.threshold) {
  sentims = vapply(preds, FUN.VALUE = character(1), FUN = function(x) {
    if (x <= lower.threshold) {
    } else if (x >= upper.threshold) {
    } else {

countStatModelSentiments = function(sentiment_df, iter) {
  sentiment_df = sentiment_df %>%
    select(-text) %>%
    count(sentiment) %>%
    spread(sentiment, n) %>%
    mutate(tweetbatch = iter)

  if (!("positive" %in% colnames(sentiment_df))) {
    sentiment_df = mutate(sentiment_df, "positive" = 0)
  if (!("negative" %in% colnames(sentiment_df))) {
    sentiment_df = mutate(sentiment_df, "negative" = 0)

  sentiment_df = sentiment_df %>%
    mutate("diff" = positive - negative)


trainSentimClassif = function(model, tweets.labeled, ngram) {
  if (model == "glmNet") {
    trainGlmNet(tweets.labeled, ngram)
  } else {}

predictionPlot = function(pred_df, lower.threshold, upper.threshold) {
  n = nrow(pred_df)
  ggplot(data = pred_df, aes(x = 1:n, y = prob)) +
    geom_point(aes(color = sentiment), size = 1.5) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = c(lower.threshold, upper.threshold),
               color = "black", size = 1) +
      values = c("negative" = "red",
                 "neutral" = "orange",
                 "positive" = "darkblue")
scholbeck/livesentiment documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:42 p.m.