A simple Restricted Boltzmann Machine implementation in R


The RBM package can easily be installed using the following command. Please make sure the devtools package is installed


Example implementation

#Data availible at
data <- as.matrix(read.csv('mnist_sample.csv'));

#Train RBM stack
model <- multi.rbm (hidden = c(150, 75, 30), data = data)

id <- 57

original <- matrix(data[ ,id], byrow = T, ncol = 16)
original <- t(original[16:1, 1:16]) #correct orientation
image(original, col = grey(seq(0, 1, 0.001)), main = 'Original')

#Visible to hidden
features <- up.rbm(model, data)

#Hidden back to visible
reconstructions <- down.rbm(model, features)

reconstruction <- matrix(reconstructions[id, ], byrow = T, ncol = 16)
reconstruction <- t(reconstruction[16:1, 1:16]) #correct orientation
image(reconstruction, col = grey(seq(0, 1, 0.001)), main = 'Reconstruction')

sdverkoelen/RBM documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:23 p.m.