
#' A Function to Convert Effect Estimates into Percentage Changes
#' @description A function to convert effect estimates into percentage changes for use in line in
#' publications. It can either convert an effect estimate with lower and upper confidence intervals that
#' is unformated into a pretty formated percentage or it can convert a \code{\link[prettypublisher]{pretty_ci}}
#' formatted effect size into a pretty formated percentage.
#' @inheritParams pretty_ci
#' @param string Logical, defaults to \code{FALSE}. Is the input a string as formated by
#' \code{pretty_ci}? If \code{TRUE} Then this function is not vectorised. Will attempt to
#' split based on the supplied sep criteria as well as several common splitting characters.
#' @param effect_direct A character string indicating the direction of the percentage.
#' Can be specified as "increase" or "decrease" (defaults to "increase").
#' @param ... Pass additional arguements to \code{\link[prettypublisher]{pretty_ci}}
#' @seealso pretty_ci
#' @return A pretty formated percentage with confidence intervals
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom purrr map map_chr transpose
#' @examples
#' est <- 1.2
#' lci <- 1.1
#' uci <- 1.3
#' ## As unformated effects
#' pretty_per_effect(est, lci, uci)
#' ## As formated effects
#' x <- pretty_ci(est, lci, uci, inline = TRUE)
#' pretty_per_effect(x, string = TRUE, inline = TRUE)
#' ## For a decrease
#' pretty_per_effect(x, string = TRUE, inline = TRUE, effect_direct = "decrease")
#' ## For difference seperations between strings (vectorised)
#' x <- pretty_ci(est, lci, uci, inline = TRUE, sep = ", ")
#' x <- c(x, x)
#' pretty_per_effect(x, string = TRUE, inline = TRUE)
#' ## For a decrease
#' pretty_per_effect(x, string = TRUE, inline = TRUE, effect_direct = "decrease")
#' ## Vectorised (as a string)
#' est <- c(est, 1.1)
#' lci <- c(lci, 1)
#' uci <- c(uci, 1.2)
#' pretty_per_effect(est, lci, uci)
pretty_per_effect <- function(est = NULL, lci = NULL, uci = NULL, string = FALSE, sep = " to ",
                              note = "95% CI ", replace_bracket = TRUE, digits = 0, inline = FALSE,
                              percentage = TRUE, effect_direct = "increase", ...) {

if (string) {
  est <- suppressWarnings(
             ~str_split(., pattern = "\\)") %>%
               unlist %>%
               str_split(pattern = sep) %>%
               unlist %>%
               str_split(pattern = " ") %>%
               unlist %>%
               str_split(pattern=",") %>%
               unlist %>%
               str_split(pattern="-") %>%
               unlist %>%
               as.numeric %>%
               map(na.omit) %>%
               unlist) %>%
    transpose %>%
}else {
  est <- list(est, lci, uci)

  if (effect_direct %in% "increase") {
    adjusted_per <- map(est,  ~ . - 1)
  }else if (effect_direct %in% "decrease") {
    adjusted_per <- map(est, ~ 1 - .)
    adjusted_per <- c(adjusted_per[[1]], adjusted_per[[3]], adjusted_per[[2]])
    stop("effect_direct must be either increase or decrease.
         This specifies the direction of the effect")

  adjusted_per <- map(adjusted_per, ~ . *  100)
  adjusted_per <- transpose(adjusted_per)
  adjusted_per <- map_chr(adjusted_per, ~pretty_ci(unlist(.), string = TRUE,
                            sep = sep, note = note, replace_bracket = replace_bracket,
                            digits = digits, inline = inline,
                            percentage = percentage, ...)

seabbs/prettypublisher documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:36 p.m.