
## This is the R version of the Century model At the bottom is the interface to
## the C version
## 1. The input should be in g m^-2 for the century model, so If I have Mg
## ha^-1 I need to make the conversion: 1 Mg ha^-1 is 100 g m^-2. This is done
## in the C version 2. Add to the Nitrogen submodel the NO3 leaching, and the
## other destinations.  3. Need to add the N uptake, N2 loss and N2O and NOx
## losses
##' This function implements the Century model from Parton.
##' Calculates flows of soil organic carbon and nitrogen based on the Century
##' model. There are two versions one written in R (Century) and one in C
##' (CenturyC) they should give the same result. The C version only runs at
##' weekly timesteps.
##' Most of the details can be found in the papers by Parton et al. (1987,
##' 1988, 1993)
##' @aliases Century CenturyC
##' @param LeafL Leaf litter.
##' @param StemL Stem litter.
##' @param RootL Root litter.
##' @param RhizL Rhizome litter.
##' @param smoist Soil moisture.
##' @param stemp Soil temperature.
##' @param precip Precipitation.
##' @param leachWater Leached water.
##' @param centuryControl See \code{\link{centuryParms}}.
##' @param verbose Only used in the R version for debugging.
##' @param soilType See \code{\link{showSoilType}}.
##' @export
##' @return A list with,
##' @returnItem SCs Soil carbon pools 1-9.
##' @returnItem SNs Soil nitrogen pools 1-9.
##' @returnItem MinN Mineralized nitrogen.
##' @returnItem Resp Soil respiration.
##' @author Fernando E. Miguez
##' @references ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
##' @keywords models
##' @examples
##' Century(0,0,0,0,0.3,5,2,2)$Resp
##' Century(0,0,0,0,0.3,5,2,2)$MinN
Century <- function(LeafL, StemL, RootL, RhizL, smoist, stemp, precip, leachWater, 
    centuryControl = list(), verbose = FALSE) {
    ## I need the separate fractions of Leaf Litter and Stem Litter Because they
    ## have different lignin to N ratios Presumably, the rhizome and root are
    ## similar There is an issue here that I should be careful about I'm importing
    ## biomass, but need only carbon in some of these calculations
    centuryP <- centuryParms()
    centuryP[names(centuryControl)] <- centuryControl
    timestep <- centuryP$timestep
    ## Additional nitrogen processes N deposition
    Na <- 0.21 + 0.0028 * precip * 0.1  # precipitation is entered in mm
    # but it is needed in cm for this equation. Idem below N fixation
    Nf <- -0.18 + 0.014 * precip * 0.1
    ## The resulting N is in g N m^-2 yr^-1 Conversions g => Mg : multiply by 1e-6
    ## m^2 = > ha : multiply by 1e4 year to week : divide by 52
    if (timestep == 7) {
        Na <- Na * (1/52)
        Nf <- Nf * (1/52)
    } else if (timestep == 1) {
        Na <- Na * (1/365)
        Nf <- Nf * (1/365)
    ## Nitrogen in the form of fertilizer
    Nfert <- centuryP$Nfert  # The input units should be in g N m^-2
    MinN <- Na + Nf + Nfert + centuryP$iMinN
    if (verbose) 
        cat("MinN 0: ", MinN, "\n")
    ## I can calculate leaching by assuming that the excess water from my simple
    ## water budget contains NO3 and that this NO3 is lost
    T <- 0.47  # silt plus clay content of the soil
    Ts <- 0.53  # Sand content of the soil
    Tc <- 0.4  # Clay content of the soil
    ## Termed T in the original paper The value 17% for lignin content corresponds
    ## to maize stover
    LeafL.Ln <- centuryP$LeafL.Ln
    StemL.Ln <- centuryP$StemL.Ln
    RootL.Ln <- centuryP$RootL.Ln
    RhizL.Ln <- centuryP$RhizL.Ln
    ## The value 0.4 % corresponds to maize stover
    LeafL.N <- centuryP$LeafL.N
    StemL.N <- centuryP$StemL.N
    RootL.N <- centuryP$RootL.N
    RhizL.N <- centuryP$RhizL.N
    ## Calculate the CtoN ratio for surface microbe
    PlantN <- LeafL * LeafL.N + StemL * StemL.N
    CN.structural <- 150
    CN.surface <- 20 - PlantN * 5
    CN.active <- 15 - MinN * 6
    CN.slow <- 20 - MinN * 4
    CN.passive <- 10 - MinN * 1.5
    if (PlantN > 2) 
        CN.surface <- 10
    ## Here 2 is g m^-2
    if (MinN > 2) {
        CN.active <- 3
        CN.passive <- 7
        CN.slow <- 12
    SC1 <- centuryP$SC1
    SC2 <- centuryP$SC2
    SC3 <- centuryP$SC3
    SC4 <- centuryP$SC4
    SC5 <- centuryP$SC5
    SC6 <- centuryP$SC6
    SC7 <- centuryP$SC7
    SC8 <- centuryP$SC8
    SC9 <- centuryP$SC9
    SN1 <- SC1/CN.structural
    SN2 <- SC2/CN.surface
    SN3 <- SC3/CN.structural
    SN4 <- SC4/CN.active
    SN5 <- SC5/CN.surface
    SN6 <- SC6/CN.active
    SN7 <- SC7/CN.slow
    SN8 <- SC8/CN.passive
    SN9 <- SC9/CN.passive
    respC1.5 <- 0.6
    respC1.7 <- 0.3
    respC3.7 <- 0.3
    respC2.5 <- 0.6
    respC3.6 <- 0.55
    respC4.6 <- 0.55
    respC5.7 <- 0.6
    respC6 <- 0.85 - 0.68 * T
    respC7 <- 0.55
    respC8 <- 0.55
    Tm <- 1 - 0.75 * T
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Tm :", Tm, "\n")
    ## Tm is the effect of soil texture on active SOM turnover
    ## The flow constants are taken from the paper Parton et al. 1987 SSSJ 51:1173
    ## and Parton et al. 1993 Global Biogeochemistry pg 785
    Ks <- centuryP$Ks
    if (timestep == "week") {
        Ks <- Ks/52  # The units are week^-1
    } else if (timestep == "day") {
        Ks <- Ks/365  # The units are day^-1
    ## Need to calculate the effect of temperature and moisture.
    if (stemp < 35) {
        TempEff <- 1.0087/(1 + (46.2 * exp(-0.1899 * stemp)))
    } else {
        TempEff <- -0.0826 * stemp + 3.84
    MoisEff <- 1.0267/(1 + 14.7 * exp(-6.5 * smoist))
    Abiot <- TempEff * MoisEff
    ## Calculate Fm and Lc separately for each component
    FmLc.Leaf <- FmLcFun(LeafL.Ln, LeafL.N)
    FmLc.Stem <- FmLcFun(StemL.Ln, StemL.N)
    FmLc.Root <- FmLcFun(RootL.Ln, RootL.N)
    FmLc.Rhiz <- FmLcFun(RhizL.Ln, RhizL.N)
    ## Surface Metabolic Carbon
    SC2.Leaf <- FmLc.Leaf$Fm * LeafL
    SC2.Stem <- FmLc.Stem$Fm * StemL
    ## Root Metabolic Carbon
    SC4.Root <- FmLc.Root$Fm * RootL
    SC4.Rhiz <- FmLc.Rhiz$Fm * RhizL
    ## Surface Structural Carbon
    SC1.Leaf <- (1 - FmLc.Leaf$Fm) * LeafL
    SC1.Stem <- (1 - FmLc.Stem$Fm) * StemL
    ## Adding the extra arrows 12-11
    SC1.Leaf.Ln <- SC1.Leaf * LeafL.Ln
    SC1.Stem.Ln <- SC1.Stem * StemL.Ln
    SC1.Leaf <- SC1.Leaf - SC1.Leaf.Ln
    SC1.Stem <- SC1.Stem - SC1.Stem.Ln
    ## Root Structural Carbon
    SC3.Root <- (1 - FmLc.Root$Fm) * RootL
    SC3.Rhiz <- (1 - FmLc.Rhiz$Fm) * RhizL
    ## Adding the extra arrows 12-11
    SC3.Root.Ln <- SC3.Root * RootL.Ln
    SC3.Rhiz.Ln <- SC3.Rhiz * RhizL.Ln
    SC3.Root <- SC3.Root - SC3.Root.Ln
    SC3.Rhiz <- SC3.Rhiz - SC3.Rhiz.Ln
    ## T is silt plus clay content Ls is fraction of structural C that is lignin
    ## Structural Surface Litter C to Surface Microbe C 1 => 5 2 => 5 dC1/dt = Ki *
    ## Lc * A * Ci Leaf
    SC1.Leaf <- SC1.Leaf + 0.3 * SC1
    SC2.Leaf <- SC2.Leaf + 0.3 * SC2
    C1.5.Leaf <- flow(SC1.Leaf, CN.surface, Abiot, FmLc.Leaf$Lc, Tm, respC1.5, 1, 
        Ks, verbose)
    C2.5.Leaf <- flow(SC2.Leaf, CN.surface, Abiot, FmLc.Leaf$Lc, Tm, respC1.5, 5, 
        Ks, verbose)
    ## Stem
    SC1.Stem <- SC1.Stem + 0.7 * SC1
    SC2.Stem <- SC2.Stem + 0.7 * SC2
    C1.5.Stem <- flow(SC1.Stem, CN.surface, Abiot, FmLc.Stem$Lc, Tm, respC2.5, 1, 
        Ks, verbose)
    C2.5.Stem <- flow(SC2.Stem, CN.surface, Abiot, FmLc.Stem$Lc, Tm, respC2.5, 5, 
        Ks, verbose)
    SC1.Leaf <- C1.5.Leaf$SC
    SC2.Leaf <- C2.5.Leaf$SC
    SC1.Stem <- C1.5.Stem$SC
    SC2.Stem <- C2.5.Stem$SC
    ## Adding the ligning content
    C1.7.Leaf.Ln <- flow(SC1.Leaf.Ln, CN.slow, Abiot, FmLc.Leaf$Lc, Tm, respC1.7, 
        1, Ks, verbose)
    C1.7.Stem.Ln <- flow(SC1.Stem.Ln, CN.slow, Abiot, FmLc.Stem$Lc, Tm, respC1.7, 
        1, Ks, verbose)
    SC7 <- C1.7.Leaf.Ln$fC + C1.7.Stem.Ln$fC + SC7
    ## SC1.Ln = C1.5.Leaf.Ln$SC + C1.5.Stem.Ln$SC;
    ## Collect respiration
    Resp <- C1.5.Leaf$Resp + C2.5.Leaf$Resp + C1.5.Stem$Resp + C2.5.Stem$Resp + C1.7.Leaf.Ln$Resp + 
    ## Collect mineralized Nitrogen
    MinN <- MinN + C1.5.Leaf$MinN + C2.5.Leaf$MinN + C1.5.Stem$MinN + C2.5.Stem$MinN + 
        C1.7.Leaf.Ln$MinN + C1.7.Stem.Ln$MinN
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Resp:", Resp, "\n")
        cat("Min 1:", MinN, "\n")
    ## Updating the Soil Carbon Pools 1 and 2
    SC1 <- C1.5.Leaf$SC + C1.5.Stem$SC + C1.7.Leaf.Ln$SC + C1.7.Stem.Ln$SC
    SC2 <- C2.5.Leaf$SC + C2.5.Stem$SC
    ## Updating the Nitrogen Carbon Pools 1 and 2
    SN1 <- SC1/CN.structural + SN1
    SN2 <- SC2/CN.surface + SN2
    ## Structural Root Litter C to Soil Microbe C 4 => 6 3 => 6 Root
    SC3.Root <- SC3.Root + 0.3 * SC3
    SC4.Root <- SC4.Root + 0.3 * SC4
    C3.6.Root <- flow(SC3.Root, CN.active, Abiot, FmLc.Root$Lc, Tm, respC3.6, 2, 
        Ks, verbose)
    C4.6.Root <- flow(SC4.Root, CN.active, Abiot, FmLc.Root$Lc, Tm, respC3.6, 6, 
        Ks, verbose)
    ## Rhizome
    SC3.Rhiz <- SC3.Rhiz + 0.7 * SC3
    SC4.Rhiz <- SC4.Rhiz + 0.7 * SC4
    C3.6.Rhiz <- flow(SC3.Rhiz, CN.active, Abiot, FmLc.Rhiz$Lc, Tm, respC4.6, 2, 
        Ks, verbose)
    C4.6.Rhiz <- flow(SC4.Rhiz, CN.active, Abiot, FmLc.Rhiz$Lc, Tm, respC4.6, 6, 
        Ks, verbose)
    SC3.Root <- C3.6.Root$SC
    SC4.Root <- C4.6.Root$SC
    SC3.Rhiz <- C3.6.Rhiz$SC
    SC4.Rhiz <- C4.6.Rhiz$SC
    ## Adding the lignin content
    C3.7.Root.Ln <- flow(SC3.Root.Ln, CN.slow, Abiot, FmLc.Root$Lc, Tm, respC3.7, 
        2, Ks, verbose)
    C3.7.Rhiz.Ln <- flow(SC3.Rhiz.Ln, CN.slow, Abiot, FmLc.Rhiz$Lc, Tm, respC3.7, 
        2, Ks, verbose)
    SC7 <- SC7 + C3.7.Root.Ln$fC + C3.7.Rhiz.Ln$fC
    ## Collect respiration
    Resp <- Resp + C3.6.Root$Resp + C4.6.Root$Resp + C3.6.Rhiz$Resp + C4.6.Rhiz$Resp
    ## Collect mineralized Nitrogen
    MinN <- MinN + C3.6.Root$MinN + C4.6.Root$MinN + C3.6.Rhiz$MinN + C4.6.Rhiz$MinN + 
        C3.7.Root.Ln$MinN + C3.7.Rhiz.Ln$Min
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Resp:", Resp, "\n")
        cat("MinN 2:", MinN, "\n")
    ## Updating the Soil Carbon Pools 3 and 4
    SC3 <- C3.6.Root$SC + C3.6.Rhiz$SC + C3.7.Root.Ln$SC + C3.7.Rhiz.Ln$SC
    SC4 <- C4.6.Root$SC + C4.6.Rhiz$SC
    ## Updating the Nitrogen pools 3 and 4
    SN3 <- SC3/CN.structural + SN3
    SN4 <- SC4/CN.active + SN4
    ## Updating the Soil Carbon Pool 5
    SC5 <- C1.5.Leaf$fC + C1.5.Stem$fC + C2.5.Leaf$fC + C2.5.Stem$fC + SC5
    # Updating the Soil Nitrogen pool 5
    SN5 <- SC5/CN.surface + SN5
    ## Updating the Soil Carbon Pool 6
    SC6 <- C3.6.Root$fC + C3.6.Rhiz$fC + C4.6.Root$fC + C4.6.Rhiz$fC + SC6
    ## Updating the Soil Carbon Pool 6
    SN6 <- SC6/CN.active + SN6
    ## Surface Microbe C to Slow C 5 => 7
    C5.7 <- flow(SC5, CN.slow, Abiot, 0, 0, respC5.7, 4, Ks, verbose)
    Resp <- Resp + C5.7$Resp
    MinN <- MinN + C5.7$MinN
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Resp:", Resp, "\n")
        cat("MinN 3:", MinN, "\n")
    ## Updating Surface Microbe C (pool 5) and slow (pool 7)
    SC5 <- C5.7$SC
    SC7 <- C5.7$fC + SC7
    ## Updating Surface Microbe N pool
    SN5 <- SC5/CN.surface
    ## Soil Microbe C to intermediate stage C
    C6 <- flow(SC6, CN.slow, Abiot, 0, Tm, respC6, 3, Ks, verbose)
    Resp <- Resp + C6$Resp
    MinN <- MinN + C6$MinN
    if (verbose) 
        cat("Resp:", Resp, "\n")
    ## Updating carbon and soil pools 6
    SC6 <- C6$SC
    SN6 <- SC6/CN.active
    C.ap <- 0.003 + 0.032 * Tc
    C.al <- leachWater/18 * (0.01 + 0.04 * Ts)
    if (verbose) {
        cat("C.ap : ", C.ap, "\n")
        cat("C.al : ", C.al, "\n")
    C6.8 <- C6$fC * C.ap
    C6.9 <- C6$fC * C.al
    C6.7 <- C6$fC * (1 - C.ap - C.al)
    ## Updating the Soil Carbon Pool 7, 8 and 9
    SC7 <- C6.7 + SC7
    SC8 <- C6.8 + SC8
    SC9 <- C6.9 + SC9
    ## Updating the Soil Nitrogen Pool 7, 8 and 9
    SN7 <- SC7/CN.slow + SN7
    SN8 <- SC8/CN.passive + SN8
    SN9 <- SC9/CN.slow + SN9
    ## Slow Carbon to intermediate stage
    C7 <- flow(SC7, CN.slow, Abiot, 0, 0, respC7, 7, Ks, verbose)
    Resp <- Resp + C7$Resp
    MinN <- MinN + C7$MinN
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Resp ", Resp, "\n")
        cat("MinN 4:", MinN, "\n")
    C.sp <- 0.003 - 0.009 * Tc
    C7.8 <- C7$fC * C.sp
    C7.6 <- C7$fC * (1 - C.sp)  # There is no need to subtract 0.55 since
    # this was already taken into account in the flow equation Updating the Soil
    # Carbon Pools 6 and 8
    SC6 <- C7.6 + SC6
    SC8 <- C7.8 + SC8
    ## Updating the Soil Nitrogen Pools 6 and 8
    SN6 <- SC6/CN.active
    SN8 <- SN8/CN.passive
    ## Passive Carbon to Soil Microbe C
    C8.6 <- flow(SC8, CN.passive, Abiot, 0, 0, respC8, 8, Ks, verbose)
    Resp <- Resp + C8.6$Resp
    MinN <- MinN + C8.6$MinN
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Resp:", Resp, "\n")
        cat("MinN 5:", MinN, "\n")
    ## Updating the Soil Microbe C 6 and 8
    SC8 <- C8.6$SC
    SC6 <- C8.6$fC + SC6
    SN6 <- SC6/CN.active
    SN8 <- SC8/CN.passive
    SCs <- c(SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6, SC7, SC8, SC9)
    SNs <- c(SN1, SN2, SN3, SN4, SN5, SN6, SN7, SN8, SN9)
    list(SCs = SCs, SNs = SNs, MinN = MinN, Resp = Resp)
FmLcFun <- function(Lig, Nit) {
    Fm <- 0.85 - 0.018 * (Lig/Nit)
    Ls <- Lig/(1 - Fm)
    Lc <- exp(-3 * Ls)
    list(Lc = Lc, Fm = Fm)
flow <- function(SC, CNratio, A, Lc, Tm, resp, kno, Ks, verbose = FALSE) {
    if (kno < 3) {
        Kf <- Ks[kno] * Lc * A
        fC <- Kf * SC
    } else if (kno == 3) {
        Kf <- Ks[kno] * A * Tm
        fC <- Kf * SC
    } else if (kno > 3) {
        Kf <- Ks[kno] * A
        fC <- Kf * SC
    if (is.na(Kf)) 
        warning(paste("Kf is NA: ", kno)) else if (Kf > 1) 
        warning(paste("Kf greater than 1: ", Kf, A, Lc, kno))
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Kf :", Kf, " kno: ", kno, "\n")
    Resp <- fC * resp
    if (Resp < 0) 
        warning(paste("Resp less than zero", Resp))
    ## Mineralized N
    MinN <- Resp/CNratio
    SC <- SC - fC
    fC <- fC - Resp
    # fN = fC / CNratio It is important to keep track of C emissions because I
    # might need to validate it against Eddy flux data
    list(SC = SC, fC = fC, Resp = Resp, Kf = Kf, MinN = MinN)

centuryParms <- function(SC1 = 1, SC2 = 1, SC3 = 1, SC4 = 1, SC5 = 1, SC6 = 1, SC7 = 1, 
    SC8 = 1, SC9 = 1, LeafL.Ln = 0.17, StemL.Ln = 0.17, RootL.Ln = 0.17, RhizL.Ln = 0.17, 
    LeafL.N = 0.004, StemL.N = 0.004, RootL.N = 0.004, RhizL.N = 0.004, Nfert = c(0, 
        0), iMinN = 0, Litter = c(0, 0, 0, 0), timestep = c("day", "week", "year"), 
    Ks = c(3.9, 4.9, 7.3, 6, 14.8, 18.5, 0.2, 0.0045)) {
    timestep <- match.arg(timestep)
    if (length(Ks) != 8) 
        stop("Length of Ks should be equal to 8")
    if (length(Nfert) != 2) 
        stop("Nfert should be of length 2")
    list(SC1 = SC1, SC2 = SC2, SC3 = SC3, SC4 = SC4, SC5 = SC5, SC6 = SC6, SC7 = SC7, 
        SC8 = SC8, SC9 = SC9, LeafL.Ln = LeafL.Ln, StemL.Ln = StemL.Ln, RootL.Ln = RootL.Ln, 
        RhizL.Ln = RhizL.Ln, LeafL.N = LeafL.N, StemL.N = StemL.N, RootL.N = RootL.N, 
        RhizL.N = RhizL.N, Nfert = Nfert, iMinN = iMinN, Litter = Litter, timestep = timestep, 
        Ks = Ks)
## The Century C version need to be rewritten
CenturyC <- function(LeafL, StemL, RootL, RhizL, smoist, stemp, precip, leachWater, 
    centuryControl = list(), soilType = 0) {
    ## The C version accepts biomass in Mg ha^-1 but I want the R version to accept
    ## biomass in g m^-2
    LeafL <- LeafL/100
    StemL <- StemL/100
    RootL <- RootL/100
    RhizL <- RhizL/100
    centuryP <- centuryParms()
    centuryP[names(centuryControl)] <- centuryControl
    timestep <- centuryP$timestep
    SCCs <- c(centuryP$SC1, centuryP$SC2, centuryP$SC3, centuryP$SC4, centuryP$SC5, 
        centuryP$SC6, centuryP$SC7, centuryP$SC8, centuryP$SC9)
    SCCs <- SCCs/100
    ## The value 17% for lignin content corresponds to maize stover
    LeafL.Ln <- centuryP$LeafL.Ln
    StemL.Ln <- centuryP$StemL.Ln
    RootL.Ln <- centuryP$RootL.Ln
    RhizL.Ln <- centuryP$RhizL.Ln
    ## The value 0.4 % corresponds to maize stover
    LeafL.N <- centuryP$LeafL.N
    StemL.N <- centuryP$StemL.N
    RootL.N <- centuryP$RootL.N
    RhizL.N <- centuryP$RhizL.N
    if (timestep == "year") 
        timestep <- 365
    if (timestep == "week") 
        timestep <- 7
    if (timestep == "day") 
        timestep <- 1
    res <- .Call(cntry, as.double(LeafL), as.double(StemL), as.double(RootL), as.double(RhizL), 
        as.double(smoist), as.double(stemp), as.integer(timestep), as.double(SCCs), 
        as.double(leachWater), as.double(centuryP$Nfert), as.double(centuryP$iMinN), 
        as.double(precip), as.double(LeafL.Ln), as.double(StemL.Ln), as.double(RootL.Ln), 
        as.double(RhizL.Ln), as.double(LeafL.N), as.double(StemL.N), as.double(RootL.N), 
        as.double(RhizL.N), as.integer(soilType), as.double(centuryP$Ks))
    res$SCs <- res$SCs * 100
    res$SNs <- res$SNs * 100
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.