
## R/Opc3photo.R by Fernando Ezequiel Miguez Copyright (C) 2009
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License (at your option).
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
## more details.
## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
## This is the Opc4photo and all of its realted functions
##' Optimize parameters of the C3 photosynthesis model.
##' Applies the \code{optim} function to C3 photosynthesis.
##' @aliases Opc3photo plot.Opc3photo print.Opc3photo predict.Opc3photo
##' @param data should be a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix} with x columns
##' col 1: measured assimilation (CO2 uptake) col 2: Incomming PAR
##' (photosynthetic active radiation) col 3: Leaf temperature col 4: Relative
##' humidity col 5: Intercellular CO2 (for A/Ci curves) col 6: Reference CO2
##' level
##' @param ivcmax Initial value for \code{vcmax}.
##' @param ijmax Initial value for \code{jmax}.
##' @param iRd Initial value for \code{Rd}.
##' @param Catm Reference CO2.
##' @param O2 Reference level of O2.
##' @param ib0 Initial value for the intercept to the Ball-Berry model.
##' @param ib1 Initial value for the slope to the Ball-Berry model.
##' @param itheta Initial value for \code{theta}.
##' @param op.level Level 1 will optimize \code{Vcmax} and \code{Jmax} and
##' level 2 will optimize \code{Vcmax}, \code{Jmax} and \code{Rd}.
##' @param op.method optimization method. At the moment only optim is
##' implemented.
##' @param response \code{'Assim'} for assimilation and \code{'StomCond'} for
##' stomatal conductance.
##' @param level Confidence interval level.
##' @param hessian Whether the hessian should be computed
##' @param curve.kind Whether an A/Ci curve is being optimized or an A/Q curve.
##' @param op.ci whether to optimize intercellular CO2.
##' @param \dots Additioanl arguments to be passed to \code{\link{optim}}.
##' @export
##' @return
##' An object of class \code{Opc3photo}.
##' The following components can be extracted:
##' @returnItem bestVmax optimized \code{vmax}.
##' @returnItem bestJmax optimized \code{jmax}.
##' @returnItem ReSumS Residual Sum of Squares.
##' @returnItem Convergence Convergence status.
##' @returnItem VarCov Variance-covariance matrix.
##' @returnItem df degress of freedom.
##' @returnItem ciVmax Confidence interval for \code{vmax}.
##' @returnItem ciJmax Confidence interval for \code{jmax}.
##' @returnItem corVJ correlation between \code{vmax} and \code{jmax}.
##' @returnItem level Confidence interval level.
##' @returnItem data Original data.
##' @returnItem xparms Additional parameters.
##' @returnItem curve.kind A/Ci or A/Q curve.
##' @returnItem op.level Level 1 means \code{vcmax} and \code{jmax} were
##' optimized and level 2 \code{vcmax}, \code{jmax} and \code{Rd}.
##' @returnItem response \code{'Assim'} or \code{'StomCond'}.
##' @note ~~further notes~~ Additional notes about the assumptions.
##' @author Fernando E. Miguez
##' @seealso See Also \code{\link{mOpc3photo}}
##' @keywords optimize
##' @examples
##' ## Load fabricated data
##' data(simA100)
##' ## Look at it
##' head(simA100)
##' op <- Opc3photo(simA100[,1:5],Catm=simA100[,9], op.level = 2)
##' ## If faced with a difficult problem
##' ## This can give starting values
##' op100 <- Opc3photo(simA100[,1:5],Catm=simA100[,9],
##'                    op.level = 2, method='SANN',
##'                    hessian=FALSE)
##' op100 <- Opc3photo(simA100[,1:5],Catm = simA100[,9],
##'                    op.level = 2,
##'                    ivcmax = op100$bestVmax,
##'                    ijmax = op100$bestJmax,
##'                    iRd = op100$bestRd)
##' op100
Opc3photo <- function(data, ivcmax = 100, ijmax = 180, iRd = 1.1, Catm = 380, O2 = 210, 
    ib0 = 0.08, ib1 = 9.58, itheta = 0.7, op.level = 1, op.method = c("optim", "nlminb"), 
    response = c("Assim", "StomCond"), level = 0.95, hessian = TRUE, curve.kind = c("Ci", 
        "Q"), op.ci = FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot(op.level == 1 || op.level == 2 || op.level == 3)
    response <- match.arg(response)
    op.method <- match.arg(op.method)
    curve.kind <- match.arg(curve.kind)
    if (curve.kind == "Q") {
        stop("Not implemented yet")
    if (response == "Assim") {
        if (curve.kind == "Q") {
            if (op.level == 1) {
                cfs <- c(ivcmax, ijmax)
            } else if (op.level == 2) {
                cfs <- c(ivcmax, ijmax, iRd)
            } else {
                cfs <- c(ivcmax, ijmax, itheta, iRd)
        } else {
            if (op.level == 1) {
                cfs <- c(ivcmax, ijmax)
            } else if (op.level == 2) {
                cfs <- c(ivcmax, ijmax, iRd)
            } else {
                stop("No op.level 3 for A/Ci curves")
    } else {
        cfs <- c(ib0, ib1)
    obsvec <- as.matrix(data[, 1])
    ## Extra parameters
    xparms <- list(Catm = Catm, O2 = O2, b0 = ib0, b1 = ib1, theta = itheta, Rd = iRd)
    RSS <- function(coefs) {
        if (response == "Assim") {
            if (max(data[, 1]) < 1) 
                warning("Units of Assim might be wrong:\nshould be micro mol m-2 s-1\n")
            if (curve.kind == "Ci") {
                if (op.level == 1) {
                  vec1 <- c3photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], vcmax = coefs[1], 
                    jmax = coefs[2], Rd = iRd, Catm, O2, ib0, ib1, itheta)
                } else {
                  vec1 <- c3photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], vcmax = coefs[1], 
                    jmax = coefs[2], Rd = coefs[3], Catm, O2, ib0, ib1, itheta)
            } else {
                stop("Not imlemented yet")
        } else if (response == "StomCond") {
            stop("not implemented yet")
            if (max(data[, 1]) < 1) 
                warning("Units of StomCond might be wrong:\nshould be mmol m-2 s-1\n")
            ## vec1 <- c3photo(data[,2],data[,3],data[,4],
            ## ivcmax,ialph,ikparm,iTheta,ibeta, iRd,Catm,coefs[1],coefs[2])$Gs
        if (response == "Assim") {
            rs1 <- obsvec - vec1$Assim
            rss1 <- sum(rs1^2)
        } else {
            stop("Not implemented yet")
        if (op.ci) {
            rs2 <- data[, 5] - vec1$Ci
            rss2 <- sum(rs2^2)
        } else {
            rss2 <- 0
        rss <- rss1 + rss2
    if (op.method == "optim") {
        if (response == "Assim") {
            resp <- optim(cfs, RSS, hessian = hessian, ...)
        } else {
            stop("Not implemented yet")
            resp <- optim(cfs, RSS, hessian = hessian, ...)
    } else {
        if (response == "Assim") {
            resp <- nlminb(cfs, RSS)
            resp$value <- resp$objective
        } else {
            resp <- nlminb(cfs, RSS)
    bestParms <- resp$par
    ReSumS <- resp$value
    conv <- resp$convergence
    if ((op.method == "optim") && (conv == 0) && hessian) {
        HessMat <- resp$hessian
        iHess <- solve(HessMat)
    } else {
        iHess <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
    def <- nrow(data) - length(coef)
    sigm <- ReSumS/def
    varcov <- sigm * iHess
    corVJ <- varcov[1, 2]/sqrt(varcov[1, 1] * varcov[2, 2])
    ## Calculating confidence intervals
    alp <- (1 - level)/2
    if (response == "Assim") {
        if (op.level == 1) {
            ## Vcmax
            lcVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
            ucVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
            ## Jmax
            lcJmax <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
            ucJmax <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
            structure(list(bestVmax = bestParms[1], bestJmax = bestParms[2], ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), 
                Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, df = def, ciVmax = c(lcVmax, 
                  ucVmax), ciJmax = c(lcJmax, ucJmax), corVJ = corVJ, level = level, 
                data = data, xparms = xparms, curve.kind = curve.kind, op.level = op.level, 
                response = "Assim"), class = "Opc3photo")
        } else if (op.level == 2) {
            ## Vcmax
            lcVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
            ucVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
            ## Jmax
            lcJmax <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
            ucJmax <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
            ## Rd
            lcRd <- bestParms[3] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
            ucRd <- bestParms[3] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
            structure(list(bestVmax = bestParms[1], bestJmax = bestParms[2], bestRd = bestParms[3], 
                ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, 
                df = def, ciVmax = c(lcVmax, ucVmax), ciJmax = c(lcJmax, ucJmax), 
                ciRd = c(lcRd, ucRd), corVJ = corVJ, level = level, data = data, 
                xparms = xparms, curve.kind = curve.kind, op.level = op.level, response = "Assim"), 
                class = "Opc3photo")
    } else {
        stop("not implemented yet")
        ## Beta 0
        lcb0 <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
        ucb0 <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
        ## Beta 1
        lcb1 <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
        ucb1 <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
        structure(list(bestb0 = bestParms[1], bestb1 = bestParms[2], ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), 
            Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, df = def, cib0 = c(lcb0, ucb0), 
            cib1 = c(lcb1, ucb1), level = level, data = data, response = "StomCond"), 
            class = "Opc3photo")
##' Display methods for Opc4photo and OpEC4photo
##' @export
##' @S3method print Opc3photo
print.Opc3photo <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
    cat("\nOptimization of C3 photosynthesis\n")
    cat("\n\t\t", x$level * 100, "%   Conf Int\n")
    if (x$response == "Assim") {
        if (x$curve.kind == "Ci") 
            if (x$op.level == 1) {
                mat <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
                dimnames(mat) <- list(c("Vmax", "Jmax"), c("best", "lower", "upper"))
                mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestVmax, x$bestJmax)
                mat[1, 2:3] <- x$ciVmax
                mat[2, 2:3] <- x$ciJmax
            } else {
                mat <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
                dimnames(mat) <- list(c("Vmax", "Jmax", "Rd"), c("best", "lower", 
                mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestVmax, x$bestJmax, x$bestRd)
                mat[1, 2:3] <- x$ciVmax
                mat[2, 2:3] <- x$ciJmax
                mat[3, 2:3] <- x$ciRd
    } else {
        stop("not implemented yet")
        mat <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
        dimnames(mat) <- list(c("b0", "b1"), c("best", "lower", "upper"))
        mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestb0, x$bestb1)
        mat[1, 2:3] <- x$cib0
        mat[2, 2:3] <- x$cib1
    print.default(mat, digits = digits, print.gap = 3)
    if (x$response == "Assim") {
        cat("\n Corr  Vmax and Jmax:", x$corVJ, "\n")
    } else {
        stop("not implemented yet")
        cat("\n Corr  b0 and b1:", x$corVA, "\n")
    cat("\n Resid Sums Sq:", x$ReSumS, "\n")
    if (x$Convergence == 0) 
        cat("YES\n") else cat("NO\n")

##' Predict method
##' @export
##' @S3method predict Opc3photo
predict.Opc3photo <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
    x <- object
    dat <- x$data
    if (x$response == "Assim") {
        if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
            if (x$op.level == 1) {
                vcmax <- x$bestVmax
                jmax <- x$bestJmax
                theta <- x$xparms$theta
                Rd <- x$xparms$Rd
            } else if (x$op.level == 2) {
                vcmax <- x$bestVmax
                jmax <- x$bestJmax
                theta <- x$xparms$theta
                Rd <- x$bestRd
            } else {
                vcmax <- x$bestVmax
                jmax <- x$bestJmax
                theta <- x$bestTheta
                Rd <- x$bestRd
        } else {
            theta <- x$xparms$theta
            if (x$op.level == 1) {
                vcmax <- x$bestVmax
                jmax <- x$bestJmax
                Rd <- x$xparms$Rd
            } else if (x$op.level == 2) {
                vcmax <- x$bestVmax
                jmax <- x$bestJmax
                Rd <- x$bestRd
            } else {
                stop("no level 3 for curve.kind = Ci")
    } else {
        stop("Stomatal conductance no implemented yet")
    if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
        if (missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)) {
            fittd <- c3photo(dat[, 2], dat[, 3], dat[, 4], vcmax = vcmax, jmax = jmax, 
                theta = theta, Rd = Rd, Catm = x$xparms$Catm, b0 = x$xparms$b0, b1 = x$xparms$b1, 
                O2 = x$xparms$O2)
        } else {
            fittd <- c3photo(newdata[, 2], newdata[, 3], newdata[, 4], vcmax = vcmax, 
                jmax = jmax, theta = theta, Rd = Rd, Catm = x$xparms$Catm, b0 = x$xparms$b0, 
                b1 = x$xparms$b1, O2 = x$xparms$O2)
    } else {
        if (missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)) {
            fittd <- c3photo(dat[, 2], dat[, 3], dat[, 4], vcmax = vcmax, jmax = jmax, 
                theta = theta, Rd = Rd, Catm = x$xparms$Catm, b0 = x$xparms$b0, b1 = x$xparms$b1, 
                O2 = x$xparms$O2)
        } else {
            fittd <- c3photo(newdata[, 2], newdata[, 3], newdata[, 4], vcmax = vcmax, 
                jmax = jmax, theta = theta, Rd = Rd, Catm = x$xparms$Catm, b0 = x$xparms$b0, 
                b1 = x$xparms$b1, O2 = x$xparms$O2)
## This function will implement simple calculations of predicted and residuals
## for the Opc4photo function summary.Opc3photo <- function(object,...){ dat <-
## object$data obsvec <- as.vector(dat[,1])

## fittd <- c4photo(dat[,2],dat[,3],dat[,4],object$bestVmax,object$bestAlpha)
## ## Warning here I'm not taking into account different values of Rd, kparm,
## theta and beta

## rsd <- obsvec - fittd$Assim rss <- object$ReSumS ## Some measures of
## agreement ## Index of agreement IAN <- t(rsd)%*%rsd IAD1 <- abs(rsd) +
## abs(scale(obsvec,scale=FALSE)) IAD <- t(IAD1)%*%IAD1 IA <- 1 - IAN/IAD ##
## Rsquared 1 Rsq1 <- as.numeric(1 - rss / t(obsvec)%*%obsvec) ## Rsquared 2
## Rsq2 <- as.numeric(cor(fittd$Assim,obsvec)^2) ## Mean bias meanBias <-
## mean(rsd) ## AIC and BIC n1 <- length(rsd) AIC <- n1 * log(rss/n1) + 2 BIC
## <- n1 * log(rss/n1) + 2 * log(n1) sigma <- sqrt(rss/(n1-2)) stdresid <-
## rsd/sigma outli <- which(abs(stdresid) > 2)

## structure(list(fitted=fittd$Assim,resid=rsd, stdresid=stdresid,
## IA=IA,Rsq1=Rsq1,Rsq2=Rsq2, meanBias=meanBias, AIC=AIC,BIC=BIC, outli=outli,
## sigma=sigma),class='summary.Opc4photo') } print.summary.Opc4photo <-
## function(x,...){ cat('\n Diagnostic measures\n') cat('\n Index of
## Agreement:',x$IA) cat('\n Rsquared 1:',x$Rsq1) cat('\n Rsquared
## 2:',x$Rsq2) cat('\n Mean Bias:',x$meanBias) cat('\n AIC:',x$AIC) cat('\n
## BIC:',x$BIC,'\n') }

##' @export
##' @S3method plot Opc3photo
plot.Opc3photo <- function(x, plot.kind = c("RvsF", "OvsF", "OandF"), resid = c("std", 
    "raw"), ...) {
    dat <- x$data
    obsvec <- as.vector(dat[, 1])
    plot.kind <- match.arg(plot.kind)
    if (x$response == "Assim") {
        fittd <- predict(x)
    } else {
        fittd <- predict(x)$Gs
    fttA <- fittd$Assim
    fttCi <- fittd$Ci
    rsd <- obsvec - fttA
    rss <- x$ReSumS
    n1 <- length(rsd)
    sigma <- sqrt(rss/(n1 - 2))
    stdresid <- rsd/sigma
    outid <- which(abs(stdresid) > 2)
    resid <- match.arg(resid)
    plot.kind <- match.arg(plot.kind)
    if (plot.kind == "RvsF") {
        if (resid == "std") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(stdresid ~ fttA, ..., xlab = "fitted", ylab = "standardized resduals", 
                panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
                  panel.abline(h = 0, ...)
                  ltext(x[outid], y[outid], labels = outid, adj = -1, ...)
        if (resid == "raw") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(rsd ~ fttA, ..., xlab = "fitted", ylab = "resduals", 
                panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
                  panel.abline(h = 0, ...)
    if (plot.kind == "OvsF") {
        plot1 <- xyplot(obsvec ~ fttA, ..., xlab = "fitted", ylab = "observed", panel = function(x, 
            y, ...) {
            panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
            panel.abline(0, 1, ...)
    if (plot.kind == "OandF") {
        if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(obsvec + fttA ~ dat[, 2], ..., auto.key = TRUE, ylab = "CO2 uptake", 
                xlab = "Quantum flux")
        } else {
            plot1 <- xyplot(obsvec ~ dat[, 5], ..., ylab = "CO2 uptake", xlab = "Ci", 
                panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, col = "blue", ...)
                  panel.xyplot(dat[, 5], fttA, col = "green", ...)
                }, key = list(text = list(c("obs", "sim")), col = c("blue", "green"), 
                  lines = TRUE, space = "top"))
## Wrapper function for multiple A/Ci sets
##' Multiple optimization of assimilation (or stomatal conductance) curves.
##' It is a wrapper for Opc3photo which allows for optimization of multiple
##' runs of curves (A/Q or A/Ci).
##' Include more details about the data.
##' @param data should be a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix} with x columns
##' col 1: should be an ID for the different runs col 2: measured assimilation
##' (CO2 uptake) col 3: Incomming PAR (photosynthetic active radiation) col 4:
##' Leaf temperature col 5: Relative humidity col 6: Intercellular CO2 (for
##' A/Ci curves) col 7: Reference CO2 level
##' @param ID optional argument to include ids. should be of length equal to
##' the number of runs.
##' @param iVcmax Single value or vector of length equal to number of runs to
##' supply starting values for the optimization of \code{vcmax}.
##' @param iJmax Single value or vector of length equal to number of runs to
##' supply starting values for the optimization of \code{jmax}.
##' @param iRd Single value or vector of length equal to number of runs to
##' supply starting values for the optimization of \code{Rd}.
##' @param op.level Level 1 will optimize \code{Vcmax} and \code{Jmax} and
##' level 2 will optimize \code{Vcmax}, \code{Jmax} and \code{Rd}.
##' @param curve.kind Whether an A/Ci curve is being optimized or an A/Q curve.
##' @param verbose Whether to print information about progress.
##' @param \dots Additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{Opc3photo}}
##' @export
##' @return an object of class 'mOpc3photo'
##' if op.level equals 1 best Vcmax, Jmax and convergence
##' if op.level equals 2 best Vcmax, Jmax, Rd and convergence %% ~Describe the
##' value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %% \item{comp1 }{Description of
##' 'comp1'} %% \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'} %% ...
##' @author Fernando E. Miguez
##' @seealso See also \code{\link{Opc3photo}} %% ~~objects to See Also as
##' \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
##' @keywords optimize
##' @examples
##' data(simAssim)
##' simAssim <- cbind(simAssim[,1:6],Catm=simAssim[,10])
##' simAssim <- simAssim[simAssim[,1] < 11,]
##' plotAC(simAssim, trt.col=1)
##' op.all <- mOpc3photo(simAssim, op.level=1,
##'                       verbose=TRUE)
##' plot(op.all)
##' plot(op.all, parm='jmax')
mOpc3photo <- function(data, ID = NULL, iVcmax = 100, iJmax = 180, iRd = 1.1, op.level = 1, 
    curve.kind = c("Ci", "Q"), verbose = FALSE, ...) {
    curve.kind <- match.arg(curve.kind)
    uruns <- unique(data[, 1])
    nruns <- length(unique(data[, 1]))
    if (curve.kind == "Q") {
        if (ncol(data) < 5) 
            stop("data should have at least 5 columns")
    } else {
        if (ncol(data) != 7) 
            stop("data should have 7 columns")
    if (length(iVcmax) == 1) {
        miVcmax <- rep(iVcmax, nruns)
    } else {
        if (length(iVcmax) != nruns) 
            stop("length of iVcmax should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
        miVcmax <- iVcmax
    if (length(iJmax) == 1) {
        miJmax <- rep(iJmax, nruns)
    } else {
        if (length(iJmax) != nruns) 
            stop("length of iJmax should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
        miJmax <- iJmax
    if (length(iRd) == 1) {
        miRd <- rep(iRd, nruns)
    } else {
        if (length(iRd) != nruns) 
            stop("length of iRd should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
        miRd <- iRd
    mat <- matrix(ncol = I(3 + op.level), nrow = nruns)
    ciVcmax <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = nruns)
    ciJmax <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = nruns)
    ciRd <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = nruns)
    for (i in seq_len(nruns)) {
        if (op.level == 1) {
            op <- try(Opc3photo(data[data[, 1] == uruns[i], 2:6], Catm = data[data[, 
                1] == uruns[i], 7], ivcmax = miVcmax[i], ijmax = miJmax[i], iRd = miRd[i], 
                curve.kind = curve.kind, op.level = op.level, ...), TRUE)
            if (class(op) == "try-error") {
                mat[i, 1:4] <- c(i, rep(NA, 2), 1)
            } else {
                mat[i, 1:4] <- c(i, op$bestVmax, op$bestJmax, op$Convergence)
                ciVcmax[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciVmax)
                ciJmax[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciJmax)
            if (verbose) {
                cat("Run:", i, "... Converged", ifelse(mat[i, 4] == 0, "YES", "NO"), 
        } else if (op.level == 2) {
            op <- try(Opc3photo(data[data[, 1] == uruns[i], 2:6], Catm = data[data[, 
                1] == uruns[i], 7], ivcmax = miVcmax[i], ijmax = miJmax[i], iRd = miRd[i], 
                curve.kind = curve.kind, op.level = op.level, ...), TRUE)
            if (class(op) == "try-error") {
                mat[i, 1:5] <- c(i, rep(NA, 3), 1)
            } else {
                mat[i, 1:5] <- c(i, op$bestVmax, op$bestJmax, op$bestRd, op$Convergence)
                ciVcmax[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciVmax)
                ciJmax[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciJmax)
                ciRd[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciRd)
            if (verbose) {
                cat("Run:", i, "... Converged", ifelse(mat[i, 5] == 0, "YES", "NO"), 
    if (op.level == 1) {
        colnames(mat) <- c("ID", "Vcmax", "Jmax", "Conv")
    } else {
        colnames(mat) <- c("ID", "Vcmax", "Jmax", "Rd", "Conv")
    if (!missing(ID)) {
        if (length(ID) != nruns) 
            stop("Length of ID should be equal to the number of runs")
        mat <- as.data.frame(mat)
        mat$ID <- ID
    ans <- structure(list(mat = mat, op.level = op.level, ciVcmax = ciVcmax, ciJmax = ciJmax, 
        ciRd = ciRd, curve.kind = curve.kind), class = "mOpc3photo")
##' Printing method
##' @export
##' @S3method print mOpc3photo
print.mOpc3photo <- function(x, ...) {
    ncolm <- ncol(unclass(x)$mat)
    ma <- x$mat
    cat("Number of runs:", nrow(ma), "\n")
    cat("Number converged:", length(ma[ma[, ncolm] == 0, ncolm]), "\n\n")
    if (x$op.level == 1) {
        mat <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 2)
        if (x$curve.kind == "Ci") {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "jmax"), c("mean", "min", "max"))
        } else {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "jmax"), c("mean", "min", "max"))
        mat[1, 1] <- mean(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 1] <- mean(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 2] <- min(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 2] <- min(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 3] <- max(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 3] <- max(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        print.default(mat, print.gap = 3)
    } else if (x$op.level == 2) {
        mat <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
        if (x$curve.kind == "Ci") {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "jmax", "Rd"), c("mean", "min", "max"))
        } else {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "jmax", "Rd"), c("mean", "min", "max"))
        mat[1, 1] <- mean(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 1] <- mean(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 1] <- mean(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 2] <- min(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 2] <- min(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 2] <- min(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 3] <- max(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 3] <- max(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 3] <- max(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        print.default(mat, print.gap = 3)

##' Plotting method
##' @export
##' @S3method plot mOpc3photo
plot.mOpc3photo <- function(x, parm = c("vcmax", "jmax"), ...) {
    parm <- match.arg(parm)
    res <- x
    if (parm == "vcmax") {
        civmax <- x$ciVcmax
        id <- factor(res$mat[, 1])
        ymax <- max(civmax[, 3], na.rm = TRUE) * 1.05
        ymin <- min(civmax[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) * 0.95
        xyplot(civmax[, 3] ~ id, ylim = c(ymin, ymax), ylab = "Vcmax", xlab = "ID", 
            panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = "-", cex = 3, ...)
                panel.xyplot(id, res$mat[, 2], pch = 1, cex = 1.5, ...)
                panel.xyplot(id, civmax[, 2], pch = "-", cex = 3, ...)
    } else if (parm == "jmax") {
        cijmax <- x$ciJmax
        id <- factor(res$mat[, 1])
        ymax <- max(cijmax[, 3], na.rm = TRUE) * 1.05
        ymin <- min(cijmax[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) * 0.95
        xyplot(cijmax[, 3] ~ id, ylim = c(ymin, ymax), ylab = "jmax", xlab = "ID", 
            panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = "-", cex = 3, ...)
                panel.xyplot(id, res$mat[, 3], pch = 1, cex = 1.5, ...)
                panel.xyplot(id, cijmax[, 2], pch = "-", cex = 3, ...)
    ### stop('not implemented yet') if(x$curve.kind == 'Q'){ plotAQ(x, fittd)
    ### }else{ stop('A/Ci not implemented yet') }
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.