
## BioCro/R/Opc4photo.R by Fernando Ezequiel Miguez Copyright (C) 2007-2009
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License (at your option).
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
## more details.
## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
## This is the Opc4photo and all of its realted functions
##' Optimization of C4 photosynthesis parameters
##' Optimization method for the Collatz C4 photosynthesis model.  At the moment
##' Vcmax and alpha are optimized only.
##' @aliases Opc4photo print.Opc4photo summary.Opc4photo
##' print.summary.Opc4photo plot.Opc4photo predict.Opc4photo plotAQ
##' @param data observed assimilation data, which should be a data frame or
##' matrix.  The first column should be observed net assimilation rate
##' (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The second column should be the
##' observed quantum flux (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The third
##' column should be observed temperature of the leaf (Celsius).  The fourth
##' column should be the observed relative humidity in proportion (e.g. 0.7).
##' An optional fifth column can contain intercellular CO2. The reference level
##' of CO2 should be supplied to the function using the \code{Catm} argument.
##' @param ivmax initial value for Vcmax (default = 39).
##' @param ialpha initial value for alpha (default = 0.04).
##' @param iRd initial value for dark respiration (default = 0.8).
##' @param ikparm initial value for k (default = 0.7).
##' @param itheta initial value for theta (default = 0.83).
##' @param ibeta initial value for beta (default = 0.93).
##' @param Catm Atmospheric CO2 in ppm (or \eqn{\mu}mol/mol).
##' @param ib0 initial value for the Ball-Berry intercept.
##' @param ib1 initial value for the Ball-Berry slope.
##' @param iStomWS initial value for the stomata water stress factor.
##' @param ws \code{ws} flag. See \code{\link{c4photo}}.
##' @param response Use \code{'Assim'} if you want to optimize assimilation
##' data and use \code{'StomCond'} if you want to optimize stomatal conductance
##' data. The parameters optimized will be different.
##' @param curve.kind If \code{'Q'} a type of response which mainly depends on
##' light will be assumed. Typically used to optimized light response curves or
##' diurnals. Use \code{'Ci'} for A/Ci curves (stomatal conductance could also
##' be optimized).
##' @param op.level optimization level. If equal to 1 \code{vmax} and
##' \code{alpha} will be optimized. If 2, \code{vmax}, \code{alpha} and
##' \code{Rd} will be optimized. If 3, \code{vmax}, \code{alpha}, \code{theta}
##' and \code{Rd} will be optimized.
##' @param level level for the confidence intervals.
##' @param hessian Whether the hessian matrix should be computed. See
##' \code{\link{optim}}.
##' @param op.ci Whether to optimize intercellular CO2. Default is FALSE as
##' 'fast-measured' light curves do not provide reliable values of Ci.
##' @param list() Additional arguments passed to the \code{\link{optim}} in
##' particular if a lower or upper bound is desired this could be achieved by
##' adding \code{lower=c(0,0)} this will impose a lower bound on \code{vmax}
##' and \code{alpha} of zero so preventing negative values from being returned.
##' When the lower argument is added the optimization method changes from
##' Nelder-Mead to BFGS.
##' @export
##' @return
##' An object of class \code{Opc4photo} a \code{\link{list}} with components
##' If \code{op.level} 2 \code{bestRd} will also be supplied.  If
##' \code{op.level} 3 \code{theta} and \code{bestRd} will also be supplied.
##' If \code{op.level} 2 \code{ciRd} will also be supplied.  If \code{op.level}
##' 3 \code{ciTheta} and \code{ciRd} will also be supplied.
##' @returnItem bestVcmax optimized value for \code{Vmax}
##' @returnItem bestAlpha optimized value for \code{alpha}
##' @returnItem ReSumS Residual Sum of Squares
##' @returnItem Convergence Integer indicating convergence 0 is succesful
##' convergence. See the \code{\link{optim}} function for details.
##' @returnItem VarCov Variance-Covariance matrix
##' @returnItem df degrees of freedom
##' @returnItem ciVmax Confidence interval for Vmax
##' @returnItem ciAlpha Confidence interval for Alpha
##' @returnItem corVA correlation between Vmax and Alpha
##' @returnItem level level for the confidence interval
##' @returnItem data data.frame with the original data
##' @returnItem op.level optimization level
##' @returnItem response type of response either assimilation or stomatal
##' conductance
##' @returnItem curve.kind whether it is \code{'Q'} or \code{'Ci'}
##' @seealso \code{\link{c4photo}} \code{\link{optim}}
##' @keywords optimize
##' @examples
##' data(aq)
##' ## Select data for a single AQ optimization
##' aqd <- data.frame(aq[aq[,1] == 6,-c(1:2)],Catm=400)
##' res <- Opc4photo(aqd, Catm=aqd$Catm)
##' res
##' plot(res, plot.kind = 'OandF', type='o')
Opc4photo <- function(data, ivmax = 39, ialpha = 0.04, iRd = 0.8, ikparm = 0.7, itheta = 0.83, 
    ibeta = 0.93, Catm = 380, ib0 = 0.08, ib1 = 3, iStomWS = 1, ws = c("gs", "vmax"), 
    response = c("Assim", "StomCond"), curve.kind = c("Q", "Ci"), op.level = 1, level = 0.95, 
    hessian = TRUE, op.ci = FALSE, ...) {
    ncol.data <- ncol(data)
    ## I might need some kind of sanity check here
    stopifnot(op.level == 1 || op.level == 2 || op.level == 3)
    response <- match.arg(response)
    curve.kind <- match.arg(curve.kind)
    if (response == "Assim") {
        if (curve.kind == "Q") {
            if (op.level == 1) {
                cfs <- c(ivmax, ialpha)
            } else if (op.level == 2) {
                cfs <- c(ivmax, ialpha, iRd)
            } else {
                cfs <- c(ivmax, ialpha, itheta, iRd)
        } else {
            if (op.level == 1) {
                cfs <- c(ivmax, ikparm)
            } else if (op.level == 2) {
                cfs <- c(ivmax, ikparm, iRd)
            } else {
                cfs <- c(ivmax, ikparm, ibeta, iRd)
    } else {
        cfs <- c(ib0, ib1)
    obsvec <- as.matrix(data[, 1])
    xparms <- list(Rd = iRd, kparm = ikparm, alpha = ialpha, theta = itheta, beta = ibeta, 
        Catm = Catm, b0 = ib0, b1 = ib1, StomWS = iStomWS, ws = ws)
    RSS <- function(coefs) {
        if (response == "Assim") {
            if (max(data[, 1]) < 1) 
                warning("Units of Assim might be wrong:\nshould be micro mol m-2 s-1\n")
            if (curve.kind == "Q") {
                if (op.level == 1) {
                  vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], coefs[1], coefs[2], 
                    ikparm, itheta, ibeta, iRd, Catm, ib0, ib1, iStomWS, ws = ws)
                } else if (op.level == 2) {
                  vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], coefs[1], coefs[2], 
                    ikparm, itheta, ibeta, coefs[3], Catm, ib0, ib1, iStomWS, ws = ws)
                } else {
                  vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], coefs[1], coefs[2], 
                    ikparm, coefs[3], ibeta, coefs[4], Catm, ib0, ib1, iStomWS, ws = ws)
            } else {
                if (op.level == 1) {
                  vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], coefs[1], ialpha, 
                    coefs[2], itheta, ibeta, iRd, Catm, ib0, ib1, iStomWS, ws = ws)
                } else if (op.level == 2) {
                  vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], coefs[1], ialpha, 
                    coefs[2], itheta, ibeta, coefs[3], Catm, ib0, ib1, iStomWS, ws = ws)
                } else {
                  vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], coefs[1], ialpha, 
                    coefs[2], itheta, coefs[3], coefs[4], Catm, ib0, ib1, iStomWS, 
                    ws = ws)
        } else if (response == "StomCond") {
            if (max(data[, 1]) < 1) 
                warning("Units of StomCond might be wrong:\nshould be mmol m-2 s-1\n")
            vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], ivmax, ialpha, ikparm, 
                itheta, ibeta, iRd, Catm, coefs[1], coefs[2], iStomWS, ws)$Gs
        if (response == "Assim") {
            rs1 <- obsvec - vec1$Assim
            rss1 <- sum(rs1^2)
        } else {
            stop("not implemented yet")
        if (curve.kind == "Q") {
            if (op.ci) {
                rs2 <- data[, 5] - vec1$Ci
                rss2 <- sum(rs2^2)
            } else {
                rss2 <- 0
        } else {
            if (op.ci) {
                rs2 <- data[, 5] - vec1$Ci
                rss2 <- sum(rs2^2)
            } else {
                rss2 <- 0
        rss <- rss1 + rss2
    resp <- optim(cfs, RSS, hessian = hessian, ...)
    bestParms <- resp$par
    ReSumS <- resp$value
    conv <- resp$convergence
    if ((conv == 0) && hessian) {
        HessMat <- resp$hessian
        iHess <- solve(HessMat)
    } else {
        iHess <- matrix(ncol = I(1 + op.level), nrow = I(1 + op.level))
    def <- nrow(data) - length(coef)
    sigm <- ReSumS/def
    varcov <- sigm * iHess
    corVA <- varcov[1, 2]/sqrt(varcov[1, 1] * varcov[2, 2])
    ## Calculating confidence intervals
    alp <- (1 - level)/2
    if (response == "Assim") {
        if (curve.kind == "Q") {
            if (op.level == 1) {
                ## Vcmax
                lcVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ucVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ## alpha
                lcAlpha <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ucAlpha <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ret <- structure(list(bestVmax = bestParms[1], bestAlpha = bestParms[2], 
                  ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, 
                  df = def, ciVmax = c(lcVmax, ucVmax), ciAlpha = c(lcAlpha, ucAlpha), 
                  corVA = corVA, level = level, data = data, xparms = xparms, ncold = ncol.data, 
                  op.level = op.level, response = "Assim", curve.kind = curve.kind), 
                  class = "Opc4photo")
            } else if (op.level == 2) {
                ## Vcmax
                lcVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ucVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ## alpha
                lcAlpha <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ucAlpha <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ## Rd
                lcRd <- bestParms[3] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
                ucRd <- bestParms[3] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
                ret <- structure(list(bestVmax = bestParms[1], bestAlpha = bestParms[2], 
                  bestRd = bestParms[3], ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), Convergence = conv, 
                  VarCov = varcov, df = def, ciVmax = c(lcVmax, ucVmax), ciAlpha = c(lcAlpha, 
                    ucAlpha), ciRd = c(lcRd, ucRd), corVA = corVA, level = level, 
                  data = data, xparms = xparms, ncold = ncol.data, op.level = op.level, 
                  response = "Assim", curve.kind = curve.kind), class = "Opc4photo")
            } else {
                ## Vcmax
                lcVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ucVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ## alpha
                lcAlpha <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ucAlpha <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ## theta
                lcTheta <- bestParms[3] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
                ucTheta <- bestParms[3] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
                ## Rd
                lcRd <- bestParms[4] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[4, 4])
                ucRd <- bestParms[4] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[4, 4])
                ret <- structure(list(bestVmax = bestParms[1], bestAlpha = bestParms[2], 
                  bestTheta = bestParms[3], bestRd = bestParms[4], ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), 
                  Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, df = def, ciVmax = c(lcVmax, 
                    ucVmax), ciAlpha = c(lcAlpha, ucAlpha), ciTheta = c(lcTheta, 
                    ucTheta), ciRd = c(lcRd, ucRd), corVA = corVA, level = level, 
                  data = data, xparms = xparms, ncold = ncol.data, op.level = op.level, 
                  response = "Assim", curve.kind = curve.kind), class = "Opc4photo")
        } else {
            ## Section for Aci
            if (op.level == 1) {
                ## Vcmax
                lcVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ucVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ## kparm
                lcKparm <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ucKparm <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ret <- structure(list(bestVmax = bestParms[1], bestKparm = bestParms[2], 
                  ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, 
                  df = def, ciVmax = c(lcVmax, ucVmax), ciKparm = c(lcKparm, ucKparm), 
                  corVA = corVA, level = level, data = data, xparms = xparms, ncold = ncol.data, 
                  op.level = op.level, response = "Assim", curve.kind = curve.kind), 
                  class = "Opc4photo")
            } else if (op.level == 2) {
                ## Vcmax
                lcVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ucVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ## kparm
                lcKparm <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ucKparm <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ## Rd
                lcRd <- bestParms[3] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
                ucRd <- bestParms[3] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
                ret <- structure(list(bestVmax = bestParms[1], bestKparm = bestParms[2], 
                  bestRd = bestParms[3], ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), Convergence = conv, 
                  VarCov = varcov, df = def, ciVmax = c(lcVmax, ucVmax), ciKparm = c(lcKparm, 
                    ucKparm), ciRd = c(lcRd, ucRd), corVA = corVA, level = level, 
                  data = data, xparms = xparms, ncold = ncol.data, op.level = op.level, 
                  response = "Assim", curve.kind = curve.kind), class = "Opc4photo")
            } else {
                ## Vcmax
                lcVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ucVmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
                ## kparm
                lcKparm <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ucKparm <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
                ## beta
                lcBeta <- bestParms[3] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
                ucBeta <- bestParms[3] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
                ## Rd
                lcRd <- bestParms[4] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[4, 4])
                ucRd <- bestParms[4] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[4, 4])
                ret <- structure(list(bestVmax = bestParms[1], bestKparm = bestParms[2], 
                  bestBeta = bestParms[3], bestRd = bestParms[4], ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), 
                  Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, df = def, ciVmax = c(lcVmax, 
                    ucVmax), ciKparm = c(lcKparm, ucKparm), ciBeta = c(lcBeta, ucBeta), 
                  ciRd = c(lcRd, ucRd), corVA = corVA, level = level, data = data, 
                  xparms = xparms, ncold = ncol.data, op.level = op.level, response = "Assim", 
                  curve.kind = curve.kind), class = "Opc4photo")
    } else {
        ## Beta 0
        lcb0 <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
        ucb0 <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
        ## Beta 1
        lcb1 <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
        ucb1 <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
        structure(list(bestb0 = bestParms[1], bestb1 = bestParms[2], ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), 
            Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, df = def, cib0 = c(lcb0, ucb0), 
            cib1 = c(lcb1, ucb1), corVA = corVA, level = level, data = data, response = "StomCond"), 
            class = "Opc4photo")
##' R-squared for C4 photosynthesis simulation (Collatz model)
##' This is an auxiliary function which is made available in case it is useful.
##' It calculates the R-squared based on observed assimilation (or stomatal
##' conductance) data and coefficients for the Collatz C4 photosynthesis model.
##' The only coefficients being considered are Vcmax and alpha as described in
##' the Collatz paper. At the moment it does not optimize k; this will be added
##' soon.  Notice that to be able to optimize k A/Ci type data are needed.
##' @param data observed assimilation data, which should be a data frame or
##' matrix.  The first column should be observed net assimilation rate
##' (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The second column should be the
##' observed quantum flux (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The third
##' column should be observed temperature of the leaf (Celsius).  The fourth
##' column should be the observed relative humidity in proportion (e.g. 0.7).
##' @param vmax Vcmax (default = 39); for more details see the
##' \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param alph alpha as in Collatz (default = 0.04); for more details see the
##' \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param kparm k as in Collatz (default = 0.70); for more details see the
##' \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param theta theta as in Collatz (default = 0.83); for more details see the
##' \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param beta beta as in Collatz (default = 0.93); for more details see the
##' \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param Rd Rd as in Collatz (default = 0.8); for more details see the
##' \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param StomWS StomWS as in Collatz (default = 1); for more details see the
##' \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param Catm Atmospheric CO2 in ppm (or \eqn{\mu}mol/mol).
##' @param b0 Intercept for the Ball-Berry model.
##' @param b1 Slope for the Ball-Berry model.
##' @param response Use \code{'Assim'} if you want an \eqn{R^2} for
##' assimilation data and use \code{'StomCond'} if you want an \eqn{R^2} for
##' stomatal conductance data.
##' @export
##' @return
##' a \code{\link{numeric}} object
##' It simply returns the \eqn{R^2} value for the given data and coefficients.
##' @keywords univar
##' @examples
##' data(obsNaid)
##' ## These data are from Naidu et al. (2003)
##' ## in the correct format
##' res <- RsqC4photo(obsNaid)
##' ## Other example using Beale, Bint and Long (1996)
##' data(obsBea)
##' resB <- RsqC4photo(obsBea)
RsqC4photo <- function(data, vmax = 39, alph = 0.04, kparm = 0.7, theta = 0.83, beta = 0.93, 
    Rd = 0.8, Catm = 380, b0 = 0.08, b1 = 3, StomWS = 1, response = c("Assim", "StomCond")) {
    response <- match.arg(response)
    if (response == "Assim") {
        if (max(data[, 1]) < 1) 
            warning("Units of Assim might be wrong:\nshould be micro mol m-2 s-1\n")
        vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], vmax, alph, kparm, theta, 
            beta, Rd, Catm, b0, b1, StomWS)$Assim
    if (response == "StomCond") {
        if (max(data[, 1]) < 1) 
            warning("Units of StomCond might be wrong:\nshould be mmol m-2 s-1\n")
        vec1 <- c4photo(data[, 2], data[, 3], data[, 4], vmax, alph, kparm, theta, 
            beta, Rd, Catm, b0, b1, StomWS)$Gs
    obsvec <- as.matrix(data[, 1])
    SST <- sum(obsvec^2)
    SSE <- sum((obsvec - vec1)^2)
    Rsquare <- 1 - SSE/SST
    if (Rsquare < 0) 
        stop("negative Rsq\n")

##' Display methods for Opc4photo and OpEC4photo
##' @export
##' @S3method print Opc4photo
print.Opc4photo <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
    opl <- x$op.level
    c.kind <- x$curve.kind
    cat("\nOptimization of C4 photosynthesis\n")
    cat("\n\t\t", x$level * 100, "%   Conf Int\n")
    if (x$response == "Assim") {
        if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
            if (opl == 1) {
                mat <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
                dimnames(mat) <- list(c("Vmax", "alpha"), c("best", "lower", "upper"))
                mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestVmax, x$bestAlpha)
                mat[1, 2:3] <- x$ciVmax
                mat[2, 2:3] <- x$ciAlpha
            } else if (opl == 2) {
                mat <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
                dimnames(mat) <- list(c("Vmax", "alpha", "Rd"), c("best", "lower", 
                mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestVmax, x$bestAlpha, x$bestRd)
                mat[1, 2:3] <- x$ciVmax
                mat[2, 2:3] <- x$ciAlpha
                mat[3, 2:3] <- x$ciRd
            } else {
                mat <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 3)
                dimnames(mat) <- list(c("Vmax", "alpha", "theta", "Rd"), c("best", 
                  "lower", "upper"))
                mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestVmax, x$bestAlpha, x$bestTheta, x$bestRd)
                mat[1, 2:3] <- x$ciVmax
                mat[2, 2:3] <- x$ciAlpha
                mat[3, 2:3] <- x$ciTheta
                mat[4, 2:3] <- x$ciRd
        } else {
            if (opl == 1) {
                mat <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
                dimnames(mat) <- list(c("Vmax", "kparm"), c("best", "lower", "upper"))
                mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestVmax, x$bestKparm)
                mat[1, 2:3] <- x$ciVmax
                mat[2, 2:3] <- x$ciKparm
            } else if (opl == 2) {
                mat <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
                dimnames(mat) <- list(c("Vmax", "kparm", "Rd"), c("best", "lower", 
                mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestVmax, x$bestKparm, x$bestRd)
                mat[1, 2:3] <- x$ciVmax
                mat[2, 2:3] <- x$ciKparm
                mat[3, 2:3] <- x$ciRd
            } else {
                mat <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 3)
                dimnames(mat) <- list(c("Vmax", "kparm", "beta", "Rd"), c("best", 
                  "lower", "upper"))
                mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestVmax, x$bestKparm, x$bestBeta, x$bestRd)
                mat[1, 2:3] <- x$ciVmax
                mat[2, 2:3] <- x$ciKparm
                mat[3, 2:3] <- x$ciBeta
                mat[4, 2:3] <- x$ciRd
    } else {
        mat <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
        dimnames(mat) <- list(c("b0", "b1"), c("best", "lower", "upper"))
        mat[, 1] <- c(x$bestb0, x$bestb1)
        mat[1, 2:3] <- x$cib0
        mat[2, 2:3] <- x$cib1
    print.default(mat, digits = digits, print.gap = 3)
    if (c.kind == "Q") 
        cat("\n Corr  Vmax and alpha:", x$corVA, "\n") else cat("\n Corr  Vmax and kparm:", x$corVA, "\n")
    cat("\n Resid Sums Sq:", x$ReSumS, "\n")
    if (x$Convergence == 0) 
        cat("YES\n") else cat("NO\n")

##' Predict method
##' @export
##' @S3method predict Opc4photo
predict.Opc4photo <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
    x <- object
    dat <- x$data
    if (x$response == "Assim") {
        if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
            if (x$op.level == 1) {
                vmax <- x$bestVmax
                alpha <- x$bestAlpha
                theta <- x$xparms$theta
                Rd <- x$xparms$Rd
            } else if (x$op.level == 2) {
                vmax <- x$bestVmax
                alpha <- x$bestAlpha
                theta <- x$xparms$theta
                Rd <- x$bestRd
            } else {
                vmax <- x$bestVmax
                alpha <- x$bestAlpha
                theta <- x$bestTheta
                Rd <- x$bestRd
        } else {
            if (x$op.level == 1) {
                vmax <- x$bestVmax
                kparm <- x$bestKparm
                beta <- x$xparms$beta
                Rd <- x$xparms$Rd
            } else if (x$op.level == 2) {
                vmax <- x$bestVmax
                kparm <- x$bestKparm
                beta <- x$xparms$beta
                Rd <- x$bestRd
            } else {
                vmax <- x$bestVmax
                kparm <- x$bestKparm
                beta <- x$bestBeta
                Rd <- x$bestRd
    } else {
        stop("Stomatal conductance no implemented yet")
    if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
        if (missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)) {
            fittd <- c4photo(dat[, 2], dat[, 3], dat[, 4], vmax = vmax, alpha = alpha, 
                kparm = x$xparms$kparm, theta = theta, beta = x$xparms$beta, Rd = Rd, 
                Catm = x$xparms$Catm, b0 = x$xparms$b0, b1 = x$xparms$b1, StomWS = x$xparms$StomWS, 
                ws = x$xparms$ws)
        } else {
            fittd <- c4photo(newdata[, 2], newdata[, 3], newdata[, 4], vmax = vmax, 
                alpha = alpha, kparm = x$xparms$kparm, theta = theta, beta = x$xparms$beta, 
                Rd = Rd, Catm = x$xparms$Catm, b0 = x$xparms$b0, b1 = x$xparms$b1, 
                StomWS = x$xparms$StomWS, ws = x$xparms$ws)
    } else {
        if (missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)) {
            fittd <- c4photo(dat[, 2], dat[, 3], dat[, 4], vmax = vmax, alpha = x$xparms$alpha, 
                kparm = kparm, theta = x$xparms$theta, beta = beta, Rd = Rd, Catm = x$xparms$Catm, 
                b0 = x$xparms$b0, b1 = x$xparms$b1, StomWS = x$xparms$StomWS, ws = x$xparms$ws)
        } else {
            fittd <- c4photo(newdata[, 2], newdata[, 3], newdata[, 4], vmax = vmax, 
                alpha = x$xparms$alpha, kparm = kparm, theta = x$xparms$theta, beta = beta, 
                Rd = Rd, Catm = x$xparms$Catm, b0 = x$xparms$b0, b1 = x$xparms$b1, 
                StomWS = x$xparms$StomWS, ws = x$xparms$ws)

##' This function will implement simple calculations
##' of predicted and residuals for the Opc4photo function
##' @export
##' @S3method summary Opc4photo
summary.Opc4photo <- function(object, ...) {
    dat <- object$data
    obsvec <- as.vector(dat[, 1])
    fittd <- predict(object)
    rsd <- obsvec - fittd$Assim
    rss <- object$ReSumS
    ## Some measures of agreement Index of agreement
    IAN <- t(rsd) %*% rsd
    IAD1 <- abs(rsd) + abs(scale(obsvec, scale = FALSE))
    IAD <- t(IAD1) %*% IAD1
    IA <- 1 - IAN/IAD
    ## Rsquared 1
    Rsq1 <- as.numeric(1 - rss/t(obsvec) %*% obsvec)
    ## Rsquared 2
    Rsq2 <- as.numeric(cor(fittd$Assim, obsvec)^2)
    ## Mean bias
    meanBias <- mean(rsd)
    ## AIC and BIC
    n1 <- length(rsd)
    AIC <- n1 * log(rss/n1) + 2
    BIC <- n1 * log(rss/n1) + 2 * log(n1)
    sigma <- sqrt(rss/(n1 - 2))
    stdresid <- rsd/sigma
    outli <- which(abs(stdresid) > 2)
    structure(list(fitted = fittd$Assim, resid = rsd, stdresid = stdresid, IA = IA, 
        Rsq1 = Rsq1, Rsq2 = Rsq2, meanBias = meanBias, AIC = AIC, BIC = BIC, outli = outli, 
        sigma = sigma), class = "summary.Opc4photo")

##' @export
##' @S3method print summary.Opc4photo
print.summary.Opc4photo <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("\n Diagnostic measures\n")
    cat("\n Index of Agreement:", x$IA)
    cat("\n Rsquared 1:", x$Rsq1)
    cat("\n Rsquared 2:", x$Rsq2)
    cat("\n Mean Bias:", x$meanBias)
    cat("\n AIC:", x$AIC)
    cat("\n BIC:", x$BIC, "\n")

##' @export
##' @S3method plot Opc4photo
plot.Opc4photo <- function(x, plot.kind = c("RvsF", "OandF", "OvsF"), resid = c("std", 
    "raw"), ...) {
    dat <- x$data
    obsvec <- as.vector(dat[, 1])
    if (x$response == "Assim") {
        fittd <- predict(x)
    } else {
        fittd <- predict(x)$Gs
    fttA <- fittd$Assim
    fttCi <- fittd$Ci
    rsd <- obsvec - fttA
    rss <- x$ReSumS
    n1 <- length(rsd)
    sigma <- sqrt(rss/(n1 - 2))
    stdresid <- rsd/sigma
    outid <- which(abs(stdresid) > 2)
    resid <- match.arg(resid)
    plot.kind <- match.arg(plot.kind)
    if (plot.kind == "RvsF") {
        if (resid == "std") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(stdresid ~ fttA, ..., xlab = "fitted", ylab = "standardized resduals", 
                panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
                  panel.abline(h = 0, ...)
                  ltext(x[outid], y[outid], labels = outid, adj = -1, ...)
        if (resid == "raw") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(rsd ~ fttA, ..., xlab = "fitted", ylab = "resduals", 
                panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
                  panel.abline(h = 0, ...)
    if (plot.kind == "OandF") {
        if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(obsvec + fttA ~ dat[, 2], ..., auto.key = TRUE, ylab = "CO2 uptake", 
                xlab = "Quantum flux")
        } else {
            plot1 <- xyplot(obsvec ~ dat[, 5], ..., ylab = "CO2 uptake", xlab = "Ci", 
                panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, col = "blue", ...)
                  panel.xyplot(dat[, 5], fttA, col = "green", ...)
                }, key = list(text = list(c("obs", "sim")), col = c("blue", "green"), 
                  lines = TRUE, space = "top"))
    if (plot.kind == "OvsF") {
        plot1 <- xyplot(obsvec ~ fttA, ..., xlab = "fitted", ylab = "observed", panel = function(x, 
            y, ...) {
            panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
            panel.abline(0, 1, ...)
##' Multiple optimization of C4 photosynthesis.
##' Wrapper function that allows for optimization of multiple A/Ci or A/Q
##' curves.
##' There are printing and plotting methods for the object created by this
##' function. The plotting function has an argument that it is used to dsiplay
##' either vmax or alpha (i.e. \code{parm=c('vmax','alpha')}). In both cases
##' the optimized value plus confidence intervals will be displayed for each
##' run.
##' @aliases mOpc4photo plot.mOpc4photo print.mOpc4photo
##' @param data observed assimilation data, which should be a data frame or
##' matrix. The first column should contain a run or id.  The second column
##' should be observed net assimilation rate (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}}
##' \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The third column should be the observed quantum flux
##' (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The fourth column should be
##' observed temperature of the leaf (Celsius).  The fifth column should be the
##' observed relative humidity in proportion (e.g. 0.7). An optional sixth
##' column can contain atmospheric CO2.
##' @param ID Optional vector with an alternative ID tothe one used in data for
##' runs. The length shoudl be equal to the number of runs.
##' @param ivmax Initial value for vmax. It can be a single value or a vector
##' of length equal to the number of runs.
##' @param ialpha Initial value for alpha. It can be a single value or a vector
##' of length equal to the number of runs.
##' @param iRd Initial value for vmax. It can be a single value or a vector of
##' length equal to the number of runs.
##' @param ikparm Initial value for vmax. It can be a single value or a vector
##' of length equal to the number of runs.
##' @param itheta Initial value for vmax. It can be a single value or a vector
##' of length equal to the number of runs.
##' @param ibeta Initial value for vmax. It can be a single value or a vector
##' of length equal to the number of runs.
##' @param curve.kind If \code{'Q'} a type of response which mainly depends on
##' light will be assumed. Typically used to optimized light response curves or
##' diurnals. Use \code{'Ci'} for A/Ci curves (stomatal conductance could also
##' be optimized).
##' @param op.level optimization level. If equal to 1 \code{vmax} and
##' \code{alpha} will be optimized. If 2, \code{vmax}, \code{alpha} and
##' \code{Rd} will be optimized. If 3, \code{vmax}, \code{alpha}, \code{theta}
##' and \code{Rd} will be optimized.
##' @param op.ci Whether to optimize intercellular CO2. Default is FALSE as
##' 'fast-measured' light curves do not provide reliable values of Ci.
##' @param verbose Whether to display output about convergence of each run.
##' @param \dots Used to supply additional arguments to \code{Opc4photo}.
##' @export
##' @return An object of class \code{mOpc4photo} %% ~Describe the value
##' returned %% If it is a LIST, use
##' %% ...
##' @returnItem mat Matrix with optimized parameters.
##' @returnItem op.level Optimization level..
##' @returnItem ciVmax confidence intervals for vmax.
##' @returnItem ciAlpha confidence intervals for alpha.
##' @returnItem curve.kind Whether A/Ci or A/Q curves were optimized.
##' @author Fernando E. miguez
##' @seealso \code{\link{Opc4photo}} \code{\link{c4photo}} \code{\link{optim}}
##' %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
##' @keywords optimize
##' @examples
##' data(simAssim)
mOpc4photo <- function(data, ID = NULL, ivmax = 39, ialpha = 0.04, iRd = 0.8, ikparm = 0.7, 
    itheta = 0.83, ibeta = 0.93, curve.kind = c("Q", "Ci"), op.level = 1, op.ci = FALSE, 
    verbose = FALSE, ...) {
    ## Some sanity check
    uruns <- unique(data[, 1])
    nruns <- length(unique(data[, 1]))
    curve.kind <- match.arg(curve.kind)
    if (curve.kind == "Q") {
        if (length(ivmax) == 1) {
            miVmax <- rep(ivmax, nruns)
        } else {
            if (length(ivmax) != nruns) 
                stop("length of ivmax should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
            miVmax <- ivmax
        if (length(ialpha) == 1) {
            miAlpha <- rep(ialpha, nruns)
        } else {
            if (length(ialpha) != nruns) 
                stop("length of ialpha should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
            miAlpha <- ialpha
        if (op.level == 2 || op.level == 3) {
            if (length(iRd) == 1) {
                miRd <- rep(iRd, nruns)
            } else {
                if (length(iRd) != nruns) 
                  stop("length of iRd should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
                miRd <- iRd
        if (op.level == 3) {
            if (length(itheta) == 1) {
                miTheta <- rep(itheta, nruns)
            } else {
                if (length(itheta) != nruns) 
                  stop("length of itheta should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
                miTheta <- itheta
        mat <- matrix(ncol = I(3 + op.level), nrow = nruns)
        ciVmax <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = nruns)
        ciAlpha <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = nruns)
        for (i in seq_len(nruns)) {
            if (op.level == 1) {
                op <- try(Opc4photo(data[data[, 1] == uruns[i], 2:5], Catm = data[data[, 
                  1] == uruns[i], 6], ivmax = miVmax[i], ialpha = miAlpha[i], op.level = 1, 
                  op.ci = op.ci, ...), TRUE)
                if (class(op) == "try-error") {
                  mat[i, 1:4] <- c(i, rep(NA, 2), 1)
                } else {
                  mat[i, 1:4] <- c(i, op$bestVmax, op$bestAlpha, op$Convergence)
                  ciVmax[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciVmax)
                  ciAlpha[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciAlpha)
                colnames(mat) <- c("run", "vmax", "alpha", "conv")
            } else if (op.level == 2) {
                op <- try(Opc4photo(data[data[, 1] == uruns[i], 2:5], Catm = data[data[, 
                  1] == uruns[i], 6], ivmax = miVmax[i], ialpha = miAlpha[i], iRd = miRd[i], 
                  op.level = 2, op.ci = op.ci, ...), TRUE)
                if (class(op) == "try-error") {
                  mat[i, 1:5] <- c(i, rep(NA, 3), 1)
                } else {
                  mat[i, 1:5] <- c(i, op$bestVmax, op$bestAlpha, op$bestRd, op$Convergence)
                colnames(mat) <- c("run", "vmax", "alpha", "Rd", "conv")
            } else if (op.level == 3) {
                op <- try(Opc4photo(data[data[, 1] == uruns[i], 2:5], Catm = data[data[, 
                  1] == uruns[i], 6], ivmax = miVmax[i], ialpha = miAlpha[i], iRd = miRd[i], 
                  itheta = miTheta[i], op.level = 3, op.ci = op.ci, ...), TRUE)
                if (class(op) == "try-error") {
                  mat[i, 1:6] <- c(i, rep(NA, 4), 1)
                } else {
                  mat[i, 1:6] <- c(i, op$bestVmax, op$bestAlpha, op$bestTheta, op$bestRd, 
                colnames(mat) <- c("run", "vmax", "alpha", "theta", "Rd", "conv")
            if (verbose) {
                cat("Run:", i, "... Converged", ifelse(mat[i, ncol(mat)] == 0, "YES", 
                  "NO"), "\n")
        if (!missing(ID)) {
            if (length(ID) != nruns) 
                stop("Length of ID should be equal to the number of runs")
            mat <- as.data.frame(mat)
            mat$ID <- ID
        ans <- structure(list(mat = mat, op.level = op.level, ciVmax = ciVmax, ciAlpha = ciAlpha, 
            curve.kind = curve.kind), class = "mOpc4photo")
    } else {
        if (length(ivmax) == 1) {
            miVmax <- rep(ivmax, nruns)
        } else {
            if (length(ivmax) != nruns) 
                stop("length of ivmax should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
            miVmax <- ivmax
        if (length(ikparm) == 1) {
            miKparm <- rep(ikparm, nruns)
        } else {
            if (length(ikparm) != nruns) 
                stop("length of ikparm should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
            miKparm <- ikparm
        if (op.level == 2 || op.level == 3) {
            if (length(iRd) == 1) {
                miRd <- rep(iRd, nruns)
            } else {
                if (length(iRd) != nruns) 
                  stop("length of iRd should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
                miRd <- iRd
        if (op.level == 3) {
            if (length(ibeta) == 1) {
                miBeta <- rep(ibeta, nruns)
            } else {
                if (length(ibeta) != nruns) 
                  stop("length of ibeta should be either 1 or equal to the number or runs")
                miBeta <- ibeta
        mat <- matrix(ncol = I(3 + op.level), nrow = nruns)
        ciVmax <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = nruns)
        ciKparm <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = nruns)
        for (i in seq_len(nruns)) {
            if (op.level == 1) {
                op <- try(Opc4photo(data[data[, 1] == uruns[i], 2:6], Catm = data[data[, 
                  1] == uruns[i], 7], ivmax = miVmax[i], ikparm = miKparm[i], op.level = 1, 
                  curve.kind = curve.kind, op.ci = op.ci, ...), TRUE)
                if (class(op) == "try-error") {
                  mat[i, 1:4] <- c(i, rep(NA, 2), 1)
                } else {
                  mat[i, 1:4] <- c(i, op$bestVmax, op$bestKparm, op$Convergence)
                  ciVmax[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciVmax)
                  ciKparm[i, 1:3] <- c(i, op$ciKparm)
                colnames(mat) <- c("ID", "vmax", "kparm", "conv")
            } else if (op.level == 2) {
                op <- try(Opc4photo(data[data[, 1] == uruns[i], 2:6], Catm = data[data[, 
                  1] == uruns[i], 7], ivmax = miVmax[i], ikparm = miKparm[i], iRd = miRd[i], 
                  op.level = 2, curve.kind = curve.kind, op.ci = op.ci, ...), TRUE)
                if (class(op) == "try-error") {
                  mat[i, 1:5] <- c(i, rep(NA, 3), 1)
                } else {
                  mat[i, 1:5] <- c(i, op$bestVmax, op$bestKparm, op$bestRd, op$Convergence)
                colnames(mat) <- c("ID", "vmax", "kparm", "Rd", "conv")
            } else if (op.level == 3) {
                op <- try(Opc4photo(data[data[, 1] == uruns[i], 2:6], Catm = data[data[, 
                  1] == uruns[i], 7], ivmax = miVmax[i], ikparm = miKparm[i], iRd = miRd[i], 
                  ibeta = miBeta[i], op.level = 3, curve.kind = curve.kind, op.ci = op.ci, 
                  ...), TRUE)
                if (class(op) == "try-error") {
                  mat[i, 1:6] <- c(i, rep(NA, 4), 1)
                } else {
                  mat[i, 1:6] <- c(i, op$bestVmax, op$bestKparm, op$bestBeta, op$bestRd, 
                colnames(mat) <- c("ID", "vmax", "kparm", "beta", "Rd", "conv")
            if (verbose) {
                cat("Run:", i, "... Converged", ifelse(mat[i, ncol(mat)] == 0, "YES", 
                  "NO"), "\n")
        if (!missing(ID)) {
            if (length(ID) != nruns) 
                stop("Length of ID should be equal to the number of runs")
            mat <- as.data.frame(mat)
            mat$ID <- ID
        ans <- structure(list(mat = mat, op.level = op.level, ciVmax = ciVmax, ciKparm = ciKparm, 
            curve.kind = curve.kind), class = "mOpc4photo")

##' Printing method
##' @export
##' @S3method print mOpc4photo
print.mOpc4photo <- function(x, ...) {
    ncolm <- ncol(unclass(x)$mat)
    ma <- x$mat
    cat("Number of runs:", nrow(ma), "\n")
    cat("Number converged:", length(ma[ma[, ncolm] == 0, ncolm]), "\n\n")
    if (x$op.level == 1) {
        mat <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 2)
        if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "alpha"), c("mean", "min", "max"))
        } else {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "kparm"), c("mean", "min", "max"))
        mat[1, 1] <- mean(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 1] <- mean(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 2] <- min(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 2] <- min(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 3] <- max(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 3] <- max(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        print.default(mat, print.gap = 3)
    } else if (x$op.level == 2) {
        mat <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
        if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "alpha", "Rd"), c("mean", "min", "max"))
        } else {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "kparm", "Rd"), c("mean", "min", "max"))
        mat[1, 1] <- mean(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 1] <- mean(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 1] <- mean(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 2] <- min(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 2] <- min(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 2] <- min(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 3] <- max(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 3] <- max(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 3] <- max(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        print.default(mat, print.gap = 3)
    } else if (x$op.level == 3) {
        mat <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
        if (x$curve.kind == "Q") {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "alpha", "theta", "Rd"), c("mean", "min", 
        } else {
            dimnames(mat) <- list(c("vmax", "kparm", "beta", "Rd"), c("mean", "min", 
        mat[1, 1] <- mean(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 1] <- mean(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 1] <- mean(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[4, 1] <- mean(ma[, 5], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 2] <- min(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 2] <- min(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 2] <- min(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[4, 2] <- min(ma[, 5], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[1, 3] <- max(ma[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[2, 3] <- max(ma[, 3], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[3, 3] <- max(ma[, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
        mat[4, 3] <- max(ma[, 5], na.rm = TRUE)
        print.default(mat, print.gap = 3)

##' Plotting method
##' @export
##' @S3method plot mOpc4photo
plot.mOpc4photo <- function(x, parm = c("vmax", "alpha"), ...) {
    parm <- match.arg(parm)
    res <- x
    if (parm == "vmax") {
        civmax <- x$ciVmax
        id <- factor(res$mat[, 1])
        ymax <- max(civmax[, 3], na.rm = TRUE) * 1.05
        ymin <- min(civmax[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) * 0.95
        xyplot(civmax[, 3] ~ id, ylim = c(ymin, ymax), ylab = "Vmax", xlab = "ID", 
            panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = "-", cex = 3, ...)
                panel.xyplot(id, res$mat[, 2], pch = 1, cex = 1.5, ...)
                panel.xyplot(id, civmax[, 2], pch = "-", cex = 3, ...)
    } else if (parm == "alpha") {
        cialpha <- x$ciAlpha
        id <- factor(res$mat[, 1])
        ymax <- max(cialpha[, 3], na.rm = TRUE) * 1.05
        ymin <- min(cialpha[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) * 0.95
        xyplot(cialpha[, 3] ~ id, ylim = c(ymin, ymax), ylab = "alpha", xlab = "ID", 
            panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = "-", cex = 3, ...)
                panel.xyplot(id, res$mat[, 3], pch = 1, cex = 1.5, ...)
                panel.xyplot(id, cialpha[, 2], pch = "-", cex = 3, ...)
    ### stop('not implemented yet') if(x$curve.kind == 'Q'){ plotAQ(x, fittd)
    ### }else{ stop('A/Ci not implemented yet') }
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.