
     dat2 <- NULL
     tmp2 <- matrix(ncol=5,nrow=24)
     tmp3 <- matrix(ncol=4,nrow=24)
     layers <- 10
     for(i in 1:24){
        lai <- doy124[i,1]
        doy <- doy124[i,3]
        hr  <- doy124[i,4]
      solar <- doy124[i,5]
       temp <- doy124[i,6]
         rh <- doy124[i,7]
         ws <- doy124[i,8]

##       tmp1 <- CanA(lai,doy,hr,solar,temp,rh,ws, StomataWS=1, nlayers=layers, lnControl=lnParms(LeafN=2,lnFun="linear",kpLN=0))
       tmp1 <- CanA(lai,doy,hr,solar,temp,rh,ws, StomataWS=1, nlayers=layers, lnControl=lnParms(LeafN=3.7,lnFun="linear"))

        tmp2[i,1] <- tmp1$CanopyAssim
       tmp2[i,2] <- tmp1$CanopyTrans
       tmp2[i,3] <- tmp1$TranEpen
       tmp2[i,4] <- tmp1$TranEpries
       tmp2[i,5] <- tmp1$CanopyCond
       dat1 <- data.frame(hour=i,layer=1:layers, as.data.frame(tmp1$LayMat))

       dat2 <- rbind(dat2,dat1)

     ## Plot of Irradiance for the 10 layers
     xyplot(IDir + IDiff ~ hour | factor(layer),type="o",
      data = dat2, xlab="hour",layout=c(2,layers/2),col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
            ylab=expression(paste("Irradiance (",mu,"mol ",m^-2," ",s^-1,")")))

     ## Plot of TempDiff for the 10 layers
     xyplot(DeltaSun + DeltaShade ~ hour | factor(layer),type="o",
      data = dat2, xlab="hour",layout=c(2,layers/2),col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
            ylab="Delta temperature (Celsius)")

## Plot of Leaf area (sunlit and shaded) for the 10 layers
     xyplot(Leafsun + Leafshade ~ hour | factor(layer),type="o",
      data = dat2, xlab="hour",layout=c(2,layers/2),col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
            ylab=expression(paste("Leaf Area (",m^2," ",m^-2,")")))

     ## Plot of Transpiration for the 10 layers
     xyplot(TransSun + TransShade ~ hour | factor(layer),type="o",
      data = dat2, xlab="hour",layout=c(2,layers/2),col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
            ylab=expression(paste("Transpiration (mm ",H[2],"O ",m^-2," ",s^-1,")")))

     ## Plot of Assimilation for the 10 layers
     xyplot(AssimSun + AssimShade ~ hour | factor(layer),type="o",
      data = dat2, xlab="hour",layout=c(2,layers/2),col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
            ylab=expression(paste("Assimilation (",mu,"mol ",m^-2," ",s^-1,")")))

     ## Plot of Assimilation for the 10 layers
     xyplot(CondSun + CondShade ~ hour | factor(layer),type="o",
      data = dat2, xlab="hour",layout=c(2,layers/2),col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
            ylab=expression(paste("Conductance (mmol ",m^-2," ",s^-1,")")))

## Testing the effect of N distribution
##dat2.no <- dat2

LeafN.no <- dat2.no$LeafN
LeafN.li <- dat2$LeafN
## Plot of Leaf Nitrogen
     xyplot(LeafN.no + LeafN.li ~  layer,type="o", subset = hour == 12,
      data = dat2, xlab="layer",col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
            ylab=expression(paste("Leaf Nitrogen (g ",m^-2,")")))

Vmax.no <- dat2.no$Vmax
Vmax.li <- dat2$Vmax
## Plot of Vmax
     xyplot(Vmax.no + Vmax.li ~  layer,type="o", subset = hour == 12,
      data = dat2, xlab="layer",col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
            ylab=expression(paste("Vmax (",mu,"mol ",m^-2," ",s^-1,")")))

## Let's do some math 2g m^-2 times 8 = 16 g total
## This gives 
(Atot.no <- sum(dat2.no$AssimSun + dat2.no$AssimShade)) ## 1002
## How do I distribute the same ammount of N more efficiently?
## Let us say I start with 3g m^-2
sum(subset(dat2,hour==12)$LeafN)*(8/10) ## 16 the same total ammount of N
(Atot.li <- sum(dat2$AssimSun + dat2$AssimShade)) ## 1160

## Plot of Assimilation for the 10 layers
xyplot(I(dat2$AssimSun + dat2$AssimShade) +
       I(dat2.no$AssimSun + dat2.no$AssimShade) ~ hour | factor(layer),type="o",
       data = dat2, xlab="hour",layout=c(2,layers/2),col=c("blue","green"),lwd=1.5,
       ylab=expression(paste("Assimilation (",mu,"mol ",m^-2," ",s^-1,")")),
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.