
Defines functions rm_envir

Documented in rm_envir

#' A function to remove all attached objects from the search path with any exceptions specified
#' @param ignore a character vector of regular expression search terms  within the output from \code{search()} as to which should be retained.
#' @param verbose logical to print information on changes to the global environment or external files. Defaults to options()$verbose.
#' @inheritParams base::grep
#' @details it detaches anything not ignored. It is called by default wihin \code{\link{attach_pop}} .
#' @seealso  \code{\link{search}} \code{\link{attach_pop}}
#' @export

rm_envir <- function(ignore=c(".GlobalEnv","package:","tools:","Autoloads"), verbose=options()$verbose, perl=FALSE){
  base_items <- c(".GlobalEnv","tools:rstudio", "package:stats", "package:graphics","package:grDevices",
                  "package:utils", "package:datasets", "package:methods", "Autoloads", "package:base")
  searchpath <- search()
  for( pattern in ignore){
    searchpath <-  searchpath[ !grepl(pattern, searchpath, perl=perl) ]
  for( item in searchpath){
      if( item %in% base_items){ warning(paste0("Removing ", item, " may be disastrous."))}
      detach(item, character.only = TRUE)
      if(verbose){cat(item, "detached.\n")}
shug0131/cctu documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 12:03 p.m.