Bayesian Negative Binomial Regression for Differential Expression Analysis

This is a R package for differential expression analysis of seqencing count data. The main function NBregDE2 takes as input:


Given the gene count matrix and two covariates as sex and cond, the ranking of genes with respect to cond can be obtained as:

Burnin <- 1000
Collections <- 1000
X <- as.matrix(t(model.matrix(~sex+cond)))
idx.cond <- 3
res <- NBregDE2(dat,X,cond,idx.cond, Burnin,Collections)
res$kl            # the KL-divergence score of genes, high values correspond to high DE
res$beta          # posterior means of regression coefficient for the covariate of interest (i.e., cond)

siamakz/BNBR documentation built on Oct. 21, 2019, 5:50 a.m.