
Defines functions NBregDE2

Documented in NBregDE2

#' Bayesian Negative Binomial regression for differential expression analysis of
#' sequencing count data with confounding factors
#' @param counts a matrix of counts, rows are corresponding to genes and columns
#' are corresponding to samples.
#' @param X design matrix
#' @param cond the index of covariate corresponding to the main treatment
#' @param idx.cond a vector of covariate indices that the effect of their combination
#' on gene expression is under study
#' @param Burnin Number of burn-in iterations in MCMC
#' @param Collections Number of collected posterior samples after burn-in
#' @param PGTruncation the truncation level used for genrating random numbers
#' from Polya-Gamma distribution
#' @param randtry to be used for set.seed()
#' @export
NBregDE2 <- function(counts, X, cond, idx.cond, Burnin = 1000L, Collections = 1000L, PGTruncation = 60L, randtry = 2017)
  y <- as.matrix(counts)
  idx.nz <- rowSums(y)!=0
  y <- y[idx.nz,]
  ngenes <- dim(y)[1]       # K
  nsamples <- dim(y)[2]     # J
  idx.group1 <- which(cond==1)
  idx.group2 <- which(cond==2)
  # hyperparameters
  a0 <- b0 <- c0 <- d0 <- e0 <- f0 <- g0 <- 0.01
  # coefficients matrix beta, P by K
  P <- dim(X)[1]
  Beta <- matrix(0, P, ngenes)
  r <- rep(100, nsamples)
  h <- 1
  alpha <- rep(1, P)
  ter <- NBreg_VB(counts,X,cond,100)
  Beta <- ter$mu
  r <- ter$r
  alpha <- ter$alpha
  h <- ter$h
  Psi <- matrix(0, ngenes, nsamples)
  XYT <- X %*% t(y)
  beta.means <- matrix(0, P, ngenes)
  beta2.samples <- beta3.samples <- matrix(0, ngenes, Collections)
  theta.means <- matrix(0, ngenes, 2*Collections)
  iterMax <- Burnin+Collections
  yy <- pmin(y,10000)
  for (iter in 1:iterMax)
    cat(iter, '\n')
    Psi <- t(Beta)  %*% X
    # Sample r_j
    ell <- rep(0, nsamples)
    for (j in 1:nsamples)
      yr <- y[y[,j]>10000,j]
      ell[j] <- CRT_sum(yy[,j], r[j]) + rpois(1, r[j]*(sum(digamma(yr+r[j]))-length(yr)*digamma(10000+r[j])))
    r <- rgamma(nsamples, a0 + ell, rate = h + colSums(logOnePlusExp(Psi)))
    # Sample alpha
    alpha <- rgamma(P, c0 + ngenes/2, rate = d0 + 0.5*rowSums(Beta^2))
    # Smple h
    h <- rgamma(1, b0+nsamples*a0, rate = g0+sum(r))
    # Sample omega
    temp <- y+matrix(rep(r, ngenes), ngenes, nsamples, byrow = T)
    omega <- PolyaGamRnd_Gam(c(temp), c(Psi), Truncation = PGTruncation)
    omega <- matrix(omega, ngenes, nsamples)  # K by J
    # Sample Beta, phi and Psi
    A <- diag(alpha)
    for (k in 1:ngenes)
      if (any(eigen(A + X %*% diag(omega[k,]) %*% t(X))$values<=0)) stop('ter')
      temp <- solve(chol(A + X %*% diag(omega[k,]) %*% t(X)))
      Beta[,k] <- temp %*% (rnorm(P) + t(temp) %*% (0.5*(XYT[,k]-X %*% r)))
    if (iter>Burnin)
      beta.means <- beta.means + Beta
      #            beta2.samples[,iter-Burnin] <- Beta[2,]
      #            beta3.samples[,iter-Burnin] <- Beta[3,]
      #             temp <- 1 + exp(t(Beta) %*% X)
      theta.means[, iter-Burnin] <- exp(Beta[1,])
      if (length(idx.cond)==1){
        theta.means[, iter-Burnin+Collections] <- exp(Beta[1,]+Beta[idx.cond,])
      if (length(idx.cond)>1){
        theta.means[, iter-Burnin+Collections] <- exp(Beta[1,]+colSums(Beta[idx.cond,]))
  if (0){
    out1 <- out2 <- matrix(0, dim(counts)[1], Collections)
    out1[idx.nz, ] <- beta2.samples
    out2[idx.nz, ] <- beta3.samples
    out <- matrix(0, dim(counts)[1], 2*Collections)
    out[idx.nz, ] <- theta.means
  kl <- KLsym(theta.means[,1:Collections],theta.means[,(Collections+1):(2*Collections)])
  out1 <- rep(0,dim(counts)[1])
  out1[idx.nz] <- kl
  out <- matrix(0, P, dim(counts)[1])
  out[,idx.nz] <- beta.means/Collections
  #    return(list(beta2 = out1, beta3 = out2, theta = out))
siamakz/BNBR documentation built on Oct. 21, 2019, 5:50 a.m.