
#' @useDynLib bbgdm
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

#' @title bbgdm objects
#' @rdname bbgdm
#' @name bbgdm
#' @description creates a \code{bbgdm} model, comprising multiple
#'   gdms. \code{bbgdm} models are core of \code{bbgdm}, different parameterisation can
#'   be achieve similar to a \code{\link[stats]{glm}}, see \code{bbgdm.fit} for more details.
#' @param \dots for \code{bbgdm()}: one or more \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and
#'   \code{predict()}: further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @param form formula for bbgdm model
#' @param sp.dat presence absence matrix, sp as columns sites as rows.
#' @param env.dat environmental or spatial covariates at each site.
#' @param family a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model.
#' Currently "binomial" suppported. This can be a character string naming a family function,
#' a family function or the result of a call to a family function.
#' @param link a character string that assigns the link function to apply within the binomial model.
#' Default is 'logit', but 'negexp' and other binomial link functions can be called.
#' @param dism_metric dissimilarity metric to calculate for model. "bray_curtis" or "number_non_shared"
#' currently avaliable.
#' @param nboot number of Bayesian Bootstraps to run, this is used to estimate variance around GDM models.
#' Default is 100 iterations.
#' @param spline_type type of spline to use in GDM model. Default is monotonic isplines.
#' Options are: "ispline" or "bspline".
#' @param spline_df Number of spline degrees of freedom.
#' @param spline_knots Number of spline knots.
#' @param geo logical If true geographic distance is calculated if
#' @param geo.type type of geographic distance to estimate, can call 'euclidean' and 'greater_circle'.
#' @param coord.names character.vector names of coordinates, default is c("X","Y")
#' @param optim.meth optimisation method options avaliable are 'optim' and 'nlmnib'
#' @param est.var logical if true estimated parameter variance using optimiser.
#' @param trace logical print extra optimisation outputs
#' @param prior numeric vector of starting values for intercept and splines
#' @param control control options for gdm calls \link[bbgdm]{bbgdm.control} as default.
#' @return a bbgdm model object
#' @references Woolley, S. N., Foster, S. D., O'Hara, T. D., Wintle, B. A., & Dunstan, P. K. (2017). Characterising uncertainty in generalised dissimilarity models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sp.dat <- matrix(rbinom(2000,1,.6),200,10)# presence absence matrix
#' env.dat <- simulate_covariates(sp.dat,2)
#' form <- ~ 1 + covar_1 + covar_2
#' test.bbgdm <- bbgdm(form,sp.dat, env.dat,family="binomial",dism_metric="number_non_shared",
#'                     nboot=10, geo=FALSE,optim.meth='nlmnib',,control=bbgdm.control(cores=3))

bbgdm <- function(form, sp.dat, env.dat, family="binomial",link='logit',
                  dism_metric="number_non_shared", nboot=100,
                  optim.meth="nlmnib", est.var=FALSE, trace=FALSE,prior=FALSE,control=bbgdm.control()){

  cat(family,"regression is on the way. \n")
  if (family!='binomial') {
    stop("'family' not recognized")
  if (is.character(family))
      family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
  if (is.function(family))
      family <- family()

  if(dism_metric=="number_non_shared") left <- "cbind(nonsharedspp_ij,sumspp_ij)"
  if(dism_metric=="bray_curtis") left <- "cbind(dissimilarity,100)"
  if(geo) { form <- update.formula(form, ~ X + Y + .)
            if(!all(coord.names %in% colnames(env.dat)))
              stop(cat("Coordinates are missing, add coordinate data as columns called 'X' & 'Y'\n"))
  env.dat <- model.frame(form, as.data.frame(env.dat))
  mean.env.dat <- sd.env.dat <- NA
  env.dat <- model.frame(as.data.frame(env.dat))
  dissim_dat <- dissim_table(sp.dat,env.dat,dism_metric=dism_metric,spline_type=spline_type,spline_df=spline_df,spline_knots=spline_knots,
  dissim_dat_table <- as.data.frame(dissim_dat$diff_table)
  dissim_dat_params <- dissim_dat$diff_table_params
  if(dism_metric=="number_non_shared") preds <- colnames(dissim_dat_table[,3:ncol(dissim_dat_table)])
  else preds <- colnames(dissim_dat_table[,2:ncol(dissim_dat_table)])
  form <- update.formula(form, paste0(left," ~ ",paste(preds, collapse=" + ")))
  temp <- model.frame(form, as.data.frame(dissim_dat_table))
  y <- model.response(temp)
  X <- model.matrix(form, as.data.frame(dissim_dat_table))
  mod  <- bbgdm.fit(X,y,link=link,optim.meth=optim.meth,est.var=TRUE,trace=trace,prior=prior,control=control)
  Nsite <- nrow(sp.dat)
  nreps <- nboot
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(control$cores)
  # mods <- lapply(1:nreps,bb_apply,Nsite,X,y,link,optim.meth,est.var,trace,prior,control)
  mods <- surveillance::plapply(1:nreps, bb_apply, Nsite,X,y,link,optim.meth,est.var,trace,prior,control,.parallel = cl)

  #summary stats
  all.stats.ll <- plyr::ldply(mods, function(x) c(ll=x$logl,AIC=x$AIC,BIC=x$BIC,x$null.deviance,x$gdm.deviance,x$deviance.explained))
  median.ll <- apply( plyr::ldply(mods, function(x) c(ll=x$logl,AIC=x$AIC,BIC=x$BIC,x$null.deviance,x$gdm.deviance,x$deviance.explained)),2,median,na.rm=T)
  quantiles.ll <- apply( plyr::ldply(mods, function(x) c(ll=x$logl,AIC=x$AIC,BIC=x$BIC,x$null.deviance,x$gdm.deviance,x$deviance.explained)),2,function(x)quantile(x,c(.05,.95),na.rm=T))
  all.coefs.se <-  plyr::ldply(mods, function(x) c(x$coef))
  median.coefs.se <- apply(plyr::ldply(mods, function(x) c(x$coef)),2,median,na.rm=T)
  quantiles.coefs.se <- apply(plyr::ldply(mods, function(x) c(x$coef)),2,function(x)quantile(x,c(.05,.95),na.rm=T))

  bbgdm.results <- list()
  bbgdm.results$starting_gdm <- mod
  # bbgdm.results$bb_gdms <- mods //hopefully this will mean less memory for each model.
  bbgdm.results$all.stats.ll <- all.stats.ll
  bbgdm.results$median.ll <- median.ll
  bbgdm.results$quantiles.ll <- quantiles.ll
  bbgdm.results$all.coefs.se <- all.coefs.se
  bbgdm.results$median.coefs.se <- median.coefs.se
  bbgdm.results$quantiles.coefs.se <- quantiles.coefs.se
  bbgdm.results$nboots <-nboot
  bbgdm.results$formula <- form
  bbgdm.results$dism_metric <- dism_metric
  bbgdm.results$sp.dat <- sp.dat
  bbgdm.results$env.dat <- env.dat
  bbgdm.results$X <- X
  bbgdm.results$y <- y
  bbgdm.results$dissim_dat <- dissim_dat_table
  bbgdm.results$dissim_dat_params <- dissim_dat_params
  bbgdm.results$family <- as.character(family)[1]
  bbgdm.results$geo <- geo
  bbgdm.results$link <- link
    bbgdm.results$geo.type <- geo.type
  class(bbgdm.results) <- "bbgdm"

#' @rdname bbgdm
#' @export
#' @param x an object of class \code{bbgdm}, constructed by the function \code{bbgdm}
#' giving a fitted bbgdm
#' @examples
#' #print model summary
#' \dontrun{
#' print(test.bbgdm)}

print.bbgdm <- function (x, ...) {
  cat(' A Bayesian Bootstrap GDM fitted against:\n',
      ncol(x$sp.dat),'species and \n',
      nrow(x$X), 'dissimilarities used as observations in the model.\n\n')

  cat(' A total of',x$nboots, 'Bayesian Bootstraps were ran.\n\n')

  cat(' Spline base parameter estimates are: \n', paste(names(x$median.coefs.se),round(x$median.coefs.se,4), collapse="\n "),

#' @rdname bbgdm
#' @method plot bbgdm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #plot bbgdm fit
#'  \dontrun{
#' plot(test.bbgdm)}

plot.bbgdm <- function(x, ...){
  if(nrow(x$X)>200) pred_sample <- 200
  else pred_sample <- nrow(x$X)
  link <-x$link
  if(link=='negexp') link.fun <- bbgdm::negexp()
  else link.fun <- make.link(link=link)
  X <- x$X
  Y <- x$starting_gdm$y
  bb.eta <- X%*%x$median.coefs.se
  bb.eta.05 <- X%*%x$quantiles.coefs.se[1,]
  bb.eta.95 <- X%*%x$quantiles.coefs.se[2,]
  bb.pred <- link.fun$linkinv(bb.eta)
  plot(bb.eta,Y[,1]/Y[,2], type = "n",ylim=c(0,1),...)
  points(bb.eta,Y[,1]/Y[,2], pch = 20, cex = 0.25)
  y.pred <- Y[sample(pred_sample),]
  y.pred <- y.pred[order(y.pred[,2], y.pred[,1]),]
  overlayX.bb <- seq(from = min(bb.eta), to = max(bb.eta),
                     length = pred_sample)
  overlayY.bb <- link.fun$linkinv(overlayX.bb)
  lines(overlayX.bb, overlayY.bb,...)

#' @rdname bbgdm
#' @export
#' @method predict bbgdm
#' @param data raster stack of the same covariates used to fit model object for the region you wish to predict too.
#' @param neighbourhood int default is three, number of neighbouring cells to estimate mean dissimilarity.
#' @param outer logical default is FALSE, if TRUE only calculates the outer edge of neighbourhoods area.
#' @param uncertainty logical if TRUE predict will return a list with two rasters the mean estimate and the uncertainty (defined as the coefficent of variation)
#' @return raster of mean turnover estimated based on neighbourhood distance.

predict.bbgdm <- function (x, data, neighbourhood=NULL, outer=FALSE, uncertainty=TRUE,...)
  options(warn.FPU = FALSE)
  if (class(data) != "RasterStack" & class(data) != "RasterLayer" &
      class(data) != "RasterBrick") {
    stop("Prediction data need to be a raster object")
  if (raster::nlayers(data) != ncol(x$env.dat)) {
    stop("Number of raster layers does not equal the number used to fit the model")
  for (i in 1:raster::nlayers(data)) {
    if (names(x$env.dat)[i] != names(data)[i]) {
      stop("Raster layers don't match variables used to fit the model - check they are in the correct order")
    cat('using default three cell neighbourhood to estimate dissimilarity')
    neighbourhood <- 3
  #create neighbour matrix
  if (outer) rel <-rel[(rel[,1]==-neighbourhood | rel[,1]==neighbourhood | rel[,2]==-neighbourhood | rel[,2]==neighbourhood),]

  #create updated i-spline rasters (transform layers to i-spline values)
  XYdata <- as.data.frame(na.omit(raster::rasterToPoints(data,progress = "text")))
  cells <- raster::cellFromXY(data[[1]], cbind(XYdata$x, XYdata$y))
  data_spline <- spline.trans(XYdata[,-1:-2],spline_type = "ispline",spline_df=2)
  st_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(XYdata[,1:2], data_spline$spline))
  sp::coordinates(st_data) <- ~x+y
  suppressWarnings(sp::gridded(st_data) <- TRUE)
  data_stack <- stack(st_data)

  beta.r <- data[[1]]
  intercept <- beta.r
  rs <- stack(intercept,data_stack)
  bbgdm_coef <- as.vector(x$median.coefs.se)
  raster_data <- raster::as.array(rs)
  beta_mat <- raster::as.matrix(beta.r)
  beta.r[] <- bbgdm::pred_bbgdm_cpp(raster_data,beta_mat,rel,bbgdm_coef)
    beta.r.lw <- data[[1]]
    beta.r.up <- data[[1]]
    bbgdm_coef.lw <- as.vector(x$quantiles.coefs.se[1,])
    bbgdm_coef.up <- as.vector(x$quantiles.coefs.se[2,])
    beta.r.lw[] <- bbgdm::pred_bbgdm_cpp(raster_data,beta_mat,rel,bbgdm_coef.lw)
    beta.r.up[] <- bbgdm::pred_bbgdm_cpp(raster_data,beta_mat,rel,bbgdm_coef.up)
    pred.se <- abs(beta.r.up-beta.r.lw)/beta.r
  if(uncertainty) return(list(mean.beta=beta.r,se.beta=pred.se))
  else return(beta.r)

bb_apply <- function(x,Nsite,X,y,link,optim.meth,est.var,trace,prior,control){
  # if(nboot>1) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nreps, style = 3, char = '~')
  # for (ii in 1:nreps){
  w <- gtools::rdirichlet(Nsite, rep(1/Nsite,Nsite))
  wij <- w%*%t(w)
  wij <- wij[upper.tri(wij)]
  x <- bbgdm.fit(X,y,wt=wij,link=link,optim.meth=optim.meth,est.var=est.var,trace=trace,prior=prior,control=control)
  # if(nboot>1) setTxtProgressBar(pb, ii)
skiptoniam/bbgdm documentation built on May 30, 2019, 1:05 a.m.