
Defines functions age_to_time as_bds_contacts encode_agep as_bds_clientdata as_bds_reference convert_individual_bds

Documented in convert_individual_bds

#' Convert data of class individual to bds format
#' This function takes data from an object of class
#' \linkS4class{individual} and saves it into JSON bds format (which
#' can be sent to JAMES).
#' Functions \code{convert_bds_individual()} and
#' \code{convert_individual_bds()} are inverse operations.
#' If the slot \code{slot(ind, "dob")} is not set, the conversion
#' uses the artificial birth date \code{01 Jan 2000}.
#' @param ind Object of class \code{individual}
#' @param \dots Additional parameters. Currently ignored.
#' @return Data in bds format as JSON, or \code{NULL} for invalid
#' @author Stef van Buuren 2019
#' @seealso \linkS4class{individual}, \linkS4class{bse}, \linkS4class{xyz},
#'          \code{\link[jsonlite]{toJSON}}
#' @examples
#' data("installed.cabinets", package = "jamestest")
#' ind <- installed.cabinets[[3]][[1]]
#' b <- convert_individual_bds(ind)
#' @export
convert_individual_bds <- function(ind = NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.individual(ind)) stop("Object not of class `individual`.")

  # required elements
  bds <- list(
    OrganisatieCode = 0L,
    ClientGegevens  = as_bds_clientdata(ind))

  # optional elements
  bds$Referentie <- as_bds_reference(ind)
  bds$Contactmomenten <- as_bds_contacts(ind)

  result <- toJSON(bds, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  if (validate(result)) return(result)

as_bds_reference <- function(ind) {
  if (length(slot(ind, "name")) < 1L | is.na(slot(ind, "name"))) return(NULL)
  else slot(ind, "name")

as_bds_clientdata <- function(ind) {

  x <- list(
    Elementen = data.frame(
      Bdsnummer = as.integer(c(19, 20, 82, 91, 110, 238, 240)),
      Waarde = NA_character_,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
    Groepen = data.frame(
        list(Elementen = data.frame(
          Bdsnummer = as.integer(c(63, 71, 62)),
          Waarde = c(NA_character_, NA_character_, "01"),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)),
        list(Elementen = data.frame(
          Bdsnummer = as.integer(c(63, 71, 62)),
          Waarde = c(encode_agep(ind), NA_character_, "02"),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE))))

  x$Elementen[1L, 2L] <- switch(slot(ind, "sex"), "male" = "1", "female" = "2", NA_character_)
  x$Elementen[2L, 2L] <- format(as.Date(get_dob(ind), format = "%d-%m-%y"), format = "%Y%m%d")
  x$Elementen[3L, 2L] <- as.character(slot(ind, "gad"))
  x$Elementen[4L, 2L] <- as.character(slot(ind, "smo") + 1L)
  x$Elementen[5L, 2L] <- as.character(slot(ind, "bw"))
  x$Elementen[6L, 2L] <- as.character(slot(ind, "hgtm") * 10)
  x$Elementen[7L, 2L] <- as.character(slot(ind, "hgtf") * 10)

  keep <- !is.na(x$Elementen[, 2L])
  if (!any(keep)) x$Elementen <- NULL
  else x$Elementen <- x$Elementen[keep, ]

  if (is.na((x$Groepen[2, ])[[1]][1,2])) x$Groepen <- NULL

encode_agep <- function(ind, which_parent = "02") {
  # returns approximate dob of mother as YYYYDDMM
  # calculated from mother's age in years and child dob
  # note: not exact!
  # which_parent: "01" = father, "02" = mother
  dob  <- as.Date(get_dob(ind), format = "%d-%m-%y")
  aged <- (slot(ind, "agem") + 0.5) * 365.25
  dobm <- format(dob - aged, format = "%Y%m%d")

as_bds_contacts <- function(ind) {
  # this function produces a JSON string with data coded according
  # to the BDS schema

  # extract measurements, only take age-related
  # remove duplicates, and NA's on y
  d <- data.frame(ind) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$xname == "age") %>%
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(.data)) %>%

  # return NULL if there are no measurements
  if (nrow(d) == 0L) return(NULL)

  # back-calculate measurement dates
  d$time <- age_to_time(ind, d$x)

  # set proper units
  d[d$yname %in% c("hgt", "hdc"), "y"] <-
    d[d$yname %in% c("hgt", "hdc"), "y"] * 10
  d[d$yname == "wgt", "y"] <-
    d[d$yname == "wgt", "y"] * 1000

  # set BDS numbers
  d$bds <- dplyr::recode(d$yname,
                         hgt = "235", wgt = "245", hdc = "252",
                         .default = NA_character_)

  # sort according to time
  d <- d %>%
    drop_na(.data$bds) %>%
    arrange(.data$time, .data$bds) %>%
    mutate(Bdsnummer = as.integer(.data$bds),
           Waarde = as.character(.data$y)) %>%
    select(all_of(c("time", "Bdsnummer", "Waarde")))

  # extract raw responses from DDI
  ddi <- data.frame(ind@ddi) %>%
    mutate(time = age_to_time(ind, .data$age),
           Bdsnummer = as.integer(.data$bds),
           Waarde = as.character(.data$y)) %>%
    select(all_of(c("time", "Bdsnummer", "Waarde")))

  # merge measurements
  d <- bind_rows(d, ddi) %>%
    arrange(.data$time, .data$Bdsnummer)

  # split by time, and return
  f <- as.factor(d$time)
  d <- split(d[, c("Bdsnummer", "Waarde")], f)

    Tijdstip = names(d),
    Elementen = I(d),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

age_to_time <- function(ind, age) {
  # back-calculate measurement dates
  # use 2000-01-01 as birth data if no DOB is known
  dob <- as.Date(get_dob(ind), format = "%d-%m-%y")
  days <- round(age * 365.25)
  format(dob + days, format = "%Y%m%d")
stefvanbuuren/minihealth documentation built on March 11, 2021, 7:10 p.m.