lme4ord (l-m-e-ford)

opts_chunk$set(fig.path = "inst/README/figure/")

Mixed-effects models for community ecologists. See the currently evolving mission statement.

This package is not at all stable.


Edge-based phylogenetic GLMMs

Acknowledgements: Ben Bolker, Jarrod Hadfield, and Guillaume Blanchet have provided extremely useful discussions.

Here's some new stuff that I'm excited about, mostly because it seems to solve a huge computational cost problem with Ives and Helmus style PGLMMs, and just because it is interesting. The idea is to avoid all of the computationally expensive linear algebra involved when dealing with dense phylogenetic covariance matrices. Instead, from an idea Ben and I had after a discussion with Jerrod Hadfield, we have a random effect for each edge. These effects act on all species that descend from the particular edge in question.

Here's a simple simulated example with twenty sites and ten species, but there is absolutely no problem with scaling this up (that's one of the main points). This example also shows off the nice modularized fitting in lme4ord.

td <- simTestPhyloDat(1, n = 100, m = 5, power = 0.5,
                      y ~ 1 + (1 | species),
                      covarSim = 1,
                      fixefSim = 1)
color2D.matplot(td$dl$y, xlab = "species", ylab = "sites",
                main = "Occurrence")

We find an indicator matrix giving the relationships between the edges (plotted above on the phylogeny) and the tips (also plotted).

(edgeMat <- edgeTipIndicator(td$ph))

Now we add this matrix to the data.

(mod <- glmerc(y ~ 1 + (1 | species), as.data.frame(td$dl), binomial,
               strList = list(species = edgeMat)))

And here are some plots of the output, including the full covariance matrix for the entire system and the phylogeny with the estimated edge effects.

rho <- environment(mod$dfun)
with(rho$pp, image(crossprod(Lambdat %*% Zt)))
edgelabels(round(rho$pp$b(1), 2), cex = 1)

This plot gives the estimated phylogenetic effects on community structure on each branch. The link-scale effects for each species are simply the sums of the values on the branches leading to them.

And it scales well! Here's an example with 100 sites and 500 species.

td <- simTestPhyloDat(1, n = 100, m = 500, power = 0.1,
                      y ~ 1 + (1 | species),
                      covarSim = 1, fixefSim = 1)
edgeMat <- edgeTipIndicator(td$ph)
system.time(mod <- glmerc(y ~ 1 + (1 | species),
                          as.data.frame(td$dl), binomial,
                          strList = list(species = edgeMat)))

glmerc (below) can't do that! I think the reason for the speed is the following sparsity pattern, which gives the numbers of species 'shared' by pairs of edges.

image(as(tcrossprod(edgeMat), "sparseMatrix"))

phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models!

Acknowledgements: Ben Bolker, Tony Ives, and Guillaume Blanchet have provided invaluable discussions, advice, and encouragement. Ben Bolker has also provided valuable money.

The idea is to be able to fit a glmer model where there is a known (e.g. phylogenetic) correlation structure over the levels of the random effects grouping factors. The function glmerc (for glmer with known Covariance over levels) can be used for this purpose. In terms of phylogenetic theory, the glmerc function essentially fits the almost creationist Pagel's lambda model within a generalized linear mixed model framework. Technically, Pagel's lambda is much easier to work with in lme4 because it doesn't require an expensive Cholesky decomposition at each evaluation of the deviance function, whereas other models do require this. Nevertheless, the ultimate plan is to extend the range of models, and the modular structure of lme4 and lme4ord make this fairly easy to experiment with. lme4ord is still very much in the development stage however and I would love to get feedback.

In the example below, we simulate data and fit such a model. The call will look like this.

glmerc(y ~ x * z + (x | species), data,
       covList = list(species = Vphy),
       family = binomial)

Here y is a 0-1 vector indicating which species were present at which sites. x and z are environmental variables (over the sites) and traits (over the species). Vphy is a phylogenetic covariance matrix, which is tagged by species because this corresponds to a particular grouping factor in the model formula. The size of Vphy therefore must equal the number of levels of species.

In glmer this model formula would fit a two-by-two covariance matrix over the slope and intercept implied by the random effect term. This same covariance matrix is repeated over each of the levels of the grouping factor, species. Therefore, the full random effects covariance matrix can be viewed as a Kronecker product between this two-by-two matrix and an identity matrix of size given by the number of levels. In glmerc, this identity matrix is simply replaced by what is given in covList for the relevant grouping factor, which in this case is the phylogenetic covariance matrix, Vphy.


Begin with initial simulations of a sites-by-species binary response matrix, y, environmental variable, x, and trait z. More interesting patterns between y, x, and z will be added below.

n <- 10
m <- 30
dl <- dims_to_vars(data.list(y = 1 * (matrix(rnorm(n * m), n, m) > 0),
                             x = rnorm(n), z = rnorm(m),
                             dimids = c("sites", "species")))
df <- as.data.frame(dl)

Make up some silly phylogeny.

phy <- rtree(n = m)
phy <- compute.brlen(phy, method = "Grafen", power = 0.5)

and estimate a phylogenetic covariance matrix, standardized to unit determinant.

Vphy <- stanCov(vcv(phy))
dimnames(Vphy) <- rep(list(1:m), 2)

Here's the phylogeny (forget the species names) and the associated covariance matrix

image(as(Vphy, "sparseMatrix"))

Put the covariance matrix in a list, for model-input purposes -- the idea is that there might be other covariance matrices (e.g. a spatial one say). It is important that the list element gets the name species because this is the name of the grouping factor used in the model formula below.

covList <- list(species = Vphy)

There is a formula interface. This model has a fixed interaction between the environment and the trait (with intercept and main effects too), a random environmental slope and intercept with phylogenetic correlations across species. However, the phylogenetic nature of the covariances is not set in the formula, but rather as an argument to the glmercFormula function below, which makes up the formula parsing module of the glmerc function.

form <- y ~ x * z + (x | species)
parsedForm <- glmercFormula(form, df, covList = covList, strList = list())

Set the covariance parameters to something more interesting (i.e. with a covariance between the slope and intercept).

covarSim <- c(0.5, -0.2, 0.5)
parsedForm <- within(parsedForm, Lambdat@x[] <- mapToCovFact(covarSim))

Update the simulations to reflect the new structure.

X <- model.matrix(nobars(form), df) # fixed effects design matrix
Z <- t(parsedForm$Lambdat %*% parsedForm$Zt) # random effects design
                                             # matrix with
                                             # phylogenetic
                                             # covariances
fixefSim <- rnorm(ncol(X)) # fixed effects
u <- rnorm(ncol(Z)) # whitened random effects
p <- plogis(as.numeric(X %*% fixefSim + Z %*% u)) # probability of observation
dl$y <- rbinom(nrow(df), 1, p) # presence-absence data
df <- as.data.frame(dl) # reconstruct the data frame with new
                        # structured response

Now we look at the new structure. Here's the Cholesky factor of the species covariance, and the covariance itself.


The big four blocks represent the 2-by-2 covariance between intercept and slope. The covariances within these blocks represent phylogenetic covariance. the pattern here is more closely related species have more similar intercepts and slopes (red blocks on the diagonal) but more closely related species also have stronger negative correlations between slope and intercept (blue blocks on off diagonal).

Here's the transposed random effects model matrix. Those are 1's for the intercepts in the first 30 rows and the environmental variable in the second 30.


Here's the full covariance matrix (the large scale blocks reflect phylogenetic correlations and the patterns within each block are due to the environmental variable).

image(fullCov <- t(parsedForm$Zt) %*% crossprod(parsedForm$Lambdat) %*% parsedForm$Zt)

Here is the observed occurrence pattern of species among sites.

color2D.matplot(dl$y, xlab = "species", ylab = "sites", main = "abundance")
Fit the model
(mod <- glmerc(form, df, covList = covList))

and compare with the true parameter values.

cbind(estimated = mod$opt$par, # estimated parameters
      true = c(covar = covarSim, fixef = fixefSim)) # true parameters

Looks great! At least in this case.

mixed effects ordination!

Y <- as.matrix(fish)
n <- nrow(Y)
m <- ncol(Y)
x <- as.vector(scale(limn$pH))
dl <- data.list(Y = t(Y), x = x,
                dimids = c("species", "sites"))

Not done!

spatial models

No example yet, but the idea is to put a spatial covariance matrix over the levels of a spatial grouping factor. For example, you might do something like this,

glmerc(y ~ x + (x | sites), covList = list(sites = spatialCovMat))

stevencarlislewalker/lme4ord documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:43 p.m.