
Defines functions testEanat .hyperButt .bootSmooth eanatDef eanatSelect

Documented in eanatDef eanatSelect testEanat

#' Selection of n eigenvectors and sparsity for eigenanatomy
#' The algorithm automatically selects the key \code{nvecs} and hidden
#' \code{sparseness} parameters.  The user should select the \code{cthresh}
#' regularization parameters for his or her application. The principle used
#' here is that we want few but sparse pseudo-eigenvectors that are minimally
#' correlated in row-space. true left and right eigenvectors are uncorrelated
#' in both row and column (left and right eigenvector) spaces, but this is not
#' the case when we impose sparsity.
#' @param inmat input matrix
#' @param mask input mask, must match matrix
#' @param cthresh remove isolated voxel islands of size below this value
#' @param smooth smooth the input data first by this value
#' @param maxNEvec integer that, if set greater than zero, indicates that we use
#' a low-rank approximation to the input matrix before proceeding to eanat.
#' this value should be greater than \code{nvecs}
#' @param selectorScale influences automatic selection of \code{nvecs} and tries
#' to find the knee in the correlation plot. This parameter produces fewer,
#' less sparse eigenanatomy pseudo-eigenvectors as its value increases.  Its
#' minimum value is 1 and a reasonable range is between 1 and 2.  The user
#' should look at the plot produced when verbosity is turned on.
#' @param whiten use ICA style whitening.
#' @param verbose controls whether computation is silent or not.
#' @return nvecs is output, analogous to \code{nvecs} in
#' \code{svd(mat,nu=0,nv=nvecs)}
#' @author Avants BB, Tustison NJ
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(2000), ncol = 50)
#' nvecsSel <- eanatSelect(mat, selectorScale = 1.2, maxNEvec = 4)
#' esol <- sparseDecom(mat, nvecs = nvecsSel)
#' print(paste("selected", nvecsSel, "pseudo-eigenvectors"))
#' }
#' @export eanatSelect
eanatSelect <- function(inmat, mask = NULL, cthresh = 0, smooth = 0,
                        maxNEvec = 0, selectorScale = 1.1, whiten = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
  fastsvd <- FALSE
  if (usePkg("rsvd")) fastsvd <- TRUE else fastsvd <- FALSE
  mat <- scale(inmat)
  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- makeImage(c(3, ncol(mat) + 2), voxval = 0)
    mask[2, 2:(2 + ncol(mat) - 1)] <- 1
  } else {
    mask <- check_ants(mask)
  if (sum(mask == 1) != ncol(mat)) stop("Mask must match mat")
  if (selectorScale < 1) selectorScale <- 1.1
  mxn <- nrow(mat) - 1
  if (maxNEvec > 1 & maxNEvec < mxn) mxn <- maxNEvec
  if (fastsvd & !whiten) solutionmatrix <- t(svd(mat, nu = 1, nv = mxn)$v)
  if (!fastsvd & !whiten) solutionmatrix <- t(svd(mat, nu = 1, nv = mxn)$v)
  if (whiten) solutionmatrix <- icawhiten(mat, mxn)
  mycorrs <- rep(NA, mxn)
  if (verbose) progress <- txtProgressBar(min = 2, max = mxn, style = 3)
  foundNA <- FALSE
  for (xpn in 2:mxn)
    if (!foundNA) {
      ilist <- matrixToImages(solutionmatrix[1:xpn, ], mask)
      eseg <- eigSeg(mask, ilist, TRUE, cthresh = cthresh, smooth = smooth)
      temp <- imageListToMatrix(ilist, mask)
      pp1 <- mat %*% t(temp)
      mycorrs[xpn] <- mean(abs(cor(pp1)))
      if (is.na(mycorrs[xpn])) foundNA <- TRUE
    if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(progress, xpn)
  if (verbose) close(progress)
  mycorrs[1] <- max(mycorrs, na.rm = T)
  targetCorr <- selectorScale * min(abs(mycorrs), na.rm = T)
  nvecs <- which(mycorrs <= targetCorr)
  nvecs <- nvecs[1] # take 1st that meets criterion
  if (verbose) {
    plot(1:mxn, ts(mycorrs), type = "l", main = "mean correlation versus nvecs")
    points(nvecs, mycorrs[nvecs], col = "red", cex = 2)
    print(paste("selected:", nvecs))

#' Eigenanatomy with deflation
#' Simplified, low-parameter eigenanatomy implemented with deflation. The
#' algorithm is able to automatically select hidden \code{sparseness}
#' parameters, given the key parameter \code{nvecs}.  The user should select the
#' \code{cthresh} and  \code{smoother} regularization parameters for a given
#' application and also based on observing algorithm behavior when
#' \code{verbose=TRUE}.
#' @param inmat input matrix
#' @param nvecs number of eigenanatomy vectors to compute. see
#' \code{eanatSelect} for a method to compute an optimal \code{nvecs} value.
#' @param mask input mask, must match matrix
#' @param smoother regularization parameter, typically 0 or 0.5, in voxels
#' @param cthresh remove isolated voxel islands of size below this value
#' @param its number of iterations
#' @param eps gradient descent parameter
#' @param positivity return unsigned eigenanatomy vectors
#' @param priors external initialization matrix.
#' @param priorWeight weight on priors in range 0 to 1.
#' @param sparEpsilon threshold that controls initial sparseness estimate
#' @param whiten use ICA style whitening.
#' @param verbose controls whether computation is silent or not.
#' @return matrix is output, analogous to \code{svd(mat,nu=0,nv=nvecs)}
#' @author Avants BB, Tustison NJ
#' @references Kandel, B. M.; Wang, D. J. J.; Gee, J. C. & Avants, B. B.
#' Eigenanatomy: sparse dimensionality reduction for multi-modal medical
#' image analysis. Methods,  2015, 73, 43-53.
#' PS Dhillon, DA Wolk, SR Das, LH Ungar, JC Gee, BB Avants
#' Subject-specific functional parcellation via Prior Based Eigenanatomy
#' NeuroImage, 2014, 99, 14-27.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(2000), ncol = 50)
#' nv <- eanatSelect(mat, selectorScale = 1.2)
#' esol <- eanatDef(mat, nvecs = nv)
#' es2 <- sparseDecom(mat, nvecs = nv)
#' print(paste("selected", nrow(esol), "pseudo-eigenvectors"))
#' print(mean(abs(cor(mat %*% t(esol))))) # what we use to select nvecs
#' networkPriors <- getANTsRData("fmrinetworks")
#' ilist <- networkPriors$images
#' mni <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("mni"))
#' mnireg <- antsRegistration(meanbold * mask, mni, typeofTransform = "Affine")
#' for (i in 1:length(ilist)) {
#'   ilist[[i]] <- antsApplyTransforms(meanbold, ilist[[i]], mnireg$fwdtransform)
#' }
#' pr <- imageListToMatrix(ilist, cortMask)
#' esol <- eanatDef(boldMat,
#'   nvecs = length(ilist), cortMask, verbose = FALSE,
#'   cthresh = 25, smoother = 0, positivity = TRUE, its = 10, priors = pr,
#'   priorWeight = 0.15, eps = 0.1
#' )
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{eanatSelect}} \url{https://github.com/stnava/blindSourceSeparationInANTsR}
#' @export eanatDef
eanatDef <- function(inmat, nvecs = 0, mask = NULL,
                     smoother = 0, cthresh = 0, its = 5, eps = 0.1,
                     positivity = FALSE, priors = NA, priorWeight = 0,
                     sparEpsilon = 1.e-4,
                     whiten = FALSE,
                     verbose = FALSE) {
  fastsvd <- FALSE
  mat <- (inmat)
  if (!positivity) keeppos <- (-1.0) else keeppos <- (1.0)
  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- makeImage(c(3, ncol(mat) + 2), voxval = 0)
    mask[2, 2:(2 + ncol(mat) - 1)] <- 1
  } else {
    mask <- check_ants(mask)
  if (sum(mask == 1) != ncol(mat)) stop("Mask must match mat")
  if (nvecs >= nrow(mat)) nvecs <- nrow(mat) - 1
  havePriors <- TRUE
  if (all(is.na(priors))) {
    if (nvecs == 0) stop("Must set nvecs.  See eanatSelect function.")
    havePriors <- FALSE
    if (fastsvd & !whiten) solutionmatrix <- t(rsvd::rsvd(mat, nu = 0, nv = nvecs)$v)
    if (!fastsvd & !whiten) solutionmatrix <- t(svd(mat, nu = 0, nv = nvecs)$v)
    if (whiten) solutionmatrix <- icawhiten(mat, nvecs)
    pp1 <- mat %*% t(solutionmatrix)
    ilist <- matrixToImages(solutionmatrix, mask)
    eseg <- eigSeg(mask, ilist, TRUE)
    solutionmatrix <- imageListToMatrix(ilist, mask)
  } else {
    nvecs <- nrow(priors)
    for (sol in 1:nrow(priors))
      vec <- priors[sol, ]
      vec <- vec / sqrt(sum(vec * vec))
      priors[sol, ] <- vec
    solutionmatrix <- priors
    pp1 <- mat %*% t(solutionmatrix)
  for (sol in 1:nrow(solutionmatrix))
    vec <- solutionmatrix[sol, ]
    vec <- vec / sqrt(sum(vec * vec))
    solutionmatrix[sol, ] <- vec
  sparvals <- rep(NA, nvecs)
  for (i in 1:nvecs) {
    sparvals[i] <- sum(abs(solutionmatrix[i, ]) > sparEpsilon) / ncol(mat) * keeppos
  if (verbose) {
    print("sparseness estimates")
  allsols <- solutionmatrix[1, ] * 0
  for (sol in 1:nrow(solutionmatrix))
    if (sol == 1 | inherits(inmat, "dgCMatrix")) {
      rmat <- mat
    } else {
      pp <- mat %*% t(solutionmatrix)
      rmat <- residuals(lm(mat ~ pp[, 1:(sol - 1)]))
    # now do projected stochastic gradient descent
    for (i in 1:its)
      vec <- solutionmatrix[sol, ]
      vec <- vec / sqrt(sum(vec * vec)) # this is initial vector
      grad <- vec * 0
      #    grad = .bootSmooth( rmat, vec, nboot=0 )
      grad <- t(rmat) %*% (rmat %*% vec)
      grad <- grad / sqrt(sum(grad * grad))
      if (havePriors) {
        tempp <- (priors[sol, ])
        grad2 <- t(tempp) * (tempp * vec) # may accidentally zero out
        if (max(abs(grad2)) == 0) {
          print(paste("zeroed!!!!", sol))
          grad2 <- t(priors[sol, ])
        grad2 <- grad2 / sqrt(sum(grad2 * grad2))
        grad <- grad * (1 - priorWeight) + t(grad2) * priorWeight
        grad <- grad / sqrt(sum(grad * grad))
      #    if ( havePriors )
      #      grad = grad * ( 1 - priorWeight) + priors[sol,] * priorWeight
      vec <- vec + grad * eps
      vec <- .hyperButt(vec, sparvals[sol],
        mask = mask,
        smoother = smoother, clustval = cthresh, verbose = verbose
      vec <- vec / sqrt(sum(vec * vec))
      rq <- sum(vec * (t(mat) %*% (mat %*% vec)))
      if (verbose) print(rq)
      solutionmatrix[sol, ] <- vec
    allsols <- allsols + abs(vec)
    pp <- mat %*% t(solutionmatrix)
    if (!inherits(inmat, "dgCMatrix")) {
      errn <- mean(abs(mat - predict(lm(mat ~ pp[, 1:sol]))))
      errni <- mean(abs(mat - predict(lm(mat ~ pp1[, 1:sol]))))
    } else {
      errn <- errni <- 0
    if (verbose) print(paste("sol", sol, "err", errn, "erri", errni))
  if (verbose & !inherits(inmat, "dgCMatrix")) {
    print(paste("MeanCor", mean(abs(cor(mat %*% t(solutionmatrix))))))
  sparvals2 <- rep(NA, nvecs)
  for (i in 1:nvecs) {
    sparvals2[i] <- sum(abs(solutionmatrix[i, ]) > 0) / ncol(mat)
  if (verbose) print(sparvals)
  if (verbose) print(sparvals2)

.bootSmooth <- function(rmat, vec, nboot) {
  if (nboot == 0) {
    grad <- t(rmat) %*% (rmat %*% vec)
    grad <- grad / sqrt(sum(grad * grad))
  } else {
    sgrad <- vec
    for (i in 1:nboot)
      n <- nrow(rmat)
      myboot <- sample(1:n, replace = FALSE, size = round(0.5 * n)) # 50% drop
      bootmat <- rmat[myboot, ]
      lg <- t(bootmat) %*% (bootmat %*% sgrad)
      lg <- lg / sqrt(sum(lg * lg))
      sgrad <- sgrad + lg
      sgrad <- (sgrad / sqrt(sum(sgrad * sgrad)))

.hyperButt <- function(vin, sparam, mask = NULL,
                       smoother = 0, clustval = 0, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- check_ants(mask)
  vin <- matrix(vin, ncol = 1)
  if (any(is.na(vin))) vin <- antsrimpute(vin)
  if (max(vin) <= 0) vin <- vin * (-1)
  if (sum(vin < 0) > sum(vin > 0)) vin <- vin * (-1)
  if (abs(sparam) >= 1) {
  if (nrow(vin) < ncol(vin)) v <- t(vin) else v <- vin
  sparsev <- as.numeric(c(v[, 1]))
  sparResolution <- (1.0 / length(sparsev)) * 2
  if (sparam > 0) {
    sparsev[sparsev < 0] <- 0
  mysigns <- sign(sparsev)
  #    print( "rangein" )
  #    print( range(sparsev) )
  # smooth first
  if (smoother > 0 & !is.null(mask)) {
    simg <- makeImage(mask, sparsev) # %>% iMath("GD",5)
    simg[mask == 1] <- sparsev
    simg <- smoothImage(simg,
      sigma = smoother,
      sigmaInPhysicalCoordinates = FALSE
    sparsevnew <- simg[mask == 1]
    sparsev[] <- sparsevnew[]
  sparsenessThresh <- max(abs(sparsev))
  optinterval <- c(-1.0 * sparsenessThresh, sparsenessThresh)
  # this is the key geometric operation
  operateOnVec <- function(myvec, s, locth) {
    cursparvec <- myvec * 0
    if (!is.null(mask) & locth > 0) {
      sparimg <- makeImage(mask, myvec)
      timg <- labelClusters(abs(sparimg), clustval,
        minThresh = s, maxThresh = Inf
      if (sum(timg > 0) > 0) {
        timg <- thresholdImage(timg, 1, Inf) * sparimg
        cursparvec <- timg[mask > 0.5]
        #          selector = cursparvec == 0
        #          cursparvec[ selector ] = myvec[ selector ] * 0.9
      } else {
        #           back up plan - return largest component
        timg <- labelClusters(abs(sparimg), 2,
          minThresh = s, maxThresh = Inf
        timg <- thresholdImage(timg, 1, 1) * sparimg
        cursparvec <- timg[mask > 0.5]
    } else {
      cursparvec <- myvec
      cursparvec[abs(myvec) < s] <- 0
    if (smoother > 0 & !is.null(mask) & FALSE) {
      simg <- makeImage(mask, cursparvec) # %>% iMath("GD",5)
      simg[mask == 1] <- cursparvec
      simg <- smoothImage(simg,
        sigma = smoother,
        sigmaInPhysicalCoordinates = FALSE
      cursparvec <- simg[mask == 1]
  # we wish to call optimize with a function that returns a value
  # based on the difference between the current and target sparval
  # the input argument is sparsenessThresh
  myoptf <- function(s, sparsevIn, locth = 0) {
    cursparvec <- operateOnVec(sparsevIn, s, locth = locth)
    myspar <- sum(abs(cursparvec) > 0) / length(sparsevIn)
    testspar <- abs(abs(myspar) - abs(sparam))
    if (myspar == 0) {
      testspar <- Inf
    #      print( paste( "s", s, "myspar", myspar, "goal", sparam ,"testspar", testspar ) )
  smin <- optimize(myoptf,
    interval = range(sparsev),
    tol = sparResolution, sparsevIn = sparsev, locth = 0
  if (clustval > 0) {
    optinterval2 <- range(sparsev)
    optinterval2[1] <- smin * (-1)
    optinterval2[2] <- smin
    smin <- optimize(myoptf,
      interval = optinterval2,
      lower = min(optinterval2), upper = max(optinterval2),
      tol = sparResolution, sparsevIn = sparsev, locth = clustval
  temp <- operateOnVec(sparsev, smin, locth = clustval)
  myspar <- sum(abs(temp) > 0) / length(temp)
  if (max(abs(temp)) == 0) {
    if (verbose) print("zeroed too much")
    temp <- operateOnVec(sparsev, smin, locth = 0)
    myspar <- sum(abs(temp) > 0) / length(temp)
  v[, 1] <- temp
  #    if ( verbose )
  #      print( paste( "tar", sparam, "got", myspar, "mx", max(abs(sparsev)), "smin", smin ))
  v <- v * mysigns

#' Test eigenanatomy in order
#' This tests each eigenanatomy region in order invisibly to the user and
#' stops when testing stops conserving power.  The algorithm returns NA if
#' there is no good testing procedure, given the statistical target. The basic
#' idea is to test the variables that explain the most variance first and
#' continue testing as long as (a) there is no significant relationship yet
#' found or (b) the existing significant relationship remains significant,
#' given the correction for multiple comparisons.
#' @param mymdl input model from \code{lm} with eigenanatomy on left
#' @param myvar name of variable in model to test
#' @param sigthresh significance threshold, for example 0.05
#' @param method a method for \code{p.adjust}
#' @return nvecs is output, analogous to \code{nvecs} in
#' \code{svd(mat,nu=0,nv=nvecs)}
#' @author Avants BB, Tustison NJ
#' @references Avants BB, Hackman D, LM Betancourt, GM Lawson, H Hurt, MJ Farah #' Relation of Childhood Home Environment to Cortical Thickness in
#' Late Adolescence: Specificity of Experience and Timing, PloS one, 2015
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 3)
#' n <- nrow(mat)
#' g <- factor(c(rep(1, n / 2), rep(0, n / 2)))
#' mydf <- data.frame(gen = g, a = rnorm(n))
#' mymdl <- lm(mat ~ a + g, data = mydf)
#' nv <- testEanat(mymdl, myvar = "g1")
#' mat[1:(n / 2), 3] <- mat[1:(n / 2), 3] + 2
#' mymdl <- lm(mat ~ a + g, data = mydf)
#' nv <- testEanat(mymdl, myvar = "g1")
#' @export testEanat
testEanat <- function(mymdl, myvar, sigthresh = 0.05, method = "BH") {
  bmymdl <- bigLMStats(mymdl)
  pvec <- bmymdl$beta.pval[myvar, ]
  bestval <- 1
  bestnsig <- 0
  for (k in 1:ncol(bmymdl$beta.pval))
    qvec <- p.adjust(pvec[1:k], method)
    nsig <- sum(qvec <= sigthresh)
    if (nsig >= bestnsig) {
      bestnsig <- nsig
      bestval <- k
  if (bestnsig == 0) {
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.