
# this file defines the S4 classes related to 'antsImage' and their associated methods

setClass(Class = "antsRegion", representation(index = "numeric", size = "numeric"))

# C++ type used to represent a pixel of image pointed to by 'pointer' dimension of the image pointerd to by
# 'pointer' pointer to the actual image of C++ type 'itk::image< pixeltype , dimension >::Pointer'

setClass(Class = "antsImage", representation(pixeltype = "character", dimension = "integer", pointer = "externalptr"))

setMethod(f = "initialize", signature(.Object = "antsImage"), definition = function(.Object, pixeltype = "float", 
  dimension = 3) {
  return(.Call("antsImage", pixeltype, dimension, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "dim", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x) {
  return(.Call("antsImage_dim", x, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "min", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x) {

setMethod(f = "max", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x) {

setMethod(f = "var", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x) {

setMethod(f = "mean", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x) {

setMethod(f = "is.na", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x) {
  val <- .Call("antsImage_isna", x, PACKAGE = "itkImageR")
  if (val > 0) {

setMethod(f = "as.numeric", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x, mask = logical(), region = new("antsRegion", 
  index = integer(), size = integer())) {
  if (typeof(mask) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, mask, region, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "as.matrix", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x, mask = logical(), region = new("antsRegion", 
  index = integer(), size = integer())) {
  if (typeof(mask) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  if (x@dimension != 2) {
    print("image dimension must be 2")
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, mask, region, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "as.array", signature(x = "antsImage"), definition = function(x, mask = logical(), region = new("antsRegion", 
  index = integer(), size = integer())) {
  if (typeof(mask) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, mask, region, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "NULL"), definition = function(x, i) {
  mask <- logical(0)
  region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, mask, region, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "logical"), definition = function(x, i) {
  region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, i, region, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "array"), definition = function(x, i) {
  if (typeof(i) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, i, region, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "matrix"), definition = function(x, i) {
  if (typeof(i) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, i, region, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "list"), definition = function(x, i) {
  if (class(i$mask) == "NULL") {
    i$mask <- logical(0)
  } else if (typeof(i$mask) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical' or 'NULL'")
  if (class(i$region) != "antsRegion") {
    print("'region' provided is not of class 'antsRegion'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, i$mask, i$region, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "NULL", j = "antsRegion"), definition = function(x, i, j) {
  mask <- logical(0)
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, mask, j, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "logical", j = "antsRegion"), definition = function(x, i, j) {
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, i, j, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "array", j = "antsRegion"), definition = function(x, i, j) {
  if (typeof(i) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, i, j, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "matrix", j = "antsRegion"), definition = function(x, i, j) {
  if (typeof(i) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_asVector", x, i, j, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsGetPixels <- function(x, i = NA, j = NA, k = NA, l = NA) {
  lst <- NULL
  if (length(i) != 1 || !is.na(i)) {
    if (is.null(i)) {
      lst <- c(lst, list(integer(0)))
    } else if (class(i) == "integer" || class(i) == "numeric") {
      lst <- c(lst, list(i))
    } else {
      print("indices must be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'")
  if (length(j) != 1 || !is.na(j)) {
    if (is.null(j)) {
      lst <- c(lst, list(integer(0)))
    } else if (class(j) == "integer" || class(j) == "numeric") {
      lst <- c(lst, list(j))
    } else {
      print("indices must be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'")
  if (length(k) != 1 || !is.na(k)) {
    if (is.null(k)) {
      lst <- c(lst, list(integer(0)))
    } else if (class(k) == "integer" || class(k) == "numeric") {
      lst <- c(lst, list(k))
    } else {
      print("indices must be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'")
  if (length(l) != 1 || !is.na(l)) {
    if (is.null(l)) {
      lst <- c(lst, list(integer(0)))
    } else if (class(l) == "integer" || class(l) == "numeric") {
      lst <- c(lst, list(l))
    } else {
      print("indices must be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_GetPixels", x, lst, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsGetSpacing <- function(x) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_GetSpacing", x, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsSetSpacing <- function(x, spacing) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  if ((class(spacing) != "numeric") && (class(spacing) != "array")) {
    print("spacing must be of class 'numeric'")
  if (length(spacing) != length(dim(x))) {
    print("spacing must be of same dimensions as image")
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetSpacing", x, spacing, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsGetOrigin <- function(x) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_GetOrigin", x, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsSetOrigin <- function(x, origin) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  if ((class(origin) != "numeric") && (class(origin) != "array")) {
    print("spacing must be of class 'numeric' or 'array'")
  if (length(origin) != length(dim(x))) {
    print("spacing must be of same dimensions as image")
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetOrigin", x, origin, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsGetDirection <- function(x) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_GetDirection", x, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsSetDirection <- function(x, direction) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  if ((class(direction) != "matrix") & (class(direction) != "array")) {
    print("direction must be of class 'matrix' or 'array'")
  if ((dim(direction)[1] != length(dim(x))) || (dim(direction)[2] != length(dim(x)))) {
    print("direction matrix must be of size imagedim * imagedim")
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetDirection", x, direction, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

getValueAtPoint <- function(x, point) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  if ((class(point) != "numeric")) {
    print("point must be of class 'numeric'")
  idx <- floor(antsTransformPhysicalPointToIndex(x, point))
  dims <- length(idx)
  value <- NA
  if (dims == 2) {
    value <- antsGetPixels(x, i = idx[1], j = idx[2])
  } else if (dims == 3) {
    value <- antsGetPixels(x, i = idx[1], j = idx[2], k = idx[3])
  } else if (dims == 4) {
    value <- antsGetPixels(x, i = idx[1], j = idx[2], k = idx[3], l = idx[4])

antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint <- function(x, index) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  if ((class(index) != "numeric") && (class(index) != "matrix")) {
    print("index must be of class 'numeric' or 'matrix'")
  if (class(index) == "numeric") {
    index <- t(as.matrix(index))
  imgdim <- length(dim(x))
  if (dim(index)[2] != imgdim) {
    print(paste("Index matrix must be of size N x", imgdim))
  return(.Call("antsImage_TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint", x, index, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsTransformPhysicalPointToIndex <- function(x, point) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "antsImage") {
    print("Input must be of class 'antsImage'")
  if ((class(point) != "numeric") && (class(point) != "matrix")) {
    print("point must be of class 'numeric' or 'matrix'")
  if (class(point) == "numeric") {
    point <- t(as.matrix(point))
  imgdim <- length(dim(x))
  if (dim(point)[2] != imgdim) {
    print(paste("Point matrix must be of size N x", imgdim))
  return(.Call("antsImage_TransformPhysicalPointToIndex", x, point, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "NULL", j = "NULL"), definition = function(x, i, j, k = NA, 
  l = NA) {
  return(antsGetPixels(x, i, j, k, l))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "numeric", j = "numeric"), definition = function(x, i, j, k = NA, 
  l = NA) {
  return(antsGetPixels(x, i, j, k, l))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "numeric", j = "NULL"), definition = function(x, i, j, k = NA, 
  l = NA) {
  return(antsGetPixels(x, i, j, k, l))

setMethod(f = "[", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "NULL", j = "numeric"), definition = function(x, i, j, k = NA, 
  l = NA) {
  return(antsGetPixels(x, i, j, k, l))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "NULL"), definition = function(x, i, value) {
  mask <- logical(0)
  region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, mask, region, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "logical"), definition = function(x, i, value) {
  region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, i, region, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "array"), definition = function(x, i, value) {
  if (typeof(i) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, i, region, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "matrix"), definition = function(x, i, value) {
  if (typeof(i) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, i, region, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "list"), definition = function(x, i, value) {
  if (class(i$mask) == "NULL") {
    i$mask <- logical(0)
  } else if (typeof(i$mask) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  if (class(i$region) != "antsRegion") {
    print("'region' provided is not of class 'antsRegion'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, i$mask, i$region, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "NULL", j = "antsRegion"), definition = function(x, i, j, 
  value) {
  mask <- logical(0)
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, mask, j, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "logical", j = "antsRegion"), definition = function(x, i, 
  j, value) {
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, i, j, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "array", j = "antsRegion"), definition = function(x, i, j, 
  value) {
  if (typeof(i) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, i, j, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "matrix", j = "antsRegion"), definition = function(x, i, j, 
  value) {
  if (typeof(i) != "logical") {
    print("'mask' provided is not of type 'logical'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetRegion", x, i, j, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

antsSetPixels <- function(x, i = NA, j = NA, k = NA, l = NA, value) {
  lst <- NULL
  if (length(i) != 1 || !is.na(i)) {
    if (is.null(i)) {
      lst <- c(lst, list(integer(0)))
    } else if (class(i) == "integer" || class(i) == "numeric") {
      lst <- c(lst, list(i))
    } else {
      print("indices must be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'")
  if (length(j) != 1 || !is.na(j)) {
    if (is.null(j)) {
      lst <- c(lst, list(integer(0)))
    } else if (class(j) == "integer" || class(j) == "numeric") {
      lst <- c(lst, list(j))
    } else {
      print("indices must be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'")
  if (length(k) != 1 || !is.na(k)) {
    if (is.null(k)) {
      lst <- c(lst, list(integer(0)))
    } else if (class(k) == "integer" || class(k) == "numeric") {
      lst <- c(lst, list(k))
    } else {
      print("indices must be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'")
  if (length(l) != 1 || !is.na(l)) {
    if (is.null(l)) {
      lst <- c(lst, list(integer(0)))
    } else if (class(l) == "integer" || class(l) == "numeric") {
      lst <- c(lst, list(l))
    } else {
      print("indices must be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'")
  return(.Call("antsImage_SetPixels", x, lst, value, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "NULL", j = "NULL", value = "numeric"), definition = function(x, 
  i, j, ..., value) {
  return(antsSetPixels(x, i, j, ..., value = value))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "numeric", j = "numeric", value = "numeric"), definition = function(x, 
  i, j, ..., value) {
  return(antsSetPixels(x, i, j, ..., value = value))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "numeric", j = "NULL", value = "numeric"), definition = function(x, 
  i, j, ..., value) {
  return(antsSetPixels(x, i, j, ..., value = value))

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature(x = "antsImage", i = "NULL", j = "numeric", value = "numeric"), definition = function(x, 
  i, j, ..., value) {
  return(antsSetPixels(x, i, j, ..., value = value))

setGeneric(name = "as.antsImage", def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("as.antsImage"))

setMethod(f = "as.antsImage", signature(object = "matrix"), definition = function(object, pixeltype = "double", 
  spacing = as.numeric(seq.int(from = 1, by = 0, length.out = length(dim(object)))), origin = as.numeric(seq.int(from = 0, 
    by = 0, length.out = length(dim(object))))) {
  return(.Call("antsImage_asantsImage", object, pixeltype, spacing, origin, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "as.antsImage", signature(object = "array"), definition = function(object, pixeltype = "double", 
  spacing = as.numeric(seq.int(from = 1, by = 0, length.out = length(dim(object)))), origin = as.numeric(seq.int(from = 0, 
    by = 0, length.out = length(dim(object))))) {
  return(.Call("antsImage_asantsImage", object, pixeltype, spacing, origin, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))

setMethod(f = "==", signature(e1 = "antsImage"), definition = function(e1, e2) {
  operator <- "=="
  if (class(e2) == "list") {
    if (length(e2$value) != 1) {
      print("length of value must be 1")
    if (class(e2$region) != "antsRegion") {
      print("region argument not of class 'antsRegion'")
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2$value, e2$region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else if (class(e2) == "numeric" && length(e2) == 1) {
    region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2, region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else {
    print("rhs must be a scalar or a list( <scalar> , <antsRegion> )")

setMethod(f = "!=", signature(e1 = "antsImage"), definition = function(e1, e2) {
  operator <- "!="
  if (class(e2) == "list") {
    if (length(e2$value) != 1) {
      print("length of value must be 1")
    if (class(e2$region) != "antsRegion") {
      print("region argument not of class 'antsRegion'")
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2$value, e2$region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else if (class(e2) == "numeric" && length(e2) == 1) {
    region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2, region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else {
    print("rhs must be a scalar or a list( <scalar> , <antsRegion> )")

setMethod(f = "<=", signature(e1 = "antsImage"), definition = function(e1, e2) {
  operator <- "<="
  if (class(e2) == "list") {
    if (length(e2$value) != 1) {
      print("length of value must be 1")
    if (class(e2$region) != "antsRegion") {
      print("region argument not of class 'antsRegion'")
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2$value, e2$region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else if (class(e2) == "numeric" && length(e2) == 1) {
    region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2, region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else {
    print("rhs must be a scalar or a list( <scalar> , <antsRegion> )")

setMethod(f = ">=", signature(e1 = "antsImage"), definition = function(e1, e2) {
  operator <- ">="
  if (class(e2) == "list") {
    if (length(e2$value) != 1) {
      print("length of value must be 1")
    if (class(e2$region) != "antsRegion") {
      print("region argument not of class 'antsRegion'")
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2$value, e2$region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else if (class(e2) == "numeric" && length(e2) == 1) {
    region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2, region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else {
    print("rhs must be a scalar or a list( <scalar> , <antsRegion> )")

setMethod(f = "<", signature(e1 = "antsImage"), definition = function(e1, e2) {
  operator <- "<"
  if (class(e2) == "list") {
    if (length(e2$value) != 1) {
      print("length of value must be 1")
    if (class(e2$region) != "antsRegion") {
      print("region argument not of class 'antsRegion'")
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2$value, e2$region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else if (class(e2) == "numeric" && length(e2) == 1) {
    region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2, region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else {
    print("rhs must be a scalar or a list( <scalar> , <antsRegion> )")

setMethod(f = ">", signature(e1 = "antsImage"), definition = function(e1, e2) {
  operator <- ">"
  if (class(e2) == "list") {
    if (length(e2$value) != 1) {
      print("length of value must be 1")
    if (class(e2$region) != "antsRegion") {
      print("region argument not of class 'antsRegion'")
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2$value, e2$region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else if (class(e2) == "numeric" && length(e2) == 1) {
    region <- new("antsRegion", index = integer(), size = integer())
    return(.Call("antsImage_RelationalOperators", e1, e2, region, operator, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
  } else {
    print("rhs must be a scalar or a list( <scalar> , <antsRegion> )")


setClass(Class = "antsImageList", representation(pixeltype = "character", dimension = "integer", pointer = "externalptr"))

setMethod(f = "initialize", signature(.Object = "antsImageList"), definition = function(.Object, pixeltype = "float", 
  dimension = 3) {
  .Call("antsImageList", pixeltype, dimension, PACKAGE = "itkImageR")

setMethod(f = "as.list", signature(x = "antsImageList"), definition = function(x) {
  return(.Call("antsImageList_asList", x, PACKAGE = "itkImageR"))
stnava/itkImageR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.