#' @export
extract_covars.flexsurvreg <- function(object) {
attr(object$concat.formula, "covnames")
#' @export
predict_survival_probability.flexsurvreg <- function(object, newdata=NULL,
x <- object
dat <- x$data
t <- times # Needed for the call as it uses current environment rather than passing vars
# in directly
Xraw <- model.frame(x)[,unique(attr(model.frame(x),"covnames.orig")),drop=FALSE]
isfac <- sapply(Xraw, function(x){is.factor(x) || is.character(x)})
X <- form.model.matrix(object, as.data.frame(newdata))
fn <- summary.fns(x)
fn <- expand.summfn.args(fn)
beta <- if (x$ncovs==0) 0 else x$res[x$covpars,"est"]
if (ncol(X) != length(beta)){
## don't think we should ever reach here - error should be caught in newdata or X
isare <- if(length(beta)==1) "is" else "are"
plural <- if(ncol(X)==1) "" else "s"
pluralc <- if(length(beta)==1) "" else "s"
stop("Supplied X has ", ncol(X), " column",plural," but there ",isare," ",
length(beta), " covariate effect", pluralc)
dlist <- x$dlist
# Obtain distribution parameters for each individual
all_pars <- lapply(1:nrow(X), function(i) {
basepars.mat <- add.covs(x, x$res.t[dlist$pars,"est"], beta, X[i,,drop=FALSE], transform=FALSE)
# Now convert this to a list of parameters rather than a list of patients
fnlist <- list(t)
for (par in dlist$pars) {
fnlist[[par]] <- sapply(all_pars, function(x) x[[par]])
do.call(fn, fnlist)
form.model.matrix <- function(object, newdata){
mfo <- model.frame(object)
## If required covariate missing, give a slightly more informative error message than, e.g.
## "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) (from flexsurvreg.R#649) : object 'sex' not found"
covnames <- attr(mfo, "covnames")
missing.covs <- unique(covnames[!covnames %in% names(newdata)])
if (length(missing.covs) > 0){
missing.covs <- sprintf("\"%s\"", missing.covs)
plural <- if (length(missing.covs)>1) "s" else ""
stop(sprintf("Value%s of covariate%s ",plural,plural), paste(missing.covs, collapse=", "), " not supplied in \"newdata\"")
## as in predict.lm
tt <- attr(mfo, "terms")
Terms <- delete.response(tt)
mf <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, xlev = .getXlevels(tt, mfo))
if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
.checkMFClasses(cl, mf)
forms <- object$all.formulae
mml <- vector(mode="list", length=length(object$dlist$pars))
names(mml) <- names(forms)
forms[[1]] <- delete.response(terms(forms[[1]]))
for (i in names(forms)){
mml[[i]] <- model.matrix(forms[[i]], mf)
X <- compress.model.matrices(mml)
attr(X, "newdata") <- mf # newdata with any extra variables stripped. Used to name components of summary list
compress.model.matrices <- function(mml){
cbind.drop.intercept <- function(...)do.call("cbind", lapply(list(...), function(x)x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))
X <- do.call("cbind.drop.intercept",mml)
loc.cnames <- colnames(mml[[1]])[-1]
anc.cnames <- unlist(mapply(function(x,y)sprintf("%s(%s)",x,y), names(mml[-1]), lapply(mml[-1], function(x)colnames(x)[-1])))
cnames <- c(loc.cnames, anc.cnames)
colnames(X) <- cnames
summary.fns <- function(x){
function(t, ...) {
1 - x$dfns$p(t,...)
expand.summfn.args <- function(summfn){
summfn2 <- summfn
args <- c(alist(t=), formals(summfn))
formals(summfn2) <- args[!duplicated(names(args))]
body(summfn2) <- body(summfn)
add.covs <- function(x, pars, beta, X, transform=FALSE){ ## TODO option to transform on input
nres <- nrow(X)
if (!is.matrix(pars)) pars <- matrix(pars, nrow=nres, ncol=length(pars), byrow=TRUE)
if (!is.matrix(beta)) beta <- matrix(beta, nrow=1)
for (j in seq(along=x$dlist$pars)){
covinds <- x$mx[[x$dlist$pars[j]]]
if (length(covinds) > 0){
pars[,j] <- pars[,j] + beta[,covinds] %*% t(X[,covinds,drop=FALSE])
if (!transform)
pars[,j] <- x$dlist$inv.transforms[[j]](pars[,j])
colnames(pars) <- x$dlist$pars
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