
  # name:get_pgpass

  get_pgpass <- function(database, host, user, savePassword = FALSE)

    linux <- LinuxOperatingSystem()
      fileName <- "~/.pgpass"
    } else
      directory <- Sys.getenv("APPDATA")
      fileName <- file.path(directory, "postgresql", "pgpass.conf")
#    passwordTable <- get_passwordTable(fileName = fileName)
    exists <- file.exists(fileName)
    if (!exists & !linux)
      dir.create(file.path(directory, "postgresql"))
    } else {
      passwordTable <- read.table(fileName, sep = ":", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      hostColumn <- 1
      databaseColumn <- 3
      userColumn <- 4
      passwordColumn <- 5

      recordIndex <- which(passwordTable[,hostColumn] == host &
      passwordTable[,databaseColumn] == database & passwordTable[,userColumn] == user)

      if (length(recordIndex > 0) > 0)
        pwd <- passwordTable[recordIndex, passwordColumn]
        pwd <- as.character(pwd)

      } else {

        pwd <- swishdbtools::getPassword()
    } else {
      pwd <- swishdbtools::getPassword()
      recordIndex <- NULL
      record <- c(V1 = host, V2 = "5432", V3 = database, V4 = user, V5 = pwd)
      #record <- paste(host, ":5432:*:",  user,":",  pgpass, collapse = "", sep = "")
      record <- t(record)
    #TODO get user ok here, also on linux need to add
"WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button."

    #savePassword = TRUE

    if (savePassword & length(recordIndex > 0) == 0)

      if (!exists("passwordTable"))
        passwordTable <- as.data.frame(record)
        passwordTable = rbind(passwordTable, record)

      write.table(x = passwordTable, file = fileName, sep = ":", eol =
    "\r\n", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

    return (record)
swish-climate-impact-assessment/rpostgrestools documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:39 p.m.