
fast.tree = function(n, lambda, mu, frac = 1, traits = FALSE, sigma = 1, sampleTimes = 0.5)
  if (any(sampleTimes <= 0 | sampleTimes >= 1))
    stop('All values of sampleTimes must be between 0 and 1')
  # start off doing things in reverse 
  # (start with maxleaf extant species, create species at rate mu, destroy at rate lambda)
  # events = -1 with prob l/(l+mu), 1 with prob mu/(l+mu)
  # calculate mean of distribution to predict number of likely events before
  # all maxleaf nodes are removed, then run enough events that we hit zero species
  maxleaf = round(n / frac)
  m = (lambda - mu)/(mu + lambda) # average rate of species decrease (in reverse)
  sample.events = integer(length(sampleTimes))
  inloop = FALSE
  while ((traits & any(sample.events <= 2)) | !inloop)
    inloop = TRUE
    changes = NULL
    # track events
    # run slightly more than the expected number of events, should usually be enough
    # but will repeat if we haven't hit zero yet 
    # (number chosen to roughly optimise run time for 1700 leaves, selfishly, 
    # but should be pretty fast for all cases)
    while (sum(changes) > -maxleaf)
      changes = c(changes, sample(c(-1, 1), size = ceiling(1.2*maxleaf/m), prob = c(lambda, mu), replace = TRUE))
    # track number of leaves initially (maxleaf), then after each event
    leaves = maxleaf + c(0, cumsum(changes))
    # find out where we hit zero leaves and crop just before that
    n.events = min(which(leaves == 0)) - 1
    # now turn things the right way round, excluding the first change in number of leaves
    changes = -changes[(n.events-1):1]
    leaves = leaves[n.events:1]
    # generate times till next event based on current number of leaves
    times = rexp(n = n.events, rate = leaves * (mu + lambda))
    # for each event, randomly allocate a leaf for the event to happen to
    changer = ceiling(runif(n.events) * leaves)
    # allocate edge IDs using protocol for phylo class: first IDs go to tips
    # (i.e. 1:(maxleaf+L) below) then remaining IDs to internal nodes
    # note that the first maxleaf IDs go to extant tips
    nodes = 0*leaves
    ii = which(changes == -1) # events at which an extinction happens
    L = length(ii) # number of extinct tips
    nodes[ii] = maxleaf + (L:1) # number these (most recent has smallest number)
    ii = which(changes == 1) # events at which speciation happens
    nodes[ii] = maxleaf + L + 1:length(ii) # number these
    n.edge = maxleaf + n.events - 2 # overall number of edges
    curr.time = cumsum(times[-1]) # time from first split to each event
    tree.time = sum(times[-1]) # time from first split to current day
    if (traits)
      sampleTimes2 = sampleTimes * tree.time # use sampleTimes as proportion of way through the tree
      n.samples = length(sampleTimes2)
      ## New version
      # sample.events = sapply(sampleTimes, function(x) max(which(curr.time <= x))+1L) # work out which event each sample is after
      # n.leaves = leaves[sample.events] # number of leaves at each sampled point
      # max.leaves = max(n.leaves) # max number of leaves at any sampled point
      # t.el = sampleTimes # for sampleTimes before the first event, just set as the time elapsed
      # ii = which(sample.events > -Inf)
      # t.el[ii] = t.el[ii] - curr.time[sample.events[ii] - 1] # otherwise, how far after the last event each sample point is
      ## Old version
      sample.events = sapply(sampleTimes2, function(x) which.min(curr.time < x)) # work out which event each sample is after
      n.samples = 1
  ## Still old version
  if (traits)
    n.leaves = leaves[sample.events + 1] # number of leaves at each sampled point
    max.leaves = max(n.leaves) # max number of leaves at any sampled point
    t.el = sampleTimes2 - curr.time[sample.events - 1] # how far after the last event each sample point is
    n.leaves = 1; max.leaves = 1; t.el = 1
  # use precompiled Fortran code to convert tree data to
  # phylo form, using a recursive function to calculate edges between nodes
  # also carries along trait information along edges, as well as at sampled points
  # parameters come from main function and remain unchanged unless comments say otherwise
  repeats = 0
  while (repeats <= traits) # while we haven't run fast.tree enough times to populate all trait runs yet

    test = .Fortran('tree_climb', 
                    n = as.integer(maxleaf), 
                    n_events = as.integer(n.events), 
                    leaves = as.integer(leaves), 
                    changes = as.integer(changes), 
                    changer = as.integer(changer), 
                    nodes = as.integer(nodes), 
                    times = as.double(times), 
                    time = 1L, # internal parameter used in recursive function, tracks which event function is on
                    a = 1L, # internal parameter used in recursive function, tracks which edge function is tracking
                    edge = matrix(0L, n.edge, 2), # outputs phylo edge matrix
                    edge_length = numeric(n.edge), # outputs phylo edge length
                    edge_trait = numeric(n.edge), # outputs trait at end of each edge
                    n_samples = as.integer(n.samples), 
                    se = as.integer(sample.events),
                    n_leaves = as.integer(n.leaves),
                    ml = as.integer(max.leaves),
                    t_el = as.double(t.el),
                    samples = matrix(as.double(0.0), max.leaves, n.samples), # outputs max.leaves x n.samples matrix of traits taken at sampleTimes (padded with zeros)
                    trait = 0.0, # initial value of trait, also used internally to track trait value (can change but could just add a number to trait)
                    sigma = as.double(sigma),
                    ws = 1L, # internal parameter used in recursive function, tracks which sample we're up to
                    traits = (traits > 0) # whether to bother with traits

    if (repeats <= 0) # if first time round
      repeats = 2
      if (traits) # if bothering with traits, build and populate the first trait
        samples = array(0, c(traits, nrow(test$samples), ncol(test$samples)))
        samples[1,,] = test$samples
    else # subsequent trait replicates
      samples[repeats,,] = test$samples
      repeats = repeats + 1
  if (length(test$edge_length) == 0) recover()
  res = list(edge = test$edge, 
             edge.length = test$edge_length, 
             edge.trait = test$edge_trait,
             tip.label = paste('t', 1:((maxleaf + n.events)/2), sep=''),
             root.edge = times[1],
             Nnode = ((maxleaf + n.events)/2) - 1
  class(res) = 'phylo'
  # return tree and extra outputs if traits > 0
  if (!traits)
    list(tree = res,  # output tree
         samples = samples, # traits x max.leaves x n.samples matrix of trait replicates taken at sampleTimes (padded with zeros)
         n.leaves = n.leaves, # number of leaves at each of the sample points
         sampleTimes = sampleTimes2) # times of each sample
tanja819/TreeSim documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:57 a.m.