Contributing guidelines

This package is still in an early development stage. Some details in the visualizations may not look as perfect yet. We welcome suggestions and contributions from others. With this package, researchers will hopefully spend less time focusing on learning ggplot2 syntax or interactive visualization packages like plotly. Instead they can spend more time on their work and research. The source code of the package is located on Github where users can test out development versions of the package and provide feature requests, feedback and bug reports. We encourage you to submit your issues and pull requests to help us make this package better for the R community. In the future, we'll try to support a much wider range of objects through a larger coverage in ggfortify. If you find any new use cases, please don't hesitate to submit an issue on Github and join us in the development!

Currently, this package is highly dependent on ggfortify package so most of the underlying implementation happens there. Please take a look ggfortify's contributing guideline located here. This repository should mainly focus on tracking issues related to autoplotly or bug fixes regarding the current implementation to support extensibility using additional ggplot2 or plotly syntax.

terrytangyuan/autoplotly documentation built on July 19, 2023, 7 p.m.