
This is a short guide how to install and run the climex server on your computer. Since we will use a shiny-server, it is not just accessible via localhost but throughout your entire network.


For this tutorial it is expected you already followed all the steps in the installation guide of the shiny-server.

In addition, you have to have both the climex and the climexUI package install on your system.

## Switching to the superuser
sudo su

## Starting R (if you have your own compiled version, make sure its 
## linked against /usr/local/bin/R).
R --no-init-file
## Inside R get the newest version of the devtools package
install.packages( "devtools" )

## Installing the newest climex version on the master branch
devtools::install_gitlab( "theGreatWhiteShark/climex" )
devtools::install_gitlab( "theGreatWhiteShark/climexUI" )


In order to run the server, you have to copy all its configuration files and scripts into shiny-server's directories

## Climex server configuration files and resources
sudo cp --recursive climex/ assets/ /srv/shiny-server/

## Configuration of the local R environment of the shiny user needed
## start up the shiny-server
sudo cp .Rprofile /home/shiny/.Rprofile

## Change the owner of all those files to the shiny user
sudo chown shiny /home/shiny/.Rprofile /srv/shiny-server/*

Finally, you need to store your data in the proper format (see vignette of the package) into a file called input.RData in the assets folder.

theGreatWhiteShark/climexUI documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:25 p.m.