
#' Resolve taxonranks
#' Resolve taxonranks which are not identified at the Species, Subspecies or Variety rank.
#' This function resolves the records which are not identified at the specie, subscpecie or variety level.
#' It checks for similar records from other sources and tries to build series of world maps with original and suggested species distributions.
#' The simple version tries to do the same but by taking synonyms and other names into account
#' @export
#' @import spocc taxize rgbif rworldmap ggmap
#' @param GBIF_Data Dataframe from GBIF or object of type gbif.
#' @param gnr_resolve The score to consider as qualifier in the gnr_resolve internal function
#' @param tidy_output When the output is very long, whether to cut off unimportant parts
#' @param resolve The amount of names to resolve. Default is all. If number of names is high, can use this.
#' @param location The location to consider when plotting maps for the suggested names
#' @param zoom The zoom value to consider when plotting the worldmap centered at the location parameter. 4 means city and so on...
#' @param simplify Which workflow to follow. simplyfied workflow runs faster than the other but is less accurate.
#' @param upto the rank upto which function should try to resolve
#' @seealso [resolve_taxon_inspect()]
#' @return A list with multiple outputs.
resolve_taxonrank <- function(GBIF_Data,
                              gnr_score = 0.75,
                              tidy_output = TRUE,
                              resolve = dim(GBIF_Data)[1],
                              location = "Australia",
                              zoom = 4,
                              simplify = FALSE,
                              upto = "subspecies",
                              ...) {
    t <- Sys.time()

    # --------- Format Checking -----------#

    GBIF_Data <- format_checking(
        c("taxonRank", "scientificName", "decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude")

    # if (class(GBIF_Data) == "dwca_gbif") {
    #     GBIF_Data <- GBIF_Data$data$occurrence.txt
    # } else if (class(GBIF_Data) != "data.frame") {
    #     stop("Incorrect input type, input a dataframe")
    # }
    # if(!("taxonRank" %in% GBIF_Data | "scientificName" %in% GBIF_Data | "decimalLatitude" %in% GBIF_Data |
    #    "decimalLongitude" %in% GBIF_Data)){
    #     stop("Missing one or more column of taxonRank, scientificName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude")
    # }

    # --------- End of Format Checking -----------#

    # --------- Subsetting unresolved Data -----------#

    # Sub-species, Species, Genus, Family

    if (upto == "family") {
        otherRankData <-
            GBIF_Data[GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "species" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "subspecies" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "variety" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "genus" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "family", ]

    } else if (upto == "genus") {
        otherRankData <-
            GBIF_Data[GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "species" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "subspecies" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "variety" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "genus", ]

    } else if (upto == "species") {
        otherRankData <-
            GBIF_Data[GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "species" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "subspecies" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "variety", ]

    } else if (upto == "subspecies") {
        otherRankData <-
            GBIF_Data[GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "subspecies" &
                          GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "variety", ]

    # --------- End of Subsetting unresolved Data -----------#

    if (dim(otherRankData)[1] == 0) {
        stop("No names to resolve")

    # --------- Percentage Table -----------#
    names <-
            "Total unresolved data",
            "Unresolved genus data",
            "Unresolved family data",
            "Unresolved order data",
            "Unresolved class data "

    count <-
            NROW(otherRankData[otherRankData$taxonRank == "GENUS", ]),
            NROW(otherRankData[otherRankData$taxonRank == "FAMILY", ]),
            NROW(otherRankData[otherRankData$taxonRank == "ORDER", ]),
            NROW(otherRankData[otherRankData$taxonRank == "CLASS", ])

    percentageTable <- data.frame(count, row.names = names)

    total <- NROW(GBIF_Data)
    unresolved <- NROW(otherRankData)

    percentageTable$percentageOfTotalData <-
        round(percentageTable$count / total * 100, 2)
    percentageTable$percentageOfUnresolvedData <-
        round(percentageTable$count / unresolved * 100, 2)

    # --------- End of Percentage Table -----------#

    # --------- Names Table -----------#

    namesToResolve <-
        sort(table(otherRankData$scientificName), decreasing = T) # Sorting the names by frequency,
    # so that the names to be resolved first, are greater part of the complete data

    count <-
        as.vector(namesToResolve) # the count of records for each scientific names

    if (resolve == dim(GBIF_Data)[1]) {
        resolve <- length(count)

    namesPercentageTable <-
            percentOfUnresolvedData = round(count / unresolved * 100, 2),
            row.names = (names(namesToResolve))

    # --------- End of Names Table -----------#

    # --------- Misspellings -----------#

    misspellingsData <-
        sapply(names(namesToResolve)[1:resolve], function(name) {
            namelookup <- tryCatch(
                # this error catch is because name_lookup throws error and halts
                # program when unknown query is provided
                rgbif::name_lookup(query = name),
                error = function(e)


    # --------- End of Misspellings -----------#

    # --------- Resolving -----------#

    if (simplify == FALSE) {
        answer <-
            sapply(names(namesToResolve)[1:resolve], function(nameToResolve) {
                s <- Sys.time()

                # Finding range for later use
                lat <-
                    as.numeric(otherRankData[otherRankData$scientificName == nameToResolve, ]$decimalLatitude)
                lat <-
                    lat[lat != 0]  # some records have 0.0000 as the NA equivalent. So its not the
                # actual 0.00 coordinate value but representation of missing value

                long <-
                    as.numeric(otherRankData[otherRankData$scientificName == nameToResolve, ]$decimalLongitude)
                long <-
                    long[long != 0]# some records have 0.0000 as the NA equivalent. So its not the
                # actual 0.00 coordinate value but representation of missing value

                df <- data.frame(long, lat)

                originLat <-
                    range(lat, na.rm = T)
                originLong <-
                    range(long, na.rm = T)

                # End of Finding range for later use

                # Stripping only the first two parts of scientific name. This is because,
                # gnr_resolve works well only when giving first 2 parts
                originName <- nameToResolve
                nameToResolve <-
                    sub("^(\\S*\\s+\\S+).*", "\\1", (nameToResolve)) # TODO fix tailing ',' problem

                # Finding probable species names
                gnrResults <- gnr_resolve(nameToResolve)
                gnrResults <-
                    gnrResults[gnrResults$score >= gnr_score, ]
                candidateList <- unique(gnrResults$matched_name)

                possibleSpecies <-
                    sapply(candidateList, function(candidate) {
                        namelookup <-
                                # this error catch is because name_lookup throws error and halts
                                # program when unknown query is provided
                                name_lookup(query = candidate),
                                error = function(e)
                            )  # TODO: filter using parameters

                        if (upto == "family") {
                            log <-
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SUBSPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "VARIETY" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "GENUS" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "FAMILY"

                        } else if (upto == "genus") {
                            log <-
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SUBSPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "VARIETY" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "GENUS"

                        } else if (upto == "species") {
                            log <-
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SUBSPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "VARIETY"

                        } else if (upto == "subspecies") {
                            log <- namelookup$data$rank == "SUBSPECIES"

                        dat <-
                            namelookup$data[log , ]


                possibleSpecies <-

                possibleSpecies <-
                    possibleSpecies[!is.na(possibleSpecies)] # sometimes name_lookup gives NA as a possible name

                # --------- End of Finding probable species names

                # --------- Plotting the origin data

                latLonCenter <-

                newmap <- suppressMessages(get_map(
                    location = c(lon = latLonCenter$lon, lat = latLonCenter$lat),
                    zoom = zoom
                plot <- ggmap(newmap)

                plot <-
                    plot + geom_point(
                        data = df,
                        aes(long, lat),
                        color = "blue",
                        size = 4

                # suppressMessages(print(plot))


                path <-
                          sep = "")


                path <-
                          sep = "")

                          width = 1500,
                          height = 1500)

                # Getting data from other sources for probable species
                ranges <-
                    sapply(possibleSpecies, function(name) {
                        key <-
                            name_backbone(name = name)[1]$usageKey
                        count <- occ_count(taxonKey = key)

                        occspocc <-
                                query = name,
                                from = c("vertnet", "bison", "ecoengine"),
                                limit = 10000
                        occspoccDF <- occ2df(occspocc)

                        lat <-
                            range(as.numeric(occspoccDF$latitude) , na.rm = TRUE)
                        long <-
                            range(as.numeric(occspoccDF$longitude) , na.rm = TRUE)

                        t <-
                                latOriginHigh = originLat[1],
                                latOriginLow = originLat[2],
                                longOriginHigh = originLong[1],
                                longOriginLow = originLong[2],
                                lathigh = lat[1],
                                latLow = lat[2],
                                longhigh = long[1],
                                longLow = long[2],
                                otherSources = dim(occspoccDF)[1],
                                GBIFRecords = count,
                                time = Sys.time() - s

                        if (dim(occspoccDF)[1] > 15) {
                            suppressMessages(newmap <-
                                                     location = c(lon = latLonCenter$lon, lat = latLonCenter$lat),
                                                     zoom = zoom
                            plot <- ggmap(newmap)

                            occspoccDF$longitude <-
                            occspoccDF$latitude <-

                            plot <-
                                plot + geom_point(
                                    data = occspoccDF,
                                    aes(longitude, latitude),
                                    color = "red",
                                    size = 4

                            # suppressMessages(print(plot))

                            path <-
                                      sep = "")

                                      width = 1500,
                                      height = 1500)


                # End of Getting data for probable species

                ranges <-
                    as.data.frame(t(ranges)) # converting from matrix to data frame
                ranges <- as.data.frame(lapply(ranges, unlist))
                ranges <-
                    ranges[order(ranges[, 9], decreasing = T), ] # sorting by otherSources data count

    } else {
        answer <-
            sapply(names(namesToResolve)[1:resolve], simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE, function(nameToResolve) {
                s <- Sys.time()

                # Stripping only the first two parts of scientific name. This is because,
                # gnr_resolve works well only when giving first 2 parts
                originName <- nameToResolve
                nameFirstPart <-
                    unlist(strsplit(originName, split = ' ', fixed = TRUE))[1]

                similarNamesOfOrigin <- tryCatch(
                    # this error catch is because name_lookup throws error and halts
                    # program when 'Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "taxonrank", value = character(0)) :
                    # replacement has 0 rows, data has 1 '
                    error = function(e)
                )  # TODO: filter using parameters

                similarNamesOfOrigin <- similarNamesOfOrigin[[1]]


                remarks <-
                    otherRankData[otherRankData$scientificName == originName, ]
                remarks <- remarks$occurrenceRemarks
                remarks <- remarks[remarks != ""]
                remarks <-
                    remarks[remarks != "occurrenceRemarks withheld"]
                remarks <- names(summary(as.factor(remarks)))


                nameToResolve <-
                    sub("^(\\S*\\s+\\S+).*", "\\1", (nameToResolve)) # TODO fix tailing ',' problem

                k <- Sys.time()

                # Finding probable species names
                gnrResults <- gnr_resolve(nameToResolve)
                gnrResults <-
                    gnrResults[gnrResults$score >= gnr_score, ]
                candidateList <- unique(gnrResults$matched_name)

                possibleSpecies <-
                    lapply(candidateList, function(candidate) {
                        namelookup <-
                                # this error catch is because name_lookup throws error and halts
                                # program when unknown query is provided
                                name_lookup(query = candidate),
                                error = function(e)
                            )  # TODO: filter using parameters

                        if (upto == "family") {
                            log <-
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SUBSPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "VARIETY" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "GENUS" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "FAMILY"

                        } else if (upto == "genus") {
                            log <-
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SUBSPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "VARIETY" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "GENUS"

                        } else if (upto == "species") {
                            log <-
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "SUBSPECIES" |
                                namelookup$data$rank == "VARIETY"

                        } else if (upto == "subspecies") {
                            log <- namelookup$data$rank == "SUBSPECIES"

                        dat <- namelookup$data[log , ]
                        dat <- sub("^(\\S*\\s+\\S+).*",


                possibleSpecies <-

                possibleSpecies <-
                    possibleSpecies[!is.na(possibleSpecies)] # sometimes name_lookup gives NA as a possible name

                # End of Finding probable species names

                # Getting data from other sources for probable species
                ranges <-
                    sapply(possibleSpecies, function(name) {
                        key <-
                            name_backbone(name = name)[1]$usageKey
                        count <- occ_count(taxonKey = key)

                        similarNames <- tryCatch(
                            # this error catch is because name_lookup throws error and halts
                            # program when 'Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "taxonrank", value = character(0)) :
                            # replacement has 0 rows, data has 1 '
                            error = function(e)
                        )  # TODO: filter using parameters

                        similarNames <- similarNames[[1]]

                k <- list(
                    RemarksOnOriginalData = remarks,
                    CommonNamesOfOriginalData = similarNamesOfOrigin,
                    CommonNamesOfSpecies = ranges


    # Building the Answer

    if (tidy_output) {
        size <- length(namesToResolve)
        if (size > 5) {
            misspellingsData <- misspellingsData[1:5]
            namesPercentageTable <- namesPercentageTable[1:5, ]
        } else {
            misspellingsData = misspellingsData[1:size]
            namesPercentageTable <-
                namesPercentageTable[1:size, ]

    output <-
            percentageTable = percentageTable,
            namesPercentageTable = namesPercentageTable,
            possibleMisspellings = misspellingsData,
            resolveResults = answer

    message(Sys.time() - t)

    # End of Building the Answer

# otherRankData <-
#     GBIF_Data[GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "SPECIES" &
#                   GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "SUBSPECIES"
#               &
#                   GBIF_Data$taxonRank != "VARIETY",]

# newmap <- getMap(resolution = "high")
# plot(
#     newmap,
#     xlim = c(-180, 180),
#     ylim = c(-90, 90),
#     asp = 1
# )
# points(long,
#        lat,
#        col = "blue",
#        cex = .9)

# newmap <- getMap(resolution = "high")
# plot(
#     newmap,
#     xlim = c(-180, 180),
#     ylim = c(-90, 90),
#     asp = 1
# )
# points(
#     occspoccDF$longitude,
#     occspoccDF$latitude,
#     col = "red",
#     cex = .9
# )
thiloshon/Biodiversity documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:07 p.m.